Siemens SENTRON, 3KC8, 3KC4 User Manual

08/2017 Introduction
General information
Product information
Service and maintenance
Technical specifications
Dimension drawings
ESD guidelines
List of abbreviations
___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________
Legal information
Warning notice system
Qualified Personn el
personnel qualified
Proper use of Siemens products
Disclaimer of Liability
This manual contains notices you have to observe in order to ensure your personal safety, as well as to prevent damage to property. The notices referring to your personal safety are highlighted in the manual by a safet y alert symbol, notices referring only to property damage have no safety alert symbol. These notices shown below are graded according to the degree of danger.
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The product/system described in this documentation may be operated only by task in accordance with the relevant documentation, in particular its warning notices and safety instructions. Qualified personnel are those who, based on their training and experience, are capable of identifying risks and avoiding potential hazards when working with these products/systems.
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Siemens products may only be used for the applications described in the catalog and in the relevant technical documentation. If products and components from other manufacturers are used, these must be recommended or approved by Siemens. Proper transport, storag e, inst alla ti on, assem b ly, comm is sion ing , oper at ion and maintenance are required to ensure that the products operate safely and without any problems. The permissible ambient conditions must be complied with. The information in the relevant documentation must be observed.
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for the specific
Siemens AG
Division Energy Management Postfach 32 20 91050 ERLANGEN GERMANY
Document order number: 3ZW1012-3KC83-0AC1 09/2017 Subject to change
Copyright © Siemens AG 2017. All rights reserved
Table of contents
1 Introduction ............................................................................................................................................. 9
2 General informatio n .............................................................................................................................. 11
3 Product information ............................................................................................................................... 13
4 Functions .............................................................................................................................................. 25
5 Mounting ............................................................................................................................................... 27
6 Connection ........................................................................................................................................... 31
2.1 Certification ............................................................................................................................. 11
3.1 Product description ................................................................................................................. 13
3.1.1 Design of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment................................................. 14
3.1.2 Current ratings of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment .................................... 18
3.2 Product family ......................................................................................................................... 21
3.2.1 The product families 3KC4 and 3KC8 from 250 A to 3200 A ................................................. 21
3.2.2 Use of 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment ........................................................... 22
3.2.3 Properties of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment ........................................... 22
3.2.4 Application areas of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment ................................ 23
5.1 Mounting position .................................................................................................................... 27
5.2 Installing the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment.................................................. 27
5.3 Dimensions of the cover frame for door cut-out ..................................................................... 30
6.1 Network types ......................................................................................................................... 31
6.1.1 Three-phase 4-wire network with neutral (3PH + N) .............................................................. 32 Circuit diagram for the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment - 4-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 32 Circuit diagram for the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment - 4-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 33
6.1.2 Three-phase 3-wire network without neutral (3PH) ................................................................ 33 Circuit diagram for the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment - 3-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 34 Circuit diagram for the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment - 4-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 35 Circuit diagram for the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment - 3-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 36
6.1.3 Single-phase network with neutral (1PH + N) ......................................................................... 37 Circuit diagram for the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment - 3-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 37 Circuit diagram for the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment - 3-pole transfer switching
equipment ............................................................................................................................... 38
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Table of contents
7 Operation ............................................................................................................................................. 101
6.2 Connecting the main circuit .................................................................................................... 39
6.2.1 Connecting terminals of the transfer switching equipment .................................................... 39
6.2.2 Load connection ..................................................................................................................... 40
6.2.3 Arrangement of the power supply systems ............................................................................ 40
6.2.4 Connection of transfer switching equipment for current ratings 250 A to 1600 A ................. 42 Connecting bridging bars on the load side ............................................................................ 42 Connecting current ratings 250 A to 1600 A to the main circuit ............................................ 46
6.2.5 Connection of transfer switching equipment for current ratings 2000 A to 3200 A ............... 49 Copper bar connection kit ...................................................................................................... 49 Connecting current ratings 2000 A to 3200 A to the main circuit (on the line side) ............... 55 Connecting current ratings 2000 A to 3200 A to the main circuit (on the load side) ............. 65
6.3 Connecting the control circuit ................................................................................................. 72
6.3.1 Inputs and outputs of the motor operator ............................................................................... 72 Overview of motor operator ................................................................................................... 72 Connecting the inputs and outputs of the motor operator ..................................................... 73
6.3.2 Power supply of the motor operator (3KC4 only) ................................................................... 75 Mounting and connecting the dual power supply (DPS) ........................................................ 77 Installing and connecting an autotransformer (400 V / 230 V) .............................................. 79
6.3.3 Auxiliary switch of the transfer switching equipment ............................................................. 81 Installing auxiliary switches 250 A to 630 A ........................................................................... 82 Installing auxiliary switches of current rating 800 A to 1600 A .............................................. 84
6.3.4 Inputs and outputs of the electronic module (3KC8 only) ...................................................... 88
6.3.5 Connecting the inputs and outputs of the electronic module (3KC8 only) ............................. 89 Installing accessories for the electronic module .................................................................... 89 Connecting power supply kit 3KC9830-, 3KC9831- (4-pole) .................................................
.3.5.3 Connecting the auxiliary conductor terminal 3KC9822-, 3KC9832- for a three-phase
3-wire network (3-pole) .......................................................................................................... 95 Connecting power supply kit 3KC9833-, 3KC9834- for single-phase network ...................... 98
7.1 Operating modes of the transfer switching equipment ........................................................ 101
7.1.1 Remote mode ....................................................................................................................... 102
7.1.2 Manual operation ................................................................................................................. 103
7.1.3 Padlocking mode.................................................................................................................. 104
7.1.4 Automatic mode (3KC8 only) ............................................................................................... 105
7.2 Functions of the inputs and outputs ..................................................................................... 106
7.2.1 Inputs and outputs of the motor operator ............................................................................. 106 Outputs of the motor operator .............................................................................................. 111
7.2.2 Auxiliary switches ................................................................................................................. 114
