1. Write down all the custom settings you have memorized in your unit as they will be lost during the upgrade
2. Download the upgrade files from Sherwood’s web site, www.sherwoodusa.com
and unzip the files to a new
directory on your computer. Click ‘Set up.exe’ in order to install the update program on your computer.
3. With the AC cord unplugged, set the OPR/SVC switch located on the rear panel to the SVC position.
4. Connect the AC cord between the receiver and the wall outlet.
5. Power on the receiver by pressing the Power button and check that the standby buttons shows an orange LED.
6. Connect the receiver to computer with RS232 or USB cable.
7. Note:
1) If you are using RS232C for upgrade, go to Step 8 below.
2) If this is your first time to upgrade via USB, you need to install the Sherwood USB driver in your computer
first. Driver installation is needed for the first trial only. For a detailed installation guide, refer to the help file
in the upgrade application program.
8. Run the ‘Sherwood Receiver Firmware Upgrade program’.
(Note : program version may be updated without prior notice for better customer support)
9. Click the ‘Port Setting’ button to set up the port.

Note: The port setting is not needed when using a USB connection for the upgrade. Your computer should
automatically detect the USB connection and will show the following screen instead. After confirming this
screen, go to step 12.
10. A Pop-up Window will appear as below. (Default : COM1/9600). Based on your actual computer settings,
you may change the COM port setting but the baud rate must be 9600.
11. Click the ‘OK’ button. Then the computer will show the window as below.