This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable
International and/or domestic law.
Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd. September. 2005
Printed in Korea.
Code No.: GH68-08355A
1. Specification
1-1. GSM General Specification
Phase 1
Freq. Band[MHz]
ARFCN range1~124
Tx/Rx spacing45MHz45MHz95MHz80MHz
Mod. Bit rate
Time Slot Period
MS Power33dBm~13dBm33dBm~5dBm30dBm~0dBm 30dBm~0dBm
EGSM 900
Phase 2
0~124 &
Phase 1
Power Class5pcl ~ 15pcl5pcl ~ 19pcl0pcl ~ 15pcl0pcl ~ 15pcl
TDMA Mux8888
Cell Radius35Km35Km2Km-
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1-2. GSM TX power class
TX Power
control level
533±3 dBm
631±3 dBm
729±3 dBm
827±3 dBm
925±3 dBm
1023±3 dBm
1121±3 dBm
TX Power
control level
030±3 dBm
128±3 dBm
226±3 dBm
324±3 dBm
422±3 dBm
520±3 dBm
618±3 dBm
TX Power
control level
030±3 dBm
128±3 dBm
226±3 dBm
324±3 dBm
422±3 dBm
520±3 dBm
618±3 dBm
1219±3 dBm
1317±3 dBm
1415±3 dBm
1513±3 dBm
1611±5 dBm
179±5 dBm
187±5 dBm
195±5 dBm
716±3 dBm
814±3 dBm
912±4 dBm
1010±4 dBm
126±4 dBm
134±4 dBm
142±5 dBm
716±3 dBm
814±3 dBm
912±4 dBm
1010±4 dBm
126±4 dBm
134±4 dBm
142±5 dBm
150±5 dBm
150±5 dBm
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2. Circuit Description
2-1. SGH-E750 RF Circuit Description
2-1-1. RX PART
- FEM(MODULE100)→Switching Tx, Rx path for GSM900, DCS1800 and PCS1900 by logic controlling.
- FEM Control Logic (MODULE100)→Truth Table
This module generates the 26MHz reference clock to drive the logic and RF.
It is turned on when the supply voltage is applied.
After buffering a reference clock of 26MHz is supplied to the other parts of the system through the transceiver pin
- Transceiver (U100)
This chip is a RF transceiver IC for GSM850/900, DCS1800, and PCS1900 Quad band cellular system, and incorporates
GPRS transceiver capability, and integrates most of the low power silicon functions of a transceiver.
It incorporates triple RF LNAs, direct conversion mixers which are IQ demodulator, an auto offset calibrated
programmable gain amplifier with baseband filter for IQ chains, RF synthesizer, a I/Q modulator, offset PLL, IF
synthesizer, and the circuits which are needed polar loop architecture for the transmitter.
2-1-2. TX PART
Transmitter of the transceiver is capable of GMSK and 8-PSK modulation, providing support for conventional GSM and
GPRS. The modulated signal out of the transceiver is fed into Power Amplifer Module(U101). PAM output signal is
radiated to the air through FEM(MODULE1) and antenna.
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Circuit Description
2-2. Baseband Circuit description of SGH-E750
2-2-1. PCF50603 (U405)
- Power Management
Eight low-dropout regulators designed specifically for GSM applications power the terminal and help ensure optimal
system performance and long battery life. A programmable boost converter provides support for 1.8V, 3.0V SIMs,
while a self-resetting, electronically fused switch supplies power to external accessories.
Ancillary support functions, such as RTC module and High Voltage Charge pump, Clock generator, aid in reducing
both board area and system complexity.
I2C BUS serial interface provides access to control and configuration registers. This interface gives a microprocessor
full control of the PCF50603 and enables system designers to maximize both standby and talk times.
Supervisory functions. including a reset generator, an input voltage monitor, and a temperature sensor, support reliable
system design. These functions work together to ensure proper system behavior during start-up or in the event of a
fault condition(low microprocessor voltage, insufficient battery energy, or excessive die temperature).
- Backlight Brightness Modulator
The Backlight Brightness Modulator (BBM) contains a programmable Pulse-width modulator (PWM) and FET to
modulate the intensity of a series of LED’ s or to control a DC/DC converter that drives LCD backlight.
- Clock Generator
The Clock Generator (CG) generates all clocks for internal and external usage. The 32.768 kHz crystal oscillator
provides an accurate low clock frequency for the PCF50603 and other circuitry.
2-2-2. LCD Connector
LCD is consisted of main MAIN LCD, SUB LCD
Chip select signals in the U305, LCD_CS, can enable LCD. BACKLIGHT signal enables white LED of main LCD. These
signal is from U400.
16-bit data lines(LD(0)~LD(15)) transfers data and commands to LCD. Data and commands use "RS" signal. If this signal
is high, Inputs to LCD are commands. If it is low, Inputs to LCD are data. The signal which informs the input or output
state to LCD, is required. But this system is not necessary this signal. So "L_WR" signal is used to write data or
commands to LCD. Power signals for LCD are "VDD_IO_HIGH".
