Sharp 21HT-15CS, 21HT-16CS Service Manual

21HT-15C 21HT-16C
21HT-15CS 21HT-16C
Nov 2002
In the interests of user safety (required by safety regulations in some countries) the set should restored to its original condition and only parts identical to those specified should be used.
This document has been published to be used for after sales service only.
ELECTRICAL SPECIFICATIONS ..................... 3
IMPORTANT SERVICING NOTES .................. 4
CONTROLS & TERMINALS ............................. 5
SERVICE ADJUSTMENTS .............................. 6
HOTEL MODE FUNCTIONS .......................... 12
CHASSIS LAYOUTS .......................................14
LED FLASHING CODE ...................................15
PRINTED WIRING BOARDS ........................... 15
ICs ADDITIONAL INFORMATION ..................20
SCHEMATIC DIAGRAMS .............................. 26
BLOCK DIAGRAMS ....................................... 32
TROUBLESHOOTING TABLES ...................... 35
PARTS LISTING .............................................. 38
CRT ADAPTATION ........................................ 42
SOURCE OF DOCUMENTATION ................. 43
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Service Manual update log sheet
Part No.
Technical Report No. Technical Bulletin No.
Cause / Solution Page No.
Application Data /Serial No.
Use this page to keep any special servicing information as Technical Report (Bulletin), Technical Information, etc. If only part number changes are required, just change part number directly the part number in the Parts Listing Section. If you need more information, please refer to the Technical Report (Bulletin).
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Power Input .................... 220V-240 Volts AC 50Hz
Power Consumption
Normal Operation (Method IEC60107)
........ 43W
Stand-by Operation .................................. 3W
Audio Power Output Rating .............. 4W x 1 (MPO)
Speaker ............................ 16 4W, 9 x 5 cm, 1pc
Convergence ................... Self Converging System
Focus ............................... Bi-Potential Electrostatic
Sweep Deflection ..................................... Magnetic
Picture Intermediate Frequency
B/G ................................................. 38.9MHz
D/K ................................................. 38.9MHz
White Level
Set the brightness control, with no signal connected, so that the CRT cathode current is
A. The maximum correction applied to each cathode current to achieve a screen temperature of 7250 degrees K-11 MPCD should not exceed 15% of its original value.
Sound Carrier Trap
B/G ................................................ 33.4MHz
D/K ................................................ 32.4MHz
Adjacent Sound Carrier Trap
B/G ................................................ 40.4MHz
D/K ................................................ 40.4MHz
Adjacent Picture Carrier Trap
B/G ............................................... 31.9MHz
D/K ............................................... 30.9MHz
Aerial Input Impedance
VHF/UHF .................... 75 ohm Unbalanced
Tuning Ranges ......... 48.25MHz thru 855.25 MHz
VHF ......................... CH02-CH12, R01-R12
UHF ....................................... CH21 - CH69
The chassis in this receiver is partially hot. Use an isolation transformer between the line cord plug and power receptacle, when servicing this chassis. To prevent electric shock, do not remove cover. No user-serviceable parts inside. Refer servicing to qualified service personnel.
Specifications are subject to change without prior notice.
X Y Screen temperature
0.304 +
0.015 0.306 + 0.015 7250º K-11 MPCD
21HT15C: English, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian. 21HT15CS: Silver Cab. English, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian. 21HT16C: Cyrillic European TXT
. English, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian, Romanian.
21HT16CS: Cyrillic European TXT, Silver Cab. English, Polish, Russian, Czech, Slovak, Hungarian,
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Only qualified service personnel are allowed to carry out maintenance and repair of this receiver.
Servicing of high voltage system and CRT
It is important that the static charge is removed from the high voltage system when carrying out work on the receiver. This can be achieved by connecting a 10K resistor (with a suitably insulated lead) from the CRT cavity connector to the CRT ground tag. This must be carried out with the AC supply disconnected from the receiver. Note the following:
The CRT in this receiver employs Integral Implosion Protection.
If the CRT has to be changed it MUST be replaced with the correct type for continued safe working
DO NOT lift the CRT by its neck.
• When handing the CRT, ensure that shatterproof goggles are worn.
Ensure that the CRT is discharge before handling.
This receiver is designed to keep any x-ray emission to an absolute minimum. Some fault conditions and servicing procedures may produce potentially hazardous x-ray radiation levels. This is a problem when in close proximity to the receiver for long periods of time. To reduce any risks associated with this, please observe the
following precautions:
1. When undertaking any servicing on this chassis, DO NOT increase the EHT to more than 30.5 KV, (at a instantaneous beam current of 1300
2. Ensure that during normal operation the EHT does not exceed 25.0 KV±1.5KV (at a beam current of 1100µA). This level has been preset in the factory. Always check that this level has not been exceeded after
carrying out any repair on the receiver.
