Securitron DM62, DM62B, DM62BD, DM62D User Manual

Electronic Security
HES | Securitron Product Catalog
Securitron® DM62
Electromagnetic Locks
The ultimate 1,200 lbs holding force Magnalock double magnet for indoor/outdoor high security
The versatile Securitron DM62 electromagnetic lock offers strength and ease of maintenance for interior, perimeter and exterior access control— in a compact double magnet.
This all-in-one unit is designed for double doors with no mullion. With unsurpassed durability, the Securitron DM62 will last long after most buildings wear out.
Standard Features
Ultra-secure collapsing blind
nuts mount to door frame for strength and reliability
Fully sealed for weatherproof
3' [1 m] of jacketed, stranded
conductor cable for each lock
Automatic dual-voltage
—no field adjustment required
Instant release circuit
—no residual magnetism
Noise suppression with built-in MOV
Efficient, low power usage
Rust resistant — all ferrous metal
surfaces plated for durability
no-fault, no questions asked warranty
lifetime replacement,
Optional Features
B Patented BondSTAT
magnetic bond sensor
D Integrated door
position switch (DPS)
OS Offset strike plates
Canada | 800.461.3007 |
Copyr ight © 2019, Hanche tt Entr y Systems , Inc., an A SSA ABLOY Group c ompany. All r ights re served . Reproduc tion
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Updated5/31/19 Patent pending and/or patent
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