Seagate Medalist SL Family,Medalist 540sl,Medalist 851sl,Medalist 1080sl,Medalist 1270sl Installation Manual

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Medalist SL Family
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540sl, 851sl
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1080sl, 1270sl
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ATA Interface Drives
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Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1
Before y ou begin.. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Configuring the drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Attachin g the cables . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8
Mounting the drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Transferring the software from the drive . . . . . . . . . 11
Configuring the computer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Determining whether your BIOS accepts more tha n
528 Mbytes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Solutions for su rpassing the 528-M byte ba rrier . . . . . . 14
Using the EZ-Drive installat ion so ftware . . . . . . . . . 15
Standard setup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 20
Partitioning and formatting t he dr ive . . . . . . . . . . . 21
Windows 32- bit disk access . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 23
Basic troubleshooting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 25
Advanced t roubleshootin g . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 26
Technical suppo rt ser vices . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 34
Storing and shipping your drive . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 37
© 1995 Seagate Technology, Inc. All rights reserved Publication Number: 36342-101, Rev. A, November 1995
Supersedes Publication Number 36309­Seagate, Seagate Technology, SeaFAX, SeaFONE, SeaBOARD and the Seagate
logo are registered trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. Medalist and SeaTDD are trademarks of Seagate Technology, Inc. EZ-Drive are trademarks of Micro House International, Inc. Other product names are registered trademarks or trademarks of their owners.
Seagate reserves the right to change, without notice, product offerings or specifications. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written permission from Seagate Technology, Inc.
and Maximum Overdrive
Medalist SL Family I nstallat io n Guide, November 1995 1
Thank you for choosing a Seagate® drive. The purpose of this guide is to assist you with installing your new hard drive. Its organizatio n ou tlines t he complet e installat ion p ro cess f rom han­dling the drive in “Before you begin.. .” to offering trou bleshootin g suggestions and technical support information. The topics dis­cussed are:
Handling your dr ive (see “ Bef or e you be gin. ..” on pag e 3)
Configuring the dr ive
Attaching cables t o the dr ive
Mounting the drive
Configuring the co m put er
Troubleshoo ting
Where to call for Seagat e technica l suppor t
Seagate provides installation software, EZ-Drive, and a 32-bit disk access driver for Windows, SEG32BIT.386, that allows the computer to surpass the 528-Mbyte barrier when it is imposed. The software is store d on the drive an d must be tra nsf er r ed to a diskette in Drive A before you partition and format the drive. A program ca lled Seam ove is prov id ed t o make t he t ransfer easy.
We hope your installation goes smoothly, but if complications arise, a list of co mmon sy mptom s and solutions is provided in the troubleshooting section. If the problem persists, contact your dealer first. Y our dealer is familiar with system integrat ion and the conflicts that m ay arise. If you need additiona l help or informat ion about Seagate produc ts, number s for Seagate technica l support services are listed on pages 34–36.
2 Med al ist SL Family Installat ion G uide, Novem ber 1995
Drive features
Model ST5540A ST5851A ST51080A ST512 70 A
Formatted Capacity Mbytes
Cylinders 1,050 1,656 2,100 2,485 Heads 16 16 16 16 Sectors 63 63 63 63 Average seek time 10.5 msec Cache (segmented) 128 Kbytes Spindle speed 5,376 RPM External transfer rate 16.6 Average sustained
transfer rate LBA Supported Multiple block
read/write PIO modes 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 Multiword DMA 0, 1, 2 Power-management Supported Data streaming Supported
541 854.6 1,083 1,282
Mbytes per second max.
Mbytes per second
1. To achieve optimal performance, your computer must support PI O mode 4 or multiword DMA mode 2. If these modes are not supported, you can upgrade your system with a host adapter that supp orts them. Ask your computer reseller for details.
Medalist SL Family I nstallat io n Guide, November 1995 3
Before you begin...
The drives in this manual are refer red to by their model number s: ST5540A for the M edalist 540sl, ST5851A for the M edalist 851sl, ST51080A for the Medalist 1080sl and ST51 270A for the Medalist 1270sl.
