Specification Sheet
The P4800 S ystem Processor is a 4–input, 8–output d igital audio processor. It p erforms all the n ecessary functions between t h e
mixers a nd t he p ower amplifiers i n small t o medium s ized s ound systems. U sing the P 4800’ s d rag–and–drop Graphical U ser I nter face, processors c an be placed a nywhere in the s ignal path. The 4 –by–8 matrix mixer a llows any or a ll inputs to b e routed to any
or all outputs with additional controls for levels and polarity. The P4800 can store up to 128 configurations that can be recalled
using simple contact closures, MIDI, or RS232 commands.
The primary interface f or t he P4800 i s a Windows–based s oftware program t hat mimics t he functional b lock diagrams u sed
in sound system d esign. Unlike m any o ther DSP p roducts t hat
constrict design freedom with preset templates, the processing blocks i n the P4800 c an be applied i n any order, to a ny input or output. Processing blocks c an be copied a nd pasted to
duplicate processors across m ultiple channels. They c an a l so
be linked for more efficient stereo or global control.
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With the P4800, the entire system can b e designed, saved to
disk, and loaded at t he j ob site f or easy s et up. T he P 4800 also
allows r eal–time d esign changes, s o processing blocks can be
added, r emoved o r changed d uring system tuning. T he security options a llow complete lock of the system t o prevent undesired tampering, or to restrict user access to certain parts of
the system.
E2002, Shure Incorporated
Printed in U.S.A.

Frequency Response
20 Hz to 20 kHz +1, –3 dB
Dynamic Range
100 dB minimum, A-weighted, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Sampling Rate
48 kHz
Digital Signal Processing
32-bit floating–point resolution
Input to Output: non–inverting (inverting optional)
Input: 10 kΩ
Output: 120 Ω
Input Clipping Level
+26dBu minimum
Output Clipping Level
+22 dBu minimum
+2 dBu minimum with 20 dB pad engaged
Total Harmonic Distortion
< 0.05% at 1kHz, +4 dBu, 20 Hz to 20 kHz
Propagation Delay from Input to Output
<1.5 ms (Processing blocks add no latency.)
Input to output: non-inverting (inverting optional)
Analog Audio Inputs
4 line level analog inputs, block connectors
Operation level defaults to +4 dBu, software
switchable to –10dBv
24–bit, 48 kHz A to D converison
+26 dBu input clipping level @ 1% THD
Analog Audio Outputs
8 line level analog outputs, block connectors
Operation level defaults to +4 dBu, software
switchable to –10dBv
24–bit, 48 kHz D to A converison
+22 dBu output clipping level @ 1% THD (+2 dBu
with 20 dB pad)
Control Pins
Voltage Supply: 5 Vdc, 100 mA (total)
Logic output current sinking ability: 500 mA
Operating Voltage
100–240 Vac, 50/60 Hz (auto-switching)
Maximum Power Drain
Temperature Range
Operating: –5_ to 35_ C (23_ to 95_ F)
Storage: –29_ to 74_ C (–20_ to 165_ F)
19 in x 11 in x 1
/4 in
4.1 kg (9.0 lbs)
Packaged Shipping Weight
6.0 kg (13.2 lbs)
Furnished Accessories
Power Cable (P4800) 95A8389. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Power Cable (P4800E) 95A8247. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
5-pin DIN Shure Link Cable 95A8676. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Hardware Kit 90AB8100. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
12 Block Connector Terminals, 3-pin
(for audio inputs and outputs)
2 Block Connector Terminals, 10-pin
(for control inputs and outputs)
4 Rackmount Screws and Washers
Optional Accessories
DRS10—Wallplate unit with 10-position rotary switch
for preset control
SHURE Incorporated Web Address: http://www.shure.com
222 Hartrey Avenue, Evanston, IL 60202–3696, U.S.A.
Phone: 847-866–2200 Fax: 847-866-2279
In Europe, Phone: 49-7131-72140 Fax: 49-7131-721414
In Asia, Phone: 852-2893-4290 Fax: 852-2893-4055
Elsewhere, Phone: 847-866–2200 Fax: 847-866-2585
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