Samsung ML2252W Users Manual

Cancelling a Print Job

There are two ways to cancel a print job.

To stop a print job from the control panel:

Press the Cancel button on the control panel.


The printer will finish printing the page that is moving through the printer and delete the rest of the print job. Pressing the button cancels only the current job in the printer. If more than one print job is in the printer memory, the button must be pressed once for each job.

To stop a print job from the Printers folder:

1 From the Windows Start menu, select Settings.

2Select Printers to open the Printers window, and double-click the Samsung ML-2250 Series icon.

3From the Document menu, select Cancel Printing

(Windows 9x/Me) or Cancel (Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP).

Windows 98


Using a Favorite Setting

The Favorites option, which is visible on each properties tab, allows you to save the current properties settings for future use.

To save a Favorites item:

1 Change the settings as needed on each tab.

2 Enter a name for the item in the Favorites input box.

3 Click Save.

To use a saved setting, just select the item from the Favorites drop down list.

To delete a Favorites item, select it from the list and click


You can also restore the printer driver’s default settings by selecting <Printer Default> from the list.

Using Help

Your printer has a help screen that can be activated by the Help button in the printer’s properties window. These help screens give detailed information about the printer features provided by the printer driver.

You can also click from the upper right hand corner, and then click on any setting.


Samsung ML2252W Users Manual

Setting Paper Properties

Use the following options to set the basic paper handling needs when you access the printer properties. See page 4.2 for more information about accessing printer properties.

Click the Paper tab to access various paper properties.














Copies allows you to choose the number of

copies to be printed. You can enter up to 999.








The Size option allows you to choose the size

of paper loaded in the tray.



If the required size is not listed in the Size box, click Custom. When the Custom Page Size window appears, set the paper and click Ok. The size setting appears in the Size list so that you can select it.

Enter the custom name you want to


Enter the paper size.










Make sure that Source is set to the

corresponding paper tray.





The Manual Feed source is used when



printing to special materials. You have to load



one sheet at a time into the Multi-Purpose



Tray. See page 3.12.



If the paper source is set to Auto Select,



the printer automatically picks up print



materials according to the following order:



Multi-Purpose Tray, Tray1, Optional Tray2.






Make sure that Type is set to Printer

Default. If you load a different type of print





materials, select the corresponding paper



type. For more information on print



materials, refer to Chapter 3, "Using Print






If you use cotton paper, set the paper type to



Thick for the best printing.



To use recycled paper, which weighs from



20lb to 24lb, or other colored paper, select



Color paper.






This property allows you to print the first



page using a different paper type from the



rest of the document. You can select the



paper source for the first page.




For example, load thick stock for the first


for First

page into the Multi-Purpose Tray, and plain



paper into the Tray1. Then, select Tray1 in



the Source option and Multi-Purpose



Tray in the Different Source for First



Page option.





Using the Toner Save Mode

Toner Save mode allows the printer to use less toner on each page. Using this mode will extend the life of your toner cartridge and reduce your cost per page, but will reduce the print quality. This setting is not available with the 1200 dpi setting.

There are two ways to enable the Toner Save mode:

From the Control Panel

Press the Cancel button on the control panel. The printer must be in Ready mode (On Line/Error green LED is on).


If the Toner Save LED is on, the mode is enabled and the printer uses less toner to print a page.

If the Toner Save LED is off, the mode is disabled and the printer prints in the normal mode.


From the software application

1When you change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2Click the Graphics tab, and select the Toner Save option. You can select from:

Printer Setting: If you select this option, the Toner Save feature is determined by the setting you’ve made on the control panel of the printer.

On: Select this option to allow the printer to use less toner on each page.

Off: If you don’t need to save toner to print a document, select this option.

3 Click OK.

NOTE: The setting in the software application overrides that on the control panel.


1 2

3 4

Printing Multiple Pages on One

Sheet of Paper (N-Up Printing)

You can select the number of pages to print on a single sheet of paper. To print more than one page per sheet, the pages will appear decreased in size and arranged on the sheet. You can print up to 16 pages on one sheet.

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2From the Layout tab, choose Multiple Pages per Side in the Type drop-down list.

3Select the number of pages you want to print per sheet (1, 2, 4, 9 or 16) in the Pages per Side drop-down list.


