Sherwood Scuba guarantees, to the original purchaser only, that the Wisdom 3 will be free of defects in materials and/or craftsmanship under normal recreational multilevel scuba use for two years from date of purchase, provided proper care and annual service are performed as described within this owner’s
guide. Should your Wisdom 3 prove to be defective for any reason (other than those listed in the limitations section below) it will be repaired or replaced
(at Sherwood Scuba's discretion) free of charge excluding shipping and handling charges.
This warranty will be considered void if the registration card is not lled out completely at the time of purchase and mailed to Sherwood Scuba within 30
days of purchase, and/or if the annual inspection is not done according to this owner’s manual. This warranty is non-transferrable and applies to the original
purchaser only. All correspondence concerning this warranty must be accompanied by a copy of the original sales receipt and a copy of the owner’s portion
of the warranty registration card including the annual inspection record.
Once each year you must return the Wisdom 3 to an Authorized Sherwood Dealer within 30 days of the original purchase date anniversary to
keep the two year limited warranty in force. Annual inspection includes verication of depth accuracy and proper general function. Labor charges for
the annual inspection are not covered by the warranty. You must provide a copy of the original sales receipt and a copy of the owner’s portion of the warranty registration card including the annual service record to obtain warranty service.
Statement of Limitations - General:
Warranty does not cover damage from accident, abuse, battery leakage, tampering, lack of proper care and maintenance and/or proper annual
servicing, or improper use of the Wisdom 3. Modications or repair by anyone other than a Sherwood Sales and Service Center authorized to service
the Wisdom 3 will void the warranty. Sherwood Scuba will not be responsible for recovery or replacement of the product in the event of loss or theft. Sherwood Scuba, its distributors, and retailers make no warranties, either expressed or implied, with respect to this product or its owner’s manual except those
stated in the preceding paragraphs. In consideration of the sale of the Wisdom 3 to you, you agree and understand that in no event will Sherwood
Scuba, its distributors or retailers, be held liable for any personal injuries resulting from its operation, or for any other damages whether direct,
indirect, incidental, or consequential even if Sherwood Scuba is advised of such damages.
Some states do not allow the exclusion or limitation of implied warranties or liabilities for incidental or consequential damages, so the above limitation may
not apply to you.
Warranty does not extend to the plastic gauge face, o-rings, batteries, or damage due to accident, abuse, modication, or tampering.
This manual is copyrighted, all rights are reserved. It may not, in whole or in part, be copied, photocopied, reproduced, translated, or reduced to any
electronic medium or machine readable form without prior consent in writing from Sherwood Scuba LLC / 2002 Design.
WISDOM 3 Manual, Doc. No. 12-5274
Sherwood Scuba, the Sherwood Scuba logo, and HydroGlo are registered or unregistered trademarks of Sherwood Scuba LLC. Wisdom and the Wisdom logo are trademarks of Sherwood Scuba LLC. All rights are reserved.
U.S. Patents, registered in the U.S. Patent and Trademark Ofce, have been issued to protect the following design features:
Data Sensing and Processing Device (U.S. Patent no. 4,882,678), Dive Time Remaining (U.S. Patent no. 4,586,136), and Ascent Rate Indicator (U.S.
Patent no. 5,156,055).
The programs within the Wisdom 3 simulate the absorption of nitrogen into the body by using a mathematical model. This model is merely a way to
apply a limited set of data to a large range of experiences. The Wisdom 3 dive computer model is based upon the latest research and experiments in
decompression theory. Still, using the Wisdom 3, just as using the U.S. Navy (or other) No Decompression Tables, is no guarantee of avoiding decompression sickness (i.e., the bends). Every diver’s physiology is different, and can even vary from day to day. No machine can predict how your
body will react to a particular dive prole.
The following symbols are used throughout this manual to bring your attention to situations that require special
consideration. Be sure to read and follow all instructions carefully.
A WARNING is used before a procedure that will result in serious injury or death if the procedure
is not followed carefully.
A CAUTION is used before a maintenance technique that will result in damage to parts if that
technique is not followed carefully.
A NOTE is used to emphasize an important maintenance technique.
Throughout this manual reference is made to the term 'breathing gas'. The rationale being that the Wisdom 3 can be used
for Air dives or Nitrox dives. For clarity, these terms are dened as -
Breathing Gas - the gaseous mixture breathed during a dive.