3. DO NOT replace the CRT with any other type than that specified in the parts listing as this may cause excessive x-ray radiation.
Before returning the receiver to the customer
In addition to the above checks, the following should also be carried out before returning the receiver to the customer.
1. Inspect all the leads to ensure that they are dressed correctly and that they are not obstructed or pinched by any other parts.
2. Ensure that all protective devices are in good condition. These will include nonmetallic control knobs, insulating fish papers, cabinets backs, compartment covers or shields, mechanical insulators, etc.
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
1 2 3
4 5 6
7 8 9
CALL ( )/CHILD LOCK ( ) button
Infrared Transmitter Window
Aim this window at the infrared sensor on your TV set
FLASHBACK ( ) button
Returns to previously viewed programme
TV/VIDEO Select button
SOUND MUTE ( ) button
POWER/STANDBY ( ) button
Programme Select buttons
REVEAL ( ) button (Teletext)
HALF PAGE ( ) button (Teletext)
CLOCK ( ) button (Teletext)
VOLUME UP ( )/DOWN ( ) button
( ) Increases sound ( ) Decreases sound (These are also used for menu set up)
CANCEL ( ) button (Teletext)
RESET ( ) button (Teletext)
Single/Double Entry button ( )
Text/Mix/Picture ( ) Select button (Teletext)
COLOUR buttons
LIST Select button (Teletext)
INDEX ( ) button (Teletext)
HOLD ( ) button (Teletext)
STORE ( ) button (Teletext)
( ) Selects next higher programme ( ) Selects next lower programme (These are also used for menu set up)
Power ( ) button
Power/On Timer indicator
Remote Control Sensor
Menu button
Volume Up ( )/Down ( ) buttons
Channel Up ( )/Down ( ) buttons
Remote Control
TV Front
Euro-SCART 21-Pin Terminal
1. Audio right output
2. Audio right input
3. Audio left output
4. Common earth for audio
5. Earth for blue
6. Audio left input
7. Blue input
8. Audio-video control
9. Earth for green
10. Not used
11. Green input
12. Not used
21-Pin Euro-SCART
13. Earth for red
14. Not used
15. Red input
16. Red/Green/Blue control
17. Earth for video
18. Earth for video
For greater A/V enjoyment, various audio and video devices may be connected via the Euro-SCART 21-Pin Terminal.
19. Video output
20. Video input
21. Plug shield
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Service Mode function
All required adjustments for servicing this TV set, may be done in “service mode”, excepting G2 and FOCUS.
How to access the Service Mode
1. Turn the receiver on and ensure that it is tuned into a test pattern.
2. Turn the receiver off using the mains switch.
3. Press the volume down and channel up buttons together. See Fig.1.
4. Continue pressing the volume down and channel up buttons while turning the mains on using the mains switch. See Fig.1.
5. Keep pressing the volume down and channel up buttons until the picture appears.
6. When <<SHARPX X VXX.XX>> appears on the screen, release the two buttons.
7. The receiver is now in the service mode.
To move between the various service mode functions, use the channel up and down buttons.
Use the volume buttons to change the data to the desired value.
The data will be stored automatically when exiting the service mode. To exit the service mode press the stand-by but­ton on the remote control or turn the receiver off with the mains switch.
Adjustment (Yellow)
Value (Green)
Fig. 3Fig. 2
Fig. 1
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Service adjustment and data list
The table below shows the various service mode positions, range of values and default value. The columns are headed as below.
Heading: Descriptions:
OSD This is what will appear on the screen at this position.
Function This is the description of the mode’s function.
Range This is the range of values that can be entered while in this mode.
Initial This is the initial value, i.e. just after changing the NVM. Shadowed values are those to be modified in
Default This is the recommended default value for this mode.
FIX/ADJ If this is ADJ, then it may be necessary to adjust this value away from the default.