2-2-3. Key
This is consisted of key interface pins KEY_ROW(0:4) and KEY_COL(0:4) in PCF5213EL1. These signals compose the
matrix. Result of matrix informs the key status to key interface in the PCF5213EL1. Power on/off key is seperated from
the matrix. So power on/off signal is connected with PCF50603 to enable PCF50603. Key LED is consisted of six white
LEDs for sub key and eight white LEDs for main key.
Main and Sub key LED use the 3.3V LDO for a supply voltage. KEY_LED_ON signal enables eight white LED.
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Circuit Description
2-2-4. EMI ESD Filter
This system uses the EMI ESD filter, U500 to protect noise from IF CONNECTOR part.
2-2-5. IF connetor
It is 18-pin connector. They are designed to use VBAT, V_EXT_CHARGE, USB_D+, +VBUS, USB_D-, TXD1, RXD1,
AUX_ON, EXT1, EXT2 and GND. They connected to power supply IC, microprocessor and signal processor IC.
2-2-6. Battery Charge Management
A complete constant-current/constant-voltage linear charger for single cell lithium-ion batteries.
If TA connected to phone, "V_EXT_CHARGE" enable charger IC and supply current to battery.
When fault condition caused, "CHG_ON" signal level change low to high and charger IC stop charging process.
2-2-7. Audio
HFR_P and HFR_N from PCF5213EL1 are connected to the main speaker via analog switches. MIC_P and MIC_N
are connected to the main MIC as well. YMU765 is a synthesizer LSI for mobile phones. This LSI has a built-in speaker
amplifier for outputting sounds that are used by mobile phones in addition to game sounds and ringing melodies that are
replayed by a synthesizer.
There is Stereophonic analog output for Headphone.
2-2-8. Memory
This system uses Samsung's memory,
Memory whichcombines 256Mbit Synchronous Burst Multi Bank NOR Flash Memory and 1Gbit NAND
Flash and 128Mbit Synchronous Burst U tRAM.
It has 16 bit data line, HD[1~16] which is connected to PCF5213 and MV3315DOQ, also has 24 bit address lines,
HA[1~24]. There are 3 chip select signals, CS0n_FLASH, CS4n_NAND, and CS1n_RAM.
In the Wrting process, WEn is fallen to low and it enables writing process to operate. During reading process,
OEn is fallen to low and it enables reading process to operate. Each chip select signals in the PCF5213EL1 choose
different memories.
. is a Multi Chip Package
2-2-9. PCF5213EL1
The PCF5213EL1 is mainly composed of embeded DSP and ARM core. The DSP subsystem includes the Saturn
DSP core with embedded RAM and ROM, and a set of peripherals. It has 24kx16 bits PRAM, 104k*16 bits,
32k*16 XYRAM and 63k*16 XYROM in the DSP.
The ARM946E-S consists of an ARM9E-S processor core, 8 kbyte instruction cache and 8 kbyte data cache,
tghtly-coupled ITCM(Instruction Tightly Coupled Memory) and DTCM(Data Tightly Coupled Memory) memories, a
memory protection unit, and an AMBA(Advanced Microcontroller Bus Architecture) AHB(Advanced
High-performance Bus) bus interface with a write buffer.
HD(0:15), data lines and HA(0:23), address lines are connected to KBJ10KB00M (memory), MV319DNQ (image dsp)
and YMU765 (melody IC). It has 64 kbyte SC RAM (0.5 Mbit) and 32 kbyte SC program ROM for bootstrap
loader in the ARM core.
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Circuit Description
HD(0:15), data lines and HA(0:23), address lines are connected to memory and YMU765 to communicate.
MV319DNQ(Camera DSP Chip) controls the communication between ARM core and DSP core.
OEn, WEn control the access of memory. KROW, and KCOL recognize the key string input status.
It has J-TAG control pins (TDI/TDO/TCK) for ARM and DSP core. J-SEL signal controls different access to ARM
and DSP core.
ADC(Analog to Digital Convertor) receives the condition of temperature, battery type and battery voltage.
2-2-10. TOH2600DGI4KRA(26MHz)
This system uses the 26MHz TCXO, VC-TCXO-214C6.AFC control signal form PCF5213EL1 controls requency from
26MHz x-tal. It generates the clock frequency. This clock is connected to PCF5213EL1, YMU765 and
2-2-11. Camera DSP(MV3315DOQ)
MV3315DOQ provides rich video functions up to 30-frame display with minimized tasks in the handset main processor
as well as hardware based real-time JPEG compression and decompression. MV3315DOQ directly transmits and
previews the RGB data to the LCD graphic memory by processing the sensor output data according to the
handset's command. It can save the raw RGB data up to VGA resoultion into its image buffer and allows the
host processor to download with scalable sized compressed data.
It utilizes 16 bit data bus for communication with the main processor, including bus interface types.
2-2-12. KXP74
KXP74 is Tri-axis Orthogonal accelerometers and inclinometers.
The KXP74 utilizes an onboard Serial Peripheral Interface (SPI) for digital communication.
PCF5213EL1 apply KXP74 for G- button and game
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3. Exploded View and Parts List
3-1. Exploded View
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