Cal. 5M82, 5M83 & 5M84
(91 )
(P. 79)
You are now th e proud o wner of a S EIKO KIN ETIC® Cal. 5M 82/ 5M83/ 5M84. For b est re sult s, plea se
read th e inst ruct ions in th is book let c arefu lly bef ore usi ng your SE IKO KINE TIC®. Pleas e keep t his
manual handy for ready reference.
Sie sind jetz t stol zer Bes itze r einer SE IKO KINE TIC® Kal.
Bedie nungs anlei tung vor der Ver wendun g Ihrer S EIKO KIN ETIC® aufmerksa m durch , um die
optim ale Nut zung di eser Uh r zu gewäh rleis ten. H eben Si e diese B edie nungs anleit ung gut a uf, um
jede rzeit w iede r nachl esen zu k önnen.
Vous voic i l’heu reux pr oprié taire d ’une mon tre SEI KO KINET IC® Cal.
de bonn es per formance s, veuil lez lire a tten tivem ent le s expli catio ns de ce m ode d’emp loi avan t d’util iser
votre m ontre S EIKO KIN ETIC®. Cons erve z ce mode d ’emplo i pour tou te réf érenc e ultér ieure .
Grazi e di aver ac quis tato qu esto o rolog io SEIKO KI NETI C® Cal .
miglio ri risu ltat i legge re at tenta mente l e istr uzioni d i quest o libre tto pr ima di pa ssar e all'us o dell'or ologi o
stes so. Tener e poi il ma nuale a po rta ta di man o, per og ni event uale fu tura, u lteri ore con sulta zione .
Uste d es ahor a un orgul loso pr opiet ario d e un Reloj S EIKO KIN ETIC® Cal.
mejor es res ultad os, po r favor le a las ins truc ione s de est e librito cuida dosa mente a ntes de u tiliz ar su Rel oj
SEIKO KINETIC®. Le roga mos que g uarde e ste co nvenie nte man ual para pront a refe renci a.
Você po de sen tir-se o rgulho so de ter a dquir ido um SEI KO KINE TIC® Cal.
dele os resul tados m áximo s, soli cita mos- lhe que, a ntes d e usar o se u SEIKO KI NETI C®, leia at enta mente
as ins truç ões con tidas neste opúsc ulo. E gua rde es te manu al para r eferê ncia s futur as.
Теперь вы я вляе тесь о блад ател ем час ов SEIKO KI NETIC ® Кал.
испо льз ован ием и дл я дост ижен ия луч ших ре зультат ов, пож алу йста , внима тель но озн аком ьтесь с
данн ой инс трук цией и о бяза тельн о сохр анит е ее.
5M82/5M83 /5M84
5M82/5M83 /5M84
5M82/5M83 /5M84
5M82/5M83 /5M84
5M82/5M83 /5M84
5M82/5M83 /5M84
. Lese n Sie die se
. Pour en ob tenir
. Per ot tener ne i
. Para lo s
. Para ob ter
. Пере д их
FEATURES ................................................................................................................... 4
HOW TO CHARGE AND START THE WATCH ............................................................. 5
POWER RESERVE INDICATOR .................................................................................... 7
TIME/CALENDAR SETTING ......................................................................................... 8
ENERGY DEPLETION FOREWARNING FUNCTION .................................................... 9
INSTANT-START FUNCTION ......................................................................................... 9
REMARKS ON THE RECHARGEABLE BATTERY ......................................................... 10
HOW TO OPERATE THE SCREW LOCK TYPE CROWN ............................................. 10
ROTATING BEZEL ........................................................................................................ 11
NOTES FOR USING THE WATCH ................................................................................ 12
NOTES ON OVERHAUL ............................................................................................... 13
SPECIFICATIONS ......................................................................................................... 14
For the care of your watch, see “TO PRESERVE THE QUALITY OF YOUR
WATCH” in the attached Worldwide Guarantee and Instruction Booklet.
SEIKO KINETIC Cal. 5M82/5M83/5M84 is an analogue quartz watch equipped with
the Kinetic technology developed by SEIKO. It generates the electric energy to power
the watch, utilizing the movement of your body, and stores it in the rechargeable
battery, which requires no periodical replacement unlike conventional button-type
Calibre number of your watch
Please check the case back of your watch to
find its calibre number inscribed on it. As
illustrated at right, the calibre number of your
watch is the 4-digit number to the left of the
hyphen mark.
4 5
Calibre No.
Swing the watch from side to side.
*Swing rhythmically at a rate of twice a second.
Charge the rechargeable battery sufficiently.
Set the time/calendar and put on the watch.