Be sure to become thoroughly familiar with this manual to gain
the maximum benefit from the product.
Before installing this product, be sure to read the installation
requirements and cautions sections of the "Operation manual
for printer operation and general information".
Be sure to keep all operation manuals handy for reference
including this manual, the "Operation manual for printer
operation and general information" and operation manuals for
any optional equipment which has been installed.
The optional Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2) enables the machine to be used as a network scanner . P age
2 of the manual that accompanies the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2) contains an overview of the network
scanner functions, general considerations, and an explanation of image sending methods. Please read the manual
that accompanies the AR-NS2 before you read this man ual. Both manuals explain only the netw ork scanner functions
of the product. For information on loading paper , replacing toner cartridges, clearing paper misfeeds, handling peripheral
units, and other printer-related information, please refer to y our "Operation manual (f or printer operation and general
Additional manuals hav e been provided for copy and facsimile features. Please ref er to these as necessary.
To enable the network scanner function of this machine, a product key (password) must be entered using a key
operator program. This is only required once. Use the "Product Ke y Entry for Network Scanner Expansion Kit" program
to enter the product key. If you do not know your product key, please ask your dealer. (For information on using key
operator programs, ref er to "Operation man ual (for printer operation and gener al inf ormation)".)
• Before using the network scanner feature, several settings must be established from the Web page. These settings are
explained from page 2 on. The settings must be established by the network administrator . Such settings must be effected by
the system administrator who has the special network related backgrounds.
• This manual assumes that several options have been installed.
T o use the Network Scanner feature , settings for the E-mail server , DNS server , and destination addresses must be established.
To establish the settings, use a computer that is connected to the same network as the machine to access the
machine's Web page. The Web page can be displayed with your Web browser (Internet Explorer 4.0 or later, or
Netscape Navigator 4.0 or later). To access the Web page , refer to page 2-6 of "Operation manual (f or printer operation
and general information)".
When you access the Web page in the machine, the f ollowing page will appear in y our bro wser.
A menu frame appears on the left side of the page. When y ou click an item in the menu, a screen appears in the right
frame that allows you to establish settings for that item.
For overviews of each of the menu items, refer to pages 2-7 to 2-8 of "Operation manual (for printer operation and
general information)".
For detailed explanations of the procedures for establishing settings, click "Help" in the menu frame.
Pass w ords can be set to restrict Web page access and protect settings.
Note that it is not necessary to set passwords; the netw ork scanner functionality can also be used without passwords.
A password can be set for the administrator and passwords can be set for each user. If you use a user password to
access the W eb page, you will be able to estab lish, edit, and delete destinations in the Scanner Destination Management
menu; ho w e ver, y ou will not be ab le to estab lish settings in the Setup men u.
The passwords f or "User" and "admin" are both initially set to "Sharp". If you wish to change the pass words when first
establishing the settings, enter "Sharp" in "Old Admin Pass word" bef ore y ou estab lish the settings. A password must
consist of alphanumeric characters and be no more than seven char acters long. Passwords are case sensitiv e.After
entering a password, click "Submit" to set it. After setting the password, turn the machine power off and then back on.
When a password is set, you will be prompted for the password when you attempt to access a Web page with
protected settings. For the "User name", enter "user" if you are accessing the page as a user, or "admin" if you are
accessing the page as an administrator . For detailed information on setting passwords, ref er to "Help".
Web P age
Click "Network Scanning" in the menu frame, and then estab lish the required settings. These settings should only be
established by the network administrator. After entering the settings, be sure to click "Submit" to store them. For
detailed information on setting procedures, refer to "Help".
Network Scanning Setting screen
■ Select the method for assigning a file name to a scanned image
Select the method for assigning a file name to a scanned image. In "File Naming", clic k the items that y ou wish to
use in the file name. "Sender Name" and "Date & Time" are initially selected. If you are going to send images to the
same recipient more than once, we recommend that you also select "Session P age Counter" or "Unique Identifier"
to prevent sending multiple files with the same name, which would result in each successive file overwriting the
previous file.
■ Selecting an e-mail subject (only used for Scan to E-mail)
Enter a subject when using Scan to E-mail. Only one subject can be entered. If nothing is entered, “Scanned
image from <Device Name>” will appear.