7.2.3 Inputs and outputs of the electronic module (3KC8 only) .................................................... 115 Inputs for voltage measurement and power supply ............................................................. 115 Control inputs of the electronic module ............................................................................... 118 Functions of the control inputs for network / generator application ..................................... 119 Functions of the control inputs for network / network application ........................................ 121 Outputs of the electronic module ......................................................................................... 123
7.3 Remote mode ....................................................................................................................... 126
7.3.1 Impulse logic ........................................................................................................................ 126
7.3.2 Continuous operation logic .................................................................................................. 129
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Table of contents
8 Commissioning ................................................................................................................................... 139
9 Accessories ........................................................................................................................................ 145
10 Service and maintenance .................................................................................................................... 177
7.4 Automatic mode - programming of the electronic module (3KC8 only) ................................ 132
7.4.1 Step 1: Preset network conditions ........................................................................................ 132
7.4.2 Step 2: Setting the potentiometer ......................................................................................... 134
7.4.3 Step 3: Automatic configuration of the transfer switching equipment (only with
potentiometer Un = 0) ........................................................................................................... 136
7.4.4 Step 4: Saving the configuration ........................................................................................... 137
7.4.5 Step 5: Switching the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment to automatic mode .................... 137
8.1 Commissioning the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment ...................................................... 139
8.2 Commissioning the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment ...................................................... 141
9.1 Terminal covers .................................................................................................................... 146
9.1.1 Mounting terminal covers ...................................................................................................... 147
9.2 Phase barriers ....................................................................................................................... 148
9.2.1 Mounting phase barriers ....................................................................................................... 149
9.3 Terminal plates ..................................................................................................................... 150
9.3.1 Mounting terminal plates ....................................................................................................... 151
9.4 Mounting spacers .................................................................................................................. 153
9.4.1 Fitting mounting spacers ....................................................................................................... 153
9.5 Bridging bars ......................................................................................................................... 154
9.6 Copper bar connection kit ..................................................................................................... 155
9.7 Autotransformer .................................................................................................................... 157
9.8 Dual power supply (DPS, 3KC4 only) ................................................................................... 158
9.9 Power supply kit 3KC9830-, 3KC9831- (4-po le, 3KC 8 only) ................................................ 159
9.10 Auxiliary conductor terminal 3KC9822-, 3KC 983 2- (3-pole, 3KC8 only) .............................. 160
9.11 Power supply kit 3KC9833-, 3KC9834- (2-po le, 3K C8 only) ................................................ 161
9.12 Cover frame (3KC8 only) ...................................................................................................... 162
9.13 Auxiliary switches .................................................................................................................. 163
9.14 Display (3KC8 only) .............................................................................................................. 164
9.15 Connection cable (3KC8 only) .............................................................................................. 167
9.16 Sealable cover (3KC8 only) .................................................................................................. 168
9.17 Motor operator ...................................................................................................................... 170
9.18 Electronic module (3KC8 only) ............................................................................................. 175
10.1 Fault rectification ................................................................................................................... 177
10.1.1 Fault states and fault detection on the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment ......................... 177
10.1.2 Fault states and fault detection on the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment ......................... 179
10.2 Regular service and maintenance ........................................................................................ 181
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Table of contents
11 Technical specifications ....................................................................................................................... 183
12 Dimension drawings ............................................................................................................................. 191
13 Applications ......................................................................................................................................... 205
A Appendix ............................................................................................................................................. 215
B ESD guidelines .................................................................................................................................... 221
C List of abbreviations ............................................................................................................................. 223
11.1 Technical specifications 3KC4 and 3KC8 from 250 A to 1000 A ......................................... 183
11.2 Technical specifications 3KC4 and 3KC8 from 1250 A to 3200 A ....................................... 186
11.3 Technical specifications of the electronic module ................................................................ 189
12.1 Dimension drawings of the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment ......................................... 192
12.2 Dimension drawings of the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment ......................................... 198
13.1 Transfer between two sources with one outgoing load ....................................................... 206
13.2 Transfer between two sources with two outgoing loads ...................................................... 207
13.3 Transfer between three sources with one outgoing load ..................................................... 209
13.4 Transfer between three sources with two outgoing loads ................................................... 210
13.5 Transfer between two loads with one incoming source (with 3KC4 transfer switching
equipment only).................................................................................................................... 213
A.1 Environmental conditions ..................................................................................................... 215
A.2 Operating conditions ............................................................................................................ 216
A.2.1 Temperature ......................................................................................................................... 216
A.2.2 Humidity ............................................................................................................................... 216
A.2.3 Altitude conditions ................................................................................................................ 216
A.3 Storage conditions ............................................................................................................... 217
A.3.1 Temperature ......................................................................................................................... 217
A.3.2 Storage conditions ............................................................................................................... 217
A.3.3 Storage position ................................................................................................................... 217
B.1 Electrostatic sensitive devices (ESD) .................................................................................. 221
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Purpose of this manual
Target groups and required basic knowledge
Technical support
Applicable documents
This manual describes the functions, installation, commissioning, and operation of the following transfer switching equ ipm ent:
3KC4 remotely operated transfer switching equipment (RTSE)
3KC8 automatic transfer switching equipment (ATSE)
The following topics are described in the manual:
Product specifications
Corrective maintenance and fault rectification
Application examples
This manual is intended for:
Qualified electricians
Switchgear manufacturers
Maintenance personnel
A general knowledge of low-voltage power distribution is required to understand this manual.
You can find further support on the Internet at: Technical support (
You can find more information on the Internet via the following link: Manual "3KC Transfer Switching Equipment up to 3200 A"
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10 Manual, 08/2017, L1V30368969104A-02