Applicati on. Your Seagate drive is designed for IBM AT and compatible personal computers. It uses the ATA interface. It is intended for use with UL-list ed comp ut ers or similar produc ts.
Drive handling. Your drive is vulnerable to damage from rough handling and static discharge. Do not drop your drive. Do not remove the seals and labels on the drive. The drive warranty is voided if the seals and labels are removed.
Static discharge. Your drive contains components that can be damaged by static discharge. Static damage can be cumulative and may not manif est imme diat ely. Ob ser ve thes e pr ecau tion s:
Ground yourself before handling the drive. Wear a ground strap that is properly connect ed to ea rth gr ou nd, or tou ch th e metal of a power supply that is plugged int o a wall outlet while handling the drive.
Keep the drive in its antistatic bag until you are ready to install it. Do not attach any cab les to the drive while it is in its bag.
Handle the drive gently an d on ly by its edge s or fr ame. Place it on an antistat ic sur f ace un til you ar e r ead y to insta ll it.
Do not touch the drive ’s connector p ins or print ed circuit board.
Inspection. Use the handling precaut ions listed above whe n you inspect the d rive. If it appear s to be damag ed, call y our dist ributor or dealer imm ediately.
4 Med al ist SL Family Installat ion G uide, Novem ber 1995
Warranty. Your drive comes with a three- ye ar limite d war ra nt y. Note. W ith regards to the EZ-Drive and SEG32BI T.386 software,
there are no war r ant ies, expr ess or im pl ied, including, but not implied, warranties of merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. All such warranties are expressly and specifically disclaime d.
Maintena nce and r epair. Seagat e drives do not require maint e­nance. The head/disc assembly is sealed; a broken seal voids the warranty. Seagate customer service centers are the only facilities authorized to repair Seagate drives. Seagate does not sanction any thir d- par ty re pair facilitie s.
Sicherhei tsan le itu n g
1. Das Gerrät ist ein Einbaugerät , das für eine maximale Um ge-
bungstempera tu r von 55°C vorges ehen ist.
2. Zur Befestigung des Laufwerks werden 4 Schrauben 6-32 UNC-2A benötigt . Bei seitlicher Befest igung darf die maxim ale Länge der Schrau ben im Chass is nicht mehr als 3,3 mm und bei Befestigung an der Unterseite nicht mehr als 5,08 mm betragen.
3. Als Versor gun gssp annu gen wer de n benö tigt : +5V æ 5% 0,6A +12V æ 5% 0,8A (1,9A fur ca. 30 Sek. fur æ 10%)
4. Die Versorgun gssp annu ng m uss SELV ent spr ech en.
5. Alle Arbeiten auf dem Festplatte dürfen nur von Ausgebilde-
tem Service personal dur chgeführt werden. Bitte scha ffen Sie Festplatteetiketten nicht weg.
6. Der Einbaudes Dr ives muss de n Anforder ungen gem äss DIN IEC 950V DC 0805/05. 90 ent sp re chen .
Medalist SL Family I nstallat io n Guide, November 1995 5 Warning.Turn off the computer before you remove its cover.
Turn off the power before you install or remove any adapter card or the drive.
Caution. Special training or tools may be required to service
laptop compu ters . Remov in g the cover may void your warranty. Review the terms and conditions of your warranty bef or e rem ov ing th e cover.
Configuring the drive
Required materials:
2-mm jumper connector (supplied as spar e jumpers)
Your Seagate dr ive is con figu re d usin g the opt ions jumper block shown in Figure 1 on page 6. The option settings are shown in Figure 2 on page 7. You can conf igur e the dr ive:
For one- or two-drive oper at ion.
To be the master or slave drive.
To operate as the master with drives that use a different
master/slav e timing pr otoc ol.
For comput er s that use cab le -select .
To use a remote drive- act ivity LED.
To configur e the drive, attac h a jumper to the pins on the op tions jumper block for the des ired option. The configuration opt ions are:
Spare jumper. Spar e jumpers are pro vided on pins 2 and 4 an d on pins 6 and 8 for configuring yo ur driv e. These sett ings are not used to configure the drive. The jumper is a 2-mm connector. If you use a larger connector, you may damage the jumper-block pins.
