Purpose of this ma nu al: To provide de ta iled
installation and operation instructions; to give
insights into how the machine works; to list
possible cause s for problems; and to suggest
procedures for s pecific type s of service .
The TDE470 is an ice make r an d dispe nse r
combined into one cabinet. The refrigeration
system is air cooled, using R-134 a as a refrig era nt.
The control system uses elec tric ey es as a bin
control and a water leve l sensor as the water
safety control. As ice is made, it fills a pla st ic
storage bin. When ice is needed , a motor rot at es a
stainless stee l van e inside th e storage bin and
sweeps the ice int o the spo ut .
A Parts List and Wiring Diagram are located in the center of this m anual, on yellow paper.
February 1995
Page 1
The standard finish for this machine is painted
enamel. A stainless ste el p anel kit may be inst alle d
at the field leve l to chang e the fin ish to stainless
steel. The kit numbe r is : SPKFD4 70
Scotsman ice machines, like the TDE4 70 , are
designed to be installe d ind oors, in a controlle d
environment. The minimum a nd maximu m
operatin g cond itio ns are:
••Minimum Air Temperature: 50
••Maximum Air Temperatu re: 100
••Minimum Water Temperature: 40
•• Maximum Water Temperature: 100
••60 Hz voltage may vary betwee n 104 and 126
••Water Pressu re may va ry between 20 and 80
Operatin g the mac hin e ou tsid e thes e con dit ions
constitu tes misuse and voids the warrant y.
Scotsman Ice Systems are designed and
manufactured with the highest regard for safety
and performance . They meet or ex cee d the
standards of UL, NSF and CUL.
Scotsman assu mes no liability or res po nsib ility of
any kind for pro duct s ma nufa ct ured by Scotsman
that have been altered in any way, including the
use of parts and/of other components not
specifically approved by Scotsman.
Scotsman reserves the right to make design
changes and/or improvements at any time.
Specifications and designs are subject to change
without notice.
A pro fe ssio na l insta llat ion of any produ ct is critic al
to the long term satisfaction of the user. The
TDE470 is designed to be installed either on a
counter, or, usin g a wall hanging kit, hung from a
wall. Another opt ion is a kit to increa se the ca bin et
height which will allow taller containers to be
placed under the spout. Determine the location
from the anticip ated use and any optio ns plann ed
This machine is air cooled and blows air out the
lower left side of the cabinet. Do not install the
machine whe re the side to side air flo w might be
Cooling Air Flow
Air Flow
Water Quality:
The quality of the water supplie d to the mach ine
will directly affe ct th e purity of the ice and the
reliability of the machin e. While th e condit ion of the
water supplied to a building is normally ou t of the
control of the user, wate r can be trea te d at the
point of use.
There are two major typ es of water impurities:
suspended solids (those that are carried along
with the water and may be filtered out) and
dissolved solids (those that are part of the wate r
and have to be treated). A wate r filt er is alwa ys a
good idea, but does require regular maint enan ce
to change the cartridg e. In some wat er condit ions,
water treat men t may be require d. Genera lly this
means a polyphosphate feeder of some kind.
Water sof te ners are not rec omme nd ed for the
General Installation:
Place the machin e in its fina l location. Remo ve the
top, right and left side panels:
1. Remove two screws at the bac k of the top panel.
2. Pull up on the back of the top panel and remove
Warm Air
The machine will require electrical power, water
and a drain. Follow all loc al codes . Rou gh in the
utilities befo re pla cing the mach ine into posit ion
(see For The Electrician and For The Plumbe r).
3. Remove screws from the sides (to p and bottom)
of the side panels an d fro m the spla sh pa ne l.
4. Pull the side panels back and of f the machin e.
Plumbing co nnections may be ma de thru hole s in
the ba c k of the c abine t or thru th e base.
••Route the sink drain to the back of th e cabinet.
Route the bin drain to the back panel.
••Route the electrical power cord from the
junction box inside the cabinet. thru the back
panel .
••Route the inlet water line thru the back panel or
base to the fla re fit ting inside the cabin et .
Install the sta inle ss steel panel kit (if us ed) n ow.
Install the back pa nel o f the sta inle ss steel panel
kit now (if used).
After all plumbing and interna l wiring has been
done, replac e th e side and bac k panels .
Level the unit front to back and left to right.
The machine does not require sealing to the
counter due to the gasket on the base.