The transfer switching equipment and its accessories comply with the following international standards:
IEC 60269-1 Low-voltage fuses - Part 1: General requirements IEC 60269-2 Low-voltage fuses - Part 2: Supplementary requirements for fuses for use
by qualified electrical technicians or electrically trained persons (fuses pre-
dominantly for industrial use) IEC 60947-1 Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 1: General requirements IEC 60947-3 Low-voltage switchgear and control gear - Part 3: Switches, disconnectors,
switch-disconnectors and fuse-combination units IEC 60947-5-1 Low-voltage switchgear and c ontrolgear - Part 5-1: Control circuit devices
and switching elements - electrom echanic al control circuit devices IEC 60947-6-1 Low-voltage switchgear and c ontrolgear - Part 6-1: Multiple function equip-
ment - Transfer switching equipm ent IEC 61010-1 Safety requirements for electrical equipment for measurement, control and
laboratory use - Part 3-1: Conformity verification report for IEC 61010-
1:2001 - General requirements IEC 61326-1 Electrical equipment for measurement, control and laboratory use - EMC
requirements - Part 1 General requir em ents EN 61558-1 Safety of transformers, power supplie s, react ors and sim il ar products - Part
1: General requirements and tests EN 61558-2-13 Safety of transformers, reactors, power supplies and similar products for
supply voltages up to 1100 V - Part 2-13: Particular requ ir em ents and tes ts
for autotransformers and power supply units incorporating autotransform-
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General information
2.1 Certification
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Product description

The following features of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment are described in this chapter:
Current ratings
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Product information

