If you purchased th is bicycle f or a minor, it is essential that a respons ible adult
thorou ghly reads and explains the safety instruc tions in t his man ual to the minor.
Please ensure your SCOTT bike is completely asse mbled by your authorized SC OTT
dealer. This ensures that your bike is correctly set up to optimize safet y, performa nce
and fun while riding.
It is impor tant to understand the basics of an d exercise commo n sense when cycling.
Cycling is a dynamic sport that requires awareness of and reaction to various situations
and surroundings. Like any sport, cycling involves risks of injur y and damage. By
choosing to ride a bicycle, you assume the responsibility for those risks.
Please us e your bike on ly for the p urpose i t was mad e fo r.
For instance, a road racing bike should not be used as a substitute for a mo untain bike in
off road terrain. Nor should a Trekking bike be used for down hill racing o r road racing.
If you have any questions regarding your new SC OTT bicycle, please contact your
authorized dealer.
Ride Frequently!
1. Obey all tra ffic laws .
Use proper signals when turning.
Never tow yourself b ehind another vehicle.
Do not weave or race in traffic.
2. Watch out f or parked cars.
A car door can open or a c ar can pull o ut into traffic at any time.
3. Always ensu re you are highly visible.
Wear bright colo rs, install reflectors properly and use lights at night.
4. Always wear a helmet.
Ensure the helmet meets or exceeds national safety standards.
5. Ensure that your bicycle is in good working condi tion before every ride.
Check your brakes, tires, components, etc.
6. Ensure that the bike is the rig ht size.
The rider sh ould be abl e to reach the bra ke levers pro pe rly.
7. Never have two people on a bicycle designed for one.
Except speci ally design ed and prop erly installed child c arriers.
8. Mount loads securely.
Never mount anything that interferes with b rakes or vision.
Comfortable riding depends on the position and height of the saddle . You can adjust
the saddle height by:
1. Straddle the saddle. Place the ball of your foot on th e pedal nearest to the grou nd.
Make sure the cranks are vertical.
2. If the heel of your foot points down about 30 degrees, the saddle h eight is correc t.
Ensure that the limit marking on your seat post is inside th e seat tube. If it is not
possible to rea ch the correc t seat height, you will nee d a larger size.
Ensure that the seatpost marking is inse rted into the
frame. If you need to chan ge the inclination of the
saddle or th e horizontal position, en sure you do not
exceed the max. tightening torque.
Screws with M5 sho uld be tighten ed with 6 Nm, a nd
M8 with 20 Nm.
Ensure the saddle is installed corre ctly with the seat
post before ever y ride.
Please note that SCOT T is not responsible for
damages c aused by neg lecting th e tightening torques
on the seat clamp fixing screws.
If the chain needs to be tensioned
again, release nut A on b oth sides
and pull the re ar wheel straight
backward u ntil the tension is ok.
Retighten nut A on both sides.
Please note the tightening torque in
the Tightenin g Torques table at the
end of this manual.