Installation Instructions
VBB/VBS Series Ball Valves
with Proportional Actuators
Vertical Pipe
Inspect the package for damage. If package is damaged,
notify the appropriate carrier immediately. If undamaged, open
the package and inspect the device for obvious damage.
Return damaged products.
Two-Way Valve: Flow A to AB Three-Way Valve: Mixing Only A
Read and understand these instru
servicing this product.
Do not install this product in haz
locations unless expressly permi
Turn off all power supplying equ
the product.
Make all connections in accorda
• Do not exceed the product’s technical ratings.
Use copper conductors only
accordance with the appropriate
Avoid installation locations expo
moisture, and/or corrosive or ex
Avoid electrical noise interferenc
conductors, electrical machinery
When making wiring connections within the actuator
put leads or connectors below the
This product is a class 2 (Limited V
The installer is responsible for co
Check the Electrical terminals a
settings before powering up the
Failure to follow these instructions may cause equipment
ctions before installing or
ardous or classified
ipment before working on
nce with the electrical wiring
. Make all connections in
electrical wiring diagram.
sed to vibration, excessive
plosive vapours.
e. Do not install near large
, or welding equipment.
oltage Limited Energy)
nformance to all applicable
nd any configuration switch
M113A0x or M123A0x
, do not
and/or B to AB.
If this product is used in a manner not specified by the manufacturer,
the protection provided by the product may be impaired.
No responsibility is assumed by Schneider Electric for any
consequences arising out of the use of this product.
Tools (not provided)
• Wrench/adjustable spanners: 24…42mm (1”…1-5/8”)
• Pipe wrench according to pipe size
• Volt-ohm multimeter
• Phillips Head screwdriver
© 2016 Schne ider Ele ctric. All rights rese rved. All trademar ks are ow ned by Sch neider Electr ic Indust ries S AS or its affi liated co mpanie s. November, 2017 tc
Docume nt Numbe r: F-27394-10
Horizontal Pipe
Horizontal Plane
• Installer must be a qualified, experienced technician
Other accessories
• As appropriate.
Vertical Pipe

Installation Instructions
Do not install in open systems using substantial make-up water.
• Follow proper water treatment practices and system
Failure to follow these instructio
These valves must be piped according to the water flow
diagram. Two-Way valve flow should go A to AB. Three-way
valves should be applied only as mixing valves (see diagram).
Best Practice Guidelines
It is recommended to fit a strainer upstream of the valve to
increase reliability and to follow water treatment guidelines as
detailed in VDI 2035.
The pipework system should be flushed prior to the operation.
The valves can be mounted in horizontal or vertical piping.
When installed in horizontal piping, the actuator must be above
the valve body. It can be tilted left or right but it must not be
tilted below 90° from vertical.
Installation Notes
• Confirm there is no overhead water source that may drip
onto valve actuator.
• In normal service, some condensation may occur on or
around the valve. A drip pan may be necessary or the valve
body may be insulated.
• Do not cover the actuator or obstruct the manual operator
• Reference product label and Product Datasheet F-27895 for
additional product specifications.
It is the responsibility of the installer or product specifier to
verify media compatibility of the valves construction materials
with the supplier of water treatment/heat transfer solution.
Installing the Valve Body
Apply PTFE tape to the male pipe thread. Hand screw the pipe
into the valve, turning it as far as it will go. Use a wrench to fully
tighten the valve to the pipe. Do not over tighten or strip the
Installing the Actuator on the Valve Body
1. Turn the valve stem so the slot on top of the stem is
pointing towards the large keyed post.
2. Do one of the following:
• For a spring return actuator, press the red lever down
and rotate the manual operating lever to align the stem
hole with the valve stem. Then slide the red lever up to
lock the manual lever in place.
• For a non-spring actuator, press and hold the red
release button on the top of the actuator and rotate the
ns may cause equipment
manual operating lever to align the stem hole with the
valve stem, then release the red button.
3. Align the valve body with the actuator so the stem lines up
with the large stem hole and the large keyed post lines up
with the post hole on the bottom of the actuator.
4. Firmly press the valve and actuator together to lock into
The first time the valve is operated electrically, the manual
operating lever of the actuator will move to the automatic
position. The manual operating lever can be used to allow
flushing of the system after installation.
Removing the Actuator
Do not use the valve body to manually open the actuator.
Failure to follow this instruction will result in damage to
the actuator
NOTE: Make sure the valve stem rotates freely before and
after installing the actuator. If the stem does not operate freely
it may indicate that the stem was damaged and may require
that the valve be replaced.
1. Press and hold the valve release lever inward, towards the
2. Lift the actuator from the valve.
3. After the piping is under pressure, check the valve body
and the connections for leaks.
4. After the valve and actuator are installed, power the
actuator and check the operation by varying the control
signal. On spring return models, the valve should return to
its normal position when power is removed.
Theory of Operation
This series of proportional valve actuator assemblies is
designed to make incremental adjustments to flow based
on the control signal input. This actuator is not intended for
continuous use in zero dead band control systems.
When power is removed for more than two seconds, spring
return valve assemblies return to their normal position. Nonspring return valve assemblies remain at their last position
when power is removed. The spring return feature should not
be used for routine, normal operation.
Proportional Actuators perform a self-calibration cycle on
power-up. The actuator will run to the open direction for
approximately 20 seconds and then closed direction for
145 seconds (approximately 2 ½ min.). Once this cycle is
complete, the actuator will then accept and respond to the
control signal.
NOTE: Do not use the manual operator while power is applied
to the actuator. If the actuator is manually positioned while
power is applied, the calibration cycle must be completed
again for the actuator to function properly. To recalibrate the
actuator, cycle power off for more than 6 seconds.
November, 2017 tc © 2016 Schne ider Ele ctric. All rig hts rese rved. All trademar ks are ow ned by Sch neider Electr ic Indust ries S AS or its affi liated co mpanie s.
Document Number: F-27394-10