Securitron M32FD, M32FBD, M32FB, M32F, M32D User Manual

Electronic Security
HES | Securitron Product Catalog
Building Codes
Electromagnetic Locks
Affecting Delayed Egress in the United States and Canada
The following general information on code requirements should not be considered definitive. The information provided represents ASSA ABLOY Electronic Security Hardware's best understanding of individual codes at the time of this catalog’s printing.
Codes, however, may change and are also subject to local interpretations that may differ from those provided here. Please consider this
National Fire Protection Association
NBC 2010
National Building Code of Canada 2010
IBC 2009 & 2012
International Building Codes
0-3 Seconds
1 Second
15 Seconds or 30 Seconds with AHJ approval
15 Seconds
15 Seconds or 30 Seconds with AHJ approval
information as a preliminary point of reference which should be confirmed or altered in accordance with the direction given by any local authority having jurisdiction (AHJ).
The following chart describes four individual building code requirements in five areas of function: Nuisance Delay, Release Delay, Post Alarm Relocking, Power Loss and Special Application Requirements.
Manual Means Only
Manual Means Only
Manual Means Only
Upon Fire Alarm or Loss of Power
to Lock
Doors Unlock and Immediate Egress is Possible. Emergency Lighting Required.
Doors Unlock and Immediate Egress is Possible.
Doors Unlock and Immediate Egress is Possible. Emergency Lighting Required.
PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. Door Can be Opened in 15 (30) Seconds.
PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. Door Can be Opened in 15 (30) Seconds. Mount within 12" of Releasing Device.
PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. Door Can be Opened in 15 (30) Seconds. Mount within 12" of Releasing Device.
Special Application
Additional Delayed Egress Systems Allowed in an Exit Path.
IBC 2015
International Building Code
Canada | 800.461.3007 |
0-3 Seconds
15 Seconds or 30 Seconds with AHJ approval
Manual Means Only
DOOR Can Remain
PUSH UNTIL ALARM SOUNDS. Door Releases Upon Loss of Power.
Copyr ight © 2019, Hanche tt Entr y Systems , Inc., an A SSA ABLOY Group c ompany. All r ights re served . Reproduc tion
in whol e or in part w ithout the e xpress w ritten p ermissio n of Hanchet t Entry Sy stems, Inc . is prohibi ted.
Door Can be Opened in 15
(30) Seconds. Mount within
12" of Releasing Device.
Updated5/31/19 Patent pending and/or patent
Locked From Outside. I-2 and I-3 Allow Two 15 Second Delays in One Exit Path.
Exceptions on Signage in I-1.
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