Samsung RM257ABSH/XAA-00, RM257ABRS/XAA-00, RM257ABBP/XAA-00 Owner’s Manual

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SAFETY WARNING SIGNS ..............................................................2
TEMPERATURECONTROL .....................................................................7
FOODSTORAGEGUIDE ..........................................................................9
ARCTICSELECTZONETM DRAWERGUIDE.........................................11
FRESHSELECTZONETM DRAWERGUIDE...........................................12
REMOVINGTHE FREEZERACCESSORIES.........................................13
REMOVINGTHE FRIDGEACCESSORIES..........................................13
CHANGINGTHE INTERIORLIGHT........................................................16
INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS...............................................19
INSTALLATIONOF THE REFRIGERATOR............................................20
REMOVINGTHE REFRIGERATORDOORS..........................................24
REATTACHINGTHE REFRIGERATORDOORS....................................25
BEFOREYOUCALL FORSERVICE.......................................................37
DA99-01418A REV(0.1)
Becausethefollowingoperatinginstructionscovervariousmodels,thecharacteristicsofyourrefrigeratormay differslightlyfromthosedescribedinthismanual.
Theapplianceisnotintendedforuseby childrenor infirmpersonswithoutadultsupervision.
Childrenshouldbesupervisedto ensurethattheydo notplaywiththeappliance.
Thisrefrigeratormustbe properlyinstalledand locatedinaccordancewiththe manualbeforeitisused.
Westronglyrecommendthatany servicingbeperformedbya qualifiedindividual.
Thisproductisintendedonlyforthe storageoffoodina domesticenvironment.
Q Represents something you must NOT do.
Represents something you must NOT
Indicates that a danger of
death or serious injury exists.
(_) Represents something you must NOT touch. O Represents something you must follow.
Indicates that you must disconnect the
_' power plug from the socket.
Represents that a ground is needed to pre-
O vent electric shock.
Indicates that a risk of
personal injury or material damage exists.
It is recommended that this should be handled by a service center.
Please follow the Safety Warning Signs to prevent injury to users or other persons. After reading these owner's manual, please keep it in a safe place for reference.
Q o not plugseveralappliancesintothe samemultiple
Thiscouldcauseoverheatingandthe riskof fire. Makesure that the power plug is notsquashed or dam-
aged bythe back of the refrigerator,
A damagedpowerplugmayoverheatandcausefire. Do not directly spray water inside oroutside the refrig-
erator/ freezer.
Thereisa riskof electricshock. Do not use aerosols near the refrigerator.
Thereisa riskof explosionorfire. Do not bend the power cord excessively or place heavy
articles on it.
Thisconstitutesa firehazard.Ifthe powercordis dam- aged,haveit replacedimmediatelyby themanufacturer or itsserviceagent.
Do not insert the power plug with wet hands.
Do not puta containerfilled withwater onthe refrigerator.
Ifspilled,thereisa riskoffire orelectricshock.
Do not install the refrigerator in a damp place or a place where it maycome in contact with water.
Deterioratedinsulationoftheelectricalparts maycause electricshock orfire.
Do not store volatile or flammable substances in the refrigerator.
Thestorageof benzene,thinner,alcohol,ether,LPgas andothersuchproductsmaycauseexplosions.
Q Donot use a cordthat showscracksorabrasiondam-
agealongits lengthorat either end. Donot use mechanicaldevicesorany othermeansto
acceleratethedefrostingprocess, otherthanthose recommendedbythe manufacturer.
Donot damagetherefrigerantcircuit. Donot placeor usean electricalapplianceinsidethe
refrigerator/freezer,unlesstheyare of a type recom- mendedbythe manufacturer.
Do disassemble the
not or repair refrigeratorbyyourself.
You runthe risk of causing a fire, malfunctionand/or personalinjury.
{_ Pullthe powerplug out of the socketbefore
changingthe refrigerator'sinteriorlight.
Otherwise,there is a risk of electricshock.
If you wish to dispose of the refrigerator,throw it awayby first removing the doors and seals.
Do soin a waythat itis not possiblefora childto remaintrapped inside.
The refrigerator must be grounded.
eYou mustground therefrigeratorto preventany
power leakagesor electric shockscaused bycurrent leakage from the refrigerator.
Never usegas pipes, telephonelines or other potential lightening rods as ground.
Improperuseofthe groundplugcan resultina risk of electricshock.
Q Do not overfillthe refrigerator with food.
Whenyou open thedoor, an item mayfall out and causepersonal injuryor material damage.
Donot put bottles orglasscontainersin the freezer.
