Samsung RS2530BSH/XAA-00, RS2530BBP/XAA-00 Owner’s Manual

Write the model and serial number here:
Model #
Serial #
These numbers can be found insideonthe leftof the
SAFETY WARNING SIGNS ...............................................................2
SETTINGUPTHE REFRIGERATOR........................................................4
ICEand COLDWATERDISPENSER.........................................................7
REMOVINGTHE FREEZERACCESSORIES..........................................11
REMOVINGTHE FRIDGEACCESSORIES.............................................11
CAREAND CLEANING.............................................................................12
CHANGINGTHE INTERIORLIGHT.........................................................13
REMOVINGTHE REFRIGERATORDOORS..........................................16
BEFOREYOUCALLFOR SERVICE........................................................28
CONSUMER SUPPORT ....................................................................30
In the U.S.A, for questions about features,
operation/performance, parts, accessories or service, call:
1=800=726=7864 (I=800=SAMSUNG)
DA68-O1606A REV(O.O)
Before operatingthe appliance,please readthis manualthoroughly and retainitfor your reference.
The applianceisnot intendedfor usebychildrenor infirmpersonswithoutadultsupervision.
Childrenshouldbesupervisedto ensurethattheydo notplaywiththeappliance.
Q Represents something you must NOT do.
Please follow the warning signs to prevent injury to users or other persons. After reading the warning signs, keep them in a safe place for future reference.
Donot plug severalappliances intothe same
Thiscouldcauseoverheatingandthe risk offire.
Makesure that the powerplugis not squashedor dam- aged by the back of the refrigerator.
A damagedpowerplugmayoverheatandcausefire. Do not directlyspraywater inside or outside the refrig-
Thereisa riskof electricshock. Do not use aerosols nearthe refrigerator.
Thereisa riskof explosionorfire. Donot bend the power cordexcessively or place
heavyarticles on it.
Thisconstitutesafire hazard.Ifthe powercord isdam- aged,haveit replacedimmediatelybythemanufacturer or its serviceagent.
Do notinsertthe power plug with wet hands.
Youmayreceivean electricshock.
Do not put a container filled with water on the refrigera- tor.
Ifspilled,thereisarisk offire orelectricshock.
Donot installthe refrigerator ina damp place or a place where it may come in contact with water.
Deterioratedinsulationof theelectricalpartsmaycause electricshockor fire.
Indicates that a danger of
death or serious injury exists.
Indicates that a risk of personal injury or material
damage exists.
iRepresents something you must NOT
(_) disassemble.
Represents something you must NOT touch.
O Represents something you must follow.
_, Indicates that you must disconnect the
ipower plug from the socket.
Represents a ground is needed to prevent
O electric shock.
It is recommended that this action be
handled by a service person.
Donot store volatile or flammable substancesinthe refrigerator.
The storageof benzene,thinner,alcohol,ether,LPgas andothersuchproductsmaycauseexplosions.
(_ Donotdisassemble or repairthe refrigerator by your-
Yourunthe riskofcausinga fire, malfunctionsand/or personalinjury.
Pullthe power plugout of the socket before changing
_, the interiorlight of the refrigerator.
Otherwise,thereis a riskof electricshock.
_; ifyou wish to dispose of the refrigerator/ freezerthrow
itawayafter first removing the doors and seals.
Doso ina way thatit isnot possiblefora childto remain-
O Therefrigerator must be grounded.
Youmustgroundthe refrigeratortopreventanypower leakagesor electricshockscausedbycurrentleakage
fromthe refrigerator.
O ever usegaspipes, telephone lines orotherpotential
lightning rods as ground.
Improperuseofthegroundplugcan resultin arisk of electricshock.If itis necessarytousean extensioncord, useonlya 3-wireextensioncordthathasa3-bladeround pluganda 3-slotreceptaclethatwill acceptthe plugon
the appliance.Themarkedratingof theextensioncord
shouldbeAC 115V~120V,10A,or more.ifa grounding adapterisused,makesurethe receptacleboxisfully grounded.
Do not overfill the refrigerator with food. °Whenyou open the door,an item mayfall out and
causepersonal injuryormatedal damage.
Do not put bottles or glass containers in the freezer
When the contentsfreeze, the glass may break and causepersonal injury.
If the wall socket is loose, do not insert the power
There isa risk of electric shockor fire.
Q Donot disconnect the powercord by pulling on it.
Damagetothe cordmaycausea short-circuit,fire and/orelectricshock.
If thepowercordis damaged,itmustbereplacedby
the manufacturer,acertifiedserviceagentor qualified
Do not store articles on thetop of the appliance.
Whenyouopen orclosethedoor,thearticlesmayfall andcausepersonalinjuryand/ormaterialdamage.
Do not store pharmaceutical products,scientific materialsand temperature-sensitive products inthe
Productswithrequirestricttemperaturecontrolsmust notbe storedinthe refrigerator.
Donot let children hangon the door, a serious injury may occur.
if you senseastrange smell or smoke, pull out the power plug immediatelyand contact your SAMSUNG
Electronics service center. Donot touch the insidewallsofthe freezeror prod-
ucts stored in the freezerwith wet hands.