No. OSD Function Range Initial Default FIX/ADJ
1 AGC AGC Take Over Point 0...63 14 34 ADJ
2 V-LIN Vertical Slope [VS] 0...63 32 33 ADJ
3 V-AMP Vertical Amplitude [VA] 0...63 32 18 ADJ
4 V-CENT Vertical Shift [VSH] 0...63 32 17 ADJ
5 H-CENT Horizontal shift [HS] 0...63 32 34 ADJ
6 H-CENT60 offset to H-CENT for60 Hz 0...31 data(-16..+15) 16 20 FIX
7 EW / / Horizontal Parallelogram [HP] 0...63 32 32 FIX
8 HB Horizontal Bow 0...63 32 32 FIX
9 S-COR S-Correction [SC] 0...63 0 22 FIX
10 DRI-RS White point Red Standard white temp. 0...63 32 42 ADJ
11 DRI-GS White point Green Standard white temp. 0...63 32 42 ADJ
12 DRI-BS White point Blue Standard white temp 0...63 32 42 ADJ
13 DRI-RW White point Red Warm white temp. 0...32 16 16 FIX
14 DRI-GW White point Green Warm white temp. 0...32 16 9 FIX
15 DRI-BW White point Blue Warm white temp. 0...32 16 9 FIX
16 DRI-RC White point Red Cold white temp. 0...32 16 9 FIX
17 DRI-GC White point Green Cold white temp. 0...32 16 9 FIX
18 DRI-BC White point Blue Cold white temp. 0...32 16 16 FIX
19 SUB-VOL Max Volume 0...63 60 60 FIX
20 SUB-CON Sub Contrast 0...63 63 63 FIX
21 SUB-COL Sub Colour 0...63 32 25 FIX
22 SUB-BRI Sub Brightness 0...63 32 34 FIX
23 TINT Sub Tint 0...63 32 32 FIX
24 SUB-SHP Sub Sharpness 0...63 32 11 FIX
25 HTL-VOL Max Hotel Volume 0...63 30 30 FIX
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
No. OSD Function Range Initial Default FIX/ADJ
26 HTL-PRG Hotel Program number 0...99 or > 99 for none 255 255 FIX 27 RGB OSD RGB Reference 0...15 15 0 FIX 28 SEARCH-SYS Sound system for auto turning 0(L-BG),1(BG),2(I),3(DK) 1 3 FIX 29 CUT-R Black Level off-set R [BLR] 0...63 0 0 FIX 30 CUT-G Black Level off-set G (BLG) 0...63 0 10 FIX 31 CDL Cathode Drive Level [CL] 0...15 0 5 FIX 32 DL-PT Y-Delay time for PAL (TV) [YD] 0...15 12 4 FIX 33 DL-ST Y-Delay time for SECAM (TV) [YD] 0...15 15 8 FIX 34 DL-4T Y-Delay time for N443 (TV) [YD] 0...15 12 8 FIX 35 COL-OP COLOUR OFFSET (PAL) 0...15 8 8 FIX 36 COL-OS COLOUR OFFSET (SECAM) 0...15 8 8 FIX 37 COL-O4 COLOUR OFFSET (NTSC443) 0...15 4 4 FIX 38 SHP-OP SHARPNESS OFFSET(PAL) 0...15 8 8 FIX 39 SHP-OS SHARPNESS OFFSET(SECAM) 0...15 4 4 FIX 40 SHP-O4 SHARPNESS OFFSET(NTSC443) 0...15 8 8 FIX 41 SC-VOL SCART volume 0..255 115 115 FIX 42 PRE-SC Prescaler SCART input 0..127 25 25 FIX 43 PRE-FM Prescaler FM/AM 0..127 72 72 FIX 44 PRE-NICAM Prescaler SCART input 0..127 0 0 FIX 45 AVC-DKY AVC Decay 1...4 data( 2 2 FIX 46 AC-OFF-TIM Time to set the AC-OFF 0..15 0 0 FIX
timer is in steps of 10minutes
47 DISP Language or symbols 0(symboles), 0 0 FIX
1(English), 2(French)
48 TXT-EUR Teletext pan-European language 0 (teletext pan-european language) 0 0 (...15C) FIX
1 (second language;cyrillic)
2(third language;Greek) 0 1 (...16C) 49 BKS Black Stretch 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 50 AVC Automatic Volume Control(AVL) 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 1 FIX 51 FFI Fast Filter IF-PLL 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 52 ACL Auto Colour Limit 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 1 FIX 53 S-L Sound system L 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 54 S-DK Sound system DK 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 55 S-I Sound system I 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 0 FIX 56 S-BG Sound system BG 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 57 BLUE-BACK Video mute at Ident loss 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 58 VMC Video Mute at program/source Change 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 59 HTL Hotel mode 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 60 BTSC Reduced FM demodulator Gain (for BTSC sig) 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 61 AV Number of external AV sources 0 for 1 AV or 1 for 2 AV 1 0 FIX 62 FMWS FM Window Selection 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 63 SM0 Sound Mute bit 0 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 64 SM1 Sound Mute bit 1 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 65 AGC0 IF AGC speed bit0 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 66 AGC1 IF AGC speed bit1 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 67 FOA-FE Phi 1 time constant for FE(RF) 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 68 FOB-FE Phi 2 time constant for FE(RF) 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 69 FOA-AV Phi 1 time constant for AV 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 70 FOB-AV Phi 2 time constant for AV 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX 71 TXT Teletext 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 1 FIX 72 TXT-W/E Teletext Western or Eastern characters 0 (westem) or 1 (eastem) 0 1 FIX 73 FSL Forced V-SYNC slicing level 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 74 HP2 Sync of OSD 0 for Ph1 or 1 for Ph2 0 0 FIX 75 CP Charge pump 0 (fast tuning) or 0 0 FIX
1 (moderate speed tuning) 76 NICAM NICAM decoding enabled 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 77 IGR IGR decoding enabled 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 78 AUTO Start auto tuning at POWER-ON 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 0 0 FIX 79 TXT-TGL Function of TXT key 0 or 1 0 1 FIX 80 EVG Enable Vertical Guard 0 (disable) or 1 (enable) 1 1 FIX
