Error status Check Solution
1. Check the exit sensor. 1. Replace Exit sensor.
- Refer to DCU mode “08” - Refer to “4-11”
2. Check the exit sensor actuator. 2. Replace Exit sensor actuator.
Jam 2 3. Check the Exit Roller. - Refer to “4-5, 6-6”
“Paper is stopped 4. Check the Cover Rear. 3. Replace Exit Roller.
just after exit sensor” 5. Check the Contamination of Fuser Unit - Refer to “4-3, 6-1”
4. Replace Cover Rear.
- Refer to “6-1”
5. Replace or Clean Fuser Unit
- Refer to “4-5, 6-6”
1. Check the operation of Duplex Clutch 1. Replace Duplex Clutch.
- Refer to DCU mode “12” - Refer to “4-6”
2. Check the Duplex sensor 1. 2. Replace the DS1 on Engine Board.
- Refer to DCU mode “07” 3. Replace Duplex sensor 1 actuator.
Duplex Jam 1 3. Check the Duplex sensor 1 actuator. - Refer to “4-11”
4. Check the Cover Rear. 4. Replace Cover Rear.
5. Check the bracket duplex unit - Refer to “6-1”
6. Check the duplex solenoid. 5. Replace bracket duplex unit
The resistance of duplex solenoid: - Refer to “6-8”
40~50 ohm. 6. Replace duplex solenoid ass’y.
1. Check the Duplex sensor 2. 1. Replace the DS2 on Engine board.
- Refer to DCU mode “07” 2. Replace Duplex sensor actuator.
Duplex Jam 2 2. Check the Duplex sensor 2 actuator. 3. Replace Gear of shield pcb
3. Check the Gear of shield pcb - Refer to “4-11, 6-7”
- Check all the gear for correct installation
1. Check the LED Array. 1. Replace LED Array.
PTL Error
2. Check the cable connection or wire defect. - Refer to “6-2”
(Pre Transfer Lamp)
3. Check Joint board. 2. Replace harness or reconnection.
3. Replace Joint board.
- Refer to Disassembly
1. Check image cartridge life 1. Replace image cartridge.
2. Check Toner sensor contact. 2. Replace harness or reconnection.
Toner Empty 3. Check Joint board 3. Replace Joint board.
4. Compare new image with present on. - Refer to “4-4”
4. Replace image cartridge.
1. Check OUT-BIN sensor. 1. Replace OUT-BIN sensor.
- Refer to DCU mode “09” 2. Replace OUT-BIN sensor
OUT-BIN Full 2. Check OUT-BIN sensor actuator. actuator.
3. Check cable connection or wire defect 3. Connect the cable correctly or replace
the cable.
1. Check the Cable between Engine and 1. Connect the cable correctly or
Internal Error 20
Video controller. replace the cable.
(Engine Error)
(Engine board CN10 Video controller - Refer to “4-4”
board J11.) 2. Replace Engine board.
2. Engine board defect.
Samsung Electronics 5-5