Sharp’s Powerful Plasmacluster
Air Purifi cation Process Explained:
The Sharp Plasmacluster range provides you with a cleaner and healthier environment, quietly and effi ciently.
The Air Purifi er range, ideal for allergy sufferers, combines Plasmacluster Technology alongside a high-tech
fi ltration system to break down viruses and remove dust, pollen and odours.
The Plasmacluster Ion Generator has been engineered with a higher density of Plasmacluster ions for targeted
viral, bacterial and mould control.
How does Plasmacluster Technology work?
Which model do I need?
Are you concerned
about mould build up?
Plasmacluster technology breaks down
airborne mould spores1 effectively
suppressing mould growth on rubber
window frames and diffi cult to clean
areas. Unpleasant odours caused by
mould build up are reduced.
Are you concerned about pollen or
household dust allergens?
Plasmacluster technology breaks down dust mite allergens
in the atmosphere2 while eliminating the build up of static
electricity on furniture, sofas and clothing, effectively removing
stuck on allergens.
The powerful extraction and fi ltration
system works to fi lter out excess dust
particles and pollen that are circulating
in the air.
Plasmacluster Technology
A revolution in air treatment
We clean our hands and surfaces all the time, why not the air we breathe?
Return to the
air as water
High density Plasmacluster is
patented technology that mirrors
the positive and negative ion
sterilisation process found in the
natural world.
The ion-generating unit uses a high
voltage to enable an electrical discharge,
generating the ions and surrounding them
in water to ensure their longevity.
When airborne these positive and negative
ions fasten to the surfaces of suspended
microbes, forming highly oxidising
hydroxide (OH) radicals and instantly
removing the hydrogen (H) from the
surface proteins. This results in the physical
breakdown of the surface membrane of the
microbe, rendering it inactive.
OH radicals and H combine together to
form water (H
the atmosphere.
0) and simply return to
Recommended model choice:
Sharp Plasmacluster Generator
Do you have a concern
about viral control?
Plasmacluster technology has been proven
to remove nearly 99% of airborne viruses
in up to 10 minutes3.
Recommended model choice:
Sharp Plasmacluster Generator
Recommended model choice:
Sharp Plasmacluster Air Purifi ers
Are you concerned about indoor
The Plasmacluster range works to remove unpleasant pet and
household odours that can accumulate in closed spaces as well
as breaking down adhering odours on furnishings and clothing4.
Recommended model choice:
Sharp Plasmacluster Air Purifi ers
Model KC-860EKW KC-850EKW KC-930EKW IGA-10EKW
Ion density 7,000 7,000 7,000 25,000
Plasmacluster indicator light Yes Yes Yes Yes
Humidifi er tank capacity 4.3L 4.0L 2.1L -
Humidifying capacity 730ml/hour 600ml/hour 350ml/hour -
Recommended room size 48m
Inverter operation Yes Yes Yes -
Air fl ow m
Dust fi lter Anti-Microbal HEPA Anti-Microbal HEPA HEPA -
Deodorising fi lter Washable Washable Washable -
Pre fi lter Yes Yes Yes -
Life of HEPA Up to 5 years Up to 5 years Up to 2 years -
Life of humidifying fi lter Up to 2 years Up to 2 years Up to 1 year -
Odour sensor 3 Level 3 Level - -
Dust sensor 11 Level 9 Level 3 Level -
Temperature humidifying sensor Yes Yes - -
DIMS WHD 398 x 627 x 288 378 x 586 x 265 375 x 535 x 205 140 x 160 x 345
Power consumption at low air stream 5.5w 3.8w 4.5w 6.5w
Noise level at low air stream 25dB 22dB 22dB 34dB
*The target fl oor surface areas for which the emitted ion density can be measured at around the centre of the room, approx. 1.2 meters from the fl oor. The numbers of ions will vary according to operation mode.