Design of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment

3.1 Product description
3KC4 remotely operated transfer switching equipment (RTSE):
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Product information
① ⑪
3.1 Product description
3KC8 automatic transfer switching equipment (ATSE):
Switching unit
Connecting terminal of the main source (source I)
Connecting terminal of the alternative source (source II)
Indication of the selected source: O = Off /
I = source I / II = source II 3KC4: Cover of the power supply connection
3KC8: Electronic module (below this is locat­ed the power supply connection)
Assembly for mounting
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Motor operator
"Power" LED
Plug-on handle for manual changeover
Warning LED
Switch for selecting the mode (Manual / Automatic)
Padlock assembly
⑫ ⑬
4 outputs for
"Switch position" (I / O / II) indicator
"Product availability" indicator
Connection for attachable handle
5 inputs for
Positioning commands (I / O / II)
Activation of remote control
Priority command for the OFF position
Mounting channels for terminal protection / phase barriers
Fixing assembly for terminal plate
Product information
Electronic module
Operator controls
④ ⑤
3.1 Product description
The 3KC8 automatic transfer switching equipment (ATSE) is based on the 3KC4 (RTSE) transfer switching equipment. In contrast to the 3KC4, an electronic module is additionally integrated into t he 3KC8.
The electronic module enables monitoring of 2 sources as well as automatic transfer switching. In addition, the electronic module supplies the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment with power.
The 3KC8 transfer switching equipment is programmed using the electronic module. You can find more information on programming in the section titled Automatic mode ­programming of the electronic module (3KC8 only) (Page 132).
Potentiometer 1: Presetting of line voltage/frequency (AutoConf, 1 to 13) Potentiometer 2: Presetting of voltage/frequency limits (1 to 14) Potentiometer 3: Presetting of the transfer time delay for source failure (0 to 60 s) Potentiometer 4: Presetting of the return switching time delay for prioritized source recovered
(0 to 60 min) DIP switch for configuration "OK-Prog" pushbutton: Saves the current settings
16 Manual, 08/2017, L1V30368969104A-02
Product information
Indicators (LEDs)
Flashes green if the transfer switching equipment is in
3.1 Product description
I Availability
II Availability
READY "Ready" mode Indicates the status of the transfer switching equipment:
MANUAL "Manual" mode Shows a continuous yellow light if the transfer switching
AUTO "Auto" mode Indicates the activity of "Auto" mode:
REMOTE "Remote" mode Shows a continuous yellow light if the transfer switching
source I
source II Fault indicator
"Test on load" mode
Shows a continuous green light if source I is available and is within the accepted tolerance.
Shows a continuous green light if source II is available and is within the accepted tolerance.
Flashes red if there is an external fault (e.g. incorrect
Shows a continuous red light if there is an internal
Shows a continuous green light if the transfer switch-
Flashes green if defaults haven not been saved or a
equipment is in "Manual" mode.
Shows a continuous green light if the transfer switch-
equipment is in remote mode (controlled via inputs). Shows a continuous yellow light if the transfer switching
equipment is in "Test on load" mode.
position of the neutral conductor).
fault of the electronic module.
ing equipment is in "Auto" mode and is ready for source transfer.
new change has been made.
ing equipment is in "Auto" mode and no timer is ac­tive.
"Auto" mode and the timer is active.
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Product information

Current ratings of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment

Current rating
Device type
3.1 Product description
- Position II indication Shows a continuous green light if the switch is in posi-
- Position I indication Shows a continuous green light if the switch is in posi-
O Position "0" indica-
"Test off load" mode
Shows a continuous yellow light if the transfer switching equipment is in "Test off load" mode.
tion II.
tion I. Shows a continuous yellow light if the switch is in posi-
tion "0" (OFF).
The 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment are available in 10 current ratings. The table shows the types of transfer switching equipment according to the current ratings:
250 A 400 A 630 A 800 A 1000 A 1250 A 1600 A 2000 A 2500 A 3200 A
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Product information
3KC8 250 A
3KC8 400 A
3KC8 630 A
3KC8 800 A / 1000 A
3KC8 1250 A
3KC8 1600 A
3.1 Product description
The following figures show the different designs of the transfer switching equipment depicted according to current rating using the example of the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment:
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Product information
3KC8 2000 A / 2500 A / 3200 A
3.1 Product description
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Product information
Product family

The product families 3KC4 and 3KC8 from 250 A to 3200 A

Product family
Current rating
Number of poles

3.2 Product family

The Siemens product families 3KC4 and 3KC8 from 250 A to 3200 A encompass two types of transfer switching equipment:
3KC4 Remotely operated transfer switch-
ing equipment (RTSE)
3KC8 Automatic transfer switching
equipment (ATSE)
RTSE: Remotely
perated Transfer
witching Equipment
ATSE: Automatic
ransfer Switching quipment
250 … 3200 A 3; 4
250 … 3200 A 3; 4
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Product information