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Screen adjustment
1. G2 Adjustment
1. Enter the service mode (see page 6).
2. Use the channel up or channel down buttons to enter the << BLUE-BACK >> function.
3. Set this to << BLUE-BACK: 0 >>, i.e. blue background is turned off.
4. Turn the set off at the mains.
5. Turn the set back on.
6. Set the picture control settings to normal.
7. Select the SCART input by pressing the TV/SCART button on the remote con­trol. Do not connect an input to the SCART socket. A blank raster will appear.
8. Connect an oscilloscope to TP851 on the CRT PWB. The waveform as in fig­ure 4 should be displayed.
9. Adjust the G2 control (screen voltage) so that the peak of this waveform is 3.0V +/-0.1V above the zero volt line.
10. Enter the service mode.
11. Turn the blue background function back on again - set << BLUE-BACK: 1 >>.
12. Turn off the receiver using the mains button.
13. The G2 adjustment is now complete.
2. Focus Adjustment
1. Receive a monoscope pattern signal at a level of 60 to 80 dB
2. Set the picture settings to normal.
3. Adjust the focus potentiometer to obtain maximum definition.
AGC Adjustment
1. Tune the receiver into a colour bar signal on channel E-12.
Set the RF generator to an output signal strength of 59 dB/
V (+/-1dB
µV) –75 Ohms.
3. Connect an oscilloscope to TP201. TP201 is one end of R201.
4. Enter the service mode (see page 6).
5. Use the channel up and channel down buttons to enter the AGC mode.
6. By using the volume up and the volume down buttons, adjust the AGC until the voltage on TP201 drops by 0.1V
to 0.3V below its maximum value.
7. Change the input signal strength to 66-70dBµV and make sure that there is no noise apparent in the picture.
8. Turn the receiver off at the mains, this will exit the service mode and store the adjustment.
Fig. 4
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Geometry adjustment procedure
To adjust the geometry, follow the procedure outlined below:
1. Tune the set into a Philips test pattern.
2. Enter the service mode as described on page 6.
3. Use the channel up or channel down buttons to enter the desired mode
4. Use the volume buttons to achieve correct setting.
5. When adjustments are complete, use the stand-by button to turn off the set. The adjustment values will be stored at this point.
V-LIN Adjust the vertical linearity control so that the picture centring is as shown in figure 5.
V-AMP Adjust the vertical amplitude control so that the picture overscans as shown in figure 6.
V-CENT Adjust the vertical centring control so that the picture is centred as shown in figure 7.
H-CENT Adjust the horizontal centring control so that the picture is centred as shown in figure 8.
Fig. 5
Fig. 6
Fig. 7
Fig. 8
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Colour adjustment procedure
The following adjustments should only be carried out when the CRT or IC801 are replaced.
This adjustment must be done after warming up the unit for 30 minutes or longer with a beam current over 700 µA.
The red value «DRI-RS» should be fixed to 42. (Refer to “How to access service mode” section).
«DRI-GS» adjustment alters “Y” coordinate.
«DRI-BS» adjustment alters “X” and “Y” coordinates.
Adjustment method 1 (using the signal generator, varying the picture signal)
1. Adjust G2.
2. Input a white pattern with burst signal from SCART.
Position the colorimeter in the centre of screen.
Adjusting input signal level, select a luminance of 70 nits.