February 1995
Page 3
For The Electrician
Electrical conn ection s:
Check the nameplat e for v olt age and curre nt
requiremen ts . An ele ct rical c ord is not supplie d.
Connect the TDE470 to a separate electrical
circuit. Wiring to the machin e must confo rm to all
codes. A licensed electrician may be required in
some situations.
Remove the back panel to make the ele ct rical
connection . The electrical connectio n is made on
the terminal strip in the junction box inside the
machine. Replace the back panel when the
electrical conn ect ions are complete.
Remove Back Panel To
Expose Junction Box
February 1995
Page 4
For The Plumber
The dispenser req uire s a gravity drain. The pitch
on the drain tubes must be at least 1/4 inch fall per
foot of horizont al run . On long horizo ntal runs, a
vent at the back of the cabinet will improve
draining, and is recommended.
There are two dra ins to connect : A sin k dra in, a
plastic tube; and the bin drain, a
⁄8" plastic tube.
Install rigid tubing bet wee n the mach ine and the
building drain. Rout e the dra ins sepa rat ely to the
building drain.
Water supply:
Connect cold, pota ble wate r to the machine. A
hand valve ne ar th e lo ca tio n is recomme nded . A
water filter is also a good idea.
Follow all local codes.
Strainer or
Water Inlet Fitting
(Inside Cabinet)
Water Supply
Overflow Drains
Bin and
Sink Drain
Building Drain
February 1995
Page 5
Optional Kits:
Sink Exten sio n (KDE 1A ename l or K DE1 A-SS
stainless steel):
If installe d, follo w the se st ep s, if no t go to st ep 2.
••A. Unplug or disconnect electrical powe r.
••B. Remove top and right side panels .
••C. Shut off water supply and dis con nect wate r
inlet tube.
•• D. Drain reservoir.
2. Unplug or disconnect electrical power. Remove
splash panel from the dispenser’s cabinet. Save
the screws for re-assemb ly.
3. Remove the Touch-Free sensor from the spla sh
panel. Save the hard ware for re-a sse mbly.
4. Loosen hose clamp at sink drain.
5. Remove screws holding sink to dispenser
6. Remove the original sink from the cabin et .
7. Carefully lay the dispenser on its left side.
8. Remove the gasket from the base of the
16. Cente r and att ach the ice deca l on spla sh
pane l wi t h the op ening ov er the
portion of the sensor holder.
17. Install spla sh pan el to the dispe ns er cab ine t
with 4 sheet metal screws (from step 2).
18. Place the warnin g stic ker abou t 2
ice decal.
19. Install grill.
20. Pour water in sin k and check fo r drain ag e or
21. Replace all panels, and recon nect any ut ilitie s.
⁄2" x 1 1⁄2" raised
⁄2" lef t of the
9. Place the sink extension base against the
bottom of the d is pen se r. The fla nge of the
dispenser base fits in the
slots in the sink ext en sion
10. Secure the sink
extensio n ba se to th e
dispenser with 3 screws on
each side.
11. Ret urn the dispe ns er to
an upright position.
12. Attach t he d rain fitting,
drain top and o-ring (o-ring
goes under the sink) to the
sink from the kit.
13. Place the new sink and
drain on the dispenser.
Attach sink drain tube and
secure with a hose clamp.
14. Secure sink to cabine t
with 2 machine screws.
15. Install sen so r hold er in
new splash panel using
hardware saved in step 3.
February 1995
Page 6
Wall Mount Kit (KWB 1):
1. Top Case Hanger Brac ket : A tt ac he s to th e f rame
of th e dispenser.
2. Top Wall Bracket: Mounts to the wall an d
enga ges th e top cas e hang er br acke t to supp o rt
the dispenser.
3. Bottom W all Bra cke t: Moun ts to the wall and
spaces the base of the disp enser away from the
4. Bottom Fittin gs Cover: Fastened to the bott om
Top Wall Bracket:
1. Hold the bracket on the wall where it will be
mounted .
2. Mark on the wall the positions of the holes in the
3. If needed, drill pilot holes for the faste ners.
4. Secure the bracket to the wall with fasten ers of
suffic ien t stre ngth to hold up the TDE 47 0.
Bottom Wall Bracket:
1. Lift up and hang the dispenser from the top wall
2. Position the bott om wall bra cke t so that the
molding on the dispe nser bas e bott oms in th e
channel of the wall bracket.