It maycausefrostbite.
Do not insertyour hands intothe bottom areaunder the appliance.
Any sharpedges maycausepersonalinjury.
Neverputfingers or otherobjectsintothe dispenser hole and icechute. It may cause personal injuryor material damage
In refrigeratorswithautomatic icemakers,avoidcon- tact with moving parts.Do not placefingers or hands
on the automaticicemaking mechanismwhile the refrigerator isplugged in.
Keepfingers out of the "pinch point"areas;clear- ancesbetweenthe doors and betweenthe doors
andcabinet are necessarilysmall. Becareful closing doors when childrenare in the area.
Do not refreezefrozen foodsthat have thawedcom- pletely.
Donot use awet ordamp cloth whencleaning the
plug. Removeanyforeign matter or dust from the power plug pins.
Otherwisethereis a riskof fire.
If the refrigeratorisdisconnectedfromthe powersupply, you shouldwaitforat leastfiveminutesbeforepluggingit
If the refrigeratoris notto be used for a long period of time, pull out the power plug.
Deteriorationinthe insulationmaycausefire.
The applianceisnot intendedforusebyyoungchildren
or infirmpersonswithoutsupervision. Youngchildrenshouldbesupervisedto ensurethatthey do notplaywiththeappliance.
Donot placethe equipmentdirectlyunderthesunlight. etc
The appliancemustbepositionedsothatthe plugis accessibleafterinstallation.
If the powercordisdamaged,itmustbe replacedby manufacturer,acertifiedserviceagentor qualifiedser- vice personnel.
BeforeYouThrow AwayYourOld Refrigerator or Freezer:
Takeoffthe doors.
Leavethe shelvesin placesothatchildrenmaynot easi-
Yourold refrigeratormayhavea coolingsystemthat
harm stratosphericozone.
Ifyou arethrowingawayyour oldrefrigerator,makesure the CFCrefrigerantis removedfor properdisposalbya qualifiedservicer.Ifyou intentionallyreleasethisCFC
refrigerantyoucanbe subjecttofinesand imprisonment underprovisionsofenvironmentallegislation.
Service warranty section
Any changes or modifications performed by a 3rd party on a finished product is not covered under Samsung warranty service
Safety Caution section
Samsung does not recommend 3rd party modifica- tion, therefore Samsung is not responsible for safety
issuesthat result from 3rd party modifications.
Risk of child entrapment. Before you throw away
your old refrigerator or freezer ° Takeoff the doors ° Leave the shelves in places so that children may not
easily climb inside.
Onceyou havepe#ormed the following steps,your refrigerator shouldbe fully operational, if not,check
the power supply and electricitysource, if you have any questions,contact yourSAMSUNG service center.
Placethe refrigeratorin an appropriate locationwith reasonableclearancebetween
the wall and the refrigerator.
(referto installationinstructionsin this manual)
When the refrigerator is plugged in,
the interior light should come on when you open the doors.
Setthe temperaturecontrolto the coldest temperatureandwait for an hour.The freezershould get slightlychilledand the motor shouldrun smoothly.
Oncethe refrigeratortemperatureis suffi- cientlylow,you can store food inthe
refrigerator.Afterstarting the refrigerator,it takes a few hoursto reachthe appropriate temperature.
Youcan arrangethe Powercable with this
Cabletie, afteryou plug in the refrigerator.
Cable tie
Twin X AirFlow ,,Cool air circulates through side vents on every shelf
level.This provides even distribution of cooling inside cabinets to keep your food fresh longer.
Xtra Space TM ,,Vertical room next to the ice maker in the freezer
provides space for pizza etc.
Door Alarm
Beep sound reminds you the door is open.
Vegetable Crisper
Optimized humidity control keeps vegetables &
fruits fresh.
POWER FREEZEBUTTON Speeds up the freezing process in the freezer.
CHILD LOCK BUTTON When this buttonis pressedfor3seconds, all
functionsare locked and can not be modified. The water and icedispenserare locked.
Tosetthe freezer temperature,press the button repeatedlyto change the set temperature in
sequencebetween cold andcoldest.
iCETYPE BUTTON Use thisbutton to choose Cubed or Crushed ice
or Ice off.
FRIDGETEMP.BUTTON Tosetthe fridge temperature, pressthe button
repeatedlyto change the set temperature in sequencebetween cool andcoolest.
FILTERRESET BUTTON | When the waterfilter isreplaced, reset the indica-
ltot by pressing the button for3 seconds.
This light goes on when you press the Power Freezer button. Power Freeze speeds up the freezing process.
If you select Power Freeze, the interior temperature of the freezer will decrease
for 2 hr.30 min.
Press the Power Freeze button again to cancel the Power Freeze function.
This feature enables you to get ice faster.
O If you use this function, energy consumption will increase.
e, Crushed Ice and Ice Off
Ice Type Press the IceType button in sequence to choose
Cubed Crushed ice Off chosen.
