G o rre( C y b ronic Human): Born in the breeder tank of a genetics lab
and nurt u r ed in a cybronics workshop, Gorre was created to be the ultimate warrior – at least in his own mind.
G ru n t( H u m a n ): A mentally shattered veteran of the invasion of
S t roggos, Private Nathan Grunt is still fighting a war that ended
years ago.
H o s s m a n( H u m a n ): Easily mistaken for a big, clumsy
oaf, Hossman is a deadly opponent whose agility is a
match for his fearsome strength.
H u n t e r( H u m a n ): When her village on Tau Ceti was decimated by the Sorg,
Hunter vowed to seek out and destroy the reptiloids wherever they might hide.
K e e l( C y b ronic Human): Lance Corporal Ben Keel died during the
Spiker Insurre c t i on—only to be revived as a humanoid battle machine
by scientists experimenting with captured alien biotechnology.
K l e s k(Alien Chitinid): Half religious zealot, half gifted mystic and all bizarre alien,
Klesk cleanses his soul with the purifying fire of combat.
L u c y( H u m a n ): A former prison guard, Lucy crossed the line and
ended up on the other side of the bars where every hour was a
battle for surv i v a l .
M a j o r( H u m a n ): A veteran of the Stroggos campaign, Major Wayland is haunted by the memories of
her fallen troops and the parasites that killed them. It may be that she believes she’s still fighting that
long-concluded war.
M y n x( H u m a n ): Fashion model, master assassin, or adult entertainer: Which
is the real Mynx? She’s part viper, part black widow, and all woman.
O r b b(Alien Cybronic Constru c t ): Designed by the Vadrigar to monitor combat in
the arena, Orbb evolved beyond his specifications and became a deadly combatant.
P a t r i o t( C y b ronic Human Va m p i re ): A twisted combination of cybronic implants
and supernatural powers, Patriot is a throwback to the days of nationalism—
b e f o re mankind found other enemies among the stars.
P h o b o s( H u m a n ): An experienced veteran, he led the invasion of the demon-
haunted tunnels of Phobos. There, he was betrayed by superiors who thought they could learn
m o re from watching him die than by studying his re p o rt s .
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