Use of 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment

Product family Application areas of transfer switching

Properties of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment

3.2 Product family
The 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment is used to ensure a continuous supply of power. The equipment enables reliable transfer between a main source and an alternative source, thus a power supply is provided by means of an emergency source if the main source is not available.
The three switch positions of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 series enable maximum stability of the load power supply, in which case only minimum interruption to the power supply occurs.
Remotely operated trans­fer switching equipment (RTSE)
Automatic transfer switch­ing equipment (ATSE)
The 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment enables a continuous power supply to be maintained. The main features are as follows:
Reliable transfer between two sources with transfer through the OFF position
Simple installation
Transfer with open transition
Minimal interruption in the power supply
Three- and four-pole designs
Current ratings from 250 A to 3200 A
Transfer with the supplied handle
Extensive accessories and spare parts
Programming in just 5 steps (3KC8 only)
Suitability for all load types includi ng ind uc tive loa ds (AC -33)
Safe maintenance work thanks to locking with padlocks in position 0 (OFF)
Control signals for starting/stopping the generator, as well as generator and switch device
tests on-load and off-load (3KC8 only)
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Product information

Application areas of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment

Service sector
3.2 Product family
The 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment can be used in all areas where a continuous power supply must be ensured.
Public facilities
Computing centers (data/server rooms)
Shopping malls
Production lines in continuous operation
Engine rooms
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Product information
3.2 Product family
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The 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment offers the following functions for maintaining a power supply:
Remotely operated transfer switch ing (RTSE ) ­Automatic transfer switching (ATSE) - Power supply via 2 inputs (internal dual power supply) - Remote control (via inputs) Network / network applications Generator/generator applications Network / generator applicatio ns Self-configuration of voltage and frequen cy sett in gs - Monitoring of voltage and frequency - Monitoring of the phase sequence - Configuration using potentiometer and DIP switch - LED indicator for source availability - LED indicator for the switch positions - Test on-load (network/generator application) (via inputs) - Test off-load (network/generator application) (via inputs) - Connection for an optional external display - Setting of the OFF position with priority (via inputs) Indication of availability of the motor operator (via output) Switch position indication of the transfer switching equipment (via
outputs) Inhibition of automatic mode (via inputs) - Inhibition of automatic return transfer to the prioritized sources (via
inputs). Selection of the prioritized source (network/network application) (via
inputs) Deactivation of the delay for stabilizing the alternative source (net-
work/generator application)
Possible with the adequate controller
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26 Manual, 08/2017, L1V30368969104A-02

Mounting position

Current rating
Mounting position
Motor operator
Motor operator
Motor operator
Motor operator

Installing the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment

The following content is described in this chapter:
Mounting positions for the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment
Installation of the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment
250 … 630 A ­800 … 3200 A -
The 3KC4 transfer switching equipme nt is dep icted in t he foll owi ng inst a llati on ins t ruc tions . The 3KC8 transfer switching equipment differs from the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment
in its additional electronic module, but it is installed in the same way as the 3KC4 transfer switching equipment.
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Installing the current ratings 250 A to 630 A
250 A
400 A
630 A
5.2 Installing the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment
Figure 5-1 Installing the current ratings 250 A to 630 A
The dimensions vary according to the current rating and the number of poles. They can be found in the table below.
A 35 35 35 35 34 34 B 160 210 160 210 210 270 C 50 50 50 50 65 65 D 25 25 35 35 45 45
Proceed as follows to install the current ratings 250 A to 630 A:
1. Mount the transfer switching equipment with four bolts in the desired position as shown in the figure (see also the section titled Mounting position (Page 27)).
2. Fasten the holder for the handle on the transfer switching equipment, and insert the handle into the holder.
The handle and its holder are included in the scope of supply. The bolts are not included with the 3KC automatic transfer equipment.
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Installing the current ratings 800 A to 3200 A
800 A
1000 A
1250 A
1600 A
2000 A
3200 A
5.2 Installing the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment
Proceed as follows to install the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment of current ratings 800 A to 3200 A:
Figure 5-2 Installing the current ratings 800 A to 3200 A
The dimensions vary according to the current rating and the number of poles. They can be found in the table below.
A 255 335 255 335 255 335 347 467 347 467 347 467 347 467 B 80 80 80 80 80 80 120 120 120 120 120 120 120 120
The installation steps are identical to those for installing the current ratings 250 A to 630 A, see above.
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Dimensions of the cover frame for door cut-out
Current ratings 250 A to 630 A
Current ratings 800 A to 3200 A

5.3 Dimensions of the cover frame for door cut-out

The following figures show the dimensions of the cover frame for door cut-out for the 3KC4 and 3KC8 transfer switching equipment.
On the 3KC8 transfer switching equipment there is an additional electronic module that enables source monitoring.
Figure 5-3 Dimensions of the cover frame for door cutout 800 A to 3200 A
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