Siemens 30ISDN User Manual

Profiset 30isdn
Operating instructions
Please read the safety precautions outlined in these operating instructions before putting the telephone into service! (page V)
Profiset 30isdn
Profiset 30isdn
Your guide to this manual
The first telephone call
Customising the telephone
Correcting functional defects
The fastest way to get up and running
Putting the telephone into operation (page 1). Conducting a call (page 9).
Defining telephone settings (page 27). Programming keys (page 25).
Information on the location of the Profiset 30isdn (page V). Correcting defects (page 45).
Brief instructions for the Profiset 30isdn (page 49).
Overview: Profiset 30isdn
Profiset 30isdn
17 18
Loudspeaker key
Minus key
Plus key
Mute key
Number redial key
Consultation key
Locking key
Programming key
Disconnect key
Conference key
Callback key
Call forwarding key
Labelling card
Destination dialling keys
Call list key
Speed dialling key
13 12 11 10
5 4
Profiset 30isdn
Overview: Keys
m +
z j
k e f g h
Programming key
To start or exit a programming procedure.
Locking key
To activate/deactivate the total lock. To change the display for call numbers exceeding 12 digits.
Consultation key
To initiate a consultation. To toggle between two parties. To accept a call in waiting. To terminate a three party conference.
Number redial key
To dial the number dialled last with the handset off-hook. To view the number redial memory with the handset on-hook.
Mute key
To switch off the microphone.
Plus key
To increase the handset and loudspeaker volume during a call (the setting applys to the current call).
Minus key
To lower the handset and loudspeaker volume during a call (the setting applys to the current call). To delete the previous character, when entering numbers or letters.
Loudspeaker key
To change over to open listening. To activate on-hook preparation of dialling.
Destination dialling keys
To dial a stored call number.
Call list key
To view the call list with the handset on-hook.
Speed dialling key
To dial a speed dialling number assigned to one of the digit keys.
Call forwarding key
To activate/deactivate call forwarding.
Callback key
To initiate/cancel callback.
Conference key
To set up/terminate a three-party conference.
Disconnect key
To reject an incoming call or a call in waiting. To disconnect one party (if there are two calls in progress).To disconnect one party from a three-party confer­ence. To cancel a programming procedure without making any changes.
Safety precautions and approval
Safety precautions
The Profiset 30isdn complies with the European standard EN60 950, which deals with the safety of information technology equipment including electrical business equipment.
This device has been designed with safety in mind, this protect­ing both individuals and objects.
For your safety and protection, the telephone must not be used in bathrooms, etc. as it is not splashproof.
There is always the danger of small objects being swallowed by young children. In the case of the Profiset 30isdn, this applies in particular to the connecting cord clip.
Please make sure that such items are not accessible to children.
Location of the telephone
The telephone should be operated in a controlled environ-
ment with an ambient temperature between + 5°C and + 40°C.
Under normal circumstances, the rubber feet of the
telephone will not leave marks on the installation surface. However, due to the vast array of surface finishes applied to furniture, marks on the installation surface cannot be ruled out. Place the unit on a smooth, non-slip surface.
Do not install the telephone in a room where large quanti-
ties of dust accumulate; this can considerably reduce the service life of the telephone.
Do not expose the telephone to direct sunlight or any other
source of heat, as this is liable to damage the electronic equipment and the plastic casing.
Do not operate the telephone in damp environments such
as bathrooms.
The power supply connector of the NTBA must be inserted.
Profiset 30isdn
Profiset 30isdn
Approval and conformity
Your Profiset 30isdn has a TYPE-EXAMINATION CERTIFICATE. It has been certified in accordance with EU Guideline
91/263/EWG Telecommunication Terminals. This telephone meets the requirements of the EU Guideline and
the national supplements to it in Germany. It may thus be connected to and operated in any ISDN multi-
device connections and ISDN PBXs. The equipment’s conformity to the above guidelines is
confirmed by the CE symbol. Your Profiset 30isdn supports the extensive range of ISDN
services available. To find out which services are available to you, contact your local network operator.