Whenthe contents freeze,the glass may break and causepersonal injury.
If the wall socket is loose, do not insert the power plug.
Thereis a riskof electric shock or fire.
Do notdisconnectthe power cord by pulling on it.
Damage to the cord maycause a short-circuit, fire and/orelectric shock.
If the powercord is damaged,it mustbe replaced bythe manufacturer,a certified service agent or qualifiedservice personnel.
Do notstore articleson the top ofthe appliance.
Whenyouopen or close the door,the articlesmayfall andcausepersonalinjuryand/ormaterialdamage.
Do notstore pharmaceutical products, scientific materialsand temperature-sensitiveproducts in the refrigerator.
Products that requirestricttemperature controls mustnot be stored in the refrigerator.
Do not let children hang on the door because a serious injury may occur.
If you sensechemical odor or smoke, pull out the power plug immediately and contact your SAM-
SUNG Electronicsservice center. Do notre-freeze frozen foods that havethawed
completely. Do nottouch the inside walls of the freezeror
products stored in the freezer with wet hands.
It maycause frostbite.
Do notinsert your hands into the bottom area under the appliance.
Any sharp edges maycause personal injury.
Neverput fingers or otherobjectsintothe
dispenserholeandice chute. It maycausepersonal
injuryormaterialdamage. Donotusea wet or dampclothwhencleaningthe plug.Removeanyforeign matteror dustfrom the powerplugpins.
Otherwisethereisa riskof causingafire.
Ifthe refrigeratorisdisconnectedfromthe powersup- ply,youshouldwaitforat leastfive minutesbefore pluggingit backin.
_; If the refrigerator is not to be used for a long
period of time, pull outthe power plug.
Deteriorationin the insulation may causefire.
The appliance is not intendedfor use byyoung chil-
dren or infirm personswithout supervision. Youngchildrenshould be supervisedto ensurethat they do not play with the appliance.
Ifthe key is providedwith refrigerator,the keys shouldbe kept out of the reachof children and not in the vicinity ofthe appliance.
Donot placethe equipment directly undersunlight.
The appliance must be positionedso that the plug is accessibleafter installation.
Ifthe power cord is damaged,it mustbe replaced by the manufacturer,a certified serviceagentor a
qualified servicepersonnel.
Ifyou havea long vacationplanned, emptythe
refrigeratorand turn it off.Wipe excess moisture from the insideand leavethe doorsopen. Otherwise, odor and mold maydevelop.
There is no need to disconnectthe refrigeratorfrom the power supply ifyou will beaway forless than three weeks.But, removeall the foodif you are goingaway for the threeweeks ormore. Unplug the refrigeratorand clean it, rinseand dry
Mostpowerfailuresthatare correctedin an houror two willnot affectyourrefrigeratortemperatures.However,
youshouldminimizethenumberof dooropeningswhile thepoweris off.Butshouldthe powerfailurelastmore
Risk of child entrapment.Before you throw away your old refrigeratoror freezer
Takeoff the doors
Leavethe shelvesin places sothat childrenmay not easilyclimb inside.
Ifthis appliance containsisobutanerefrigerant (R6OOa)thenthe followingwarnings areapplicable. R6OOaisa naturalgas withhigh environmentalcom- patibilityhowever,it is also combustible.When trans-
portingand installingthe appliance, care should be takento ensure that no parts ofthe refrigeratingcircuit
are damaged. Refrigerantsquirting outof the pipes couldignite or
causean eye injury.If a leak is detected,avoid any nakedflames or potential sourcesof ignitionand air the roomin which the applianceis standingfor several
In order to avoid the creationof aflammable gas-air mixture if a leak inthe refrigeratingcircuitoccurs,the
size of the room in which theappliance may be sited dependson the amountof refrigerantused. The roommust be lm 3in size for every 8 g of R6OOa
refrigerantinsidethe appliance.The amount of refrig- erant in your particularappliance is shown on the identificationplate insidethe appliance.
Neverstart up an appliance showingany signs of damage. If in doubt,consult your dealer.
Onceyou have performedthefollowing steps,your refrigeratorshould befully operational.If not,check
the power supplyand electricitysource. If you haveany questions,contactyourSAMSUNG Electronics
Cable tie
Placethe refrigeratorin an appropriate locationwith reasonableclearancebetween
thewall andthe refrigerator.(referto instal- lationinstructionsin this mannal)
When the refrigerator is plugged in, the interior light should come on when you open the doors.
- Youcan arrange the Powercablewith this Cabletie, afteryou plug inthe refrigerator.
