Sharp AY-XP9RMR, AE-X9RMR User Manual

Air Conditioners 2013
The purity of nature in your home
Connecting with the world around us
Sharp studies nature to receive important hints for its air conditioner development. It uses the power of ions, just as they’re generated in nature, to improve the air quality. Its gentle and effi cient airfl ow control is guided by the shape of a bird’s wings. And its ecology-conscious design strives to reduce the impact on the global environment. If you’re looking for a truly comfortable living environment, the logical - and natural - choice is Sharp.
Plasmacluster ions clean the air Precise airfl ow control
The same positive and negative ions that occur in nature clean the air inside rooms, as well as break down and remove unpleasant odors.
Sharp’s air conditioners take advantage of a tendency in nature that has been termed as „Coanda effect” to heat and cool air evenly.
Unique „Nature Wing” fan blades New energy regulation compliant
By modeling fan blades after the wings of birds and insects, Sharp’s air conditioners increase circulation effi ciency.
All Sharp air conditioners are accurately measured and labeled according to new seasonal energy effi ciency legislation.
Plasmacluster technology purifi es air
Plasmacluster Ions clean the room air.
The air inside ordinary houses contains invisible, harmful organisms such as bacteria and viruses. Sharp’s unique Plasmacluster technology, installed in your air conditioner, uses the ac tions of positive and negative ions to clean up these airborne contaminants and create a pleasant living space.
Hydrooxide (OH)
2 3
Hydrogen (H) Protein
Plasmacluster Ions clean the room air.
Ions are released.
1 2 3
Plasmacluster Ions, the same positive and negative ions found in nature, are generated by plasma discharge and released into the air.
The ions are long-lasting*3 because they are surrounded by water molecules.
Count on Sharp for clean and healthy air.
Proven at 22 institutions in Japan and around the world
Viruses Bacteria
Kitas ato Res earch Center of Environmental Sciences, Ja pan
Seoul National Univer sity, Korea
Shangh ai Municipal Center for D isease
Control and Prevention, China
Kitas ato Ins titute Medical Center Hos pital , Japan
Retros creen Virolo gy, Ltd., U K
Shokukanken Inc., Japan
Hanoi Co llege of Technolo gy, Viet nam
National Universit y, Vietn am
Public Health Research Foundation, Gradu­ate Schoo l of Medi cine, Tokyo Universit y
Graduate Scho ol of Adva nced Science s of Matter, Hiroshima University, Japan
Depar tmen t of Biochemis try an d Molecular Pathology, Grad uate Sc hool of M edicine, Osaka City University, Japan
Soiken In c., Japan
Mold fungi
Ishikawa Health Service Association, J apan
University of Lübeck, Germany
Profes sor Ge rhard A rtma nn, Aachen
Univer sity of Appli ed Scie nces , Germany
Japan Food Research Laboratories, Japan
Effi cacy Analysis
Inhibitory ef fects on viruses, mold fungi and bacteria
Profes sor Ge rhard A rtma nn, Aachen Univer sity of Appli ed Scie nces , Germany
Inhibitory effects on allergens
Graduate Scho ol of Adva nced Science s of Matt er, Hirosh ima University, Japan
• Plasmacluster technology can prevent the action of airborne viruses, as well as reduce the effects of suspended allergens generated by dust mite feces and dead mites by breaking them down, but Plasmacluster cannot create
a completely sterile environment, or ensure prevention of infection. • The actual number of ions and effectiveness of microbe removing*1 and purifying*2 depend on the room conditions and the operation methods, including room size or shape,
whether air conditioning or ventilation is used, product placement, direction of ion discharge, and operation mode. *1 Airborne viruses are suspended in a 1m3 box, and the percentages of the viruses removed after 10 minutes are measured.