Air - a breathing gas that contains approximately 21% oxygen and 79% nitrogen (nature's common nitrogen-oxygen
Nitrox - a nitrogen-oxygen breathing gas that contains a higher fraction of oxygen (22 to 50%) than air.
• The Wisdom 3 is intended for use by recreational divers who have successfully completed a nationally
recognized course in scuba diving, and diving with enriched nitrogen-oxygen (nitrox) breathing gas
• It is intended only for no decompression diving, NOT intentional decompression diving.
• It must not be used by untrained persons who may not have knowledge of the potential risks and
hazards of scuba diving, and diving with enriched nitrogen-oxygen (nitrox) mixtures.
• You must obtain scuba certication, and certication in diving with enriched nitrogen-oxygen mixtures
(nitrox) before using the Wisdom 3 if you have not already done so.
• It is NOT for use by military and commercial divers.
• It should NOT be utilized for any competitive, or repetitive square wave or decompression diving, as it
is intended solely for recreational use and no decompression multilevel diving.
• As with all underwater life support equipment, improper use or misuse of this product can cause
serious injury or death.
• Never participate in sharing or swapping of a dive computer.
• Conduct your dives in such a manner so as to insure that you continuously check the computer's
proper function.
• Read and understand this owner’s manual completely before diving with the Wisdom 3.
• If you do not fully understand how to use this dive computer, or if you have any questions, you should
seek instruction in its use from your Authorized Sherwood Scuba Dealer before you utilize this product.
Congratulations on your recent purchase of the Sherwood Wisdom 3 dive computer!
Your new Wisdom 3 uses a unique and intuitive display that represents the information you need before, during, and after the dive, laid out in a logical format based on a dive prole diagram. Information is located
where you would expect it to be.
In addition to no-decompression/decompression status, tissue loading of nitrogen, accumulation of oxygen,
and ascent rate are presented as peripheral bar graphs alongside reference indicators.
As you progress through this instruction manual, you will become familiar with the unique functions and features available.
The Wisdom 3's wide array of features are described in detail throughout the pages that follow.
The initial time that you invest becoming acquainted with the symbols and various operating modes and displays will be returned as you enjoy your underwater activities with the comfort that your familiarization affords.
As you use the Wisdom 3, remember that the rules you learned in your SCUBA course(s) still apply to the
diving you will do while using a dive computer - some will become even more important. Technology is no
substitute for common sense, and a dive computer only provides the person using it with data, not the knowledge to use it.
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
The Wisdom 3 has two Control Buttons that allow you to activate the unit and access specic information
when you choose to see it. The Front button (Fig. 1a) is referred to as the Advance and the Side button (Fig.
1b) as the Select.
While on the surface, you can use the buttons to maneuver through the Wisdom 3's unique Menu System that
allows -
• selection of 3 Main Operating Modes (Air, Nitrox, or Gauge)
• viewing of various information displays (Last Dive, Plan Depths/Times, Dive Logs, History, etc.)
• entering of settings divided into 4 convenient categories (Basics, Alarms, Utilities, and Time)
• activation of the Backlight
• operation of an onboard Simulator
• setup for a PC interface program
During the Dive modes, the buttons may be used to -
• activate the display's Backlight
• view Alternate displays of information
• acknowledge Alarms
The Wisdom 3 uses 4 rows of easy to understand alpha/numeric displays and graphic icons (Fig. 2).
For example, when you enter into Special Situations, such as Decompression, High PO2, and Out of Range
modes, an UP Arrow symbol will appear as a warning to ascend to a shallower depth.
It also utilizes 3 segmented Bar Graphs to provide you with quick visual reference of Decompression status,
O2 Saturation, and Ascent speed. Their segments represent Normal, Caution, and Danger zones.
Fig. 1 - Control Buttons
It is imperative that you understand the formats, ranges, and values of the information presented by the Wisdom 3's numeric and graphic displays to avoid any possible misunderstanding that could result in an error.
The Nitrogen Bar Graph (Fig. 3a) represents tissue loading of nitrogen, showing your relative no decompression or decompression status.
As your depth and bottom time increase, segments will add to the Graph, and as you ascend to shallower
depths, the Bar Graph will begin to recede, indicating that additional no decompression time is allowed for
multilevel diving.