Setthetemperaturecontrolto the coldest
temperatureand waitfor an hour.The freezer should get slightlychilled andthe
motorshould runsmoothly.
Once the refrigeratortemperatureissuffi- ciently low,you can storefood in it. After starting the refrigerator,ittakes a few
hoursto reachthe appropriatetempera-
- If the refrigerator is not to be used for a long period of time, you can also arrange the power cable with this cable clamp located in
the top of the refrigerator as shown.
i I
TDM System (Time-Divided-Multi-Evaporator system)
Each compartment has an evaporator, microprocessors and a refriger- ant-control-valve to control the refrigeration cycle. The 4 evaporators enable improved efficiency and humidity in the fridge. Food odor from the refrigerator does not affect food in other compartments because the cooler and air flow systems are separate.
Multi-Flow System
Cool air circulates through multiple vents on every shelf level.This pro- vides even distribution of cooling inside cabinets to keep your food fresh longer.
Door Alarm
Beeper reminds you that the door is open.
Xtra FreshTM
Optimized humidity control keeps vegetables & fruits fresh.
Arctic Select ZoneTM Drawer
Arctic Select Zone Drawer can be changed from a freezer to refrigerator with the TDM system.You can select Power Freeze, Freeze, Soft Freeze, or Cool depending on the food stored.
Fresh Select ZoneTM Drawer
You can select Soft Freeze, Chill, Cool or Fresh depending on the food stored.
With the Cool and Fresh settings, the humidity is controlled by TDM
Freezer Button
Set the desiredtemperatureof the freezercom- partmentor select/cancelthePowerFreezeby pressingthis button. TemperatureRangeof FreezerCompartment:
-14°F~ 6°F (RecommendedSetting Temperature:-2°F) The freezertemperature bars shiftin 5 steps accordingto the temperature settingof the freezer compartment.
ArcticSelect Zone Button Functionsare selectedinthe order of PowerFreeze
Freeze * Soft Freeze _Cool.
Filter Change Button After changing the water filter, press the Cubed and Crushed buttons simultaneously
and hold 3 seconds.
Fridge Button Set the desired temperature of the fridge compart- ment or select/cancelthe Power Cool by pressing
thisbutton. TemperatureRange of FridgeCompartment :34°F
46°F (Recommended Setting Temperature:38°F The fridgetemperaato the temperature setting of the fridge compartment.
Fresh Select Zone Button Functionsare selectedin the order of Soft Freeze Chill _Cool _Fresh.
IceType Button Use this buttonto turn the Icemakeroff.
Child LockButton
PressIceOff and Light buttons simultaneouslyand hold3 seconds.All buttonswill be lockedand will notwork.
Waterand icedispenserlevers alsowill not work.
@ !fmoisture appears around the cover dispenser or beveragestation with this function, pressthese buttons NOTE for 3 seconds again. Then,the lightwi!l turn 0ffand there wi!! begenerated to preventmoisture around
;Press the!' iceoff,! Button and perfoim the !!Chi!dLock,,function, then the heater for sweat is off.
the cover dispenser.
Light Button
Use this button to turn the dispenserlight on and off.
The upper left part of display shows the Freezer compartment information. The two digit number indicates the current freezer temperature. There are 5 level bars that indicate the current freezer setting temperature from
-14°F N6OE (5 bars is the coldest setting) The "Power Freeze" indicator shows that
the Power freeze function is working.
The upper right part of display shows the Fresh Food compartment information. The two digit number indicates the current fridge temperature. There are 5 level bars that indicate the current freezer setting temperature from
34°F~ 46°E (5 bars is the coolestsetting) The"PowerCool"indicatorshowsthat thePowerCool functionisworking.
lect Zone
The lower left part of display shows the lower left drawer compartment information. "Power Freeze" speeds up the freezing process. It worksfor about two andhalfhours.
"Freeze" is the working freezing temperature, that is, the same temperature set with the Freezer button.
"Soft Freeze" keeps foods fresh at about 19.4°F. "Cool" is the current refrigerating temperature.
F lect Zone
The lower right part of display shows the lower right drawer compartment information. "Soft Freeze" keeps foods fresh at about 19.4°E "Chill" keeps foods fresh at about 30°E "Cool" is the working refrigerating temperature, that is, the same temperature set with the
Fridge button. "Fresh" keeps veggies and fruits fresh.
Thefreezer temperaturecan be set between
-14°Fand 6°E
Pressthe Freezer buttonrepeatedly untilthe desired set temperature is shown inthetemperaturedisplay.
