Sharp ORGANIZER Link4 Operating Instructions Manual

Operating Instructions
Organizer Link 4
from Version 2.0
The computer link between SHARP Organizers
and Personal Computers
with integrated data processing
Copyright 1999 - 2000 by
Yellow Computing
Computersysteme GmbH
Postfach 1136
D-74173 Bad Friedrichshall
Hardware and software required: Personal computer running MS Windows 95, 98 or NT 4.0 / 2000, CD ROM drive, Pentium 60,
16 MB RAM for MS Windows 95 or 32 MB RAM for MS Windows 98 / NT 4.0 / 2000, at least 20 MB hard disk space.
Synchronization with MS Outlook requires MS Outlook 98 or MS Outlook 2000.
1 General .............................................................................................................. 5
1.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................................5
1.2 New functions in version 1.1 .......................................................................................................5
1.3 New functions in version 2.0 .......................................................................................................5
1.4 Minimum PC requirements ........................................................................................................... 6
1.5 Things to know about the operating instructions.................................................................. 6
1.5.1 Legend of symbols used ...........................................................................................................6
1.5.2 Various SHARP models ............................................................................................................. 6
1.6 Using online Help ............................................................................................................................7
1.6.1 Summary ......................................................................................................................................7
1.6.2 Contents .......................................................................................................................................7
1.6.3 Index.............................................................................................................................................. 7
1.6.4 Search by specific help topics ................................................................................................ 8
1.7 Internet Homepage ......................................................................................................................... 8
2 Connecting the link cable ............................................................................... 9
2.1 Connecting the SHARP Organizer to the PC............................................................................ 9
2.1.1 Connecting the link cable to the PC .................................................................................... 9
2.1.2 Connecting the link cable to the SHARP Organizer......................................................... 9
3 Preparations.....................................................................................................11
3.1 Installation ......................................................................................................................................11
3.2 Uninstallation ................................................................................................................................. 11
3.3 First steps......................................................................................................................................... 11
3.3.1 First program start .................................................................................................................. 11
3.3.2 Registering a new Organizer ............................................................................................... 12
3.3.3 First data backup .................................................................................................................... 12
3.3.4 Transferring the Organizer data ......................................................................................... 13
3.3.5 Using the data in Organizer Link 4 .................................................................................... 14
3.3.6 Exiting the program ............................................................................................................... 14
4 Working with Organizer Link 4 .................................................................... 15
4.1 The user interface......................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.1 Summary ................................................................................................................................... 15
4.1.2 Elements of the user interface............................................................................................ 15
4.1.3 Main window ........................................................................................................................... 17
4.1.4 Editor .......................................................................................................................................... 18
Organizer Link 4
4.2 General function........................................................................................................................... 19
4.2.1 Register a new Organizer ..................................................................................................... 19
4.2.2 Loading data ............................................................................................................................ 19
4.2.3 Copying and moving data records via the clipboard .................................................... 19
4.2.4 Deleting data records ............................................................................................................ 20
4.2.5 Using categories...................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.6 Searching in the application window ............................................................................... 20
4.2.7 Secret data ............................................................................................................................... 20
4.2.8 Settings.......................................................................................................................................21
4.3 Functions and applications........................................................................................................ 22
4.3.1 Calender .................................................................................................................................... 22
4.3.2 Telephone database and User database ........................................................................... 23
4.3.3 Memo ......................................................................................................................................... 24
4.3.4 Expenses .................................................................................................................................... 25
4.3.5 Search ........................................................................................................................................ 26
4.3.6 My Programs ............................................................................................................................ 26
4.4 Data backup and restore ............................................................................................................ 27
4.5 Data synchronisation................................................................................................................... 28
4.6 Data transfer.................................................................................................................................. 29
4.7 Import and Export ........................................................................................................................ 30
4.8 Print...................................................................................................................................................31
5 Appendix ......................................................................................................... 32
5.1 Link cable ........................................................................................................................................ 32
5.2 Data compatibility list................................................................................................................. 32
5.3 Troubleshooting ............................................................................................................................ 32
5.4 Index................................................................................................................................................. 33
Note................................................................................................................. 35
Organizer Link 4
1 General
1.1 Introduction
Congratulations on purchasing Organizer Link 4, a powerful package which, together with a SHARP Organizer, will open up the world to you on a personal computer. This programme operates under Microsoft Windows 95 or higher and gives you maximum convenience in your data processing. The functionality of the SHARP Organizer has been integrated according to the Windows standard so that only a short familiarisation period is required. Simple data selection via application bars combined with clear 3D dialogues, clearly depicted toolbars and situational help (electronic manual, online help) enable you to get started very quickly.
The basic idea of the program is to exchange data between the SHARP Organizer and the Windows personal computer. Various transfer functions permit both selective and complete data transfer.
The synchronisation capabilities of the new SHARP Organizer open up completely new ways of data capture. This means it does not matter which device you use to input data – perfect synchronisation of the data between the SHARP Organizer and the personal computer can be performed at any time.
