Por table M ultimedia Projector
Superior Images,
High Reliability,
Easy Maintenance
cinema complex
large conference room
meeting room
Brightness of 5,000 lumens
Optical C ompens ato r
An optical compens ator
that has e xcellent light and
heat resistance is us ed to
achieve a long s ervice life
for the optical block and
dramatically increas e
Polarization plate
Liquid c rystal panel
Optical compens ator
Polarization plate
Re d L ight
Polarization plate
Liquid c rystal panel
Optical compens ator
Polarization plate
Gr een Lig ht
To len s
Bl ue Ligh t
Pr ism
Polarization plate
Optical compens ator
Liquid c rystal panel
Polarization plate
B right 5, 000 L um en s
The P LC-XT35L achieves a bright 5, 000 lume ns thanks to a number of
advanced technologies in its optical engine, a 330W lamp. Approaching the
brightnes s of many large , multi-lamp m odels , this advanc ed projector is
suited to a w ide range of applications in event halls, class rooms , and
meeting rooms .
One-T ouch Exch ange Air Filter
Filter re plac ement has bee n sim plified to make
mainte nance .
E asier La mp R epla cem ent
Lamp replacement has been s implified to m ake
mainte nance .
S pecifi cation s
M odel na me
LC D P ane l s ys tem
Nu mbe r o f pi xel s
Pr ojec tion lam p
Br igh tnes s ( typi cal)
* Lam p:H igh mo de
Co ntra st r atio
Un ifor mi ty
Up -Dow n / R ig ht-Le ft r atio
Pr ojec tion lens
Co mpo nent si gnal s
Co lor sy stem s
Vi deo S igna l
Vi deo Te rmi nal
Co mpu ter com patib ility
Co mpu ter Ter min al
Au dio
Oth er T er min al
Dig ital Ke ys tone
Oth er F eatu re
S can ning fre que ncy
Fa n N ois e
Vo ltag e
Po wer con su mpti on
Dim ens ion s (W x H x D)
W eigh t
*1 Us e both as Compute r and V ideo input
*2 S upported w ith digital reduc tion/ enlargeme nt w ithout XGA
*3 HD CP support(P rojector may not display video from DV I input if the H DC P s tandard is change d)
Product appearanc e and s pecif ications are s ubject to change without notice. All brands, company
trademar ks or regis tered trademarks of their re spec tive holde r.
1.0 inch T FT p-Si x 3
2,3 59,2 96 ( 786, 432 (1024 x 76 8 dots ) x 3 )
5000 lm
1000 : 1 (L amp:A uto2 mode )
90% (corner to cente r , Lens S hift;c enter)
U / D / R / L (Pow er L ens S hift) U /D : Cente r ~ +50% (M ax)
R/L : -15% ~ Ce nter ~ +15 % (M ax)
480i, 48 0p, 5 75i, 575p, 720p, 10 35i and 1080i
PA L / S EC AM / NT SC / NT SC 4.4 3 / PA L-M / PA L-N
Com posite, S -Video, Compone nt
RC A Input : Video 5x BN C :Y/ V ideo-Pb /Cb-P r/ Cr * 1 M ini DI N 4 pin : S-Vide o
* 2
D-su b 15pin : Analog RG B 5 xBN C : Analog RG B *1 DVI-D : D igital R GB * 3
1W mono
Control Port ( RS -232C ) , U SB type B
+40 ~ -40 degre es ( Ve rtical )
Free ze, No S how , U ser logo, P IN code lock, PJ -NET Orga nizer P lus 2 / 2C ( option )
H sync :15 ~ 100 k Hz , V sy nc : 50 ~ 1 00 H z
Dot c lock : Ana log/1 40M Hz o r les s, Digital/100 MH z or le ss
35 dBA (Ec o mode)
100V ~ 240V AC (auto v oltage)
348. 1 x 164 .0 x 444 .0 m m
8.1 kg
names , and product names are
Ce ilin g m ounting( Opt ion)
· Low ceiling m etal f itting POA -CHS -PS 01 · Brac ket as se mbly PO A-CH B-XT 25
· High ce iling metal fitting P OA -C HL -P L01 · Low ce iling metal fitting P OA-C HS -101
Ter m inals
Interc han ge able L ens es (O ption al)
The e xisting XT-se rie s lens es can be us ed jus t as they are . L ens removal and
attachment are also very easy (no ne ed to remove the c abinet).
LN S -T10
LN S -W1 1 LN S -S 11
LN S -W1 0
LN S -T11
Po wer V er tical /Hor izont al L ens S hift ( Ve rtica l: 0 to 50% , Hor izon tal: 15% (m ax im um ))
Horizontal s hift has bee n added to the previous
vertic al shift f unction. On-site s etup is easier, thanks
to its intuitive operation.
Tilte d Insta llation Pos si ble
Offe rs greater f le xibility between the projector and scre en positions.
Other F ea tures
·P J-net Organizer P lus 2 (O ption)
·O ne W ay Cooling M echanis m (Intake x 1, E xhaust x 1)
·F ilte r C logging Detection F unction
·M aintenanc e Lid on the Top
E xte rna l di me nsi ons (un it: m m)
All produc ts manufa ctured by the P rojector Integrated Bus ines s U nit of S AN YO’ s
DI Company employ a quality managem ent s yste m that has unde rgone the
inspe ction and registration proces s o f the ISO 900 1:20 00 inte rnational standard.
S ANYO’s DI Company has rece ived IS O 140 01 certifica tion for
the environmenta l management sys tem used in its fac tory.
Caut ion: Pleas e consult the ins truction manual to ensure safe and proper operation of the product.
Dis tributed by:
P ixelworks ICs are use d in this proje ctor
S A NY O E lec tric C o., Ltd.
DI com pany
20 07 S AN YO Printed in Japan 2007 .10 SI.
S ML098