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Please contact your local Siemens office to order current revision levels.
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13 ______ Changes to previous version _____________________________________ 55
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Medical Solutions
Notes and symbols0
The signal words are used and classified in anticipation of the new Medical Solutions CS
standard which is based on ANSI standard Z535.4.
Emphasized text in this technical documentation has the following meanings:
Bei einer unmittelbar drohenden Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung
zum Tod oder zu einer schweren Körperverletzung führt.
Indicates when there is an immediate danger that leads to death
or serious physical injury.
Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zum Tod oder zu einer
schweren Körperverletzung führen kann.
Indicates a risk of danger that may lead to death or serious physical injury.
Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zu einer leichten oder
mittleren Körperverletzung und/ oder zu einer Sachbeschädigung führt oder führen kann.
Indicates a risk of danger that leads to slight or moderate physical injury and/or damage to property.
Bei einer Gefahr, die bei Nichtvermeidung zu einem unerwünschten Ergebnis oder Zustand führt oder führen kann (nicht Tod ,
Körperverletzung oder Sachbeschädigung).
Indicates a risk of danger that if disregarded leads or may lead to
a potential situation which may result in an undesirable result or
state (not death, physical injury or property damage).
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Ist als Tipp zu verstehen. Der Anwender muss diese Anweisung
nicht unbedingt beachten. Er erfährt jedoch Vorteile, wenn er
dies tut.
Should be understood as a tip. The user does not absolutely
have to observe these instructions. However, there will be advantages if he does.
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Medical Solutions
General safety information (in existing documents)1.1
Danger of injury, death, or material damage.
Non-compliance can lead to death, injury, or material damage.
Please note:
¹ The product-specific safety information in the start-up
instructions and system service documentation,
¹ The general safety information in TD00-000.860.01,
¹ The safety information in accordance with ARTD Part
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System identification1.2
Material no.: ___________________ Serial no.: ________________________
•In addition, dose multipliers predefined in the unit are used for the different operating
•The setpoints listed in the following chapters apply for a "mid" or "high" dose level; in the
case of deviating settings, setpoints may have to be adapted.
•When requested to switch
- Noise reduction K-factor
- Edge
- Motion detection
- Fluoroscopic characteristic
- or other parameters in the organ programs, select or change a correspondingly predefined organ program or, if possible, change the parameter directly in the acquisition task card.
•The "Service_X_..." exam sets in "General, All Body Region" must be activated in the
ExamSet Editor prior to starting work and returned to the hidden pool after completion
of the work. See the following paragraph "Loading/unloading the exam sets relevant for
the IQ test."
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Medical Solutions
Activating, deactivating, and selecting the exam sets relevant for the IQ test0
Exam sets relevant for the IQ test have been predefined to
simplify image quality testing and can be loaded.
During normal operation, these are not active and are not
visible to the customer.
The exam sets relevant for the IQ test must be activated
prior to conducting the image quality test.
These exam sets must then be deactivated after completion
of the IQ test.
Activating the exam sets relevant for the IQ test
•Select the "Options" - "Configuration" menu after system start-up.
¹ The "syngo configuration panel" window is displayed.
•Double-click on the "Examination set configuration" icon.
¹ The "Examination set configuration" window is displayed.
•Select the "General" task card in the "Examination set configuration" window.
For the exam sets relevant for the IQ test to be visible, no
patient region may be selected in the graphic, virtual patient
anatomy representation.
If a patient region is selected and is displayed lighter than its
surroundings, click once in the gray field to the left or right
outside of the image.
This deselects the previously selected patient region so it is
no longer displayed lighter than its surroundings.
•All available exam sets are displayed in the "Examination set pool" field in the "Exami-
nation set configuration" window.
¹ Already active exam sets have a light background.
¹ Inactive exam sets have a gray background.
•Select each exam set beginning with "SERVICE_....." and copy it to the "Active exami-
nation sets" field by clicking on the button with the down arrow.
¹ All exam sets beginning with "SERVICE_..." are displayed in the "Active examina-
tion sets" field.
•Click on the "Apply" button.
•Click on the "OK" button.
¹ The "Examination set configuration" window closes.
¹ The exam sets relevant for the IQ test can be selected in the examination task
card after a patient is opened under "General."
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Deactivating the exam sets relevant for the IQ test
•Select the "Options" - "Configuration" menu after system start-up.
¹ The "syngo configuration panel" window is displayed.
•Double-click on the "Examination set configuration" icon.
¹ The "Examination set configuration" window is displayed.
•Select the "General" task card in the "Examination set configuration" window.
For the exam sets relevant for the IQ test to be visible, no
patient region may be selected in the graphic, virtual patient
anatomy representation.
If a patient region is selected and is displayed lighter than its
surroundings, click once in the gray field to the left or right
outside of the image.
This deselects the previously selected patient region so it is
no longer displayed lighter than its surroundings.
•All available exam sets are displayed in the "Active examination sets" field in the
"Examination set configuration" window. Active exam sets have a light background.
•Select each exam set beginning with "SERVICE_....." and remove them from the
"Active examination sets" field by clicking on the button with the up arrow.
¹ None of the exam sets beginning with "SERVICE_..." are displayed any longer in
the "Active examination sets" field.
•Click on the "Apply" button.
•Click on the "OK" button.
¹ The "Examination set configuration" window closes.
¹ The exam sets relevant for the IQ test are no longer available in the examination
task card after a patient is opened under "General."
Selecting the exam sets relevant for the IQ test in the examination task card
•After system start-up, perform a patient registration for the IQ test.
•After loading, the exam sets relevant for the IQ test can be selected in the examination
task card.
•Select "General" in the list field above the graphic, virtual patient anatomy representa-
•The exam sets relevant for the IQ test (beginning with "SERVICE_....") can then be
selected in the list field below the graphic, virtual patient anatomy representation.
Loading the ASPIA test images relevant for the IQ test0
ARCADIS AvanticSPR2-330.820.30.02.02Siemens
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The ASPIA test images relevant for the IQ test are not selectable during normal system operation.
To load the images, the local service must be open.
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Medical Solutions
•Select local service on the system (menu: "Options" - "Service" - "Local service") and
enter the password.
•Leave the local service open during use of the necessary test images.
•Open the patient browser.
¹ The available test images are saved and retrievable under the following path: