This document has been updated for Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A) Rev 1.0.
Got to, search “AD firmware” or “CO firmware” for latest SUS-A versions.
ii • Schlage • Schlage Utility Soware for Android User's Guide
WarrantyImportant Information
Schlage Lock Company, LLC (the “Company”) extends a warranty against defects in material and
workmanship to the original user of the products manufactured by the Company (the “Products”)
beginning from the date of purchase by the original user. Certain Products contain restrictions to this
limited warranty, additional warranties, or different warranty periods. Please see below for specific
Product warranty periods and details.
47282796 SUS-A KIT1 year
What The Company Will do: Upon return of the defective Product to the Company or its authorized
distributor for inspection, free and clear of all liens and encumbrances and accompanied by the
statement of defects and proof of purchase, the company will, at its option, repair or replace the
Product (with new or remanufactured product (as applicable), or refund the purchase price.
Original User: These warranties only apply to the original end user of the Products (“Original User”).
These warranties are not transferable.
What is not Covered: The following costs, expense and damages are not covered by the provisions
of these limited warranties: (i) back charges or labor costs including, but not limited to, such costs
as the removal and reinstallation of the Product or for normal maintenance; (ii) shipping and freight
expenses required to return the Product to Schlage; (iii) failures, defects, or damage (including,
but not limited to, any security failure or loss of data) caused by any third party product, service, or
system connected or used in conjunction with the Product; (iv) loss of use of control panel or video
recorder; (v) any other incidental, consequential, indirect, special and/or punitive damages, whether
based on contract, warranty, tort (including, but not limited to, strict liability or negligence), patent
infringement, or otherwise, even if advised of the possibility of such damages; or (vi) normal wear and
The provisions of these limited warranties do not apply to Products: (i) used for purposes for which
they are not designed or intended by the Company; (ii) which have been subjected to alteration,
misuse, abuse, negligence, or accident; (iii) which have been improperly stored, installed, maintained,
repaired or operated; (iv) which are not the proper size for the application, have been used in violation
of written instructions provided by the Company, or have been installed with improper or incorrect
parts; (v) which have been subjected to improper temperature, humidity, or other environmental
conditions (i.e., corrosion); or (vi) which, based on the Company’s examination, do not disclose to the
Company satisfactory non-conformance to these warranties. Company will not warrant ANSI A156.2
Grade 1 lever Product installed in educational facilities and student housing. Additionally, these
warranties do not cover scratches, abrasions, or deterioration due to the use of paints, solvents, or
other chemicals.
Additional Terms: The Company does not authorize any person to create for it any obligation or
liability in connection with the Products. No other warranties, express or implied, are made to the
Original User with respect to the Products including, but not limited to, any implied warranty of
merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose. No agent, representative, dealer, or distributor of
Company has the authority to increase or alter the obligations under this limited warranty. No action
arising out of a claimed breach of this warranty by Company may be brought by the Original User
more than one (1) year aer the cause of action has arisen.
Claims Process: If you have a claim under this limited warranty, please contact Company’s Customer
Service for repair, replacement or refund of the original purchase price in exchange for the return of the
Product to Company. Contact Company’s Customer Service at 1-877-671-7011.
iii • Schlage • Schlage Utility Soware for Android User's Guide
ii Important Information
ii Customer Service
ii Copyright
ii Revision
iii Warranty
5 Overview
5 Supported Devices
6 SUS-A Functions by Device
7 Getting Started and Daily Operations
7 System Components and Compatibility
8 Install/Update Schlage Utility Soware for
8 Logging In
9 Connecting the Mobile Device
10 Transferring Door and Audit Files
11 Updating Firmware
12 Interface Reference
13 SUS-A Settings
13 Connection Examples
13 Audit Retrieval Mode
13 SUS Password
14 Coupling Password
14 Language
14 Import/Export Configuration Feature
14 Diagnostic Data Log Feature
49 CO-Series Locks
49 Couple mobile device to Lock
49 Program a Lock
50 Collect Audits
50 View Properties
51 Edit Properties
51 View Reader Properties
51 Edit Reader Properties
51 Update Firmware
52 Lock Properties
54 Legacy Locks
54 Program a Lock or Controller
54 Supported Legacy Locks
55 Collect Audits and Update a Lock
55 View Properties
56 Edit Properties
56 Update Firmware
57 Demo mode
58 Troubleshooting
58 General Troubleshooting
58 Error Codes
62 Enable File Transfer
63 Glossary
66 Change Lock Class
66 AD-Series Locks
15 AD-Series Locks and Controllers
15 Couple mobile device to Lock
16 Couple mobile device to PIM400 or PIB300
16 Couple mobile device to WRI400/CT5000
17 Program a Lock or Controller
17 Collect Audits and Update Lock
18 Device Information
18 Lock Configuration
18 Reader Configuration
19 Put PIM400 into Link Mode
19 Put PIM400 into Demo/Diagnostic Mode
19 Update Firmware
19 Diagnostic Data Log Feature
20 AD-Series Readers
22 Lock Properties
35 Controller Properties
67 Import/Export Configuration
67 About Import/Export Configuration Feature
67 Supported Locks and Accessories
67 Prerequisites
68 Create an Import/Export Configuration
68 Copy a Saved Import/Export Configuration
69 Diagnostic Data Log
69 About Diagnostic Data Log Feature
69 Prerequisites
69 Diagnostic Data Log Menu
71 Index
iv • Schlage • Schlage Utility Soware for Android User's Guide
The Schlage Utility Soware for Android is an application that runs on the Android operating system.
