zThis product includes software developed by the OpenSSL
Project for use in the OpenSSL Toolkit. (http://www.openssl.org/)
zThis product includes cryptographic software written by Eric
zPortions Copyright © 2004 Intel Corporation
This product partly uses the software of Intel Corporation.
ziWnn of OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. is used for conversion
methods for Japanese language, and for phrase prediction
ethods for English.
iWnn © OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. 2008-2015 All Rights
iWnn IME © OMRON SOFTWARE Co., Ltd. 2009-2015 All
Rights Reserved.
zShin Go M, the font type installed in this product, is provided by
Morisawa & Company, Ltd.
* Shin Go is a registered trademark of Morisawa & Company,
z"翻訳ファインダー", "AQUOS", "AQUOS" logo, "SHSHOW"
logo, "フレーミングアドバイザー/FramingAdviser",
PASSNOW", and "タッチクルーザーEX" are trademarks or
registered trademarks of Sharp Corporation.
zAll other company names and product names are trademarks or
registered trademarks of the respective companies.
zUnder the MPEG-4 Visual Patent Portfolio License, customers
have licensed permission for the following use of this product to
engage in non-profit personal use. Other uses are not permitted.
Encoding MPEG-4 standard video (henceforth referred to as
MPEG-4 video).
Decoding an MPEG-4 video that a customer not engaged in
personal commercial activities has encoded.
Decoding an MPEG-4 video obtained from a licensed
For details on other intended uses, contact MPEG LA, LLC.
zThis product is licensed under the MPEG-4 Systems Patent
Portfolio License for encoding in compliance with the MPEG-4
Systems Standard. An additional license and payment of
royalties are necessary in the following cases.
Data stored or replicated in physical media which is paid for
on a title by title basis.
Data which is paid for on a title by title basis and is transmitted
to an end user for permanent storage and/or use.
Such additional license may be obtained from MPEG LA, LLC.
Contact MPEG LA, LLC for additional details.
zThis product is licensed under the AVC patent portfolio license
for the personal and noncommercial use of a consumer to (i)
encode video in compliance with the AVC standard (henceforth
referred to as AVC video) and/or (ii) decode AVC video that was
encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and
noncommercial activity and/or was obtained from a video
provider licensed to provide AVC video. No license is granted or
shall be implied for any other use. Additional information may be
obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.
See (http://www.mpegla.com).
zThis product is licensed under the VC-1 Patent Portfolio License
for the personal and noncommercial use of a consumer to (i)
encode video in compliance with the VC-1 standard (henceforth
referred to as VC-1 video) and/or (ii) decode VC-1 video that
was encoded by a consumer engaged in a personal and
noncommercial activity and/or was obtained from a video
provider licensed to provide VC-1 video. No license is granted or
shall be implied for any other use. Additional information may be
obtained from MPEG LA, L.L.C.
See (http://www.mpegla.com).
zThe abbreviations of operating systems (Japanese versions)
below are used in this manual.
Windows 8.1 stands for Microsoft® Windows® 8.1, Microsoft®
Windows® 8.1 Pro and Microsoft® Windows® 8.1 Enterprise.
Windows 8 stands for Microsoft® Windows® 8, Microsoft®
Windows® 8 Pro and Microsoft® Windows® 8 Enterprise.
Windows 7 stands for Microsoft® Windows® 7 (Starter, Home
Basic, Home Premium, Professional, Enterprise and Ultimate).
Windows Vista stands for Windows Vista® (Home Basic,
Home Premium, Business, Enterprise and Ultimate).
zThe Bluetooth word mark and logos are owned by the Bluetooth
SIG, INC. and any use of such marks by NTT DOCOMO, INC. is
under license. Other trademarks and trade names are those of
their respective owners.
zGoogle, Google logo, Android, Google Search and Google
Search logo are trademarks of Google Inc.