Profiset 30isdn .............................................................................................................................. II
Your guide to this manual .............................................................................................................. II
Overview: Profiset 30isdn ...............................................................................................................III
Overview: Keys ...............................................................................................................................IV
Safety precautions and approval ................................................................................................V
Safety precautions ......................................................................................................................... V
Location of the telephone .............................................................................................................. V
Approval and conformity .................................................................................................................VI
Putting the telephone into operation ........................................................................................ 1
Symbols used in these operating instructions ............................................................................... 1
Step 1: Check the contents of the package .....................................................................................2
Step 2: Connect the telephone ........................................................................................................3
Step 3: Entitle the device to operate in restricted powering conditions ........................................ 4
Step 4: Program the multiple subscriber numbers (MSNs) ........................................................... 4
Step 5: Setting the national variants ............................................................................................... 5
Step 6 (PBX operation only): Program the trunk code .................................................................... 5
Step 7: Try out the telephone ..........................................................................................................6
Display-driven telephone operation .......................................................................................... 7
Outgoing and incoming calls ...................................................................................................... 9
Calling users ................................................................................................................................... 9
On-hook dialling .............................................................................................................................. 9
Number redial (automatic dialling) ..................................................................................................10
Dialling call numbers using the Destination dialling keys (automatic dialling) .............................. 10
Dialling call numbers using the Speed dialling keys (automatic dialling) ...................................... 11
Accepting a call ..............................................................................................................................12
Rejecting a call (Disconnect) ........................................................................................................ 12
Call forwarding ............................................................................................................................. 12
Call waiting .....................................................................................................................................13
Deactivating the call signal (Do not disturb) ................................................................................. 13
Call list ............................................................................................................................................14
Callback ........................................................................................................................................ 15
Ending a call – disconnecting ....................................................................................................... 16
Convenient and secure telephone communication ................................................................ 17
Activating/deactivating open listening .......................................................................................... 17
Switching to mute (consultation in the room) .............................................................................. 17
Parking a call ..................................................................................................................................18
Resuming a parked call ................................................................................................................ 18
Locking your telephone ..................................................................................................................19
DTMF signalling .............................................................................................................................20
Keypad signalling .......................................................................................................................... 20
Overview: DTMF / keypad signalling ..............................................................................................21
Calls involving two or more parties ......................................................................................... 22
Calling the second party (consultation) ......................................................................................... 22
Switching between two calling parties (toggling) ......................................................................... 22
Disconnecting one party .............................................................................................................. 23
Three-party conference ................................................................................................................ 23
Ending a conference ......................................................................................................................24
Programming keys on the telephone ...................................................................................... 25
Programming the destination dialling keys ................................................................................... 25
Programming the speed dialling keys .......................................................................................... 25
Programming direct station selection (babyphone) ...................................................................... 26
Quick reference for available telephone settings ................................................................... 27
Programming the telephone settings ...................................................................................... 28
Password ..................................................................................................................................... 28
Ringer volume .............................................................................................................................. 29
Ringer melody .............................................................................................................................. 29
Handset and loudspeaker volume ................................................................................................ 30
Call processing type ..................................................................................................................... 30
Trunk code for operation at a PBX ............................................................................................... 31
Multiple Subscriber Numbers (MSN) ........................................................................................... 31
National variants ........................................................................................................................... 32
Signalling method to control the ISDN services .............................................................................33
Connection code for parking/resuming a call .................................................................................34
Date/time ..................................................................................................................................... 34
Call number for call forwarding unconditional .............................................................................. 34
Tariff unit factor ............................................................................................................................ 35
Activating/deactivating the display of charge/call time of the active call ...................................... 35
Activating/deactivating the display of charge/call time of the last outgoing call ........................... 36
Activating/deactivating the summation meter for charges .............................................................37
Clearing the summation meter ..................................................................................................... 37
Activating/deactivating the display of your own call number .........................................................38
Enabling/disabling call waiting ...................................................................................................... 38
Clearing memory ............................................................................................................................39
Checking the settings (status) ...................................................................................................... 39
Restoring the as-supplied condition ...............................................................................................40
Displaying the software version ................................................................................................... 40
Important information for installation and operation ............................................................ 41
Maintenance ................................................................................................................................ 41
Removing and inserting the labelling cards .................................................................................. 41
ISDN supplementary services ........................................................................................................42
Technical data .............................................................................................................................. 42
Default settings ............................................................................................................................ 42
Overview: Signal tones ..................................................................................................................43
Third party use/disposal ............................................................................................................... 43
Warranty .........................................................................................................................................44
Siemens Service .......................................................................................................................... 44
Procedure in the case of malfunctions ...........................................................................................45
ISDN glossary ............................................................................................................................. 46
Quick reference guide ............................................................................................................... 49
Quick reference for available telephone settings ................................................................... 50
Index ............................................................................................................................................ 51
Putting the telephone into operation
Putting the telephone into operation
Symbols used in these operating instructions
Press the appropriate key.
Enter the desired value using the digit keys.