The temperaturedisplaychanges insequence
between-14°F and 6°E
Afterfive seconds,the display revertsto the actual
freezer temperature,whichchanges as the freezer
reachesthe newtemperature.
Power Freeze
If youselect "PowerFreeze",the insidetemperatureof the freezerwilldecreasefor abouttwo anda half hours.
After "PowerFreeze"finishes,it automaticallyreturnsto freezersettingtemperature.
The refrigeratortemperaturecan be set between 34°Fand 46°E
Pressthe Fridge button repeatedlyuntilthe desired
temperatureis showninthe temperature display.
Thetemperaturedisplaychanges insequence and revertsin the same wayas thefreezer.
Power Cool
If youselect "PowerCool",the insidetemperatureof
the fridge willdecreasefor abouttwo and a half hours.
After"Power Cool"finishes, it automaticallyreturnsto originalfridgetemperatureyouset.
When icecream is storedabove4°F in freezer,itma melt
The temperatureof the freezerOrthe fridge rises fromfrequent openingsand from warmfood. This may cause thedigital displayto blink:Thedigital displaywillstop blinkingwhenthe freezer
WARNING and refrigeratorreturnto the normaltemperature.
Ice Dispenser Theicemakerproduces8cubesatonceandabout120cubes
Water Dispenser
Thecapacityof thewatertankisapproximately0.3gal. adayautomatically.Thisquantitymaybeinfluencedbyfactors suchasthefreezertemperature,PowerFreezefunctionandthe numberofdooropenings.Whenyourrefrigeratoris pluggedin, theCubedicemodeisautomaticallyselected.
Press the IceType buttonto choose Cubed ice, Crushed iceor Ice off to stop making ice.
Cubed ice I_/
Crushed ice
Ice off
Push the ice dispenser lever with a cup.
Place a cup to the dispenser lever line to prevent
the ice from dropping out.
Cold Water
Push the water dispenser lever with a cup.
If you have just installed the refrigerator,throw away the first six glassfuls of water to flush out impurities in the water supply system.
- Push
Ifyou have a long vacation or business
trip and won't use the water or ice dis-
pensers, close the water valve.
Otherwise, water leakage may occur.
Preparing for Vacation
Set the type of ice to the ICE OFF posi-
tion and shut off the water supply to the
Never put fingers or any other objects in the
NOTE dispenser opening. It may cause injury.
Freezer & Fridge
......F_water Filter
Ice Bucket
Glass Shelf
This refrigerator contains four compartments:
1. Fridge - For your fresh/perishable food items.
2. Freezer - For your Frozen food items.
3. Arctic Select Zone - For your Frozen food, but also can be set to function as a refrigerator drawer.
4. Fresh Select Zone - For your Fresh food, but can also be set as a freezer drawer.
_ I_
-- Dairy Bin
--Spill ProofGlass Shelf
-- FoldableShelf
Egg Container (optional)
-- DoorBin
-- Drawer
Arctic Select Zone TM and Fresh Select Zone TM
l _/
Do not putyour fingers hands or anyother unsutableobjectsinthe chute or ice,maker bucket
as this may result inpersonal injury or material damage,
Door Bin (Fixed Pocket)
Can be usedfor small packagesoffrozenfood Tempered Glass Shelf
Can be used to store alltypes offrozen food. Drawer
Can be used to store meatand dryfoods.Storedfoodshould be wrapped securely usingfoil or othersuitable wrappingmaterials or containers.
Toget the best performance from your Refrigerator
- Do not place foods too closely in front of the vents at the rear ofthe appliance as it can obstruct free air circulation in the freezer compartment.
- Wrap up food properly or place it in an airtight container before putting it in the fridge or freezer
Do not place carbonated or fizzy drinks in the freezer compartment
Pleaseobserve maximum storage times and expiration dates of frozen goods.
Tempered Spill ProofGlassShelf
Can be usedtostore alltypes of chilledfood.
Safe and breakresistant.
Circularmarks on the glass surfaceare a normalphenomenon.
EggContainer(on some models)
Put eggs in the containerand placethem onthe shelf.
Fruit&Vegetable Drawer
Is usedto storefruits and vegetables.
This drawer is airtight.Optimizedhumiditycontrol designhelps to preserve the freshnessof stored vegetablesand fruits.
Dairy Compartment
Can be usedto store butteror margarine.
Gallon Door Bins
iii iii9.............
Can be usedtostore foods insmall packages,such as milkand yogurt.
Bottles should be stored tightlytogetherso they do not fall out.