*The name that appears in <Device Name> is the name stored in "Name" in the screen that appears when you clic k "Status
& Alert E-mail" in the menu frame. If a name has not been stored, the product name will appear.
■ E-mail Server and DNS Server Settings
E-mail sent by Scan to E-mail or Scan to FTP (Hyperlink) uses SMTP. To use either of these transmission methods,
you must first click "E-mail & DNS Setup" in the Network Scanning page and then enter the required inf ormation in the
settings under "E-mail Setup". (This page can also be display ed b y clicking "E-mail & DNS" in the Web page menu.)
If you entered a host name in "Primary E-mail Server" or "Secondary E-mail Server" under "E-mail Setup", you will
need to enter the settings for the DNS server under "DNS Setup".
If you entered a host name in "Hostname or IP Address" when storing a destination for Scan to FTP (Scan to FTP
(Hyperlink)) or Scan to Desktop, you will also need to enter the settings f or the DNS server under "DNS Setup".
To store the name and address of a destination in an auto dial key, click "Destination Management" or one of the
transmission methods in the Web page menu frame. "Destination Management" can also be used to edit or clear
stored destinations.
A total of 500 destinations can be stored, including E-mail, FTP, Desktop, Internet-Fax, and Group destinations.
Among these, a combined total of 100 Scan to FTP and Desktop destinations can be stored.
The stored destinations appear as one-touch keys in the touch panel of the machine when you send an image,
allowing you to select the destination.
For detailed inf ormation on setting up, editing, and deleting destinations, ref er to "Help".
■ Storing destinations for Scan to E-mail and Internet-Fax
Scan to E-mail and Internet-Fax destinations can also be stored, edited, and cleared from the touch panel of the
machine. (Pages 17 - 19)
To perform Scan to E-mail, the e-mail server settings must first be established. (Refer to page 3.)
■ Storing destinations for Scan to FTP
If you select the "Enable Hyperlink to FTP server to be e-mailed" checkbox, you can send an e-mail message to
a "Sender" selected from "E-mail Destination" (stored in "Sender E-mail" in the Web page menu (page 5)), to
notify that person of the location of the scanned image data and its file format. (Scan to FTP (Hyperlink))
The e-mail includes a link to the location of the scanned image data, and if the FTP server does not require a user
name or password (anonymous server), the recipient can display the image by simply clicking on the address .
If you entered a host name in "Hostname or IP Address", you will need to enter the DNS server settings. Clic k "Email & DNS" and enter the settings under "DNS Setup". To perform Scan to FTP (Hyperlink), you must also enter
the settings under "E-mail Setup" for the e-mail server. (Ref er to page 3.)
■ Storing destinations for Scan to Desktop
Scan to Desktop can only be used if Network Scanner Tool is installed in your computer (Network Scanner Tool is
included on the CD-ROM that accompanies the AR-NS2 Network Scanner Expansion Kit).
You can store a Scan to Desktop destination in the Web page, or in Network Scanner Tool. We recommend that
you normally use Network Scanner Tool, which automatically establishes settings . The Web page is primarily used
when the same settings are to be established in multiple laser printers, or when the network administrator perf orms
maintenance. If the information set here differs from the information set in the host computer, transmission and
reception will not take place normally. For details, refer to "User's Guide"* for Network Scanner Tool in the CDROM that accompanies the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2).
If you entered a host name in “Hostname or IP Address”, y ou will need to enter the DNS server settings. (Ref er to
page 3.)
*To view "User's Guide", Adobe Acrobat Reader 4.05 or later is necessary. If this is not installed on your computer, you can
install it from the CD-ROM that accompanies the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2). For details, ref er to the operation
manual for the Network Scanner Expansion Kit (AR-NS2).
■ Storing Groups
If you are using Scan to E-mail or Internet-Fax, a scanned image can be sent to multiple destinations in a single
operation. To use this function, you must first store the destinations in a group. Click "Group" and then select the
Scan to E-mail or Internet Fax destinations that you wish to store in the group. Up to 300 destinations can be
stored in one group. Only destinations for E-mail or Internet-Fax can be stored in a group. Note that multiple
destinations cannot be entered manually when sending an image.
