In-Lab Top Loading Autoclaves
s t e r i l i z a t i o n
75 liters (2.6 cu. ft.)
38.0 inches
18.8 inches
50 liters (1.8 cu. ft.)
29.4 inches
18.8 inches
Space efficient,
convenience minded,
portable autoclaves
offer sterilization
Researchers will no longer waste
valuable time and energy when limited to using
a centralized building autoclave. Installation
and maintenance of central autoclaves are not
only costly but time consuming. Sanyo offers
two convenient solutions. These portable
autoclaves are designed for individual lab use
Sterilization Temperatures
+115°C to +135°C
and can conveniently be moved from one lab to
another. Model MLS-3751L has a low enough
profile to be stored under a lab bench when not
in use.

s t e r i l i z a t i o n
Personal Series In-Lab Autoclaves
SANYO MLS-Series top-loading
autoclaves are a popular method of sterilization for today’s research laboratories.
Self-contained and easy to use, these
reliable units are ideal for a wide range
of applications, including liquid culture
media preparation, labware and waste
sterilization. Designed to meet good laboratory practice criteria in biotechnology
and research laboratories, SANYO MLSSeries portable autoclaves deliver high
pressure steam with speed, efficiency and
Small Footprint with Swing-Up Door
The door opens upwards, so no side
opening space is required. This makes the
14.56 inch (37 centimeters) wide chamber
easy to access. The MLS-3781L offers 75liter capacity with the same footprint as
the MLS-3751L (50 liters) and is only 18.8
inches wide.
Human-oriented design
SANYO has included a host of features to
make this autoclave user friendly. There is
a heat-insulating resin housing and the
corners are gently rounded. The control
panel is mounted on top so it is easier to
see and use. There is a clip-on drainage
hose and an exhaust tank that’s easy to
fill and empty, eliminating the need for
fixed plumbing.
Microprocessor Temperature Control
Sterilizing temperature is controlled by the
microprocessor to within +2°C of the
set temperature in the range of 115°C to
Process Voice Notification
A new feature the MLS series includes is
voice notification of the system process.
Each step of the process is notified via a
pre-recorded voice message, allowing the
end user to hear the process as it is happening from across the room.
Optional Process Printer
(Model MLS-37PR)
Process documentation is available via an
optional built-in type thermal printer. The
printer prints out the process run results
of temperature, pressure, vs. time. Each
printout is date and time stamped for
future reference.
Double Interlocking Structure
To ensure the safe operation of this high
temperature, high-pressure autoclave, the
chamber and the open/close hand-pull
lever are controlled by a double interlock system dependent on temperature
and pressure sensors. This way, it is
impossible to open the autoclave until
temperature and pressure levels are safe.
Integrated Cool Down Fan
Included as a standard feature, the cooldown fan decreases cool down process
times significantly. This enables access to
sterilized contents much faster.
Air Vent Control
The exhaust valve release temperature
can be set to allow automatic release
after the sterilizing cycle has been
completed. The setting range is from
+0°C to 45°C above boiling point to suit
the items being sterilized (patent
Optional Object Temperature Sensor
(Model MLS-37SB)
Measures temperature of items in the
autoclave chamber and sets the sterilization timer accordingly. Suitable for
materials that heat up more slowly than
the chamber, such as resins. After installa
tion, the autoclave control system can be
switched between this sensor and the
main sensors.