It is used to configure, edit and program all supported devices.
1. AD-Series wireless device properties may also be viewed or edited through the PIM400.
2. These devices work with the FIPS201 standard. AD-200 will become AD-201, AD-300 will become AD-301, and AD400 will become AD-401 when a FMK reader is attached. If the FMK reader is attached to the WPR400, it will become
CO-Series Devices
Collect Audits•••
Edit Lock Properties•••
Update Firmware•••
Couple mobile device to Device•••
Set Date/Time•••
Legacy Devices
CL Controller
Legacy PIM
Collect Audits•••••••
Edit Lock Properties•••••••
Update Firmware Update••••••••
Edit Legacy PIM properties•
Edit WAPM Properties•••••
Demo mode•
1. Legacy wireless access point devices cannot be configured directly. They are configured through the legacy PIM.
The Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A) is a soware application that runs on Android
OS, version 9 or higher, with a type C connection. It is used to transfer data files between the access
control soware and locks and controllers.
USB Connector
2-PIN Connector
System Components
SUS-A CableCable used to connect an Android device to AD- and CO-Series products. The legacy
products BE367 and FE210 are also supported.
Mobile DeviceThe Android OS device, version 9 or higher with a type C connection, upon which the
SUS-A application has been installed.
• Do not hang the mobile device or the lock from the cable connection.
• Carefully plug and unplug the mobile device and USB/2-PIN device connectors to prevent
• Do not expose the cable to high heat (like the dash board of your work truck).
Install/Update Schlage Utility Soware for AndroidGetting Started and Daily Operations
Install/Update Schlage Utility Soware for Android
Download Schlage Utility Soware for
Android from the Google Play Store.
Logging In
Logging in for the first time
Once the application is downloaded, you must change default password.
1 Select User Type: Manager or Operator.
1 Enter Default Password: 123456
2 You will be prompted to enter a new password and confirm the new password.
Î New password must not be a default password, subset or super set of default password.
3 You must log in again with User Type: Manager or Operator and new password.
Log in as a manager or operator
You can log in to the Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A) as either a Manager or an
Operator. The Manager role has access to all commands. The Operator role has access only to limited
Connecting the Mobile DeviceGetting Started and Daily Operations
Connecting the Mobile Device
Î The mobile device must have file transfer via USB enabled to function properly. See Enable File
Transfer on page 62 for more information.
The Schlage button
will flash green while
the lock is waiting to
communicate with
the mobile device.
The Schlage button
will begin to flash red
when communication
between the lock
the mobile device is
When communication
is established, the
device name will
be displayed on the
SUS-A main screen.
AD-Series and CO-Series Locks
1 Start the Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A).
2 Connect the SUS-A Cable to the mobile device. A
pop-up will appear, “Allow Schlage Utility Software to
access SUS A-CABLE?” Click OK to continue.
3 Plug the SUS-A Cable into the lock’s USB port located
in the bottom of the exterior housing.
4 Press the Schlage button twice to begin
AD-Series Controllers
1 Start the Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A).
2 Connect the SUS-A Cable to the mobile device. A pop-
up will appear, “Allow Schlage Utility Software to access
SUS A-CABLE?” Click OK to continue.
3 Plug the SUS-A Cable into the controllers’s USB port.
Communication will begin automatically.
USB Connection
Legacy CM and CL Locks
1 Start the Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A).
2 Connect the SUS-A Cable to the mobile device. A pop-
up will appear, “Allow Schlage Utility Software to access
SUS A-CABLE?” Click OK to continue.
