Sega Space Channel 5 User Manual

Space Channel 5 is a memory card compatible game (Visual Memory Unit [VMU] sold separately). With this game, 5 blocks are needed to save game files. When saving or loading game files, never turn the Dreamcast power OFF or remove the memory card, controller or other peripheral devices.
It’s the 25th century, and planet Earth is in a state of crisis.
An alien race, the Morolians, have launched an invasion against Earth, randomly shooting innocent victims with a mysterious ray gun. The effect of the ray is rather unusual, as it forces people to dance uncontrollably, and enslaves them to alien rhythms.
Of course, their attack has caused a widespread panic.
The fi rst station to grab the scoop is a little-wa t ched space b ro a d c a ste r, “Space Channel 5.” Sensing a golden opportunity to b o o st ratings, the dire c to r, Fuse, has sent the only re p o rter left who h a s n’t been capt u red, a re p o rter named Ulala.
The bro a d c a st begins at the location of the fi rst incident – Spaceport 9.
Ulala must copy the Morolians’ dance steps – Up! Down! Right! Left! Shoot! Shoot! Shoot!
Ulala is the only hope we have to defeat the Morolians and free the human victims. The future of the Earth is in her hands!
Birthdate:May 30th, 2477 Sign: Gemini
Ulala, 22, has been wo rking at Space Channel 5 as a re p o rter for the last two ye a rs. The capt u re of the other re p o rte rs c ove ring the invasion has seen Ulala pro­m oted to the inve st i ga t i ve re p o rt i n g team. This is her big chance to prove her re p o rting skills to the wo rl d !
Birthdate: September 21st, 2464 Sign: Virgo
The 35 ye a r-old dire c tor of the inve st i ga t i ve re p o rt i n g team, Fuse is norm a l ly a laid-back kind of guy. Howeve r , th e re has been a lot of pre s s u re from his superi o rs, and h e’s been st ressed out late ly about the show ’s ra t i n g s . This anxiety has shortened his te mper considera b ly, w h i ch pro b a b ly wo n’t help morale among his sta ff .
The alien race who suddenly invaded Earth, the Morolians are an odd but undeniably c u te bunch. Their ray guns turn innocent humans into hy p n otized go-go dancers ! T h ey are ve ry curious and possess a high level of inte l l i gence. Wo rking to ge ther in g roups, these are ve ry misch i evous and naughty little cre a t u re s.
Designed to attack luxury passenger
ships, this fiendish Boss character has
captured a group of elementary
school students. Be careful not to
hit the children while shooting!
B i rth d a te : S e ptember 5th, 24 8 0 Sign: Vi rg o
Pudding, a 19 ye a r-old fo rmer teen idol, is a re p o rter for Channel 42. She has m a ny adoring fans, yet harbors a st ro n g jealousy towards Ulala, who seems to have appeared out of nowhere to steal her limelight.
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