4Select the page order in the Page Order drop-down list, if necessary.












































































Right, Then

Down, Then


Left, Then


Down, Then














Check Print Page Border to print a border around each page on the sheet. Print Page Border is enabled only if the pages per sheet is 2, 4, 9, or 16.


5Click the Paper tab and select the paper source, size, and type.

6 Click OK and print the document.

Printing a Reduced or Enlarged Document

You can scale your print job on a page.

1When you change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2From the Paper tab, select Scale Printing in the Type drop-down list.

3Enter the desired scaling rate in the Percentage input box. You can also click the or button.

4 Select the paper source, size, and type.

5 Click OK and print the document.



Fitting Your Document to a Selected Paper Size

This printer feature allows you to scale your print job to any selected paper size regardless of the digital document size. This can be useful when you want to check fine details on a small document.

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2From the Paper tab, select Fit to Page in the Type drop-down list.

3Select the correct size from the Target Paper drop-down list.


4 Select the paper source, size and type.

5 Click OK and print the document.


Printing Posters

This feature allows you to print a single-page document onto 4, 9 or 16 sheets of paper, for the purpose of pasting the sheets together to form one poster-size document.

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page page 4.2.

2From the Layout tab, select Poster in the Type drop-down list.

3Configure the poster option:

You can select the page layout from 2x2, 3x3 or 4x4. If you select 2x2, the output will be automatically stretched to cover 4 physical pages.

2 x 2

3 x 3


Specify an overlap in millimeters or inches to make it easier to reconstruct the resulting poster.

0.15 inches

0.15 inches

4Click the Paper tab and select the paper source, size and type.

5Click OK and print the document. You can complete the poster by reconstructing the resulting pages.

Using Watermarks


The Watermark option allows you to print text over an existing document. For example, you may want to have large gray letters reading “DRAFT” or “CONFIDENTIAL” printed diagonally across the first page or all pages of a document.

There are several predefined watermarks that come with your printer, and they can be modified or you can add new ones to the list.

Using an Existing Watermark

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.


2Click the Extras tab, and select the desired watermark in the Watermark drop-down list. You will see the selected watermark in the preview image.

3 Click OK and start printing.

Creating a Watermark

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2Click the Extras tab, and click the Edit button in the Watermark section. The Edit Watermarks window appears.

Preview image

3Enter the desired text message in the Watermark Message box.

This will be displayed in the preview window. The preview image is provided so that you can see how the watermark will appear on the printed page.

If the First Page Only box is checked, the watermark will be printed on the first page only.


4Select the desired watermark options.

You can select the font name, style, and size, and grayscale level from the Font Attributes section and set the angle of the watermark from the Message Angle section.

5 Click Add to add a new watermark to the list.

6 When you finish editing, click Ok and start printing.

To stop printing the watermark, select <No Watermark> in the Watermark drop-down list.

Editing a Watermark

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2Click the Extras tab, and click the Edit button in the

Watermark section. The Edit Watermarks window appears. 4

3Select the watermark you want to edit in the Current Watermarks list, and change the watermark message and the options. Refer to “Creating a Watermark” on page 4.16.

4 Click Update to save the changes.

5 Click Ok.

Deleting a Watermark

1To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

2From the Extras tab, click the Edit button in the Watermark section. The Edit Watermarks window appears.

3Select the watermark you want to delete in the Current Watermarks list and click Delete.

4 Click Ok.


Dear ABC



Using Overlays

What is an Overlay?

An overlay is text and/or images stored in the computer hard disk drive (HDD) as a special file format that can be printed on any document. Overlays are often used to take the place of preprinted forms and letterhead paper. Rather than using preprinted letterhead, you can create an overlay containing the exact same information that is currently on your letterhead. To print a letter with your company’s letterhead, you do not need to load preprinted letterhead paper in the printer. You need only tell the printer to print the letterhead overlay on your document.


Creating a New Page Overlay

To use a page overlay, you must create a new page overlay containing your logo or image.

1Create or open a document containing text or an image for use in a new page overlay. Position the items exactly as you

wish them to appear when printed as an overlay. If needed, save the file for later use.

2To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

3Click the Extras tab, and click Edit button in the Overlay section.