3 Plug the SUS-A Cable into the lock’s 2-Pin connector.
4 Press the Schlage button twice to begin
When you present
the red programming
fob, if the Schlage
button lights red and
then green one time,
the cam is in the
wrong position. See
Legacy BE367 and FE210
Allow Access to SUS-A Cable
1 Start the Schlage Utility Soware for Android (SUS-A).
2 The deadbolt must be retracted if this is the first time
programming the lock.
3 Connect the SUS-A Cable to the mobile device. A pop-
up will appear, “Allow Schlage Utility Software to access
SUS A-CABLE?” Click OK to continue.
4 Present the Red programming iButton to the lock.
5 Plug the SUS-A Cable into the lock’s 2-Pin connector.
Î If the lock does not connect and begin
communication, the lock may have timed out.
Present the red programming button again.
Transferring Door and Audit FilesGetting Started and Daily Operations
Before attempting
to transfer files,
Schlage Express
must be set up and
running on a PC.
The xx in the
extension of a door
file or audit file is the
number of the door
that represents the
order in which the
door was originally
entered into Schlage
Transferring Door and Audit Files
Schlage Express is used in conjunction with SUS-A. It is the application for PC that is used to set up
users and access for a site, and then create door files for programming. Audit files are collected from
the locks and devices using SUS-A or another legacy device, prior to SUS-A.
Types of Files
File typeExtension Purpose
Door files.dxxTransfers user and access information from Schlage Express to a lock or
device via SUS-A.
capindex.ndxTransfers the door names to the locks so they can be displayed for easy
reference during programming.
Audit files.axxTransfers door audits to Schlage Express from a lock or device via
SUS-A. The numbers in the extension correspond to the door file with
the same numbers. Only doors that were programmed will return an
audit file.
uplink.logTells Schlage Express which doors have been successfully updated.
Device Template.dteUsed to save device settings from one device and then copy them to
another device of the same type. Ensures each device has the same
settings applied.
Device Data Log.ddlAD-Series devices only: Captures the settings and status of the last 50
devices that the SUS has connected with. Used to check status and
settings while oine and not connected with the device..
n/a.kxxThese are system files that do not need to be transferred during
updates; they can be ignored.
The mobile device
must have file transfer
via USB enabled to
function properly. See
Enable File Transfer
on page 62 for
more information.
* The SUS-A cable
cannot be used to
transfer files between
the PC and the mobile
device. A high-quality
data transfer cable
should be used.
To find the export
folder on PC,
go to Settings >
Program Settings >
Programming Tab. The
option that is checked
will show where the
files generate.
Transfer Files from the PC to the Mobile Device for Programming
1 Navigate to the Export folder (usually
C:\SchlageExpress\Export) on the PC. Copy the
door les (*.dxx) and capindex.ndx file.
2 Connect the mobile device to the computer’s
USB port using a data transfer cable*.
3 Once the mobile device drive appears on the PC,
locate the folder named Schlage Utility Software.
4 Paste the copied files to the folder on your
mobile device.
Transfer Files from the Mobile Device to the PC
aer Programming
When Auto Update is selected, the SUS will automatically set the date and time in the lock to which it
is connected, retrieve the audit and program the lock. When Manual Update is selected, the functions
must be independently performed by the user.
Î Manual Update is recommended when managing Legacy Locks.
1 Select .
2 Select Settings.
3 Use the toggle button next to Audit Retrieval Mode to choose Auto or Manual.
SUS Password
You must be logged in to a role to change the password for that role.
1 Select .
2 Select Settings.
3 Select SUS Password.
4 Enter the old password into the Old Password box.
5 Enter the new password into the New Password box.
Î The new password must be between four (4) and eight (8) characters long and can include
capital and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. It must not be a default password,
subset or super set of default password at any point of time
6 Enter the new password again into the Conrm New Password box.
This function is
available only when
logged into the mobile
device as a manager.
The default Coupling
Password is 123456.
Coupling Password
1 Select .
2 Select Settings.
3 Select Coupling Password.
4 Enter the old password into the Old Password box.
5 Enter the new password into the New Password box.
Î The new password must be between four (4) and eight (8) characters long and can include
capital and lowercase characters, numbers, and symbols. It must not be a default password,
subset or super set of default password at any point of time
6 Enter the new password again into the Conrm New Password box.
7 Select Update.
1 Select .
2 Select Language.
3 Select the desired language.
Import/Export Configuration Feature
The Import/Export Configuration feature facilitates creation, modification and duplication of Device
Properties settings across multiple devices. In addition, the Import/Export Configuration will also
report additional device status parameters for a complete summary of the device’s health.
