GC-8A Series
Dedicated Single Detector
Gas Chromatograph
GC that meets increasing analytical requirements…
GC that can analyze instantaneously…
GC that is tough and useful…
The GC-8A is a gas chromatograph that makes these dreams come true.
Simple design with emphasis on functionality
Tough an d stron g die cast fr ame
Reliability backed by years of experience
Self-diagnostic monitor / thermometer for easy maintenance
Accommodates a range of stable, high-sensitivity d etector s (TC D, FI D, ECD, FP D)
Easy-to-use digital settings
Comprehensive accessor ies
P 3
Column Oven
P 4
Sample Injection Ports
P 5
P 7
P 8
P 10
P 11
Column Oven
Large-capaci ty, cubi c ove n
Almost cubic in shape, the column oven opens entirely at the
front, making changing columns simple and easy. The column
oven's door opens and closes by a simple one-touch operation.
The lightweight door moves extremely smoothly.
Fig. 1 Column Oven
Two-stage ov erheat prevention
for pro tection o f colum ns
If the temperature exceeds the programmed (preset)
temperature by 30°C, the heater will be automatically turned
o. If the temperature reaches about 420°C, the heater will be
automatically turned o.
Rapid he at ing and cool in g
ch aracteristi cs
Rapid heating and cooling characteristics of the column oven
are also important for a gas chromatograph. Fig. 4 shows that
heating from 100°C to 350°C requires just 12 minutes, while
cooling takes less than one minute and re-stabilizing at the
initial temperature takes about three minutes.
Fig. 4 Heating and Cooling Curve
Tempe rature contro l oers
ex ce llent stabil it y a nd r espons e
Excellent temperature control of the column oven is essential
for a gas chromatograph. Fig. 2 shows the response and stability
when the column oven's temperature setting is changed from
100°C to 101°C. It shows that the oven responds rapidly to a
changed temperature setting and is able to immediately achieve
stable temperature control.
Fig. 2 Temperature Stability
Fig. 3 Operation of Column Oven Door
Sample Injection Ports
Easy-to-use on-column sample
injection ports
The standard injection ports are on-column type. Since sample
solution is directly injected into the head of a glass column, the
decomposition and adsorption of sample components are
Carrier gas
Fig. 6 On-Column Sample Injection Port
Capillary column adapter
Adding the optional CLH-800 capillary column holder allows
simple mounting of the capillary column for both split and
splitless sample injection.
Fig. 7 Quartz Capillary Column Mounted with CLH-800
GC-8A Series
Gas Chromatograph