Fi icator
When the green light changes to orange, it is time to replace the water filter. If the indicator is red, quick replacement is strongly recommended.
When the water filter is replaced, reset the indicator by pressing the filter reset buttons for 3 seconds.
To turn off this indicator off, press the filter reset buttons for 3 seconds.
Cubed Ice, Crushed Ice or Ice Off to stop making ice.
An indicator will light to show the ice type currently
Cool Down Period
To ensuresafefood storage, allowthe refrigeratorto operatewith the doorsclosedfor 8 to 12 hoursbefore load- ing it withfood.
Temperature Adjustment
After24 hours,adjustthe controls as needed.Adjusttemperature gradually:pushthe button in small increments, allowingthe temperatureto stabilize.
Pressthe button(FreezerTemp or FridgeTemp)repeatedly untilthe desired temperatureis set.
For lowertemperature,pressthe button(FreezerTemp or FridgeTemp) untilmore LEDs light (coldest).
For highertemperature,pressthe button(FreezerTemp or FridgeTemp)until less LEDs light (cold).
For example:
HigherTemperature(cold)_,i _ Normal _ _ LowerTemperature(coldest)
freeze _ freeze _ freeze _ freeze _ freeze
I Step1 ] I Step2 I I Step3 I I Step4 I I Step5 I
when ice cream isstored ata highei tempeiature thanSetting2 in the Freezei,it may melt Whenyou put icecream backintothe freezer compartmentafterit has beenexposed to room
temperature,it may harden.
Ice Dispenser
The ice maker produces 8 cubes at once and about
120 cubes a day automatically. This quantity may be influenced by factors such as the freezer temperature, Power Freeze function and the number of door open- ings. When your refrigerator is plugged in, the Cubed ice mode is automatically selected.
Pressthe iceType button to select the type of ice:
oCubedice _ /N _ .
For Cubed ice
Crushed ice ForCrushed ice
No ice
Push the ice dispenser lever with a cup.
Place a cup to the dispenser lever line to
prevent ice from dropping out.
_ _ o_, Noice
For ice off
Water Dispenser
The capacity ofthe watertank is approximely0.3
gal. Cold Water
Push the water dispenser lever with a cup.
If you have just installed the refrigerator, throw away the first six glassfuls of water to
flush out impurities in the water supply sys- tem.
If you won't use the water or ice
dispensers for a long period of time (long vacation or business trip), close the water valve and
shut off the water supply to the
Otherwise, water leakage may
(_= Neverput fingers or any other objects in the
NOTE dispenser opening. It may cause injury.
Preparing for Vacation
Set the Ice Type to the ICE OFF
position and shut off the water
supply to the refrigerator.
Xtra SpaceTM
Ice Maker
Ice Chute
Wire Shelf
li iitii!iii!!
FrontLeg Cover
Dairy Compartment
Dell Bin
Spill-proofglass Shelf
Vegetable& Fruit Drawer(upper)
Vegetable& FruitDrawer (lower)
Preparing to Move
Secuie all loose itemsSuch as shelves and drawers by taping them secuiely in place toprevent damagel When using a hand truck to move the refrigerator,do not rest the front or back
of the refrigerator against the hand truck:This could damage the refrigerator, Handleonly from the sides of the refrigerator, Be sure the refrigerator staysin an upr!ght position when moving,
Egg Container
-- GallonDoor Bins
Xtra SpaceTM
Canbe usedforfrozenfoods such aspizza, pasta, burritos, and fajitas.
inorder to preventodor penetrationto the ice,storedfood shouldbe wrapped securely.
Can be usedto store alltypes offrozen food.
Door Bin
Canbe usedforsmall packagesof frozen food.
Can be usedto store meat and dry foods.Stored food should
be wrappedsecurely usingfoil or other suitablewrapping materialsor containers.
Ice chute
Donot putyourfingers, handsorany other insuitableobjectsin the Chuteor ice:maker buCket:
This may reSUltin personalinjuiy oi matedaldamagel
Can be usedto store all types of chilledfood.
Tempered Spill ProofGlass Shelf
Can be usedto store all types of chilledfood.
Safe and break resistant.
Circular markson the glass surfaceare a normalphenomenon.
8 .......
Fruit & Vegetable Drawer (Upper and Lower)
Used to storefruits and vegetables.
The drawerisairtight. Optimizedhumiditycontrol designhelpsto pre- servethe freshness ofstored vegetablesand fruits.
Adjustthe "Optimizedhumiditycontrol",as needed.
- Tokeepvegetablesandfruitsfresher and to help preventdrying,setthe
- Toreducethe time ittakesto lowerthe temperatureinthe drawer,set
the "Optimizedhumiditycontrol"to "Low".
Storage Drawers
lJ Egg Container
Excess water that may accumulate inthe bottom of the ......
drawers should be wiped dry.
Dairy Compartment
Can be usedto store butter,margarine.
Gallon Door Bins
Canbe usedto store foods in packages,such as milk andyogurt.
Bottles should be st0red tightlytogethei so that they do not fall OuL
Put eggs inthecontainer andplacethem on the shelf.
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