Digital Conference and Interpretation System
SDC 8200 CU/CU-M
across boundaries
SDC 8200 CU/CU-M
The heart of every system. These central units feature a host
of control functions plus all the connection sockets required
for the delegate units, additional audio sources, monitoring
headphones, PC, interpretation management and camera
control. While the SDC 8200 CU is the ideal choice for large
international conferences with many hundreds of delegates
(several CU can be connected together for very large systems),
the SDC 8200 CU-M has been designed for smaller applications;
it has a limit of 50 terminals and four interpreted language
channels with a maximum of two interpreter units per language.
Wheel for menu selection
COM 1 to COM 3 serial interfaces for PC and media control
SDC 8200 is the solution you
are looking for. Fully digital,
the system sets new standards
in professional conference
technology. SDC 8200 is a
flexible communications solution
– a sound investment that pays
off, again and again. SDC 8200 is
available in a number of variants
catering to different needs.
Regardless of requirements –
whether you are hosting a small
conference or a large congress
– there is always a suitable SDC
system for your application.
10/06 Printed in Germany Sennheiser is a registered tra demark of Senn heiser elec tronic G mbH & Co. KG. w ww.sennheis
Technical Dat a SDC 8200 CU SDC 8200 CU-M
Cat. No. 500867 500860
Max. number of
conference terminals
120 50
Can be used with
SDC 8200 DV
yes no
Cascadable yes (system max.:
1024 conference
Language channels 4/8/28 (depen-
ding on licence)
Interpreter units
per language
1 to 8 2
Supported voting
one out of three,
one out of five
one out of three
Camera and media
yes yes
Connection of SDC
8200 AO
up to 4 no
Control software SDC 8200 SYS SDC 8200 SYS-M