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Medalist 630xe and 850xe ATA Product Manual, June 1996i
Medalist 630xe and 850xe ATA Product Manual, June 19961
This manual describes the functional, mechanical and interface specifications for the Medalist 630xe and the Medalist 850xe hard disc drives.
The drives are referred to throughout this manual by their model numbers, ST3630A for the Medalist 630xe and ST3850A for the Medalist
The ST3630A and ST3850A are designed to meet the needs of entry
level-to-midrange desktop computers . They are standard 3.5-inch formfactor drives that feature advance transfer modes, Multiple block
read/write, segmented cache and power management. Their respective
631.1-Mbyte and 850.5-Mbyte capacities provide ample space to store
large software programs and for those programs to run efficiently.
Fast-A T A performanc e is available in both drives. The ST3850A supports
advanced PIO modes 3 and 4 and advanced multiword DMA modes 1
and 2 for burst transfer rates up t o 16.6 Mbytes per second. The ST3630A
supports advanced PIO mode 3 and advanced multiword DMA mode 1
for burst trans fer rates up to 13.3 Mbyt es per second. Both drives support
Multiple block read/write, which allows them to store contiguous blocks
of data in their 120-Mbyte segmented cache and to transfer the blocks
in a single burst.
The drives support power-management modes for energy-efficient operation. Power dissipation falls to 0.725 W (typical) in Standby mode.
The drives enter power-saving modes at the request of the host. They
can also be programmed to automatically enter power-saving modes
using the Idle timer or Standby timer commands. The power-management modes the drives support are discussed in subsection 1.7.1 on
page 8. The power-management commands the drives s upport are listed
in the ATA-command table on page 24.
2Medalist 630xe and 850xe ATA Product Manual, June 1996
Quick specification chart
The following table serv es as a q uick reference f or the ST3630A and the
ST3850A perf ormance specifications. These and other specificat ions are
discussed in the Specification summary section fo llowing the table.
Drive specificationST3630AST3850A
Guarantee d capa city (Mby tes
Guarante e d sect or s1,232,78 41,661, 184
Bytes per sector512512
Sectors per tra ck6363
Logical Read/Write he ads1616
Logical cylinders1,2231,648
Physical Read/Write he ads44
Physical disc22
Recording density (Kbits/inch)6870
Track density (tracks/inch)3,3844,300
Spindle speed (RPM)3,81 13,811
Track-t o-t r ack se ek time (msec typical)55
Average seek time (m sec typical)1414
Full-stroke seek time (m sec t ypica l)3434
Average latency (mse c)7.877.87
Intern al dat a- tr an sf er rate ( M bit s per sec max )22.9 to 39.6 23.1 to 42.3
External transf er rate (M byt es per sec) PIO mode 1 1. 1 (ma x)16.6 (max)
External t ransfer rate (M bytes per sec) DM A mode 13.3 (max)16.6 (max)
Cache buffer (Kbytes)120120
Height (inches m ax)1.001.00
Width (inches max)4.024.02
Depth (inches max)5.775.77
Typica l weight (lb)1.31.3
Power-on to ready ( sec typic al)77
Spinup current (typical)1.25A1.25A
) (x106 bytes)631.1850.5
1. One Mbyte equals one million bytes.
Medalist 630xe and 850xe ATA Product Manual, June 19963
Drive specificationST3630AST3850A
Seek power (typical)5.23 W5.23W
Read/Writ e power (typical)3.34W3.34W
Idle total power (typical)1.985W1.985W
Standby(typ ical)0.725W0.725W
Volta ge toler ance (includin g noise): +5V ±5%±5%
Volta ge toler ance (including noise) : +12V±5%±5%
Operating tem per at ur e (°C)5 to 55°C5 to 55° C
Nonoperating te mper at ure ( °C)–40 to 70° C –40 to 70°C
Operating tem per at ur e grad ie nt (°C per hr . max )20° C20° C
Relative humidity, operating gradient (m ax.)10% per hr10% per hr
Altitude oper at ing–1,000
to 10,000 ft.
Altitude nonope rating–1,000
to 40,000 ft.
Shock, normal operating (Gs max at 11 msec)2.0 Gs2.0 Gs
Shock, nonoperating (Gs max at 11 msec)75.0 Gs75.0 Gs
Vibration (Gs max at 22-300 Hz without
nonrecoverable errors), operating
Vibration ( Gs max at 22-300 Hz with no physical
damage incur red), Nonoperating
1.0 Gs
Peak to Peak
8.0 Gs
Peak to Peak
Drive acoustics, Idle mode (dBA), typ29 dBA29 dBA
Nonrecoverable r ead error s (per bits tran sfer re d) 10
Mean time between failures (powe r-on hour s)300,000300,000
Contact start -s to p cycles40,00040,000
Service life (years )55
to 10,000 ft.
to 40,000 ft.
1.0 Gs
Peak to Peak
8.0 Gs
Peak to Peak
Medalist 630xe and 850xe ATA Product Manual, June 19965
1.0Specification summary
1.1Format configuration
The drive is low-level formatted at the factory. You do not need to
low-level format the drive.
You can operate the drive using many different address configurations,
provided the number of sectors per track does not exceed 63. The
following tables show the cylinder head sector (CHS) translation geometry for the drive. You can verify the parameters using the Identify Drive