The appliance might not operate consistently (possibility of defrosting of contents or tempera- ture becoming too warm in the frozen food compartment) when sitedfor an extended period of time below the cold end of the range of temperatures for which the refrigerating appliance is designed.
Do not storefood which goes bad easily at lowtemperature, such as bananas, melons.
Your appliance is frost free, which means there is no need to manually defrost your appliance, as this will be carried out automatically.
Temperature rising during the defrost can comply with ISO requirement. But If you want to pre- vent an undue rise nthe temperature of the frozen food while defrosting the appliance, please wrap the frozen food in severallayers of kitchentowel.
Any increase in temperatureof frozen food during defrosting can shorten its storage life.
Ifyou have along vacationplanned, empty the refrigeratorand turn itoff. Wipe excess mo sture from the inside and leavethe doors openl Otherwise, odor and mold may develop,
If condensation forms inside the refrigerator,simply wipe it awaywith a dry clothor towels.
By pressingthe "ArcticSelect Zone"button,you can selectthe propertemperaturefunctionfor yourfoods.
It changesinthe followingsequence: Power Freeze,Freeze,Soft Freezeand Cool.
Youcan use"PowerFreeze"functionto freeze foodsfaster.
Power Freezeworks for abouttwo anda halfhours continuously,then returnsto the set freezertempera- ture automaticallyafterfinishing.
,_' Donot put bottlesand glasscontainersin the freezer ,_' PowerFreezemay be influencedby manyfactors suchasthe size andweight of foods,the space of
foods,the numbertimes the door is opened, etc.
,_' If his drawerwas operatingas a "Cool"zone, movefresh food to the fridge beforethe "PowerFreeze"
"Freeze"functionkeepsthe freezer settingtemperature.
Forexample,if Freezeisset to -2°E the ArcticSelect Zone will be adjustedto the sametemperature.
Soft Freeze
Youcan use "Soft Freeze"functionto helpkeepmeat andfishfresh forlongerthan the Fridge.
When "Soft Freeze"modeisselected,the compartmenttemperaturewillbe approximately19.4°F(depending
on the ambienttemperature& amountstored).
- Meatcan be storedsafelyfora longerperiodof time inthis modethan inthe other modesand hasthe advantagethatthe meatwill remainsoft enoughto be easilysliced.
- Donotput bottlesandglass containersorfoodsthat havea highwatercontentasthese are liableto burst due to the lowtemperature.
Youcan usethe "Cool"functionto store morefresh foods.
"Cool"temperature is about38°F.
- If "Freeze"or"Soft Freeze"is selected,movethe frozenfoods to the freezerbeforethe"Cool"works.
Use to organizefoods inthe drawer.
The drawercan be convertedto store eitherfresh orfrozen food.
By pressingthe "FreshSelect Zone"button,you can selectpropertemperaturefunctionforyourfoods.
Itchanges in the followingsequence:Soft Freeze,Chill,Cool and Fresh.
Soft Freeze
Youcan use"SoftFreeze"functionto helpkeepmeatand fishfreshfor longerthanthe Fridge.
When "Soft Freeze"modeisselected,the compartmenttemperaturewillbe approximately19.4°F(dependingon the ambienttemperature& amountstored).
- Meatcan bestoredsafelyfor a longerperiodoftime inthis modethan inthe othermodesand hasthe advantage that the meatwill remainsoft enoughto beeasilysliced.
- Do notputbottlesand glasscontainersorfoodsthat havea highwatercontentasthese are liableto burstdueto the lowtemperature.
Youcan use "Chill"functionto help keep fresh at about30°F.
At 30°F,nearthe water Freezingtemperature,foods can bestored safelyfor longerthan the refrigeratingtem- perature.
- Do notput bottlesand glasscontainersor foods that have a high watercontent inthe drawer,becausethe "Chill"temperatureisbelow32°E
"Cool"functionkeepsthe set fridge temperature. Forexample,ifthe Fridgeisset to 38°F,the FreshSelectZone will bethe same.
The Coolfunction keepshumidityofthis compartmenthigh.
- Ifyou put foodsthat contain a lotof waterwithout lidsor wrapping paper, water dropletsmay form on the side
wall, because of highhumidity.
Youcan use "Fresh"functionto help keep vegetablesand fruitsfresher.
"Fresh"temperatureisabout39°F.The humidity is kept highforveggie andfruit storage.
Upper Drawer
The humidityin the drawer is highwhen fresh food is storedin"Cool" or"Fresh"mode.
Youcan alsostore bottlesin "Fresh"mode. The humidityinthe draweris kepthigh in"Cool"and "Fresh"mode.
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