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HYDRIM C51 w Operator’s Manual
4. Instructions for Use
4.1 Instrument Reprocessing Recommendations
When used correctly , the Hydrim C51w is effective for the removal of debris on
instruments that may result in the insulation of microorganisms during a terminal
sterilization. Prior to inserting your instruments into the Hydrim, consult the
manufacturer’s reprocessing instructions.
All critical and semi-critical instruments can be considered clean after processing in the
Hydrim C51w. Critical instruments are used to penetrate soft tissues or bone, for example
forceps, scalpels, and needles. Non-critical instruments are devices that come into
contact only with unbroken skin. Non-critical instruments can be terminally processed
in the Hydrim C51w.
Examples of instruments suitable for washing in the Hydrim C51w include:
All instruments
should have the
following properties
Dental Instruments
Medical Instruments
• heat resistance to a temperature of up to 70˚C / 158˚F
• corrosion resistance in the presence of heat and alkalinity .
• Stainless steel scalers, spatulas, hemostats, evacuation tips
(9 mm / 0.33" ID and 15 cm / 6" long).
• Stainless steel retractors, needle holders, skin hooks, tissue
forceps, scissors, curettes, and other stainless steel instruments free
of deep cavities.
Also, when assessing instrument suitability with Hydrim Cleaning Solution, reference
these guidelines:
• Good quality stainless steel instruments are suitable for processing with
Hydrim Cleaning Solution.
• Carbon steel, aluminum, nickel, and chrome or rhodium plated instruments may
corrode in Hydrim Cleaning Solution. Examples of carbon steel are Hartzell tips
and burrs.
• Stainless steel instruments that have working tips made of other materials may not
be suitable for processing in Hydrim Cleaning Solution. Check with the
manufacturer of the instrument for the material.
• Mechanical rotating instruments such as burrs, grinders and root canal instruments
are not suitable for processing in Hydrim Cleaning Solution.
• Dental handpieces, microkeratomes, phaco tubing, fiberoptics and electrical
equipment should not be processed in the Hydrim.
NOTE: SciCan recommends that all hinged instruments be placed in open baskets in the
Heavy Duty cycle.
NOTE: If using the cannula post adapter, always use the Heavy Duty Cycle.
When processing small or light objects in the Hydrim use the basket with lid (SciCan part
number 01-108294).