3. Secure the bracket to the wall.
Bottom Fitting Cover:
1. Connect electric al po wer, wat er inle t, bin drain
and sink drain of the dis pense r thru the botto m of
the ca se.
Top Panel
wall bracket to hide the utility con nect ion s.
Installation: Check building wall for the strength
required to sup po rt a machine of the TDE4 70’ s
weight and size. Note that if at least 6" of space is
not left above the machine , cleaning and most
service of the machine will require remov al of the
machine from th e wall moun ts. All utilities are to be
routed thru the base. The back panel is not used
when the machine is hung from the wall.
Top Case Hanger Bracket
1. Remove top panel.
2. Remove back cover an d save th e 4 screws for
mounting the bracket.
3. Drill out the holes (as marked in the illustration )
in the back of the frame with a 3/16" drill bit.
4. Place top hang er bra cke t on the inside of th e
frame and fasten to the frame with the four screws
removed in step 2.
Enlarge Holes
Top Case
Secure With
2. Secure bottom fitting cover to the bottom wall
bracket with the four sheet metal screws provided
in this kit.
February 1995
Page 7
Final Check List & Initial Start Up
1. Is the machine loca te d ind oo rs where the
temperature limitations are not exceeded?
2. Is there at least 6" clearance on both sides of
the cabinet for ad equa te air flow?
3. Is the water supply adequate, and has a shut off
valve been inst alle d?
4. Is the cabinet level?
5. Have all of the electrical and drain connections
been made?
Initial Start Up
1. Remove 2 screws at the back of the top panel
and remove the top panel.
2. Remove screws and the side panels.
3. Open the water su pply s hut of f valve .
4. Watch the water fill the reserv oir. Check that it
flows in and fills the reservo ir near to the mark
molded into the side of the reservoir. Check that
the float shuts off the water flow when the tank is
full. Check for leak s. Tighten hose clamp s as
5. Plug the unit in or switch on the electrical power.
After about 15 se con ds the machin e sh ould start.
6. Let the machine operate, listen for any unusual
noises. If needed, reposition tubing & panels to
eliminate vibrat ion.
After the unit has been operating for about 10
minutes, there sho uld be enough ice in the bin to
test the dispense system.
7. Using a container, place in in front of the glass
sensor and below the ice chute. See that ice is
dispensed (the bin drive motor cont inues to run as
long as the cont ain er is in pla ce).
8. Move the water switch (rocker switch on the
front panel) to ON. Pla ce the contain er in fro nt of
the gla s s se nsor and under th e i ce chut e. Both
water and ice should be dispensed.
9. Pour water into the sink and ch eck that th e drain
does not leak but drains the water rapidly.
10. Explain to the user th e mainte na nc e
requirements and operation of the machine.
1 1 . Fill out the W arra nt y Regis tra tio n and
Customer Evaluation form. Mail it to Scotsma n.
12. Leave the service man ual wit h the owner/user
and explain who shou ld be calle d if service is
February 1995
Page 8
User Operation
The TDE470 is an automa tic ice ven ding machine.
All it requires is coo l air, clea n water an d an
adequate supply of electrical power.
To Vend Ice:
Place a container in front of the Touch Free sensor
and below the ice spout. Hold it th ere until t he
container is full of ice. Do NOT overf ill t he
container or a bu ild up of ice in the sin k or a bac k
up of ice in the spout will occur.
To Vend Ice and Water.
Switch the W ater Switch to ON. Place a container
in front of the Touch Free sensor and b elo w the ice
spout. W ater an d ice will be dispense d into the
container be low th e spou t. Note : Th e water is NOT
cooled, it is the same te mpe rat ure as the build ing
supply water.
Daily Maintenance: Pour hot water into the sink to
flush out any debris or build up. Wipe the cabinet
off, wash the sink and grill to keep minerals from
Unless the touch free senso r is
de-activa ted by pushing the
Cleaning Swit ch in, ice and/ or wat er
may be dispense d during clean ing .
The Cleaning Switch is a button,
located to the left of the ice chute,
that temporarily shuts off the sensor
for c l eanup of the sp l a s h pane l .
Pushing the butto n in will disab le th e
sensor for 2 minute s, push ing the
button in again will return the sensor
to normal operation.
Touc h Fre e
Switc h
February 1995
Page 9
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