The Nitrogen Bar Graph monitors 12 different nitrogen compartments simultaneously and displays the one
that is in control of your dive. It is divided into a No Decompression (normal) zone, a Caution zone (also No
Decompression), and a Decompression (danger) zone.
While you cannot provide a guarantee against the occurrence of decompression sickness, you may choose
your own personal zone of caution based upon age, physique, excessive weight, etc., to reduce the statistical
Oxygen Accumulation Bar Graph (O2BG)
The O2 Bar Graph (Fig. 4a) represents oxygen loading, your relative oxygen tolerance dosage (OTU), showing the maximum of either per dive accumulated oxygen, or 24 hour period accumulated oxygen.
As your accumulation (% saturation) increases during a dive or 24 hour period, segments will add to the Bar
Graph, and as loading decreases, it will begin to recede, indicating that additional exposure is allowed.
NOTE: Displays associated with oxygen and the O2 Bar Graph will only appear if
FO2 has been set at a value other than 'Air' (e.g., a numerical value).
Variable Ascent Rate Indicator (ARI)
The Variable Ascent Rate Indicator (Fig. 4b) provides a visual representation of Ascent speed (i.e., an ascent
speedometer), 'normal' rate, a 'cautionary' rate, and 'Too Fast'.
The segments of the Variable Ascent Rate Indicator represent 2 sets of speeds which change at a reference
depth of 60 FT (18 M). Refer to the chart at the right for segment values.
WARNING: At depths greater than 60 FT (18 M), Ascent Rates should not exceed 60
FPM (18 MPM). At depths of 60 FT (18 M) and shallower, Ascent Rates should not
exceed 30 FPM (9 MPM).
Each numeric and graphic display represents a unique piece of information. It is imperative that you
understand the formats, ranges, and values of the information represented to avoid any possible misunderstanding that could result in error.
Tank Pressure Display
Tank pressure is displayed numerically as the largest digits (Fig. 5a). Values of pressure are displayed from 0
PSI (BAR) up to 5000 PSI (352 BAR) in increments of 5 PSI (.5 BAR).
Depth Displays
During a dive, the Current Depth display (Fig. 5b), indicates depths from 0 to 330 FT (99.9 M) in 1 FT (0.1
M) increments.
The Maximum Depth reached during that dive will also be displayed (Fig. 5c).
• When the unit is set to operate as a Digital Depth Gauge/Timer (referred to as Gauge Mode), the Depth
Display range is 'extended' to 399 FT (120 M).
Fig. 5 - Pressure & Depth
• At depths greater than 99.9 M, it will indicate metric values in increments of 1 M.
Time displays are shown in hour:minute format (i.e., 1:09 represents 1 hour and 9 minutes, not 109 minutes!).
The colon that separates hours and minutes blinks once per second when the display is indicating real time
(e.g., Elapsed Dive Time), and is solid (non-blinking) when times are calculated projections (e.g., Time to
The Main Time display is congured with the second largest digits of the LCD (Fig. 6a). A second time display (Fig. 6b) provides additional Times such as Surface Interval and Elapsed Dive Time.
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
Date (Fig. 6c) is only displayed during select surface modes such as the TIME screen.
• Month always appears to the left of Day, even when set for Metric units.
Temperature Display
Ambient Temperature (Fig. 7a) is viewed as part of Alternate Displays. If the Temperature exceeds a value of
99, 2 dashes ( - - ) will be displayed on the screen until the Ambient Temperature decreases to 99.
NOTE: The Informational Displays are described in detail as the various operating
modes they appear in are presented throughout this manual.
When Reminder Alarm situations activate the Alarm, the unit will emit a quick double beep each second for
10 seconds, or until the situation is corrected, or it is acknowledged by pressing the Advance (Front) button.
When Cautionary Alarm situations activate the Alarm, the beep will be on for 1/2 second then off 1/2 second,
repeating for 10 seconds, or until the situation is corrected, or it is acknowledged by pressing the Advance
(Front) button.
Some Alarms cannot be acknowledged. These are differentiated by 1 beep per second for 10 seconds followed by a full 3 second beep.
If an Alarm is acknowledged and the situation corrected, the Alarm will sound again if the situation occurs
again, or another Alarm situation occurs.
Fig. 6 - Time & Date
Fig. 7 - Temperature
A single short beep is emitted after the Diagnostic check, upon automatic return to Surface Mode from Simulator Mode, upon completion of a fast battery change with calculations/settings saved, and upon change from
Delayed to Full Violation after that dive.