6 Med al ist SL Family Installat ion G uide, Novem ber 1995
Options jumper block
pin 1
pin 1
board +5V +5V return +12V return +12V
power connector
Figure 1. Drive c on nect or s
One-dri ve only. Use this co nfiguration if the re are no other drives
attached to the hard disc con troller . Master w ith s la ve pr es e nt . Use this configur atio n if the dr ive is
the first of t wo drives in your syst em. The master drive is Drive 0 in the System Set up record.
Slave. Us e this configur ation if the drive is the sec ond drive in the system. The slave is Dr ive 1 in the System Set up recor d.
Medalist SL Family I nstallat io n Guide, November 1995 7
11 12
board 
side up
One drive only Drive is master;
slave is present Drive is slave when
another drive is master Master/slave timing protocol.
Drive waits up to 30  seconds for slave to  respond.
Cable select Remote LED
connection pin 11 (–), pin 12 (+)
Figur e 2. Op ti o n s ju m p er bl o c k se t t in g s
8 Med al ist SL Family Installat ion G uide, Novem ber 1995 Master/slave timing protocol. This protocol involves the com-
munication betwee n the compu ter and the disc drives dur ing the boot cycle only. The computer queries the master drive for the status of both drives. The slave must report its status to the master within a certain time period. If it does not respond, a timeout error is issued and the computer does not identify the slave. Place a jumper on pins 3 and 4 and on pins 5 and 6 to extend the time period to 30 seconds that the Seagate master waits for the slave to respond.
Cable-sele ct. Use this configuration if your computer uses ca­ble-select. Refer to your computer user’s ma nual.
Remote LED. Place the grou nd wire sid e of the rem ote dr ive-ac­tivity LED co nnector, u sually t he blac k wir e, o n pin 11 ( –) a nd the other side on pin 12 (+) of the option s jumper block. The LED may be damaged if the cable is att ache d incor r ect ly.
Attaching the c ables
Required materials:
A four-conductor power- supp ly cable
A 40-conductor interface c able with a 40 -pin, fem ale inte rface
connector for each drive you want to atta ch. Note. To ensure the inte gr ity of your dat a, use a no nshielde d
cable with a maximum length of 18 inches (46 centimeters).
1. Attach the i nterface cabl e. Pin 1 on the drive must align with pin 1 of the har d-disc contro ller connector. Use the edge-str ipe on the cable to d enote pin 1. Pin 1 on t he dr ive is locat ed next to the four-pin power conn ector .
Medalist SL Family I nstallat io n Guide, November 1995 9 Caution. The cable and connector bond is delicate. Pulling the
cable to remove th e connector may dam age the cable.
Attach an interface connector to the drive. If your interface con­nector has a key, it will plug into the drive only one way. Make sure that you do not bend the pins when you at ta ch the cab le.
Attach an inte rface- connect or to the h ard- disc cont roller conn ec­tor on the motherboard or host adapter (see your system user’s guide or host adapter user’s guide to determine the location of pin 1). Make sure that pin 1 is aligned with pin 1 on the dr ive.
Cable-select installation: If your computer uses cable-select for connection, ref er to its user ’s gu id e to de te rmin e which in te rfac e connector is used f or the master and which is used for the slave.
2. Attach a power-suppl y cabl e to t he dr ive.
Pin 1
Figur e 3. Att aching c ables to the dri v e
Cable stripe
10 Medalist SL Family Installation Guide, Nove mber 1995
Mounting the drive
Required materials:
Four 6-32 UNC-2A scre ws (n ot included)
The drive fits in a standard 3.5-inch bay and can be mounted in any orientation. Position the drive so that the cables are not strained or crimpe d. Secure it with four mounting screws no t more than 6 full turns (0.20 inches) into the drive fram e (see Figure 4) .
Caution. To prevent drive mount ing- hole da m age, use only the
type of screws specif ied.
This completes t he har dware installation.
Figure 4. Mount i ng ho le s
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