4 In the Edit Overlays window, click Create Overlay.

5In the Create Overlay window, type a name of up to eight characters in the File name box. Select the destination path, if necessary. (The default is C:\FormOver).


6 Click Save. You will see the name in Overlay List.

7Click OK or Yes until you complete creating.

The file is not printed out. Instead it will be stored on your computer HDD disk.

NOTE: The overlay document size must be the same as documents you will print with the overlay. Do not create an overlay with a watermark.


Using a Page Overlay

After an overlay has been created, it is ready to be printed with your document. To print an overlay with a document:

1 Create or open the document you want to print.

2To change the print settings from your software application, access the printer properties. See page 4.2.

3 Click the Extras tab.

4Select the desired overlay from the Overlay drop-down list box.

5If the desired overlay file does not appear in the Overlay list, click the Edit button and Load Overlay, and select the overlay file.

If you have stored the overlay file you want to use into an external source, you can also load the file when you access this Load Overlay window.

After you select the file, click Open. The file is now shown in the Overlay List box and is available for printing. Select the overlay from the Overlay List box.


6If necessary, click Confirm Page Overlay When Printing. If this box is checked, a message window will appear each time you submit a document for printing, asking you to confirm your wish to print an overlay on your document.

Answering Yes to the window means that the selected overlay will be printed with your document. Answering No to the window cancels overlay printing.

If this box is empty and an overlay has been selected, the overlay will be automatically printed with your document.

7Click OK or Yes until the printing starts.

The selected overlay will be downloaded with your print job and printed on your document.

NOTE: The resolution of the overlay document must be the same as that of the document you will print with the overlay.


Deleting a Page Overlay

You can delete page overlays that are no longer used.

1 In the printer properties window, click the Extras tab.

2 Click Edit in the Overlay section.

3Select the overlay you want to delete from the Overlay List box.

4 Click Delete Overlay.

5 Click OK until you exit the Print window.


Setting Graphic Properties

Use the following graphic options to adjust the print quality for your specific printing needs. See page 4.2 for more information about accessing printer properties.

Click the Graphics tab to display the properties shown below.









You can select the printing resolution by choosing from 1200 dpi (Best) or

600 dpi (Normal). The higher the setting,

1 Resolution the sharper the clarity of printed characters and graphics. Higher settings may increase the time it takes to print a document.

Selecting this option will extend the life of your toner cartridge and reduce your cost

2 Toner Save per page without a significant reduction in the print quality. For detailed information

about this mode, see page 4.9.












Some printed characters or images appear to



have jagged or uneven edges. Set this



Image Mode option to improve the print



quality of your text and image, and make the



characters and images appear smoother.



The Image Mode option is only available



when you select 600 dpi (Normal) in the


3 Image

Resolution option.







Normal: This setting prints images in the



normal mode.



Text Enhance: This setting refines the



print quality of characters by smoothing



out jagged edges that can occur on the



angles and curves of each character.



Image Enhance: This setting refines the



print quality of photo images.








You can set advanced settings by clicking



the Advanced Options button.













4 Advanced




Use this option to lighten or darken the image appearance in your print.

Normal: This setting is for normal documents.

Light: This setting is for bolder line widths or darker gray-scale images.

Dark: This setting is for finer line width, higher definition in graphics, and lighter gray-scale images.

When the Darken Text option is checked, all text in your document is allowed to print darker than a normal document.







True-Type Options


This option determines what the driver


tells the printer about how to image the


text in your document. Select the


appropriate setting according to the status


of your document.


Download as Bit Image: When this


option is selected, the driver will


download the font data as bitmap


images. Documents with complicated


fonts, such as Korean or Chinese, or


various other fonts, will print faster in


this setting.

4 Advanced

Print as Graphics: When this option is


selected, the driver will download any


fonts as graphics. When printing


documents with high graphic content and


relatively few TrueType fonts, printing


performance (speed) may be enhanced


in this setting.


Print All Text Black


When the Print All Text Black option is


checked, all text in your document is


allowed to print solid black, regardless of


the colour it appears on the screen. When


it is not checked, coloured text is allowed


to print in shades of gray.




Using Output Options

You can select options for output of your document.

See page 4.2 for more information about accessing printer properties.