A red LED Warning Light located on the lower/left portion of the module is synchronized with the Audible
Alarm and will ash when the Alarm sounds. A scrolling message will also be displayed in the upper portion of the screen. The LED will turn OFF when the Alarm is acknowledged or Set OFF, however, the message will continue to scroll until the condition is cleared. In the event that another Alarm situation occurs, its
scrolling message will be displayed until it is acknowledged, at which time it will be replaced by the message
that was previously scrolling.
Reminder Alarm situations include -
• PO2 equal to or greater than 1.60 ATA, or the Max PO2 Alarm setting.
• Descent deeper than the Max Depth Alarm setting.
• Dive Time Remaining decreases to the Alarm setting.
• Tank Pressure decreases to the Turn Pressure Alarm setting.
Cautionary Alarm situations include -
• Entry into Decompression Mode
• O2 Accumulation equal to or greater than allowable per dive limit, or limit for a 24 hour period.
• Ascending above a required Decompression Stop Depth for less than 5 minutes.
• Ascent rate exceeds 60 FPM (18 MPM) when depth is greater than 60 FT (18 M), or 30 FPM (9 MPM)
at 30 FT (9 M) or shallower.
• Tank Pressure decreases to the End Pressure Alarm setting.
• Entry into Delayed or Full Violation modes (described later).
Situations in which the Alarm cannot be acknowledged include -
• Being above a required Decompression Stop Depth for more than 5 minutes.
• Being in Decompression that requires a Stop Depth much greater than 60 FT (18 M).
• Being on the surface for 5 minutes without completing a Decompression obligation.
To activate the HydroGlo® Backlight while viewing displays in the Surface Mode, press both buttons simultaneously.
To activate the Backlight while viewing displays underwater, press the Front (Advance) button momentarily
(< 2 seconds).
The screen will be illuminated for 10 seconds. Press the button(s) again to activate as desired.
The Backlight is disabled if the button(s) is held depressed longer than 10 seconds or during a Low Battery
NOTE: Sherwood Scuba recommends that you carry primary and backup dive lights
when conducting dives that could include low light situations.
The Wisdom 3 utilizes one (1) 3 volt, CR2450 Lithium Battery that should provide from 300 dive hours of
operation if you conduct one 1 - hour dive each time the unit is activated, to over 600 dive hours of operation
if you conduct two or more dives each time the unit is activated.
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
Battery Indicator
A Battery Indicator (icon) provides an indication of Low Battery Condition. The Battery Indicator (Fig. 8a)
will only appear on the Surface TIME (or WET), DATA, and FLY/SAT screens. It will not be displayed on
other surface display screens or during Dive Modes.
Low Battery Condition
• Voltage level is checked upon activation and every 4.5 minutes during operation.
• Once 75% of full power is consumed, the Indicator will appear on the TIME (or WET) screen as a
warning that the Battery is to be changed prior to conducting any further dives with the unit.
• If a Low Battery Condition exists when the unit is activated (by pressing the button), the Battery icon
will appear ashing once per second for 5 seconds followed by shutdown of the unit.
• If the button is not pressed to activate the unit prior to a dive, and a Low Battery Condition exists, the
Low Battery icon will appear ashing as a warning upon descent past 4 feet (1.2 meters). No other information will be displayed and the unit will not enter Dive Mode.
• If the unit did not display the Low Battery icon 'prior to' entering the Dive Mode, and a Low Battery
Condition occurs during the dive, there will be sufcient Battery power to maintain unit operation
for the 'remainder of that dive'. The Low Battery icon will appear upon surfacing when the TIME (or
WET) screen is displayed.
The Wisdom 3 will operate in water temperatures from 28° to 95° F (-2 to 35 °C) and out of the water from
20° to 140°F (-6 to 60 °C). At extremely low temperatures, the LCD may become sluggish, but this will not
affect it's accuracy. If stored or transported in extremely low temperature areas (below freezing), warm the
unite and battery with body heat before diving.
Fig. 8 - Low Battery
It is possible to damage the electronics if left exposed to direct sunlight, or in a hot conned space (like a
car trunk). After diving, cover it and keep it out of the sun. If inadvertently left in the direct sunlight, the
LCD display may become totally black. If this occurs, immediately immerse it in water. The display should
recover its normal appearance after a few minutes. Damage from excess heat, or cold, is not covered by the
two year limited warranty.
