Samsung SCHI770 Users Manual

SCH-i770 Series
Portable Telephone
Windows Mobile 6.1
User Manual
Section 1: Today Screen
This section describes the major plug-ins of Today screen and how to use or change
the settings.
1) Clock Plug-in The long press (tap & hold) of Clock shows you a n “Options…” menu and you can go into Clock Plug-in Settings. You can change the color, 12/24 hours and dual clock options fo r your convenience .
2) Message/Missed Calls Plug-in This Plug-in shows the count of unread E-mail, SMS, MMS, Voicemail and Missed calls. You can change the display by clicking the icon on the right end of this plug-in.
3) Device Lock Plug-in You can lock the device to prevent an unintentional touch by simply clicking this plug­in. This Plug-in shows the count of unread E-mail, SMS, MMS, Voicemail and Missed calls.
Section 2: Call Functions
This section describes how to make or answer calls. It also includes the features and functionality associated with using your phone.
1) Making a Call
There are several ways to make calls on your SCH-i770. You can use speed dial, voice dial, call h istory, or simply enter the desi red number and tap a green “talk” button or press “action” button on the middle of the navigation key.
Place a Call Using Soft Keys
1. Tap Start and select Phon e from the drop down menu.
2. Tap the desired number using the stylus. If you make a mistake while
dialing, tap Å key. If you tap and hold Å key, all digits are cleared and you can start over.
3. Tap a green “Talk” key. The number is dialed.
Place a Call Using the keypad
1. Enter the number using the front keypad.
2. Press a green talk button on the left side. The number is dialed.
2) Answering a Call Make sure that the phone is turned on. When you receive an incoming call, the Phone Incoming screen appears in the display.
z Press the left soft key, Answer, or a green Talk button on the left side to answer
the call
z Press the right soft key, Ignore, or a red End button on the left side to send the
call to voicemail.
3) Display Your Phone Number
1. Tap Start and select Phone fr om the drop down me nu.
2. Press the right soft key, Menu, and choose Options.
3. The Setting screen displays with your phone number at the top of the screen.
4. Tap “ok” to exit
4) Call History
When a call is received, made, or missed a record of the call is saved with all the
available information in Call History. If you tap the entry, the time, date, and duration of the call appears in the display.
To access the call History menu, follow these steps:
1. Tap Start and select Phon e from the drop down menu.
2. Press “Call Hi story” soft key to view your call history.
Section 3: Programs
SCH-i770 provides various programs including Multimedia, Messaging, Documents, Office Mobile and Utility programs. You can run these programs by clicking program icon under Start > Programs.
Microsoft Office Mobile Suite is located in Start > Office Mobile.
Section 4: Settings
SCH-i770 provides various settings for user’s better experiences. Settings are separated by 3 categories, Personal, System and Connections.
1) Personal
You can change your personal options for Buttons, Input, Lock, Menus, Owner Information, Phone, Sound & Notifications, Today and Voice Command.
1-1) Buttons You can change the actions of Hot-keys with your preferred actions.
1-2) Lock You can lock the device with password. Password types should be “Simple PIN” or “Strong alphanumeric”.
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