Last but not least, the program has comprehensive editing functions which also facilitate data exchange with other Windows applications. The new-style application bars for selecting data provide you with simpler and quicker access than with conventional, menu-controlled selection procedures.
You can, for instance, use the SHARP Organizer to record data such as customer addresses during the day while you are out of the office while your secretary plans other appointments on the personal computer. The appointments can be exchanged later with the data synchronisation which is now possible. Thus the Organizer Link 4 forms the link between the computer and the SHARP Organizer from which both systems benefit through the expanded uses.
1.2 New functions in version 1.1
The ZQ-750M and ZQ-700M organizers by SHARP let you store and run individual applications. Therefore, the MyPrograms application has been integrated into Organizer Link 4 for optimum support of this function.
The new application permits you to download your programs from the Internet, manage them, and transmit them to your organizer at any time. (see Chapter 4.3.6)
1.3 New functions in version 2.0
From version 2.0, the Organizer Link 4 synchronization has been expanded. You can now synchronise the data on the SHARP-Organizer with either Organizer Link 4 or directly with Microsoft Outlook (from version 98). (see chapter 4.5)
Furthermore, additional functions have been integrated into Organizer Link 4 for improved administration of your data stock. Should, for example, there be identical entries in your data stock, you can now easily delete these entries with Organizer Link 4 (see chapter 4.5). Allocating or changing categories for individual data sets or even for entire groups of data sets has been simplified further (see chapter 4.2.5).
Organizer Link 4
1.4 Minimum PC requirements
• Microsoft Windows 95 or higher or Microsoft Windows NT 4.0 / 2000
• Pentium 60 MHz processor or faster
• 16 MB RAM for Windows 95 or 32 MB RAM for Windows 98 or NT 4.0 / 2000
• VGA or higher resolution
• CD ROM drive
• at least 20 MB free hard disk space
• a free serial interface
• Synchronization with MS Outlook requires versions MS Outlook 98 or MS Outlook 2000.
1.5 Things to know about the operating instructions
The most recent notes on the current program version can be found in the file “readme.doc” which you can open after installation directly in the Organizer Link 4 program group with the ‘Please read’ icon.
The documentation for the Organizer Link 4 consists of the operating instructions and the online help (electronic manual integrated into the program). The operating instructions introduce you to the basic operation of Organizer Link 4. However, your main source of information should always be the online help. Simply press a key (<F1>) to find answers to questions which may arise when working with Organizer Link 4. you can find a detailed description of this in Chapter 1.5 “Using online help”. This applies in particular to the dialogue boxes, which are displays prompting you to make certain settings or inputs.
The operating instructions consist of two parts. In the first part you will be familiarised with the program by easy to understand explanations. The second part covers the individual features of Organizer Link 4 so that you can become familiar with the full capability of the program.
1.5.1 Legend of symbols used
[ESC] Examples of a SHARP-Organizer key. [ ] Indicates a button in Organizer Link 4. < > Indicates a key or key combination on the personal computer e.g. <Alt D> <N> means
that you should press the <Alt> key and the <D> key at the same time and then press the <N> key.
Indicates a menu command to be selected on the personal computer.
1.5.2 Various SHARP models
For ease of use, Organizer Link 4 automatically adapts its user interface to the SHARP models set. You therefore have precisely the same functions as your SHARP Organizer. For this reason the screen displays on your PC may vary slightly from those shown in this manual.
Organizer Link 4
1.6 Using online Help
Our online help will make it considerably easier for you to start working with the program, initially as an introduction and later as a clear reference work.
Online help can be opened in the following ways:
• The menu option ‘Help topics’ in the menu ,Help’ displays the list of topics in which you can search for the help topic you want.
• If you press <F1> you always obtain information which is adapted to the current screen structure and the current situation (Note: if no dialogue box is open, the list of topics is displayed if you press <F1> in the editor or in the main window).
1.6.1 Summary
Our online help consists of many individual help pages giving you extensive information on each of the functions of Organizer Link 4. The individual elements of the graphics have links so that you can obtain further information interactively by clicking the appropriate program object.
In the help texts you will often see text elements formatted in green and underlined. These are links which take you to other help pages or information. If there are other pages in the online help on a topic on a help page, you will find a link to ‘Other topics’ at the end of the page.
However, there is also an index function and a search function which you can access via the appropriate tabs.
1.6.2 Contents
The contents in the list of topics gives a tree structure of the online help. It is often possible to obtain sufficient information on a topic just via the tree structure.
Opening the contents
When you open Help via the ‘Help topics’ menu option under the ‘Help’ menu the list of topics appears. If online help is already open, you can also access the contents via the ‘Contents’ tab. Use the ‘Help topics’ function to return to topic selection and use other help topics.
Operation of the tree structure
A closed book in the tree structure means that there are further branches (help pages) which you can display by double clicking on the book . The book is closed again by double clicking on it.
1.6.3 Index
The index function displays the index of the online help. The keyword search is always useful if you cannot find any suitable information on a question using the tree structure.
