If there are the Contents not included in this book, please refer to K-zone Service Manual
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- Contents -
1. Precautions
1) General After-Sales Service Precautions
2) Safety Precautions
3) Ground
4) Static Electricity Precautions
2. Introduction and Specification
1) Introduction
2) Specification
3) Specification comparison between R50 and R65.
4) Wireless LAN Specification
5) Option list
6) The seperate sale list
3. Function
1) Construction of System
2) Keyboard
3) Multi Card Slot
4) PC Card Slot
5) SPDIF Port
6) ASF and Core Multi Processing
7) Description of Main board
4. Disassembly and Reassembly
1) Disassembly and Reassembly of R65
2) Disassembly and Reassembly of P50
5. Troubleshooting
1) General
2) Debugging Flow Chart
3) System Diagnosis
4) Hardware Troubleshooting
5) Device Settings Related Software Diagnosis
6) CPU Fan Control Problems
7) Battery Use Time
6. Exploded view
1) Exploded view of R65
2) Exploded view of P50
3) ODD
7. Schematic
2) External GFx Board
3) Ontop Board
4) Touchpad Board
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- Contents -
8. System Block Diagram
1) Block diagram
9. System Wire Diagram
1) R65 Top
2) R65 Bottom
3) P50 Top
4) P50 Bottom
5) LCD
10. Part list
2) External GFx board
11. References
1) Safety Notice
2) Model Numbering Rule
3) CPU Code table
4) Glossary
5) Hardware Upgrade
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1) General After-Sales Service Precautions
(1) Do not let customers repair the product themselves.
There is a danger of injury and the product life time may be shortened.
(2) Make sure to disconnect the power cord from the wall outlet before repairing the product
(especially for after-sales service of electric parts).
There is a danger of electric shock.
(3) Do not let customers plug several electric home appliances into a single wall outlet at the same
There is a danger of fire due to overheating.
(4) Check if the power plug or wall outlet are damaged in any way.
repair or replace it immediately. (There is a danger of electric shock or fire)
(5) Make sure that it is properly grounded. (Check the ground of the wall outlet)
Electricity leakage may cause electric shock.
(6) Do not spray water on to the product to clean it.
There is a danger of electric shock or fire and it may shorten the lifetime of the product.
(7) Check the assembly status of the product after the after-sales service.
The assembly status of the product must be the same as before the after-sales service.
(8) Unplug the power cord holding the power plug (and not the cord).
If the cord is disconnected, it may cause electric shock or fire.
(9) Repair the product using only authorized parts.
(10) Keep the product away from heating devices such as heaters.
Exposure to heaters may cause deformation of the product or fire.
If a defect is found,
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2) Safety Precautions
(1) EMI
This device has been registered regarding EMI for residential use. It can be used in all areas.
(2) Circuit Test (Logic Test) Precautions
The LSI and MSI used in this product are semiconductor integrated circuits based on MOS-FET
or CMOS. Since these types of devices are highly susceptible to static electricity or current
leakage, an isolation break may be caused. Therefore read and follow the instructions below.
1. When handling an LSI or MSI, make sure your body is grounded through a few mega-ohms
of resistance. In addition, wear gloves and a jacket made of cotton and not of synthetic fibers
that easily generate static electricity.
2. When repairing the product, place a conductive material (e.g. aluminum foil) grounded to the
earth on the worktable.
3. You must use a soldering iron without a leakage current.
4. Do not touch the pin of an IC and carefully insert the IC into the black plastic package.
5. When inserting an IC into a PCB, be careful with the direction of the IC. When installing an
IC in the wrong direction, it might become damaged.
6. When carrying an IC, package the IC with conducting material such as aluminum foil or
conducting sponge so as to keep the voltage level of each of the terminals the same.
7. Since the storage temperature of an IC is between -20 ~ +70 degrees, keep it at room
temperature, if possible.
8. When installing or removing a device from a PCB or installing or removing a board, you
must disconnect the power before taking any action.
9. When soldering an IC, solder it in as short a time as possible so that unnecessary heat is
not applied to the device.
10. Avoid leaving excessive amounts of flux within a custom IC or between the pins when soldering
If you use a 220V wall outlet with a ground terminal, you do not need to ground it additionally. Avoid
using wall outlets if they are not grounded even if they have a ground terminal.
To ground the product, connect the ground to an exclusive ground terminal or metal water pipe.
Connect the ground cable to the ground terminal at the rear of the main body. To ground the product,
connect the ground terminal of the product to a metal water pipe, wall outlet or exclusive ground terminal
with an electric wire equal to or thicker than #18.
Never ground the product to a PVC water pipe, phone line, TV, radio antenna, aluminum window or
gas pipe, because this does not actually ground the product and may be dangerous.
4) Static Electricity Precautions
Many parts of the system are susceptible to static electricity. Using an electrostatic discharge (ESD)
device is very important for the safety of the user and the user's surroundings. Using an ESD device
increases the probability of a successful repair and lowers the expenses for damaged parts.
To prevent static electricity, follow the instructions below.
(1) Perform the repair in a location without static electricity.
(2) Touch your hands to a metal water pipe or some metal object connected to the ground to
discharge any static electricity from your body before handling the parts.
(3) Touch only the edges of the board, if possible.
(4) Do not touch any parts unless absolutely necessary
(5) Disassemble the parts on the anti-static-electricity pad.
(6) When a board is not installed in the system, packagetheboardwithananti-static-electricity
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11. References
1) Safety Notice
(1) An electric leakage related safety
Electric leakage is the flow of electricity to the ground through electrical wires due to ripped coating or bad
insulation. Electric leakage can cause electric shock or fire, which in turn may lead to casualties and loss. It
can also result in excessive electric charges.
(2) An electric leakage prevention
- Do not separate or disassemble the system even though system is shut down in a AC power supplies.
In that situation, system could be damaged.
- The electricity could be generated in winter or a dry space, prepare the leakage prevention for the
electricity when you try to disassemble.
- Do not use in strong magnetic space.
- Use the proper adapter and battery.
- Insertion of including saline could cause the leakage.
If you don't keep those things, there is a danger of electric shock, system damage and so on.
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11. References
2) Model Numbering Rule
CTO ( Computer Model Numbering System)
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11. References
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11. References
Non - CTO ( Computer Model Numbering System)
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11. References
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