396 306 180 102
1. Tested by Japan Food Research Laboratories. Test method: Mould growth was compared after 5 days as directed by the JISZ2911
2. Tested by Hiroshima University Graduate School of Advanced Science Matter. Test method: Effect of dust mite allergens in a room of 13m
was measured in line with the Enzyme Linked Immune Sorbent Assay method.
3. Tested by Retroscreen Virology Ltd UK. Test method: viruses were suspended in a 1m
been removed was measured
4. Tested by Japan Spinners Inspecting Foundation. Test method: The effectiveness of deodorising a cloth swatch impregnated with
cigarette smoke odour components was evaluated using the six level odour intensity indicated methods. Sharp converted and
calculated the results.
While the Plasmacluster range can inactivate suspended viruses and other contaminants it can not create a completely sterile
environment. Sharp does not guarantee it’s ability to prevent microbial infection. The Plasmacluster ion generating units in the
IGA10EKW will need to be replaced periodically to enable continuous stable emission of high-density Plasmacluster ions. After
approximately 17,500 hours, roughly 2 years when operated continuously for 24 hours a day, an indicator lamp will fl ash advising
that the Plasmacluster ion-generating unit needs to be replaced. The unit will stop operating after about 19,000 hours (2 years
and 2 months) if the Plasmacluster ion generator is not replaced. The Plasmacluster ion generating unit may need to be replaced
sooner when used in some environments or locations (such as locations of suspended cooking oil droplets or other oil components,
dusty or humid locations, or locations where sprays or chemicals are used). © 2009 Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd. All rights reserved.
™ Plasmacluster is a trademark of the Sharp Corporation.
box and the percentage of the airborne virus that had
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Sharp Electronics (UK) Ltd, 4 Furzeground Way,
Stockley Park, Uxbridge UB11 1EZ

Proven Effectiveness of Plasmacluster Ions
High Performance Filtration System
Built in Humidifi er
Inactivation of
Plasmacluster ions break down
and remove projecting spike-shaped
proteins of suspended viruses, and
reduce their effects.
Inactivation of
Plasmacluster ions cut through and
remove the cell membrane proteins
on suspended mould surfaces inhibiting
their effects.
Experiments showed:
A. Viruses were suspended in a 1m3 box
with a Plasmacluster ion density of
7,000 ions/cm
airborne viruses inactivated was 99%
within ten minutes.
B. When the Plasmacluster ion density
was increased to 50,000 ions/cm3, the
percentage of airborne viruses inactivated
increased to 99.9% within ten minutes.
. The percentage of
Experiments showed:
C. Airborne mould was suspended in
a chamber with a fl oor area of 31m
Plasmacluster ions with a density of
3,000 ions/cm
with an air sampler. Elimination reached a
minimum after 90 minutes.
D. Adhering mould was grown on PVC
plates for 5 days. After being exposed to
30,000 Plasmacluster ions, the mould was
reduced by up to 25% of the total.
were emitted and measured
Mould exposed to
Plasmacluster ions
(50,000 ions/cm3)
Mould spores
Mould allowed to
grow naturally
Removes micron sized dust particles
Almost all the dust in the air circulates in the
room without ever descending to the fl oor and
approximately 80% of house dust is at the
microscopic level of 0.3 to 0.5 microns.
Sharp’s aerodynamic nozzle provides a stable
and faster airfl ow, circulating air quickly
throughout the room enabling quick removal
of dust and particles, even from the far corners.
Micron Mesh Pre-Filter
Stops microscopic dust particles to facilitate the high performance of the HEPA
Micron Mesh fi lter
fi lter. This dust can easily be washed or wiped away from the fi lter without
detaching the panel.
The Plasmacluster Air Purifi er Range comes with a built in
humidifi er, to help you keep your indoor environment at the
optimum humidity.
This constantly senses the room’s moisture conditions to
automatically maintain the room humidity at 60°
, which can
prevent nose and throat dryness and limits viral activity. The
humidifi er is equipped with an anti microbial and anti mould fi lter
fi lter for peace of mind use.