Locating the Import/Export Configuration Feature:
1 Select Device Options.
2 Select Lock Properties for the connected device.
3 Select the Edit or Reader tab
4 The Import/Export Configuration is at the bottom of the screen
Î For details on the Import/Export Configuration feature, see Import/Export Configuration on
page 67.
Diagnostic Data Log Feature
This new feature provides a simple method for AD-Series customers to quickly gather and save
important lock-status information in a file.
The mobile device will
use a default Coupling
Password (123456)
when coupling with a
device. The Coupling
Password should be
changed to provide
increased security
for your locks. See
Coupling Password
on page 14 for
more information.
If a device is not
in Coupling mode,
SUS-A will display
a device specific
message with
instructions for
placing the device into
Coupling mode.
Supported Locks
All chassis for the following models are
AD-Series locks can be coupled, or authenticated, with the mobile device. This provides enhanced
security by ensuring that the lock will only communicate with mobile device(s) to which it has been
coupled. Once the lock has been coupled, the Coupling Password is passed to the device from the
mobile device during programming.
Î mobile devices with the same coupling password can program the same devices. Once the mobile
device and lock are coupled, the coupling password is disabled in the lock and any mobile device
with the correct coupling password will automatically couple with the lock.
1 Connect the mobile device to the lock using the SUS-A cable.
2 Press the Schlage button twice. The lock will be displayed on the screen.
3 On the mobile device, select Device Options.
4 Remove the top inside lock cover.
5 Press and hold the Inside Push button. Then press and release the tamper switch three times.
6 Release the Inside Push button. On the lock, the Inside Push button LED will illuminate.
7 On the mobile device, select Couple mobile device to Device.
8 When Coupling is successful, a message will be displayed on the screen.
Couple mobile device to PIM400 or PIB300AD-Series Locks and Controllers
This function works
with AD-Series
devices only.
The mobile device will
use a default Coupling
Password (123456)
when coupling with a
device. The Coupling
Password should be
changed to provide
increased security
for your locks. See
Coupling Password
on page 14 for
more information.
If a device is not
in Coupling mode,
SUS-A will display
a device specific
message with
instructions for
placing the device into
Coupling mode.
This function works
with AD-Series
devices only.
The mobile device will
use a default Coupling
Password (123456)
when coupling with a
device. The Coupling
Password should be
changed to provide
increased security
for your locks. See
Coupling Password
on page 14 for
more information.
If a device is not
in Coupling mode,
SUS-A will display
a device specific
message with
instructions for
placing the device into
Coupling mode.
Couple mobile device to PIM400 or PIB300
AD-Series devices can be coupled, or authenticated, with the mobile device. This provides enhanced
security by ensuring that the device will only communicate with mobile device(s) to which it has been
coupled. Once the device has been coupled, the coupling password is passed to the device from the
mobile device during programming.
Î mobile devices with the same coupling password can
program the same devices. Once the mobile device and the
device are coupled, the coupling password is disabled in
the PIM400 or PIB300 and any mobile device with the
correct coupling password will automatically couple with
the PIM400 (or PIB300).
1 Remove the PIM400 or PIB300 cover.
2 Connect the mobile device to the PIM400 or PIB300
Link 1 ButtonLink 2 Button
using the SUS-A cable. The PIM400 or PIB300 will be
displayed on the mobile device screen.
3 On the mobile device, select Device Options.
4 On the PIM400 or PIB300, press and hold the LINK 1
button. Then press the LINK 2 button three times.
5 On the mobile device, select Couple mobile device to
6 When Coupling is successful, a message will be displayed on the mobile device screen.
Couple mobile device to WRI400/CT5000
The WRI400/CT5000 can be coupled, or authenticated, with the mobile device. This provides
enhanced security by ensuring that the device will only communicate with mobile device(s) to which
it has been coupled. Once the device has been coupled, the programming password is passed to the
device from the mobile device during programming.
Î mobile devices with the same programming password can program the same devices. Once the
mobile device and the device are coupled, the coupling password is disabled in the WRI400/
CT5000 and any mobile device with the correct coupling password will automatically couple with
the WRI400/CT5000.
1 Remove the device cover.
2 Connect the mobile device to the device using the SUS-A
cable. The name of the device will be displayed on the
mobile device screen.
