Before a child rides his/h er new bike, it is e ssential that a responsible adult/parent
thoroughly reads the owne r’s manual and ensures the child understan ds all the
safety information.
Please make sure your SCOT T bike is completely assembled by your authorized
SCOTT dealer.
This is very im portant as it guarantees that your bike is set up correc tly and
optimizes performance and safety.
It is impor tant to understand the basics of rid ing a bicycle in a ddition to exercisi ng
common sen se when cycling. Cycling is a dynamic sport and requires reacting to
varying situations. Like any sports, cycling involves risk of injur y and damage.
By choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the responsibility for that risk.
Please use th e bike of your choice only for the purpose it was ma de for.
If you have questio ns or proble ms regarding your new SC OTT bicycle, please contact
your Authorised Dealer.
Ride Frequently!
Your new kids bike meet s (as a complete equipped model) all demands of the traf fic
law standards and is allowe d to be used in public streets .
It is obligator y that your child has reach ed the age of 8 yea rs, other wise he/she
should use th e sidewalk which is legal up to 1 0 years of age. Please che ck your
national laws re garding this point!
Maximum lo ad of the bike mus t not exceed 50 kg.
The carrie r (when supplie d with the bike) is made for a maximum load of 20 kg. In
general we re commend n ot to use the carrier on kids bikes for load transports due to
the reduced riding per formance. SCOT T kids bikes are built to be very robust, jumps
or riding on stairways however excee d normal use.
When producing your SCOTT kid s bike we only sele ct high quality par ts that offer
safety und er all riding situations . This is very i mportant when par ticipating in public
traffic . Maximize safety by avoiding dangerous situations:
- Ensure your child is well experienced in cycli ng when ridi ng in public traffic . Please
be reminde d that your chil d needs some time to get used to his/her new bike. In
addition, children are allowed to ride on th e sidewalk up to an a ge of 10 years.
- To react in the right way on pu blic street s it is impor tant for your child to know
about the traffic laws.
- Do not stress you r child. It might happe n that other participants in traffic,
especially cars, will make feel him/her unsure. Please familiarize your child on how
to ride in a parking ground before participating in traf fic.