In some cases display messages are provided. Example:
For information on display-driven operation of the Profiset 30isdn, see page 7.
Please read the ”Safety precautions and approv­al“ information at the front of these operating in­structions before putting the telephone into op­eration!
Please follow the step-by-step instructions.
Putting the telephone into operation
Step 1: Check the contents of the package
The default package contains:
1 Profiset 30isdn,
1 Handset,
1 Handset cord (coiled),
1 ISDN connecting cord,
1 Operating instructions (not illustrated)
HandsetProfiset 30isdn
ISDN connecting cord
Handset cord (coiled)
Step 2: Connect the telephone
Telephone connecting cord
Putting the telephone into operation
To ISDN socket
Restricted powering switch
Handset cord (coiled)
Telephone connecting cord
Handset cord (coiled)
Both ends of the handset cord have the same connector. Insert the connector at the long end of the handset cord into the socket labelled a on the underside of the de­vice and insert the other connector into the handset be­low the mouthpiece. In both cases, the connectors must engage audibly. Feed the cable into the cable run.
Die Stecker müssen in beiden Fällen hörbar einrasten.
Both ends of the telephone connecting cord have the same connector.
Insert one connector into the socket labelledAon the underside of the device and insert the other connector into your ISDN socket. In both cases, the connectors must engage audibly. Feed the cable into the cable run.
Putting the telephone into operation
Note that the NTBA must be connected to the power grid. The Profiset 30isdn takes the necessary power from this NTBA.
In order to avoid unauthorized unplugging of the telephone connecting cord from the telephone socket, the plug is protected. Use a small screwdriver or the like to unplug the connector.
Step 3: Entitle the device to operate in restricted powering conditions
The restricted powering switch is located on the under­side of the device. The recessed sliding switch can be moved with a screwdriver.
If the switch points to the symbol A , your telephone is entitled to operate in restricted powering conditions that means that the important telephone functions can still be used.
If you connect more than one unit to your ISDN connection, only one unit can be operated during restricted powering. Mark this unit accordingly!
Step 4: Program the multiple subscriber numbers (MSNs)
We recommend that you enter the MSNs when first putting the telephone into operation, because only then you can use all the functions of your telephone. The MSNs (Multiple Subscriber Numbers) are the call numbers you were assigned for your ISDN connection.
These numbers are entered as follows:
Display after connecting the telephone
Enter “1“ for MSN 1
Enter the MSN
00.00.00 00:00
Handset is on-hook.
The input of the first MSN is completed. Repeat these steps for the second and third MSN.
Step 5: Setting the national variants
This setting takes account of specific national features of the ISDN network:
Handset is on-hook
Enter the national variant,
e.g. “43“ for Austria
00.00.00 00:00
Your Profiset 30isdn is preset to the national variant “49” for Germany. (For further national variants page 32.)
The setting of the national variant is completed.
Putting the telephone into operation
It is not necessary to enter MSNs 2 and 3. MSNs can be entered at any time (page 31). Please note htat the first MSN is also called glo­bal call number in Austria. If more than one MSN is entered, take care that this global call number will not be used. Other­wise all untis connected to his So bus will be called.
Step 6 (PBX operation only): Program the trunk code
If you are operating your Profiset 30isdn at a telecommu­nications system (private branch exchange), you must pro­gram a trunk code in accordance with the configuration of the system (trunk code, max. 2 digits page 31) :
Handset is on-hook
Enter the trunk code e.g. “0“
00.00.00 00:00
The programming of the trunk code is completed.
You can cancel a programming procedure without making any changes by pressing the Disconnect key h!
Putting the telephone into operation
Step 7: Try out the telephone
You can now try out your Profiset 30isdn.
Calling another party:
Lift the handset. Enter the call number.
The number is dialled. Talk.
Taking a call:
Call signal is heard. The calling party’s number is indicated on the display, if it
is known and call identification has not been barred.
c and d Lift the handset and talk.
The date and time are preset with zeros by de­fault. The correct date and time are set automat­ically by the switching centre the first time an outgoing call is set up. If your network operator does not support this service, you can program the date and time yourself (page 34).
Display-driven telephone operation
Display-driven telephone operation
Your Profiset 30isdn has a one-line display that contains several symbols.
The following symbols indicate certain settings and modes of your Profiset 30isdn:
Programming mode Call forwarding ON
Callback ON or initiating callback is possible
Locking function ON
Microphone OFF
Loudspeaker (open listening) ON
12-digit display line
Date, time, call numbers, call charge and call time are dis­played in accordance with the relevant settings and modes of the telephone. Calls involving two or more par­ties (e.g. consultation, call waiting, three-party confer­ence) are indicated by a digit at the first position of the dis­play line.
