Separate table
16 SFTCLKS FTLMRS Finisher Tray Lift Motor
Rotation Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of abnormality such as
the load tray motor lock.
The output is switched between
HI and LO according to the shift
speed of the load tray lifting and
17 SFTUPLMT FTULD Finisher Tray Upper Limit
Photointerrupter Detection of the upper limit
position of up/down shift area of
the paper load tray
When at the upper limit position,
TP1 becomes LO level.
18 SFTDNLMT FTLLD Finisher Tray Lower Limit
Photointerrupter Detection of the lower limit of up/
down shift area of the paper load
When at the lower limit position,
TP3 becomes LO level.
19 SFTSDNLMT FTPS Finisher Tray Position
Photointerrupter Detection of large size paper tray
When at the intermediate
position, TP2 becomes LO level.
20 BNDBRDHP FSPHS Finisher Saddle Plate
Homeposition Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of the saddle pushing
plate home position
When at home position, TP10
becomes LO level.
21 BNDJOGHPS FSAPHS Finisher Saddle Alignment
Plate Homeposition Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of the saddle alignment
guide home position
When at home position, TP10
becomes LO level.
22 RENDHPS FSPGHS Finisher Saddle Paper Guide
Homeposition Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of the saddle movable
pushing plate home position
When at home position, TP10
becomes LO level.
23 BNDSLDHPS FSSSHPS Finisher Saddle Stapler Shift
Home Position Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of the edge stapler unit
home position in FR direction
When at home position, TP7
becomes HI level.
24 BNDR3S FSRHS Finisher Saddle Roller
Homeposition Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of the saddle process
section transport roller (No. 3
roller) home position
When at home position, TP7
becomes HI level.
25 BNDBRDCLKS FSMRS Finisher Saddle Motor
Rotation Sensor
Photointerrupter Detection of abnormality of the
saddle pushing plate shift speed
control and the motor lock, etc.
The output is switched between
HI and LO according to the speed
of the pushing plate motor.
26 JOGPOSS FSSSW2 Finisher Stapler Safety
Switch 2
Photointerrupter Detection of the edge stapler
clinchable position
When at the clinchable position,
TP7 becomes HI level.
27 GRPOUTS FPDD Finisher Paper Delivery
Photointerrupter Detection of the gripper arm exit
complete position
When at the gripper exit complete
position, TP7 becomes HI level.
28 FDOORS FCD1 Finisher Cover Detector 1 Photointerrupter Detection of the front door cover
When the front cover is closed,
TP15 becomes LO level.
29 JOINTS FCD Finisher Connection
Photointerrupter Detection of connection of the
finisher with the main unit
When connected to the main unit,
TP15 becomes LO level.
30 FDOORSW FSSW1 Finisher Safety Switch 1 Micro switch Detection of open/close of the
jam release cover in the front
When the cover is closed, TP15
becomes LO level.
31 STPLSAFESW FSSSW1 Finisher Staple Safty Switch 1Micro switch Assuring the safety against
insertion of a foreign material in
the lift guide section
When the cover is closed, TP15
becomes LO level.
32 BNDSTPRESW FSSCS Finisher Saddle Staple
Cover Sensor
Micro switch Detection of open/close of the
saddle stapler staple replacement
When the cover is closed, TP15
becomes LO level.
33 STPHPS FSSHS Finisher Saddle Staple
Homeposition Sensor
- Detection of the stapling
mechanism home position
(Sensor built in the stapler unit)
When at the home (standby)
position, TP51 becomes HI level.
34 STPEMPS FSSES Finisher Saddle Staple
Empty Sensor
- Detection of staple empty (sensor
built in the stapler unit)
When staple empty, TP53
becomes LO level.
35 STPSLFPS FSLS Finisher Staple Lead Sensor - Detection of stapling enable state
after completion of staple feed
(sensor built in the stapler unit)
When in the READY state, TP52
becomes HI level.
36 BNDSTPHP FSHS Finisher Staple
Homeposition Sensor
- Dete ction the stapling mechanism
home position (sensor built in the
stapler unit)
When at the home (standby)
position, TP51 becomes HI level.
37 BNDSTPEMP FSED Finisher Staple Empty
- Detection of staple empty (sensor
built in the stapler unit)
When staple empty, TP53
becomes LO level.
TP71 TP13
LO LO Detection of a low position of the paper surface on the load tray.
LO HI Detection of retraction of the paper surface lever.
HI LO Detection of the paper surface position on the load tray.
HI HI Detection of a high position of the paper surface on the load tray.
No. Code Signal Name Type Function/Operation Output