A momentary press of the front (Advance) button activates the Wisdom 3.
The Wisdom 3 will automatically turn OFF 2 hours after activation if no dive is made. If the water activation
contacts are still bridged (the unit is wet), it automatically reactivates.
NOTE: This method functions only when the Wet Activation feature is set ON.
The Wisdom 3 has 2 contacts that cause it to activate when the space between the contacts is bridged by a
conductive material (e.g., water contact) and enter WET Mode (Fig. 9A) or DIVE Mode.
Upon removing the bridge between the contacts (drying the unit), the alpha graphic TIME replaces the graphic WET (Fig. 9B).
If the contacts are still bridged 2 hours after a dive, the alpha graphic WET appears together with the graphic
FLY:SAT and the Time to Fly and Desaturation countdown timers.
Upon drying the unit, the graphic WET is replaced with the graphic TIME.
Immediately following manual (push button) activation, the Wisdom 3 lights all segments of the LCD and
initiates a countdown sequence (Fig. 10). Following the countdown sequence (from 8, -, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2,
1, 0) which takes about 2 seconds, it veries that sensor readings and battery voltage are within tolerance. If
values are satisfactory, it enters Surface Mode displaying the TIME screen.
Fig. 9A - Unit Wet
Fig. 9B - Unit Dry
When the front (Advance) button is held depressed and as the Diagnostic countdown reaches 00, a Serial
Number screen appears displaying the unit’s Serial Number and rmware code Revision Number as long as
the button is held depressed (Fig. 11). Upon releasing the button, the unit shuts Off.
Once the dive computer is activated, regardless of what mode it is in, it automatically reverts to DIVE MODE
upon descent to 5 FT (1.5 M).
The TIME screen appears immediately following diagnostics (if manually activated) on a new day, or reactivation in FLY/DESAT MODE.
If the unit is wet, the alpha graphic WET replaces the alpha graphic TIME. Once the unit is dry, the WET
graphic is replaced by the TIME graphic.
The graphic TIME (or WET) ashes during the rst 10 minutes after a dive.
Appearing on the display are -
• Alpha graphic TIME, or WET
• Date (month and day)
• Elapsed surface time (or time since activation if no dive made yet that day) and graphic Surface
• Operating Mode graphic (Nitrox, Air, or Gauge)
• Time of Day (hours:minutes )
• Cylinder Pressure and graphic (PSI or BAR)
• NiBG and O2BG, if any
• Battery icon (if Low Battery Condition)
Fig. 10 - Diagnostics
Fig. 11 - Serial No.
Fig. 12 - Time
Pressing the Both buttons simultaneously for less than 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
Pressing the front (Advance) button accesses the DATA screen.
In addition to the DATA screens, you can use also use the front (Advance) button to access the -
• PLAN screens (sequence of allowed dive depths/times )
• LAST screen (previous dive's data)
• LOG screens
• HISTORY screen
• SET Modes
FLY/DESAT appears automatically 2 hours after a dive. Desat time also appears on DATA displays.
The DATA screens are accessible during a new activation period or greater than 10 minutes after surfacing
from a dive. By pressing the front (Advance) button 1 time while the TIME (or WET) screen is being displayed (TIME/WET > DATA), you can access the DATA screen representing the Mode that you set the dive
computer to operate in (Nitrox, Air, or Gauge described later).
You can also access the DATA screen when FLY/SAT is being displayed during the period from 2 hours to 24
hours after a dive pressing the front (Advance) button 1 time to rst recall the TIME/WET screen from which
you can access to the sequence of Surface Displays.
