2.3.2 Flag Register
The Flag Register contains 8 flags which indicate
the CPU status. During an interrupt, the flag register is automatically stored in the systemstack area
and recalled at the end of the interrupt service routine, thus returning the CPU to its original status.
This occurs for all interrupts and, when operating
in nested mode, up to seven versions of the flag
register may be stored.
R231- Read/Write
Register Group: E (System)
Reset value: 0000 0000 (00h)
Bit 7 = C:
Carry Flag
The carry flag is affected by:
Addition (add, addw, adc, adcw),
Subtraction (sub, subw, sbc, sbcw),
Compare (cp, cpw),
Shift Right Arithmetic (sra, sraw),
Shift Left Arithmetic (sla, slaw),
Swap Nibbles (swap),
Rotate (rrc, rrcw, rlc, rlcw, ror,
Decimal Adjust (da),
Multiply and Divide (mul, div, divws).
When set, it generally indicates a carry out of the
most significant bit position of the register being
used as an accumulator (bit 7 for byte operations
and bit 15 for word operations).
The carry flag can be set by the Set Carry Flag
(scf) instruction, cleared by the Reset Carry Flag
(rcf) instruction, and complemented by the Complement Carry Flag (ccf) instruction.
Bit 6 = Z:
Zero Flag
. The Zero flag is affected by:
Addition (add, addw, adc, adcw),
Subtraction (sub, subw, sbc, sbcw),
Compare (cp, cpw),
Shift Right Arithmetic (sra, sraw),
Shift Left Arithmetic (sla, slaw),
Swap Nibbles (swap),
Rotate (rrc, rrcw, rlc, rlcw, ror,
Decimal Adjust (da),
Multiply and Divide (mul, div, divws),
Logical (and, andw, or, orw, xor,
xorw, cpl),
Increment and Decrement (inc, incw, dec,
Test (tm, tmw, tcm, tcmw, btset).
Inmostcases, theZeroflagissetwhenthecontents
of the register being used as an accumulator become zero, following one of the above operations.
Bit 5 = S:
Sign Flag
The Sign flag is affected by the same instructions
as the Zero flag.
The Sign flag is set when bit 7 (for a byte operation) or bit 15 (for a word operation) of the register
used as an accumulator is one.
Bit 4 = V:
Overflow Flag
The Overflow flag is affected by the same instructions as the Zero and Sign flags.
When set, the Overflow flag indicates that a two’scomplement number, in a result register, is in error, since it has exceeded the largest (or is less
than the smallest), number that can be represented in two’s-complement notation.
Bit 3 = DA:
Decimal Adjust Flag
The DA flag is used for BCD arithmetic. Since the
algorithm for correcting BCD operations is different for addition and subtraction, this flag is used to
specify which type of instruction was executed
last, so that the subsequent Decimal Adjust (da)
operation can perform its function correctly. The
DA flag cannot normally be used as a test condition by the programmer.
Bit 2 = H:
Half Carry Flag.
The H flag indicates a carry out of (or a borrow into) bit 3, as the result of adding or subtracting two
8-bit bytes, each representing two BCDdigits. The
H flag is used by the Decimal Adjust (da) instruction to convert the binary result of a previous addition or subtraction into the correct BCD result. Like
the DA flag, this flag is not normally accessed by
the user.
Bit 1 = Reserved bit (must be 0).
Bit 0 = DP:
Data/Program Memory Flag
This bit indicates the memory area addressed. Its
value is affected by the Set Data Memory (sdm)
and Set Program Memory (spm) instructions. Refer to the Memory Management Unit for further details.