3 On the mobile device, select Device Options.
4 On the WRI400/CT5000, press and hold the Schlage
button. Then press the LINK button three times within
five (5) seconds. Then release both buttons.
5 On the mobile device, select Couple mobile device to
6 When Coupling is successful, a message will be displayed on the mobile device screen.
Program a Lock or ControllerAD-Series Locks and Controllers
Program a Lock or Controller
Oine Locks
1 Connect the mobile device to the lock or controller and establish communication between the
mobile device and the device.
2 Select Device Options.
3 Select Program Lock.
4 Select the door file that should be associated with the lock or controller.
Î Door files are downloaded to the mobile device when synchronized with the access control
5 Select OK.
Online Locks
Î NOTE: This function is not applicable to online locks.
Collect Audits and Update Lock
Collecting audits on
the mobile device
does not delete the
audits from a lock.
Collected audits
will be transferred
from mobile device
to your Access
Control Soware the
next time they are
When Auto Update is enabled, as soon as the Schlage button is pressed twice and the communication
with the Schlage Utility Soware starts, the lock will automatically:
• update lock’s date/time
• collect audits
• update access rights
When Manual Update is enabled, follow the steps below to collect audits and update the lock access
Î See Audit Retrieval Mode on page 13 for more information.
Collect Audits when Date/Time and Lock Access Rights are Up-to-Date
1 Confirm mobile device is connected to lock.
Î See Connecting the Mobile Device on page 9 for more information.
2 Double-click the displayed name of the connected lock.
3 The audit collection will begin.
Î If no previous audit exists, skip to step 7.
4 If a previous audit exists, a message will appear asking to overwrite previous audit. Click YES to
override audits and skip to step 7.
5 Click NO if you do not want to override the audit.
6 Acknowledge the message advising to synchronize the lock with system soware. Audit collection
will be stopped.
7 A progress indicator will be displayed while the audit is being collected. A message will be
Put PIM400 into Link ModeAD-Series Locks and Controllers
Put PIM400 into Link Mode
1 Connect the mobile device to the PIM400.
2 Select Device Options.
3 Select PIM Properties for the connected device.
4 Select the Link tab.
5 Select the door number from the drop-down box.
Î See the system administrator for the proper door number selection.
6 The PIM400 will stay in link mode for up to 30 minutes.
7 Put the lock (door) into link mode.
Î See the user guide that came with the lock for more information.
8 The PIM400 will automatically exit link mode once linking is complete.
Put PIM400 into Demo/Diagnostic Mode
1 Connect the mobile device to the PIM400 and select Device Options.
2 Select Demo mode and then select the door number from the drop-down box.
• Card Data box: shows card data from credential when card presented to reader.
• Unlock on Read: if enabled allows the door to be unlocked upon the reading of a card: the
OEM has the ability to disable this feature (grayed out).
Update Firmware
Î See Updating Firmware on page 11 for more information.
Diagnostic Data Log Feature
This new feature provides a simple method for AD-Series customers to quickly gather and save
important lock-status information in a file. See Diagnostic Data Log on page 69 for more
Î Note: (Multi-Tech, Multi-Tech + Keypad) and (iClass + Multi-Tech, iClass + Multi-Tech + Keypad)
and (FIPS + Multi-Tech +Keypad) and (Keypad) readers are being discontinued (1st half 2016)
and replaced by the (Multi-Tech 2, Multi-Tech + Keypad 2) and (FIPS + Multi-Tech +Keypad 2)
and (Keypad 2) readers that provide all the same functionality as the original readers
The Multi-Tech and Multi-Tech + Keypad
readers will read both proximity and
smart cards. The Proximity, Proximity +
Keypad ONLY and Smart Card, Smart
Card + Keypad ONLY readers have
been discontinued and replaced by the
MultiTech, Multi-Tech + Keypad readers
that provide all the same functionality
as the original Proximity and Smart card
readers in a single credential reader.
The MiK and SiK2 readers are both a
solution for applications using the HID
iClass smart card credential.
iCLASS® is a proprietary smart card
technology developed by HID that
operates on ISO 15693. In order to support
these requirements, iClass + Multi-Tech
+ Keypad reader were integrated to
create the (MiK) and (SiK2). (SiK2) is not
capable of reading Proximity credentials.
The FMK reader module is for applications
which require approval by the U.S. Federal
Government under HSPD-12 for FIPS
201 compliance. In order to meet these
requirements, FIPS + Multi-Technology +
Keypad reader were integrated to create
the (FMK).