TOLL FREE : 1-800-798-7398
10. Loop the power co rd and the hose
loosely around the appliance when
11. DO NOT remove the hose f rom the
main unit when the app liance is in
operatio n as scalding may occur.
12. Always disconnect the garment
steamer f rom the elec trical outlet
when fi lling with water, emptyi ng or
when not in u se.
13. Never hang the unit up by the hose
when storing.
14. The use of a ccessor y attach ments
not recomm ended by the applian ce
manufa cturer may c ause haza rd or
15. Burns can occur from touching
hot metal p arts , hot water or
steam. Use care when emptyin g
the appliance as there may be hot
water in the reservoir.
16. Never di rect steam at people ,
animals or steam clothes while th ey
are being wo rn.
1. To avoid a circuit overload , do not
operate another high -wattage
applian ce on the same circuit.
2. If an exte nsion cord is absolutely
necessary, use a 15-ampere co rd.
Cords rated for less am perage m ay
overheat. U se care to arrange the
cord so that it c annot be pulled or
tripped over.
3. Always allow appliance to co ol
complete ly for at least 30 minutes
before storing.
4. DO NOT use the garment stea mer
without pro perly fi lling the water
reservoir. Always check the water
level before and during u se.
5. DO NOT lay the hose on the grou nd
or wind it unnecessa rily.
6. CAUTION: Never fi ll the garment
steamer with fabric co nditione r,
starche s, chemicals or any other
solution , as these will d amage the
steam mechanism. Use only tap
water or distilled water if the tap
water in your area is very h ard.
Use of anything other than tap
water will auto matically void your
leave the app liance un attended
while it is plugged in .
ELECTRIC SHOCK, never use the
garment s teamer in a location
where it ca n fall or be pulled into
water or any other liquid . If the
appliance falls into water or any
other liquid, unpl ug it immediately.
DO NOT reach into the water or
liquid to rem ove it.
9. DO NOT operate th e garment
steamer i n the presen ce of
explosive an d/or fl ammable fumes.
10. DO NOT handle the plug o r the
garment steamer with wet hands or
operate with out shoes.
11. When in use, never turn the
applian ce over or on its side. Never
direct steam towards people,
animals or plants.
12. CAUTION: Hose, nozzle and
accessories can be come hot du ring
use. Never h old, pull or relocate
the appliance by the hose. Hold the
steamer h ead by the handgrip an d
never by the hose .
www.sharkcompa ny.com