2. Reference Information
2-1 Abbreviations and Acronyms
Tables 2-1 and 2-2 List abbreviations and acronyms which may be found in this sevice manual.
Table 2-1. Abbreviations
Abbv Definition Abbv Definition
amps amperes lb pound(s)
lin linearity
ass’y assembly lock bus lock
badac bad assess mm millimeter(s)
neg negative
bps bits per second od open drain
clk clock OSC oscillator
cm centimeter(s) OUT output
CON connector PIC picture
GND ground pos positive or position
HLDA hold acknowledge pot potential
HLDAR hold acknowledge received psynrq page synchronizaton request
HLDR hold request pwr power
HOR horizontal qty quantity
in inch(es) or input sw switch
INTA interrupt Acknowledge sync synchronous or
INT Interrupt tach tachometer
INTR Interrupt request Vcc collector supply valtage(dc)
I/O Input and Output vert vertical
mpx multiplex Vp-p peak-to-peak voltage
VR variable resistor
Table 2-2. Acronyms
Acronym Definition Acronym Definition
ABL Automatic Blanking Limiter IDE Intelligent Drive electronics or
Imbedded Drive Electronics
ACC Automatic Color Control IF Intermediate Frequency
ADC Analog to Digital Converter IPM Images Per Minute
ADS Address/Data Status ISA Industry Standard Architecture
ALE Address-Latch Enable KBC Keyboard Controller
ASCII American Standard Code for LAD Local Address/Data Bus
Information interchange
BIOS Basic Input/Output System LCD Liquid Crystal Display
BPF Band Pass Second LED Light Emitting Diode
BPS Bits Per Second MCA Micro Channel Architecture
CCFT Cold Cathode Fluorescent Tube MDA Monochrome Display Adapter
CGA Color Graphics Adapter NC No Connection
CMOS Complementary Metal Oxide NF Noise Fiqure or Noise Factor
CPU Central Processing Unit PA Power Amplifier
CRT Cathode Ray Tube PBA Printed Board Assembly
CRU Customer Replacement Unit
DMA Direct Memory Access or PBM Primary Bus master
Dynamic Memory Address
DMAC Direct Memory Access PCB Printd Circuit Board
DVM Digital Voltmeter PCMCIA Personal Computer Memory
Card International Association
EEPROM Electronically Erasable Pro- PLCC Plastic Leaded Chip Carrier
grammable read Only Memory
EGA Enhanced Graphics Adapter PMS Power Management System
EISA Extended Industry Standard POST Power On Self Test
ESDI Enhanced Small Device PPM Pages Per Minute
FDC Floppy Disk Controller PQFP Plastic Quad Flat Package
FDD Floppy Disk Drive QFP Quad Flat Package
FL Fluorescent Light(Lamp) RAM Random Access Memory
HDD Hard Disk Drive ROM Read Only Memory
HPF High Pass Filter RTC Real-Time Clock
SCSI Small Computer Systems SBM Secondary Bus Master
SIO Serial Input/Output Controller TSTN Triple Super Twisted Nematic
SOP Small Outline Package UHF Ultrahigh Frequency
SSOP Shrink Small Outline Package VCO Voltage Controlled Oscillator
STN Super Twisted Nematic VESA Video Electronics Standard
SCC Serial Communications VGA Video Graphics Array
TFT Thin Film Transistor VHF Very High Frequency
TS Tri-State XO Crystal Oscillator
TSOP Thin Small Outline Package