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
ALTITUDE LEVEL Graphics that appear on DATA or Log/History screens represent the following -
SEA = 0 to 3,000 feet (915 meters)
LEV2 = 3,001 to 5,000 feet (916 to 1,525 meters)
LEV3 = 5,001 to 7,000 feet (1,526 to 2,135 meters)
LEV4 = 7,001 to 9,000 feet (2,136 to 2,745 meters)
LEV5 = 9,001 to 11,000 feet (2,746 to 3,355 meters)
LEV6 = 11,001 to 13,000 feet (3,356 to 3,965 meters)
LEV7 = 13,001 to 14,000 feet (3,966 to 4,270 meters)
outr = > 14,000 feet (> 4,270 meters)
AIR MODE DATA screen (Fig. 14)
• Alpha graphic DATA
• Alarm icon (if all alarms set On)
• Temperature and graphic (F or C)
• DeSat time and graphic, if any
• AIR graphic (indicating operating mode)
• Altitude level graphic if > Sea level as LEV2 (through LEV7), or outr (out of range)
NITROX MODE DATA screen (Fig. 15)
• Alpha graphic DATA
• Alarm icon (if all alarms set On)
• Temperature and graphic (F or C)
• DeSat time and graphic, if any
• NITROX graphic (indicating operating mode)
• PO2 and FO2 set points, and FO2 graphic
• Altitude level graphic if > Sea level as LEV2 (through LEV7), or outr (out of range)
While viewing the AIR or NITROX DATA screen -
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button accesses the PLAN screen.
Fig. 14 - Air Mode Data
The unit reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
• Altitude level graphic if > Sea level as LEV2 (through LEV7), or outr (out of range)
While viewing the GAUGE DATA screen -
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button accesses the PLAN screen.
The unit reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
The PLAN screens are accessible during a new activation period or greater than 10 minutes after surfacing
from a dive.
By pressing the front (Advance) button 2 times while the TIME/WET screen is being displayed (TIME/WET
> DATA > PLAN), or 1 time while the DATA screen is being displayed, you can access the PLAN screen representing the Mode you set the Wisdom 3 to operate in (Nitrox or Air). If set for Gauge operation, PLAN is
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
Fig. 16 - Gauge Mode
While viewing the PLAN screen, pressing and releasing the side (Select) button increases the Planned Depth
in increments of 10 feet (3 meters), displaying the information one screen at a time. Holding the button depressed scrolls through the screens at a rate of 4 per second.
Information provided includes Depths and allowable no-decompression dive times (NDLs) for Depths from
30 to 190 feet (9 to 57 meters).
If the limiting time factor is Nitrogen controlled, the N2 Bar Graph displays all green and yellow segments.
If Oxygen controlled, the green and yellow segments of the O2 Bar Graph are displayed.
For Depths where no time is available, 00 appears for Time and the DECO segment of the N2 Bar Graph
ashes. The graphic PO2 and O2BG (green/yellow) ash on the last PLAN screen (allowed time = 00).
The tables in the back of the manual list predicted Plan values for Altitudes from Sea Level to 14,000 feet
(4,270 meters).
Calculations within the Wisdom 3 change based upon each 1,000 feet (305 meter) increase in Altitude
above Sea Level (above 3,000 feet/915 meters).
Due to the tolerance of the sensor and atmospheric con-
ditions at the time, it is possible for a Level (LEV) to be displayed that differs from the actual Altitude.
AIR MODE PLAN screen (Fig. 17)
• Alpha graphic PLAN
• No Decompression Limit (hours:minutes), 3 dashes if no time available
• AIR graphic (indicating operating mode)
• Plan Depth and graphic (Feet or Meters)
• Cylinder Pressure and graphic (PSI or BAR)
• N2 Bar Graph No Deco segments (ashing if DECO)
NITROX MODE PLAN screen (Fig. 18)
• Alpha graphic PLAN
• Maximum Depth for PO2 of 1.60 and graphics (Maximum and Feet or Meters)
• No Decompression Limit (hours:minutes), 3 dashes if no time available
• NITROX graphic (indicating operating mode)
• Plan Depth and graphic (Feet or Meters)
• FO2 set point and graphic
• Cylinder Pressure and graphic (PSI or BAR)
• O2 Bar Graph, all segments (ashing if O2 Limit exceeded)
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button accesses the LAST screen.
The unit reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
The LAST screen, which displays data for the most recent dive, is accessed by pressing the front (Advance)
button 3 times while the TIME/WET screen is being displayed (TIME/WET > DATA > PLAN > LAST).
LAST (DIVE) screen (Fig. 19)
• Alpha graphic LAST
• Time of Day the dive Started
• Time of Day the dive Ended
• Operating mode graphic (Air, Nitrox, or Gauge)
• Maximum Depth and graphic (Feet or Meters)
• Elapsed Dive Time and graphic (Minutes)
• Cylinder Pressure (end of dive) and graphic (PSI or BAR)
• N2 Bar Graph reecting segments at end of dive and maximum segment (except Gauge)
• O2 Bar Graph reecting segments at end of dive (if Nitrox)
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
While viewing the LAST screen -
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Depressing the front (Advance) button accesses the LOG GO TO screen.