5. Operate again in “service mode“ and select «DRI-GS» and/or «DRI-BS» locations to obtain colour coordinates:
6. Reset the T V with the mains switch button to store the adjustment and exit service mode.
Check colour coordinates “X” and “Y” at 20 a 120 Nits. It may be necessary to repeat the same procedure to
obtain the above values.
Adjustment method 2
(using the signal generator, with a fixed picture signal)
1. Adjust G2.
Tune a white pattern with burst signal.
3. Operate in “service mode”:
4. Using «SUB-CON», select a luminance of 70 nits.
5. Operate again in “service mode“ and select «DRI-GS» and/or «DRI-BS» locations to obtain colour coordinates:
6. Select «SUB-CON». Return data to “63”.
7. Reset the TV with the mains switch button to store the adjustment and exit service mode.
8. Check colour coordinates “X” and “Y” at 20 a 120 Nits. It may be necessary to repeat the same procedure to
obtain the above values.
X Y Screen temperature
0.304 + 0.015 0.306 + 0.015 7250º K-11 MPCD
X Y Screen temperature
0.304 + 0.015 0.306 + 0.015 7250º K-11 MPCD
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
The following procedure details how to set up the Hotel Mode Functions.
1. Short Description
1.1. Hotel Mode “HTL”: Main Hotel Mode. It deactivates “Channel Setting” functions. It reduces the Maximum Volume.
1.2. Hotel Mode “HTL-VOL”: Maximum Volume Level Regulation.
1.3 Hotel Mode “HTL-PRG”: Fixing start up program when the TV set is switched on.
2. Before start
2.1. It is necessary to program “Channel Setting” before setting up Hotel Mode “HTL” because after that Channel Setting are deactivated.
2.2. Consider that regarding TXT Features, after activate any of the Hotel modes in the “List Mode” will not be stored any page.
2.3. Consider that changed video control values are not stored.
3. Procedure
3.1. Hotel Mode “HTL” (Main Hotel Mode).
3.1.1. Previous Service Information: Initial Value: 0. Range: 0 to 1. Service Mode Indication: HTL.
3.1.2. Access the Service Mode (see this procedure on page 6).
3.1.3. Select “HTL” by using channel up/down buttons.
3.1.4. Change initial value from “0” (off ) to “1” (on).
3.1.5. Notes: The maximum volume level has been reduced from 60 to 30. For other value go to 3.2. Hotel Mode “HTL-VOL” “Channel Setting” functions have been deactivated. It is necessary to select Hotel Mode “HTL” to be able to set up Hotel Mode “HTL-VOL” or Hotel Mode “HTL-PRG”. If you do not need to set up Hotel Mode “HTL-VOL” or “HTL-PRG” get out from Service Mode (To
exit the Service Mode press the stand-by button on the remote control or turn the receiver off with the mains switch).
3.2. Hotel Mode “HTL-VOL” (Maximum Volume Level Regulation)
3.2.1. Previous Service Information: Initial value: 30. Range: 0 to 60. Service Mode indication: HTL-VOL.
3.2.2. To activate this Hotel Mode it is necessary activate previously Hotel Mode “HTL”. Then the maximum volume level changed fro 60 to 30 as initial value.
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
3.2.3. Select “HTL-VOL” by using channel up/down buttons.
3.2.4. Set the value according to your necessities by using volume up/down buttons.
3.2.5. Change initial value from “0” (off ) to “1” (on).
3.2.6. Note: If you do not need to set up Hotel Mode “HTL-PRG” get out from Service Mode (To exit the Service Mode press the stand-by button on the remote control or turn the receiver off with the mains switch).
3.3. Hotel Mode “HTL-PRG” (Fixing start up program when the TV Set is switched on)
3.3.1. Initial value: 255. Range: 0 to 255. Service Mode indication: HTL-PRG.
3.3.2. To activate this Hotel Mode it is necessary activate previously Hotel Mode “HTL”.
3.3.4. Select “HTL-PRG” by using channel up/down buttons.
3.3.3. The initial value to 255, ensures that the TV Set starts up in the same program number that it was been displayed before turn it off.
3.3.4 If you want to fix other program number proceed as follows set the value according to your necessities by using volume up / down buttons. Use values between 0 to 99. In this way, the new program number appear fixed when you start up the TV set.
Example: If you would like to set starting program number “2”, change from 255 to 2.
3.3.5. Get out from Service Mode (To exit the Service Mode press the stand-by button on the remote control or turn the receiver off with the mains switch).
21HT-15C 21HT-16C
Mother unit
CRT unit
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