Seiko Spring Drive Chronograph 9R86 Instruction

■TIME DIFFERENCE ADJUSTMENT FUNCT ION ………………… 72  How to use the time di󱐯erence adjustment function …………………… 72  List of time zone di󱐯erences in major reg ions of the world ………… 76
■CHRONOGR APH ………………………………………………………… 78  How to use the chronograph (stopwatch) ………………………………… 80  Accumulated elapsed time mea surement ………………………………… 82
■SPECIFICATIONS ……………………………………………………… 85
■TROUBLESHOOTING …………………………………………………… 9 6
■CHARACTERISTICS …………………………………………………… 53
■SCREW LOCK TYPE CROWN AND BUTTON ……………………… 56  How to use the screw lock type crown …………………………………… 57  How to use the screw lock type button …………………………………… 59
■HOW TO WIND THE MAINSPRING …………………………………… 60  Guide for winding state of the mainspring ……………………………… 60  How to manually wind the mainspring by turning the crown …………… 61
■POWER RESERVE INDICATOR ……………………………………… 62  How to read the power reserve indicator ………………………………… 63
■HOW TO SET THE TIME AND CALENDAR ………………………… 64  How to set the time ………………………………………………………… 64  Tips for more accurate time setting ……………………………………… 67
Sprin g D rive, the u nique mechanis m made available only by SEI KO t echno logy, ensures quartz ac curacy whi le using the m ainspri ng as its sole p ower source. With Spring Drive as its b asic s tru ctu re, the S prin g Driv e Chro nog raph featur es the world's rs t center chro nograph se cond hand w hich works in a per fectly smooth m ovement. In addition to the self-windin g me chanis m, which uses the nat ural motion of the wearer's arm a s a power s ource to wind its mains pring, t he watch i s equipped with the manual wind­ing mecha nism, whic h is convenient t o wind the ma insprin g when you star t using the w atch. The watch keeps working for approxim ately 7 2 hou rs (three days) when the mains pring is fully woun d. The watch featu res the power res erve indicat or to show the wind ing state of the m ainspri ng. The glide -motion sma ll secon d hand that move s in a perfect ly smooth move ment is one of th e remarkable fe atures of th is watch. The watch i s also equ ipped with a 2 4-hou r hand, o󱐯e ring a tim e di󱐯erenc e adjustme nt func­tion, which work s in conjunct ion with the ca lendar.
Spring Drive works by the power provided by the mainspr ing. Remember to check the power r e­serve indic ator and keep the mains pring of the watch su󱐰ci ently wound while u sing the watch. Refer to "POWE R RESERVE INDICATOR" o n page 62.
You are now the proud owner of a Grand Seiko watch. Grand Seiko watches are designed and manufactured to op­erate with extremely high accuracy by taking advantage of SEIKO's more than 100 years of experience in watchmaking and the advanced technology that SEIKO can boast to the world.
To preserve the highest quality of your Grand Seiko watch, please read the instructions in this booklet carefully for its proper use and care, and keep this booklet for ready reference.
※ For the det ails of the Spring Drive me chanism, refer to the s eparate volume "Sprin g Drive Handbook".
※ The orientation an d design of t he display may va ry depend ing on the mo del. ※ Some models may have scre w lock type cr own and butt on(s). Refer to "SCR EW LOCK TY PE CROWN AN D BUTTON " on page 56.
●The mechanism of the crown
●Basic mechanism
Hour hand
Center chro nograph second ha nd
Calenda r
Small sec ond hand
Power reserve indicator
Chronog raph hour hand
Chronog raph
minute han d
RESET button
Minute ha nd
24-ho ur hand
Screw lock type crown
Before operating the screw lock type crown, it is necessary to unlock it. In order to prevent any operational errors, once you have nished operating the crown, make sure to relock it. Refer to "SCREW LOCK TYPE CROWN" on the following page 56.
L: Screw lock type crown is at the locked position. 0: Screw lock type crown is at the unlocked position: the
mainspring can be manually wound.
1: Screw lock type crown is positioned for calendar set
ting. (time di󱐯erence adjustment.)
2: Screw lock type crown is positioned for time setting.