■ Items common to all transmission methods when storing destinations
• Full Name, Display Name
Only alphabetical characters and symbols can be used to enter names in "Full Name" and "Display Name". For
the maximum number of characters that can be entered, click "Help" in the menu frame. "Display Name" is the
one-touch key name that is displa yed in the touch panel of the machine. If a displa y name is not stored, the first 18
characters of the name stored in "Full Name" are automatically used as the display name.
• Initial, Custom Directory
Stored destinations are arranged on "indexes" when displayed in the touch panel of the machine. There are two
types of indexes: the ABC index and group indexes. The ABC index arranges destinations based on the letter
entered in "Initial", which is normally the first letter of the name entered in "Full Name". If a destination is frequently
used, it is convenient to select the "Frequently Used" checkbox to include the destination in the alphabetical
"FREQUENT USE" index. Group indexes ("Custom Directories") allow you to create and name inde x es (see the
following page) of destinations f or specific purposes.
• File Format
When you store a destination, you can also select the compression mode and the f ormat of the image file that is
created when you scan an original for transmission. You can select TIFF-F, TIFF, or PDF for the file type , and MH
(G3), MMR (G4), or "Uncompressed" for the compression mode. An initial setting has been made f or the file type
and compression mode, so you only need to make a selection if the initial settings are not satisfactory. For an
explanation of the initial settings of each of the transmission methods, clic k "Help" in the menu fr ame .
Internet-Fax only has one file format, TIFF-F, and thus there is no selection. MH (G3) or MMR (G4) can be selected for the
compression mode.
To store the sender information (Sender Name, E-mail Address) that is display ed when the recipient receives your email, click "Sender E-mail" in the menu frame and then clic k "Add". Information for up to 20 different senders can be
stored. Select a sender from the stored senders using the touch panel of the machine when you send an image (page
8). The selected sender appears in the sender column of the recipient's e-mail software program.
If you do not select a sender when sending an image, the default sender information stored with the key operator program is
automatically sent. (Page 27)
Auto dial k eys (one-touch ke ys and group k eys) are normally stored in the ABC index. However , y ou can also use the
group indexes (custom directory) to group destinations for more convenient use. Six indexes are available, and a
name up to 6 characters long can be assigned to each index.
Click "Custom Directory" in the menu frame of the Web page, and then enter the desired name in the screen that
appears. "User-*" is initially entered for the name of each index. Clear this and then enter the new name.
The procedure for storing auto dial numbers in a group index is e xplained on page 4, and the procedure f or s witching
between the ABC index and the group indexes is e xplained on page 7.
You can also store indexes in the Custom Directory from the touch panel of the machine.
The condition setting screen of scanner mode is displayed by pressing the IMAGE SEND key (refer to page 4 of
"Operation manual (for copier)") while the print mode, cop y mode, or job status screen appears in the touch panel. In
the explanations that follo w, it is assumed that the initial screen that appears after pressing the IMAGE SEND key is
the condition setting screen (shown below). If you ha v e set the display to show the address directory (follo wing page)
when the IMAGE SEND ke y is pressed, touch the CONDITION SETTINGS key in the address directory to display the
condition setting screen.
The key operator progr am can be used to set the display to show either the condition setting screen (sho wn below) or
the address directory screen (following page) when the IMAGE SEND key is pressed (refer to page 26).
For information on the parts of the unit and the operation panel that are used for network scanning, refer to pages 3-4 of
"Operation manual (for copier)". F or parts that are used for both network scanning and printing, ref er to chapter 1 of "Operation
manual (for printer operation and general information)".
■ Condition setting screen
The display is initially set (factory setting) to show the f ollowing condition setting screen as the initial screen.
Message display
Messages appear here to indicate the current status
of the machine. When the machine is ready to send,
an icon appears to the left.
This displays the Address Directory screen (next
page). Touch this ke y when you want to use an autodial number (one-touch dialing or group dialing).