Opening the index
As soon as you open the help function of Organizer Link 4 via the ‘Help topics’ menu option under the ‘Help’ menu, the selection menu appears. Then change to the ‘Index’ tab.
Organizer Link 4
Operating the search function
Enter a keyword as search text in the text field. With each letter entered, online help will immediately attempt to find a suitable keyword. When you have found your keyword via the search text, select it with the mouse and open the corresponding help page via [Display]. If there are several help pages on a keyword, you are asked to select one of them via another selection window.
1.6.4 Search by specific help topics
In addition to searching by specific keywords, you can also search pages by the topic you want in the help text of all help pages in online help.
Opening the search function
As soon as you open the help function of Organizer Link 4 via the ‘Help topics’ menu option under the ‘Help’ menu, the selection menu appears. Now change to the ‘Search’ tab.
Setting up the search function on the first start
When you first start the program you are asked to configure the search function. By doing this you specify how comprehensive the database in which you later search should be. The database should be kept as small as possible. The appropriate database is created by clicking on the [Next] button and then the [Finish] button in the next window. This process may take a few minutes.
Operating the search function
A comprehensive search tool is then available. First enter the search term or at least the first letter in the text field at the top. Then, in the second display field, select the word that corresponds to you topic as a restrictive search criterion. Then, in the third display field, first click on a topic and then on the [Display] button.
1.7 Internet Homepage
More useful comments, tips and answers to frequently asked questions can be found on the Organizer Link 4 – Homepage, just go to:
Organizer Link 4
2 Connecting the link cable
2.1 Connecting the SHARP Organizer to the PC
Caution: Before you connect the link cable, you should always switch off your PC to avoid damaging your computer or the cable.
2.1.1 Connecting the link cable to the PC
The link7 cable is connected to the serial interface (RS 232) designated COM1, COM2, COM3 or COM4.
The 9 or 25 pin serial interface is normally found on the back of your PC. Please observe its operating instructions. If the interface on your PC has a different number of pins from connector on the link cable, use the corresponding 9 or 25-pin adapter.
Note: As the serial interfaces COM1 and COM3 / COM2 and COM4 share an IRQ channel, you must not connect a mouse to COM1 if you use COM3 as the serial interface. Likewise, you must not connect a mouse to COM2 if you use COM4 as the interface for Organizer Link 4.
2.1.2 Connecting the link cable to the SHARP Organizer
There are various link cables for connecting your SHARP Organizer to a PC depending on the SHARP model. Please see the table in Chapter 5.1 to find out which link cable is appropriate for which Organizer.
Basically a distinction is made between a link cable with a traditional connector system and a docking station for the Organizer.
Link cable (4-pin connector)
Models : ZQ-700M, ZQ-750M
Plug the connector of the link cable into the interface on the right underneath the device. The connector is twist-proof so that no force is required to plug it in.
Organizer Link 4
Docking-Station CE- 61T
Models : ZQ-570M, ZQ-630M, ZQ-640M, ZQ-650M
Cable: CE – 61T
For connection via a docking station, first remove the removable cover from the underside of your Organizer.
Now place the Organizer on the docking station as illustrated so that it engages in the station.
The Organizer is now connected to the docking station and hence to your PC.
Organizer Link 4
3 Preparations
3.1 Installation
Installation under Windows 95/98
After switching on your computer, wait until Windows 95/98 has finished loading. Now insert the program CD into the drive. The automatic start function ‘Autorun’ then begins the installation. If you have disabled this function, start Windows Explorer and switch to your CD ROM drive. On the CD you will the installation program “Setup.exe” which helps you set up Organizer Link 4 on your hard disk with clear instructions. Start “Setup.exe” by double clicking on it or select ‘Run’ by clicking on the [Start] button and selecting the option ‘Run’. In the command line enter, for example, “D:\english\organizer link 4\setup” (where “D:” is the drive letter of your CD ROM drive).
Installation under Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000
Installation under Windows NT 4.0 or Windows 2000 is done in exactly the same way as under Windows 95/98. Please note that you must have the appropriate access rights for installation. Contact your system administrator first.
3.2 Uninstallation
If you are running out of space on your hard disk, requiring you to uninstall Organizer Link 4 (hopefully only temporarily), the program is convenient and simple to remove (once you have backed up the data!). During installation under Windows 95/98 and NT/2000, an entry is automatically created in the MS Windows system control in the <Software> module which enables you to uninstall the software without problems. Simply double click on the appropriate icon to perform an uninstall. You can also start the uninstall program by clicking on the [Start] button and the ‘Programs’ menu option and selecting the sub-menu ‘Organizer Link 4’.
3.3 First steps
The following chapter introduces you to the basic operation of the program. It tells you everything you need to know from starting the program, via file management to opening the individual applications.
3.3.1 First program start
Once the program has been properly installed you can start it as normal with the mouse. Click on the [Start] button and the ‘Program’ menu option and select the sub-menu ‘Organizer Link 4’, and there start the program of the same name. You can also double click directly on the Organizer Link 4 icon on your desktop. After a brief loading time, you will be asked to register on as a user.
Organizer Link 4
+ 24 hidden pages