●How to use the screw lock type crown
The watch featu res a screw-lo ck mechani sm that can s ecurely lock th e crown and but ­tons to prevent a ny operationa l errors when t hey are not bein g operated.
How to unloc k the screw lock t ype crow n
How to lock the s crew lock ty pe crown
Turn the crow n coun ter clo ckw is e (downward) to unscrew it. Now the crown can be operated.
To loosen
Turn t he crown clockwise (upward) while gently pre ssing it in toward the watch body until it stops.
Screw lock ty pe crown is locked.
Screw lock type crown is unlocked.
※ Once the cr own is unlo cked, you can pu ll it out.
●Screw lock type crown
Turn the crown while pr essing it in .
It is necessa ry to unlock the screw lock ty pe crown before operating it. Once you have nished operating the crow n, make sure to relock it.
When lock ing the crown, turn it slowly with care, en suring th at th e screw is prop erly eng aged. Be careful not to forcibly push it in , as doing so may damag e the screw hole.
Ma ke sure that you turn the butt on rin g all t he way u ntil it st ops, eve n after you ca n see the g uide line. Faili ng to do so ca n cause oper ational failu re.
●How to use the screw lock type button
It is necessa ry to unlock the screw lock ty pe button before operating it.
※ Turn the button all the way until t he slide cover descends and the but ton ri ng can no longer be
turne d. Once you fi nish tur ning the button complet ely, the button be comes fu lly unlocke d.
How to unlock t he screw lock type butto n How to lock the sc rew lock type button
Turn the button ring counterclockwise (down­ward) to lower the slide cover gradually. Turn the but ton rin g fu rth er until you can clearly s ee t he g uide line and the button ring can no longer be tur ned. Now the screw lock type button is u nlocked and can be operate d.
Turn t he but ton ring clock wise (upward) until it stop s. Now t he screw lock typ e but ton is com­pletely locked. Once you have  nished operating t he but­ton, make s ure that you relo ck it.
Guide line
●Screw lock type button
Screw lock t ype butto n is locked.
Button ring Button ring
※Foreign part icles and co ntaminat ion can cau se operatio nal failure o f the screw an d/or button(s).
Refer to "TO PR ESERVE T HE QUALIT Y OF YOUR WATCH" on page 88 .
Turn the button r ing until it st ops. Turn the button r ing until it st ops.
Slide cover
Screw lock type button is unlocked.
To loosen
To fasten
This watc h is a self- winding watch equipp ed with a manual w inding mechanis m. When the watch is wor n on t he wr ist, t he motion of the wearer's arm w inds t he mai nspring of the watch. When first using a stopp ed watc h, it is recommen ded that yo u manu ally wind t he mainspr ing by tur ning the crow n.
●How to manually wind the mainspring by turning the crown
In ord er to set the time and calendar after winding the mainspring manually, do not relock the crown but continue the procedures.
※ Refer to "How to set the time and calendar" on page 64.
※ Th e watch employs a devic e to prevent ov erwindin g of t he main spring. Once the mai nspring is fu lly
wound , the mainspri ng slips inside, diseng aging the win ding me chanism. When this hap pens, you can still tu rn the crown w ithout damaging the watch, however, plea se refrain fro m excessive operatio n of the mainspr ing.
※ Under a low-temperature condition (below 0℃), always keep at least one-six th of the watch power shown
by the power rese rve indicator.
●Guide for winding state of the mainspring
Self-wind ing:: The main spring of t he watch is de signed t o be fully wo und when it is wo rn for twelve hou rs per day for three to  ve consecu tive days. Manual w inding : Five full rotations of the crown will provide the power to run t he w atch for approx imately ten hours.
Observe t he power reser ve indicato r to check the level o f the remain ing power. Refer to "POW ER RESERV E INDICATOR" on page 62.
1. Unlock the crown.
2. Slowly turn the crown clockwise (upward) to wind the mainspring with extra care not to press it in. Wind the mainspring until the power re­serve indicator shows a full-wound st ate. The small second hand starts moving.
3. Once you n ish windin g the mainspring, make sure you relock the crown.
※Refer to "How to use the screw lock type crown" on page 57. ※Refer to "How to read the power reserve indicator" on page 63.
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