SHOWTEC Galactic Bluestar MKII DMX User Manual

Galactic Bluestar MKII DMX
Version: 3.0
This manual contains important laser system safety and operation information. Read and understand all instructions prior to powering on laser unit the first time, to avoid laser eye injury and to avoid breaking the law. Keep this manual in a safe place for future reference.
Lasers can be hazardous and have unique safety considerations. Permanent eye injury and blindness is possible if lasers are used incorrectly. Pay close attention to each safety REMARK and WARNING statement in the user manual. Read all instructions carefully BEFORE operating this device.
Indicates a skill or other useful information for special situations.
Indicates important information to protect personnel from laser incident or injury.
Prevent damage or injury from incorrect operation.
Laser safety warming labels.
To protect the environment, recycle packing material wherever possible.
The projector is for indoor use only, IP20. Use only in dry locations. Keep this device away from rain and moisture, excessive heat, humidity and dust. Do not allow contact with water or other fluids.
Don’t throw this product away just as general trash, please dispose of this product following the abandon electronic product regulations in your area.
The projector must be installed in a location with adequate ventilation, at least 50cm (20 inches) from adjacent surfaces. Be sure that no ventilation slots are blocked.
Potential laser injury hazard exists with this product! Read these instructions carefully, which includes important information about
Caution Caution
This unit contains high power laser devices internally. Do not open the laser housing, due to potential exposure to unsafe levels of laser radiation. The laser power levels accessible if the unit is opened can caus e instant blindness, skin burns and fires.
installation, safe use and service!
Avoid direct eye contact with laser light. Never intentionally expose your eyes or others to direct laser light..
This laser product can potentially cause instant eye injury or blindness if laser light directly strikes the eyes.
It is illegal and dangerous to shine this laser into audience areas, where the audience or other personnel could get direct laser beams or bright reflections into their eyes.
It is a US Federal offense to shine any laser at aircraft.
There are no user serviceable parts inside the unit. Do not open the housing or attempt any repairs yourself. In the unlikely event your unit may require service, pleas e contact the dealer nearest to you..
Use of controls or adjustments or performance of procedures other than those specified herein may result in hazardous radiation exposure.
Laser Light is different from any other light source with which you may be familiar. The light from this product can potentially cause eye injury if not set up and used properly.
Laser light is thousands of times more concentrated than light from any other kind of light source. This concentration of light power can cause instant eye injuries, primarily by burning the retina (the light sensitive portion at the back of the eye). Even if you cannot feel “heat” from a laser beam, it can still potentially injure or blind you or your audience. Even very small amounts of laser light are potentially hazardous even at long distances. Laser eye injuries can happen quicker than you can blink.
It is incorrect to think that because these laser entertainment products split the laser into hundreds of beams or laser beam is scanned out in high speed, that an individual laser beam is safe for eye exposure. This laser product uses dozens of milliWatts of laser power (Class 3B levels internally). Many of the individual beams are potentially hazardous to the eyes.
It is also incorrect to assume that because the laser light is moving, it is safe. This is n ot true. Nor, do the laser beams always move. Since eye injuries can occur instantly, it is critical to prevent the possibility of any direct eye exposure. In the laser safety regulation, it is not legal to aim Class 3B lasers in areas which people can get exposed. This is true even if it is aimed below people’s faces, such as on a dance floor.
z Do not operate laser without first reading and understanding all safety and
technical data in this manual.
z Always set up and install all laser effects so that all laser light is at least 3
meters (9.8 feet) above the floor on which people can stand. See “Proper Laser Set-up & Usage” section later in this manual.
z After set up, and prior to public use test laser to ensure proper function. Do
not use if any defect is detected. Do not use if laser emits only one or two laser beams rather than dozens/hundreds, as this could indicate damage to the diffraction grating optic, and could allow emission of higher laser levels.
z Do not point lasers at people or animals. z Never look into the laser aperture or laser beams. z Do not point lasers in areas in which people can potentially get exposed,
such as uncontrolled balconies, etc.
z Do not point lasers at highly reflective surfaces such as windows, mirrors
and shiny metal. Even laser reflectio ns can be hazardous.
z Never point a laser at aircraft, this is a federal offense. z Never point un-terminated laser beams into the sky. z Do not expose the output optic (aperture) to cleaning chemicals. z Do not use laser if the laser appears to be emitting only one or two beams. z Do not use laser if housing is damaged or open, or if optics appear damaged
in any way.
z Never open the laser housing. The high laser power levels inside of the
protective housing can start fires, burn skin and will cause instant eye injury.
z Never leave this device running unattended. z The operation of a class 3B laser show laser is only allo wed if the show is
controlled by a skilled and well-trained operator familiar with the data included in this manual.
z The legal requirements for using laser entertainment products vary from
country to country. The user is responsible for the legal requirements at the location/country of use.
z Always use appropriate lighting safety cables when hanging lights and
effects overhead.
Further guidelines and safety programs for safe use of lasers can be found in the ANSI Z136.1 Standard “For Safe Use of Lasers”, available from “”. Many local governments, corporations, agencies, military and others, require all lasers to be used under the guidelines of ANSI Z136.1. Laser Display guidance can be obtained via the International Laser Display Association,
Laser Classification Class 3B Green Laser Medium DPSS Nd:YVO4, 532nm Red Laser Medium LD GaAlAs 650nm, typical Beam Diameter <5mm at aperture Pulse Data All pulses < 4Hz (>0.25sec) Divergence (each beam) <2mrad Divergence (total light) <160 degrees
Laser Power
* As measured under IEC measurement conditions for classification.
Red>100mW, Green>40mW
According to the EN 60825-1:1994 + A1:2002+A2:2001 + COTT regulations, this laser fall under the classification 3B.Direct eye exposure can be dangerous.
Every person involved with installation and maintenance of this device have to:
z Be qualified z Follow the instructions of this manual
CAUTION! Be careful with your operations. With a high voltage you
This device has left out premises in absolutely perfect condition. In order to maintain this condition and to ensure a safe operation, it is necessary for the user to follow the safety instructions and warning notes written in this manual.
Important! The manufacturer will not accept liability for any resulting
z Please consider that damages caused by manual modifications to the
devise are not subject to warranty.
z Never let the power-cord come into contact with other cables! Handle the
power-cord and all connections with the mains with particular caution!
z Make sure that the available voltage is not higher than stated on the rear
z Always plug in the power plug least. Make sure that the power-switch is set
to off-position before you connect the device to the mains. The power-plug has to be accessed after installing the device.
z Make sure that the power-cord is never crimped or damaged by sharp edges.
Check the device and the power-cord from time to time.
z Always disconnect from the mains, when the devise is not in use or before
cleaning it. Only handle the power-cord by the plug. Never pull out the plug by tugging the power-cord.
z It is essential to connect the yellow/green conductor to earth. z The electric connection, repairs and servicing must be carried out by a
can suffer a dangerous electric shock when touching the wires!
damages caused by the non-observance of this manual or any unauthorized modification to the device.
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