ADDRESS REVIEW key (page 10)
When performing Scan to E-mail or Internet-Fax
broadcast transmission, touch this key to chec k your
selected destinations. Your selected destinations will
appear as a list, and the list can be edited.
SENDER LIST key (page 8)
Touch this key to select the sender when sending
an image.
E-MAIL ADDRESS key (page 10)
When performing Scan to E-mail or Internet-Fax
transmission, touch this key if y ou wish to enter the
e-mail address of the recipient manually instead of
using an auto dial key.
T wo-sided scanning and verification stamp icon
display (pages 11-12)
Icons appear here when you touch the ORIGINAL
key and select two-sided scanning and/or the
verification stamp function (when the optional
verification stamp unit is installed). The icons can
be touched to open function selection screens.
ORIGINAL key (pages 11-13)
Touch this key when you wish to manually set the
size of the original to be scanned, scan both sides
of the original, or use the verification stamp option.
RESOLUTION key (page 14)
Touch this key to change the resolution setting for
the original to be scanned. The selected resolution
setting will be highlighted above the key. The initial
factory setting is STANDARD .
EXPOSURE key* (page 15)
Touch this key to change the exposure setting for
the original to be scanned. The selected exposure
setting will be highlighted above the key. The initial
factory setting is AUTO.
*If the Fax Expansion Kit (AR-FX5) is installed, "SPECIAL
If you hav e set the initial screen to the address directory screen using the key operator progr am, the initial screen
will appear as follows .
Destinations stored using the W eb page are grouped in inde x es (
each destination, and the name entered in "Display Name" is displa y ed in the one-touch k e y (
) according to the letter entered in "Initial" for
E-mail Destination Management page
One-touch key display
This shows the one-touch keys that have been
stored on the selected "index card". The key type is
indicated by the icon at the right.
:Scan to E-mail, Internet-Fax
: Scan to FTP
: Scan to Desktop
The display is initially set to show 8 keys. This can
be changed to 6 or 12 using the key operator
program. (Refer to page 26.)
Display switching key s
In cases where the one-touch keys cannot all be
displayed on one screen, this shows how many
screens are left. Touch the "
" "" keys to move
through the screens.
This displays the condition setting screen (pre vious
page), which is used to set various conditions.
Touch this key to switch between the alphabetical
index and the group inde x.
Index keys
One-touch key destinations are stored on each of
these index cards (alphabetical index or group
index). Touch an index key to display the card.
Group index es make it possible to store one-touch
keys by group with an assigned name for easy
reference. This is done with the custom settings (refer
to page 5). Frequently used one-touch key
destinations can be stored on the FREQUENT USE
card for conv enient access .
The screen showed above is the alphabetical address directory. If desired, the initial screen can be set to the group address
directory (refer to page 26).
Make sure the machine is in scanner mode.
key light is on, the machine
is in scanner mode. If the
light is not on, press the
Load the original.
For detailed information on
loading an original, refer to
pages 7 and 8 of "Operation
manual (for copier)".
You cannot load documents in both the auto document
feeder and on the document glass and send them in a
single transmission. If documents are loaded in both the
auto document feeder and on the document glass, only
the document in the auto document feeder will be scanned
and transmitted.
If needed, adjust the e xposure setting.
(Refer to page 15.)
The initial factory setting is
Touch the SENDER LIST key.
This step is not necessary
for Scan to FTP or Scan to
Desktop. Go directly to step
9 (next page).
• You can omit selection of a sender (go directly to step
11). In this case, the default sender information stored
with the key operator program is automatically
transmitted. (Page 27)
• Up to 20 senders can be stored using the Web page.
(Page 5)
Check the original size.
The original size is
automatically detected.
If you loaded a non-standard
size document or wish to
change the scanning size,
touch the ORIGINAL key
and set the document size.
(Refer to page 13.)
To scan a two-sided original or use the verification stamp
function (if the optional verification stamp unit is installed),
refer to pages 11 and 12.
If needed, adjust the resolution setting.
(Refer to page 14.)
The initial factory setting is
Touch a key to select a sender.
Touch the OK key.
The touched key is
highlighted. If you made a
mistake, touch the correct
key. The highlighting will
move to the new key.
The selected sender will be
the sender of the e-mail.
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