Ishikawa Health Service Association, J apan
Shangh ai Municipal Center for D isease
Control and Prevention, China
Kitas ato Res earch Center of Environmental Sciences, Japan
Kitas ato Ins titute Medical Center Hos pital , Japan
Dr. Melvin W. First , Profe ssor Em eritu s, Harva rd Scho ol of Pub lic Heal th, US
Animal Clinical R esearch Foun dation, Japan
University of Lübeck, Germany
Profes sor Ge rhard A rtma nn, Aachen
Univer sity of Appli ed Scie nces , Germany
Japan Food Research Laboratories, Japan
Shokukanken Inc., Japan
Odors, pet smells
Boken Qua lity Evaluatio n Institute, J apan
Animal Clinical R esearch Foun dation, Japan
Skin beautifying effects
Soiken In c., Japan
Hair beautifying effects
Saticine Medi cal Co., Ltd.
C.T. C Japan L td .
Skin moisturizing (water molecule coating) effect
Research Ins titute of Electrical Communication, Tohoku University, Japan
The ions act on airborne microbes.
The ions form hydroxide (OH) radicals that are highly oxidizing only when they adhere to the surfaces of mold and viruses. They instantly remove the hydrogen from the surface proteins, breaking them down.
Used in a variety of industries
Plasma cluster Ion technology is recognized and u sed across a wide range of industrie s. In collab oratio n with a number of compani es, Sharp has e xpanded the Plasmaclust er Ion techno logy to the following ind ustries:
Automotive air conditioning
Mist sauna systems
Air cleaners for babies
Automotive air purifi ers
Hot water heaters / dryers
Air sanitation devices
Automotive Plasmacluster Ion generators
Plasmacluster Ion lighting
Air purifi cation systems for trains
Used in over 40 million products in 12 years
In the 12 year s since its release, Plasmacluste r Ion-equipped products have exceeded the 40 -million- unit mark. Sharp aims to bring th e benefi ts of Plasmaclust er Ions to ev ery air space.
The broken-down components return to the air as water.
The hydroxide (OH) radicals combine with hydrogen (H) to form water (H returns to the air.
Air conditioning systems for large tourist buses
Toilets with bidet seats
Air purifi cation system for amusement facilities
2001 2005 20092002 200 6 20102003 20 07 20112004 2008 20 12
Elevators Ion duct
Bath shower, room heating, ventilation, drying systems
Factory air conditioning system
Smoking area systems
24-hour residential ventilation systems
On-board monitor REARVISION
O), which
conveyance systems
Home central air conditioning systems
24-hour central fl oor ventilation systems
Gas heaters
with the same ions as in nature.
Plasmacluster Ions spread throughout the whole room, cleaning the air.
The air inside a typical home contains a lot of mold and viruses
Airborne viruses
Airborne mold
Airborne allergens
Airborne odors
Effective against airborne viruses Effective against airborne mold spores
Effects on Airborne Viruses
(Actual redu ctio n rate may differ d epen ding on room condition s and the m odel in u se)
Residual rate 100
Plasmacluster Ions
Reduces 99,7%
Plasmacluster Ions
1% 50% 100%
Test meth od : A Plas maclu ster Ion gene rator is placed in a 1 m3 box. Airborne virus es are suspended in the air inside the box fo llowed b y the release of Pl asmacluster Ions .
Reduc tion method: Generate Plas macluster Ions in the air.
Test per formed by the Kitasato Ins titute M edic al Center Hosp ital an d Kitasato Re search
Center of Environment al Sciences in Japan.
Test repo rt No.: 00313
The res ults of these experiments do not en sure the same ef fec ts in ac tual room
of airborne viruses
Effects on Airborne Mold Spores
Mode of o peration: Plasmaclu ster I on generator single op eration in an experimental room of ap proxim ately 13.0 square m eter s.
Temperature insi de the room: 21˚C, H umidit y: 53% RH .
Metho d of meas ureme nt: Air s ample s measuring th e quanti ty of mo ld were t aken
from the center inside the room.
Reduc tion method: Without fi lte r, generate Plasmaclus ter Io ns in the air.
Test per formed by the I shikawa Health S ervice As sociation in Japan.
Test repo rt No.: 1503691
The res ults of these experiments do not en sure the same ef fec ts in ac tual room conditions.
