Go wherever you want to go, see whatever you want to see,
investigate whatever you want to investigate.
Here, the passage of time is realistic.
A refreshingly cool morning breaks and transforms into
a warm, sunny afternoon. The beautiful sunset of early evening
melds slowly into a quiet and still night.
When it rains, it rains. When it snows, it snows.
At times it continues without letting up.
There are people who take daily walks in the park, people
working hard everyday to make a living, shop owners
selling their goods, children playing, housewives gossiping…
everyone living their own unique everyday lives.
Yes, this world is a real world.
Meet and interact with numerous people.
Grow and learn through a variety of experiences.
A compelling and majestic drama that will engulf you
exists here.
Full Reactive Eyes Entertainment
Thank you for purchasing Shenmue.
Please note that this software is designed only for use with
the Dreamcast console. Be sure to read this instruction
manual thoroughly before you begin playing.
The year is 1986, the place Yo ko s u ka, Japan.
The norm a l ly tra n quil day- to - d ay life of Ryo Hazuki
is suddenly and irre c ove ra b ly shatte red by uninv i ted visito rs .
A man we a ring dark green Chinese clothes appears
at the Hazuki fa m i ly home with two black- s u i ted thugs.
This man uses a powe rful st yle of martial arts, the likes of
w h i ch Ryo has never befo re seen, to enga ge his fa ther Iwao in
a fi e rce battle. Ryo atte mpts to inte rvene and help his fa th e r,
but the obvious disparity in power is too much. Ryo is beate n
d own and ta ken hosta ge as the man qu e stions Iwao,
“W h e re is the mirro r.”
H aving no other re c o u rse, Iwao re l u c ta n t ly tells him.
Once this myste rious object is in the man’s
possession, he again atta cks Iwao.
“Do you remember Zhao Sun Ming…”
From these wo rds Ryo learns of a shocking tru th from th e
p a st. His fa ther was responsible for killing someone long ago.
And then, Iwao is knocked down in defeat.
Ryo pulls his fa ther close and feels him ta ke his last bre a th.
“Lan Di”
The man with the ominous embro i d e ry of
a gl i t te ring dragon on his back, the man re s p o n s i b l e .
What of the stolen mirro r ?
Who is this Lan Di?
Vowing to seek reve n ge, Ryo embarks on a journ ey
to unravel the myste ry surrounding his fa th e r’s death
and deliver justice to the man re s p o n s i b l e .
He shall appear from a far easte rn land across the sea. A young man who has yet to know his pote n t i a l . This potential is a power that could either d e st roy him or realize his will. His coura ge shall dete rmine his fa te. The path he must trave rse, fraught with adve rs i t y. I await whilst praying, for this dest i ny pre d ete rmined since ancient times. Awaiting in anticipation. A dragon emerges from the earth as ominous clouds fill the sky. A phoenix descends from the heavens t railing purple from its wings. The pitch - b l a ck night unfolds w i th the morning star as its only light. And thus, the saga begins . . .
Regarding the Multiple Discs
When playing “Shenmue Chapter One Yokosuka” for the first time,
insert Disc 1 into your Dreamcast console and start a new game.
When continuing a game from any disc using data saved to a game file, you can
start playing from the corresponding disc by loading the game data file.
As you advance through this game it will become necessary to change
game discs. To continue playing, follow the instructions that appear
on the screen describing how and when to change the discs.
Never to u ch the Analog Thumb Pad or Tri g ge rs / while turning the Dre a m c a st power ON.
Doing so may disru pt the controller initialization pro c e d u re and result in malfunction.
Starting a Game
Shenmue is a one-player game. Connect the controller to be used to Control Po rt A of the Dre a m c a st console befo re turning the Dre a m c a st power ON. Once the title screen appears, press the Sta rt Button to display the Sta rt menu. Use , , , or to select a game mode and press to enter your selection.
New Game
Following the opening sequence, a new game will start from the beginning.
Modify various settings of the game. Use the D-Pad to select and modify settings.
Select to continue a game previously saved to the Resume file.
C a u t i o n : Once you continue playing a game using “Continue” the Resume file data will be
e rased. It is not possible to resume play using the same Resume file more than once.
Continue playing a game previously saved to a VMU.
Use to select the file you wish to load and press to enter.
Caution: Insert the VMU into Expansion Socket 1 of the Dreamcast Controller.
Cinema Mode
Game Mode
Shenmue Mode
Text Mode
Voice ON, Text OFF (Dialog skip disabled)
Set the sound output to either STEREO or
Area Jump
Set the Area Jump (a function that under
specific conditions allows the player to jump
straight to a specified destination from the
Hazuki door) setting ON or OFF
Voice ON, Text ON
Select to display the settings menu to modify the following three settings:
Voice OFF, Text ON
Voice ON, Text ON
Subtitles appear only
if dialog is skipped.
Trigger Settings
Toggle the / Trigger
controls between
: Run : Zoom
: Zoom : Run
10 11
On the Passage of Time
In the world of Shenmue the passage of time is similar to that of the real world.
Morning flows into noon, afternoon, evening and then night. Throughout it all,
every moment and each scene reflects a realistic passage of time.
The people who live in this world go about their lives and
undertake their activities in accordance with the passage of time.
As every other human must, Ryo awakes from his bed to begin his day’s
activities and then must return to sleep when the day ends.
Ryo’s Notebook
Information that Ryo hears and experiences he has are logged automatically in his
notebook. Press to open the notebook and review these notes during game play. This
is especially helpful when you have forgotten something, need a clue about how to
proceed, or simply need to reference some previously logged information.
Press the Start Button during game play to pause the game and display a help screen.
This screen provides a simple explanation that relates to the mode of the game or place
you are in and the game controls that can be used. It is recommended to press the Start
Button whenever you need game control information or aren’t sure how to proceed.
Once the notebook is open, use to turn the pages forward or back, to jump to the first page and to jump to the last. To close the notebook, either press again or .
As each day is finished, the date will reflect this passage by advancing forward. Although
there is no specific time limit set for completion of the game, Shenmue starts on a
winter’s day and you are expected to reach the climax and complete the main objective
of Chapter One by the time the cherry trees bloom in early spring. Despite this overall time limit, realize that there is no need to rush or randomly storm your way through the game. You have more than enough time to do what needs to be
done. So please take your time and enjoy the world of Shenmue at your own pace.
Assume control of the lead ch a ra c te r , Ryo Hazuki, and proceed th rough the game by
i nve st i gating the town of Yo ko s u ka and its env i rons while unraveling the sto ryline bit by bit.
Seek answe rs to the my ste ries surrounding Ryo’s fa th e r’s death, chase the bad guys…
Just what fate awaits Ryo on his journey for truth and revenge?
Overall Time Limit
The current situation and game controls that can be used are displayed. Press the Start Button again to cancel the help screen and resume playing the game.
+ 13 hidden pages