In addition to this Plasmacluster Technology can also help to
preserve the skins natural moisture
1. The effectiveness of humidity depends on the season as well as the size and temperature of the room.
2. Contracted clinical trial: Soiken Inc.
Easy to use functionality
With built in sensor checks for dust, odour and humidity,
as well as simple and easy to use controls, it is easy to
manage the air quality within your home. The control
Humidifying Humidifying stops
Humidifying fi lter
disc rotating
Humidifying fi lter
disc rotating stops
Inactivation of
Plasmacluster ions cut through
and remove proteins in suspended
allergens generated by dust mite
faeces and dead mites, reducing
their effects.
Odour Reduction
Plasmacluster Technology gently
deodorises the surrounding air, leaving
air smelling clean and fresh.
Experiments showed:
E. The effect of dust mite allergens in
an uncleaned room measuring 13m2,
showed that with a Plasmacluster density
of 3,000 ions/cm3, a zero increase in
allergens occurred.
Experiments showed:
F. Plasmacluster Technology is also proven
to breakdown odour components. In a
room test with a fl oor space of 20m3 and
ion density of 20,000 ions there was a
signifi cant reduction in odour after 1 hour.
Dead dust mite
Dust mite faeces
Washable Deodorising Filter
Removes odours from the air, and can be easily washed so there is no
need to ever replace it.
Anti-Microbial HEPA Filter
Catches up to 99.97% of 0.3 micron household dust particles, providing almost perfect dust removal
and only needs to be replaced every 5 years. The KC930EKW has a combined HEPA and dust collecting
fi lter with a 99.5% dust collecting performance at 0.3 microns.
Shower of high-density Plasmacluster ions
Proven Effectiveness
99.8% of allergens in dust mite droppings
are removed
99.9% of pollen allergens are removed
99.9% of viruses are removed
99% of bacteria is removed
panel is equipped with separate options for using the air
purifi er with or without the humidifi er, as well as clean
light indicators to help you effectively maintain the
Very dirty
fi ltration system.
Plasmacluster Ion Generator
For effective viral and mould control
The IGA10EKW harnesses Plasmacluster Technology at a density of 25,000 ions per cubic meter1.
Airborne viruses thrive in closed spaces, increasing the spread of fl u and other contaminants, making
us feel ill, tired and sluggish. The Plasmacluster Ion generator directly targets suspended viruses and
microbes in the air, without the need for a fi ltration system. The highly advanced air fl ow system
ensures that the Plasmaclusters are effectively distributed so viruses
and bacteria are treated throughout the room.
With a simple one-touch button operation
and no replacement fi lters the IGA10EKW,
at a recommended room size of 10m
Plasmacluster Ions remove static electricity
Have you ever noticed when you walk in a room you get a slight shock when you touch the
door knob, or that your clothes make a crackling noise when you remove them? This happens
due to a static charge. Static electricity can make deposited house dust and pollen stick to
furniture, sofas and clothing. By removing the static electricity dust and pollen can not cling
to furnishings, so can then easily be removed through the Plasmacluster Air Flow System.
Experiments conducted by public testing institutions: A. Retroscreen Virology Ltd, UK. B. Retroscreen Virology Ltd, UK. C. Ishikawa Health Service Association. D. Japan Food Research Laboratories.
E. Graduate School of Advanced Sciences of Matter, Hiroshima University, Japan. F. Japan Spinners Inspecting Foundation.
(for humidifi ng)
Rotating humidifying fi lter
(anti-microbial, anti-mould)
Dust-collecting fi lter
(Anti-microbial HEPA fi lter)
deodorizer fi lter
Rear panel
(micron pre-fi lter)
Simulated image
1. Tested by Japan Synthetic Textile inspection Institute Foundation
2. Tested by Hiroshima University Graduate School of Advance Matter
3. Tested by the Chinese Centre for Disease control and prevention (CCDC)
Laboratory for Infectious Disease and Control
ideal for home offi ces and bedrooms. For
more information about the Sharp range
of Plasmacluster Ion Generators, please
visit www.plasmacluster.co.uk.
1. When used in recommended room size