30 45
Plasmacluster key benefi ts
Suppresses the activity of airborne viruses
Suppresses the activity of airborne microbes
Acts on both airborne and adhering mold
Inactivates and removes airborne allergens like
dust mite feces and dead dust mites
Inactivates and removes adhering odors (like tobacco smoke)
Removes static electricity which attracts airborne particles
Plasmacluster is effective all year round
New Standard fot Clean Air
Plasmacluster – Only from SHARP
Without Plasmacluster Ions (Spontaneous attenuation)
With Plasmacluster Ions
Plasmacluster Ion Device
Suspended microbes subjected to Plasmacluster air purifi cation are measured after 38 minutes in a testing room of about 40 m3. Test results may differ from results in actual room conditions. *2 The effectiveness depends on the surrounding conditions (e.g., temperature, humidity and airfl ow), usage time and method. *3 Verifi ed in Sharp test comparisons of ions not surrounded by water molecules.
Precise control to match any situation or mood
Cooling modeCooling modeCooling mode
Cooling modeCooling modeCooling mode
Cool air gently fi lls
the room
Travels across
the ceiling
the ceiling
The Coanda effect – creating the most comfortable living space possible
Temp. distribution data during cooling operation
Cool air gently fi lls the room
Travels across the ceiling
Reaches the ceiling
Moves across the fl oor
Warms you from the feet up
Travels down the wall
Outdo or/roo m temp. at star tup: 35° C
Cross -section o f room temp. dis tribution one h our af ter
star tup
Prese t temp.: 26°C Airfl ow: low
A wester n-style ro om of size 13 m2 (Sharp laboratory*1)
Temp. distribution data during heating operation
37 36 35 34 33 32 31 30 29 28 27 26 25
Outdo or/roo m temp. at star tup: 2°C
Cross -section o f room temp. dis tribution one h our af ter
23 22 21 20
star tup
Prese t temp.: 23°C Airfl ow: low
A wester n-style ro om of size 13 m2 (Sharp laboratory
Sharp’s air conditioners take advantage of a tendency in nature that has been termed the “Coanda effect*2” to heat and cool air evenly. The Coanda effect is the observed tendency of moving gas or fl uid leaving a nozzle of some kind to cling to and follow nearby surfaces. Sharp air conditioners utilize this tendency by aiming the airfl ow at room surfaces, such as walls or ceilings, to more precisely control and direct the fl ow of air.
Sharp’s unique Nature Wing fan blades modeled after nature
Dragonfl y wings reduce air friction
Indoor unit
Air circulation e f fi c i e n c y boosted by approx.
(Comparison by SHARP)
Albatross wings – ideal for long-distance fl ight
Golden eagle wings provide optimum airstream control
Outdoor unit
Air circulation e f fi c i e n c y boosted by approx.
(Comparison by SHARP)
Usually, aircraft wing designs are used for airfl ow control and improved its products based on aerodynamics. However, while aerodynamics is effective for moving large objects, it was discovered that the wings of birds and insects are more effective examples for objects with the size of our products. This forms the basis of Nature Wing.
*1 The data from tests made on AY-R28XC, a Japan domestic model that employs the Coanda effect. *2 The Coanda effect was discovered in 1930 by the world-famous aerodynamicist H. M. Coanda, born in Romania in 1885. *3 Comparison of electricity used to blow the same airfl ow volume with the conventional model and the new model with dragonfl y wing design. *4 Comparison of electricity used to blow the same airfl ow volume with the conventional model and the new model with dragonfl y wing design. *5 The new dragonfl y-wing-shaped fan is currently employed only in models for the Asian region and is scheduled to be installed on European models in the future. *6 The AE-A18KR, AE-A24KR, AE-X2M18KR, AE-X18LR, AE-X24LR, AE-X2M14LR, AE-X9PHR and AE-X12PHR.