Two brackets at the beginning and the end of the display line indicate a supressed or not transmitted call number.
Idle mode
00.00.00 00:00
06.07.98 13:58
- - . - - . - - - - : - -
Display after the Profiset 30isdn has been plugged into the ISDN socket.
Display after the first successful outgoing call has been conducted and the date/time have been transmitted from the switching centre.
Display of the telephone in restricted powering condition without mains voltage (230V) from the NTBA (only with the restricted powering switch in ON position page 4).
Display-driven telephone operation
Connected mode
In the course of a call, the call number of the called party
001.20 00:30
(- - - - - - - - - )
2 045672343
3 045672343
(if it is transmitted or display is not suppressed) is shown. The display can alternate between charge (if tariff unit fac-
tor is entered)/call time of the current call (if it is activated page 35) and the call number. The call time is displayed in minutes and seconds. If the call time exceeds 1 hour, it switches to hours and minutes.
The call number of the called party is supressed or not transmitted.
Display of the telephone with one connection put on hold and one active connection (the call number of the active call is displayed) or during call waiting (the call number of the call in waiting is displayed).
Display of the telephone during a three-party conference (the call number of the caller who was active before the three-party conference has been set up is displayed).
Outgoing and incoming calls
Calling users
Lift the handset. Enter the call number.
The call number is dialled and appears on the display.
On-hook dialling
You can enter (or change) the call number and then set up the connection when the handset is on-hook.
Enter the call number (automatic dialling is possible).
Backspace to delete with -.
c and d Lift the handset and talk.
Set up the connection via the Loudspeaker key;
Lift the handset in order to be able to talk.
There is also another way of on-hook dialling. (Caution: Editing the entered number is not possible!)
Outgoing and incoming calls
If “Display of charge/call time of the active call” is activated (page 35) the display alternates between call number and call charge/call time.
Press the Loudspeaker key.
Enter the call number (automatic dialling is possible).
The call number is dialled.
c and d Lift the handset and talk
With the Loudspeaker key you can activate/deactivate
open listening.
Outgoing and incoming calls
Number redial (automatic dialling)
The last five numbers dialled are stored automatically. If a user you wish to contact is busy or unreachable, you can initiate number redial the next time you attempt to call, without having to dial the call number again.
Number redial is also possible with the handset on-hook. The number can be edited if necessary (page 9).
The numbers are sorted in ascending order according to the date and time. The last number dialled is thus at the top of the list.
Lift the handset. Press the Number redial key and the call number dialled
last is dialled.
Press the Number redial key until the desired call number
appears on the display,
Lift the handset. The call number is dialled.
The memory for the number redial can be cleared with the setting “Clear memory” (page 39). The memory is also cleared when the ISDN connecting cord has been unplugged.
Dialling call numbers using the Destination dialling keys (automatic dialling)
Frequently used call numbers can be dialled quickly and easily using destination dialling keys. This means that you do not have re-enter the number each time.
Destination dialling is also possible with the handset on-hook. The number can be edited if necessary (page 9). You can also store parts of numbers and the remaining digits can then be suf­fix-dialled as required.
Prerequisite: You must have programmed a Destination dialling key (page 25).
Lift the handset.
Press the Destination dialling key. The stored call number appears on the display and is dialled.
Outgoing and incoming calls
Handset is on-hook.
Press the Destination dialling key. The stored call number is displayed.
Edit or complete the call number if necessary.
Lift the handset. The call number is dialled.
Dialling call numbers using the Speed dialling keys (automatic dialling)
10 frequently used call numbers can be dialled quickly and easily using Speed dialling keys. Speed dialling is also pos­sible with the handset on-hook. The call number can be edited if necessary (page 9). You can also store parts of numbers and the remaining digits can then be suffix-di­alled as required.
Prerequisite: You must have programmed a Speed dialling key (➔ page 25).
Lift the handset. Press first the Speed dialling key and then the relevant
digit key. The stored call number appears on the display
and is dialled.
Handset is on-hook. Press first the Speed dialling key and then the relevant
digit key. The stored call number is displayed. Edit or complete the call number if necessary.
Lift the handset. The call number is dialled.
In order to select a specific network operator, program the relevant circuit identification code on a destination or speed dialling key. The re­maining number can be suffix dialled from an­other destination or speed dialling key, the call list key, the number redial key or via the digit keys.
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