Instructions for use
Notice d‘emploi
Istruzioni per l‘uso
Instrucciones para el uso

908 B / 908 D / 908 B ew / 908 T ew
These microphones are professional pre-polarised
condenser microphones. An extended dynamic range and
a well balanced frequency response deliver an outstanding signal quality with excellent projection and the
lowest possible distortion. An excellent directivity across
the whole frequency range enables the mics to handle the
highest signal levels without feedback.
The microphone 908 D has been developed especially
for drums and percussion. The 908 B is designed for
wired recording of wind instruments, but because of its
instrument clamp it is also paricularly suitable for drums
with suspension systems or congas. There are two special
types of microphones for use with ew bodypack
transmitters: 908 B ew for saxophone, 908 T ew für
trumpets, flugelhorns and trombones.
Due to their phantom powering capability, the mics are
especially suitable for use with professional mixing
consoles. Alternatively, they can be used with any
evolution bodypack transmitter for wireless applications.
Extensive damping and shock mounting isolates the
capsules from extraneous vibrations, impact and handling
The long, flexible goosenecks enable the mics to be
optimally positioned on the instrument.

y Exceptionally vivid, clear sound
y Optimum positioning on the instrument due to
flexible gooseneck
y Shock-mounted capsule provides low sensitivity to
impact and handling noise
y Rugged metal body
y Extremely robust connection cable
y Can optionally be used with any evolution bodypack
transmitter or the MZA 900 P phantom power
Delivery includes
908 D 908 B 908 B ew /
908 T ew
908 D
MZA 900 P phantom
power adaptor
MZH 908 D microphone clamp
Instructions for use Instructions for use Instructions for use
Warranty Certificate Warranty Certificate Warranty Certificate
908 B
MZA 900 P
phantom power
MZH 908 B microphone clamp
Pouch Pouch
908 B ew
microphone /
908 T ew
MZH 908 B microphone clamp

Positioning the microphone
Wind instruments ( 908 B / 908 B ew / 908 T ew)
Position Resulting sound Commentary
Reduced ambient
Use the MZH 908 B
clamp to attach the
microphone to the
bell of the
Clear, powerful
Balanced, natural
To reduce ambient
noise (at the
expense of the true
sound”) direct the
microphone into the
bell (as illustrated).
For a Saxophone,
the microphone
should normally be
directed partly
towards the bell and
partly towards the
body of the

Drums / Percussions ( 908 D)
Position Resulting sound Commentary
More fundamental,
little overtones
Less fundamental,
many overtones
proximity effect
Position on the
3–5 cm above the
drumskin, directed
towards the center
of the drumskin, the
fundamental to
overtones ratio can
be adjusted by
changing the angle
of the microphone.
The most balanced
results are obtained
at an angle of
tangential position
of the gooseneck in
order to reduce the
distance to the
In order to prevent interference due to crosstalk between
adjacent sound sources, try to position the microphone so
that the interfering sound source is located in the angle
area of the highest cancellation of the microphone
(approx. 180°; see polar diagram).