Eco–friendliness and convenience
18020 40 60 80 100 120 140 1600
Inverter technology
Reaches preset temperatures in approx. 2/3 the time
Inverter air conditioners have a full-output operation mode to reach the preset temperatures in about 2/3 the time of non-inverter models. Once the preset time is reached, the inverter models switch to energy-saving operation mode, in which the inverter circuitry regulates and maintains room temperature by switching the compressor between high and low operation modes.
Maximum Frequency
High Power Operation
Set Temperature
Even Temperature Control
Energy-saving operation
Non–inverter Type
Inverter Type
Sine wave drive compressor control system
Uses the improved compressor control technology, which adopts a 180° conductance sine wave instead of the conventional 120° conductance waveform, resulting in a smoothing of motor rotation. This greatly reduces energy loss, contributing to higher effi ciency, and thus higher energy savings.
Reaches preset temperatures in approx. 2/3 the time
Inverter air conditioners go into energy-saving operation mode immediately once the set temperature is achieved. Sharp’s inverter air conditioners increase performance effi ciency by using high-power DC motors for the compressor and outdoor fan, and a pulse linear expansion valve.
Integral power consumption
Cooling capacity: 16.5 m
Non–inverter Type
Idle period
Inverter Type
Position detecting period
Electronic Digital Control
Pulse Linear Expansion Valve
Progressive 180° Sine WaveConventional 120° Rectangular Wave
Meeting new Euripean energy effi ciency standards
Starting in January 2013, the previous EER and COP energy effi ciency ratings for air conditioners will be replaced by SEER and SCOP ratings. The new ratings will provide assessments that come closer to actual use by considering seasonal and climatic variations in Europe and performance in several modes. All Sharp air conditioners will be accurately measured in accordance with the new legislation, and properly labeled prior to shipment.
Energy effi ciency classes for air conditioners, except double ducts and single ducts
Energy Effi ciency Class SEER SCOP
A+++ SEER ≥ 8.50 SCOP ≥ 5.10
Supplier’s name or trademark
Model identifi er: Indoor/Outdoor
SEER and SCOP indication
A+++~G scale
Energy effi ciency class Design load capacity for cooling
and heating in kW SCOP and SEER values Annual electricity consumption
A++ 6.10 ≤ SEER < 8.50 4.60 ≤ SCOP < 5.10
A+ 5.60 ≤ SEER < 6.10 4.00 ≤ SCOP < 4.60
A 5.10 ≤ SEER < 5.60 3.40 ≤ SCOP < 4.00
B 4.60 ≤ SEER < 5.10 3.10 ≤ SCOP < 3.40
C 4.10 ≤ SEER < 4.60 2.80 ≤ SCOP < 3.10
D 3.60 ≤ SEER < 4.10 2.50 ≤ SCOP < 2.80
E 3.10 ≤ SEER < 3.60 2.20 ≤ SCOP < 2.50
F 2.60 ≤ SEER < 3.10 1.90 ≤ SCOP < 2.20
Sound power level European map and color
G SEER < 2.60 SCOP < 1.90
Registration number
Sharp’s units for Europe comply with European regulations that guarantee the safety of the product.
Sharp Corporation is participating in the EUROVENT Certifi cation Programme with the products listed in the EUROVENT Directory of Certifi ed Products. Note that Multi-split air conditioners with 3 or more indoor units are not in the scope of the EUROVENT certifi cation.
Refrigerant GWP - Refrigerant leakage contributes to climate change. Refrigerant with lower global warming potential (GW P) would contribute less to global warming
than a refrigerant with higher GWP, if leakedto the atmosphere. This appliance contains a refrigerant fl uid with a GWP equal to 1975. This means that if 1 kg of this refrigerant fl uid would be leaked to the atmosphere, the impact on global warming would be 1975 times higher than 1 kg of CO2, over a period of 100 years. Never tr y to interfere with the refrigerant circuit yourself or disassemble the product yourself and always ask a professional.
Annual electricity consumption - Energy consumption “XYZ” kWh per year, based on standardtest results. Actual energy consumption will depend on how the
appliance is used and where it is located.
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