The unit reverts to the TIME screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
The Log stores data for each dive as 3 screens referred to as the Date Screen, Screen #1, and Screen #2.
Upon gaining access to the Date Screen, Log Screen #1, and Log Screen #2, information displayed is frozen
until either button is pressed again. If neither button is pressed, the unit reverts to the TIME screen in 2 minutes.
The LOG stores information from the latest 50 dives which can be accessed sequentially from the most recent
to the oldest, and retains the information indenitely, even if the Battery is removed. Log information is deleted when the unit is manually Reset (cleared).
After exceeding 50 dives, the LOG stores the most recent dive while deleting the oldest.
Dives are numbered 1 to 50 for each Activation Period.
• During 10 minutes after a dive, pressing the front (Advance) button 1 time accesses the Log Mode.
• 10 minutes after a Non-Violation Dive, pressing the front (Advance) button 4 times accesses Log
Mode. (TIME > DATA > PLAN > LAST > LOG).
• 10 minutes after a Violation Dive, pressing the front (Advance) button 3 times accesses Log Mode.
(TIME > DATA > LAST > LOG). PLAN is not available after a Violation Dive.
• Entering Log Mode displays the LOG GO TO screen.
Fig. 19 - Last Dive
LOG GO TO screen (Fig. 20)
• Alpha graphic LOG
• Alpha graphic Go to -
While viewing the LOG GO TO screen -
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button bypasses Log Mode and accesses the HISTORY screen.
The unit reverts to the TIME/WET screen if neither button is pressed in 2 minutes.
• Pressing the side (Select) button once displays the most recent dive’s LOG Date screen.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button displays that dive’s Log Screen #1.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button again displays that dive’s Log Screen #2.
• Pressing the front (Advance) button again displays the LOG GO TO screen.
LOG DATE screen (Fig. 21)
• Alpha graphic LOG
• Date (month/day)
• Dive number (1 to 50) for that Activation Period
• Operating Mode graphic (AIR, NITROX, or GAUGE)
• FO2 set point (% O2) and graphic FO2%
While viewing the LOG DATE screen -
• Pressing and releasing the front (Advance) button displays that dive’s Log Screen #1.
• Pressing and releasing the side (Select) button repeatedly advances through the recorded LOG DATE
screens. Pressing and holding it, scrolls through them at a rate of 4 per second.
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
LOG Screen #1 (Fig. 22)
• Alpha graphic Scr 1
• Temperature (minimum recorded that dive) and graphic (F or C)
• Surface Interval if a repetitive dive, 3 dashes ( - : - - ) if no previous dive that Activation Period, and
• Operating Mode graphic (AIR, NITROX, or GAUGE)
• Maximum Depth and graphic FEET (or METERS)
• Elapsed Dive Time and graphic MINUTES
• Cylinder Pressure at the end of the dive and graphic PSI (or BAR)
Wisdom 3 DC Manual
Fig. 21 - Log Date
While viewing LOG Screen #1 -
• Pressing and releasing the front (Advance) button displays that dive’s LOG 2 screen.
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.
LOG Screen #2 (Fig. 23)
• Alpha graphic Scr 2
• Time of Day dive Started with Down Arrow icon
• Time of Day dive Ended with Up Arrow icon
• Operating Mode graphic (AIR, NITROX, or GAUGE)
• Maximum PO2 achieved (ATA) and graphic PO2, if Nitrox
• Altitude level graphic SEA, or LEV 2 (through LEV 7), or outr
• N2BG - maximum accumulated segment ashing, others xed up to end-of-dive accumulation, all
ashing for delayed and full violations.
• O2BG, if Nitrox - xed up to end-of-dive accumulation
• Ascent Rate Indicator - displaying maximum sustained for 4 consecutive seconds
While viewing LOG Screen #2 -
• Pressing and releasing the front (Advance) button displays the LOG GO TO screen.
• Pressing and releasing the front (Advance) button again accesses the HISTORY screen.
• Pressing Both buttons for < 2 seconds activates the Backlight.
• Pressing Both buttons for => 2 seconds reverts to the TIME/WET screen.