Click the Extras tab to access the Output Options feature.







You can set in what sequence the pages will


be printed. Select the required print order


from the drop-down list.


Normal:Your printer prints in normal



Print Order

Reverse All Pages:Your printer prints

all pages in reversed order. This setting is


helpful when you are using the rear output




Print Odd Pages:Your printer prints


only the odd pages of the document.


Print Even Pages:Your printer prints


only the even pages of the document.




When this option is checked, the printer


keeps the image for a printed page until the

Reprint When

printer signals that the page has


successfully exited the printer. When a


paper jam occurs, the printer reprints the


last page after you clear the jam.




Using the Status Monitor

If an error occurs while printing, the Status Monitor window appears, showing the error.


The Status Monitor program can only be used if you connect the printer to your computer with the USB cable, or on the network.

You can use the Status Monitor in Windows 98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/ XP.

Installing Status Monitor

1Insert the supplied CD-ROM into your CD-ROM drive.

The CD-ROM should automatically run and an maintenance window appears.

If the maintenance window does not appear, click Start and then Run. Type X:\Setup.exe, replacing “X” with the letter of your drive and click OK.

NOTE: If your machine is not connected to the computer, the following window will appear.

After connecting the machine, click Next.

If you want to skip the connection status, click Next, and No to the following screen.

2Click Custom.

If you have been installed the print driver before, click


3 Click Status Monitor and then click Next.

4 When the installation is completed, click Finish.


Reinstalling Status Monitor

1 From the Start menu, select Programs.

2Select Samsung ML-2250 Series, and then Maintenance.

3 Click Repair.

4 Click Status Monitor and then click Next.

5 When reinstallation is done, click Finish.

Removing Status Monitor

1 From the Start menu, select Programs.



2Select Samsung ML-2250 Series, and then Maintenance.

3 Check Remove.

4 Click Status Monitor and then click Next.

5 When removing is completed, click Finish.

Opening the Troubleshooting Guide

Double click the Status monitor icon on the Windows task bar.

Double click this icon.

Or, from Programs from Start, Samsung ML-2250 Series, and Troubleshooting Guide.


Changing the Status Monitor Program


The following window opens when you click the Status monitor icon on the Windows task bar and select Option.

Display when job is finished for network printer shows the Status monitor balloon when your job is complete.

Display when error occurs during printing the Status monitor balloon appears when an error occurs while printing.

Schedule an automatic status checking allows the computer to update the printer status regularly. Setting the value close to 1 second causes the computer to check the printer status more frequently, thereby allowing a faster response to any printer error.

NOTE: When the Status monitor balloon appears to indicate an error, you can cancel the current print job or see the corresponding solution. If you select Cancel Printing, turn the printer off and then click OK. It may take several minutes. Note that this will lose data which is being sent to the printer via network.


About Sharing the Printer on a Network

If you work in a networked environment, you can connect your printer to the network.

Locally-Shared Printer

You can connect the printer directly to a selected computer, which is called the “host computer” on the network. The printer can then be shared by other users on the network through a Windows 9x/Me/XP/NT 4.0/2000 network printer connection.

Network-connected Printer

ML-2251N and ML-2252W printers have a built-in network interface.

To use an ML-2250 printer as a network printer, you need to



install an optional network interface card in your printer. For an


ML-2251N printer, you can replace the network interface card to


one supporting the wireless LAN interface. See page D.7 for


information about installing the card.


Supported Operating Systems











Network Interface

10/100 Base-TX (standard for ML-2251N



and ML-2252W) or 802.11b Wireless LAN



(standard for ML-2252W)





Network Operating

• Novell NetWare 3.x, 4.x, 5.x



• Windows 95/98/Me/NT 4.0/2000/XP



• Unix AT&T, BSD4.3, HP-UX, SUN OS,






• Various Linux OS





Network Protocols

• Netware IPX/SPX



• TCP/IP, DLC/LLC on Windows



• Port9100 on Unix, Linux



• Apple EtherTalk (802.3)





Dynamic Addressing









IPX/SPX: Internet Packet exchange/Sequenced Packet eXchange

TCP/IP: Transmission Control Protocol/Internet Protocol

DLC/LLC: Data Link Control/Logical Link Control

DHCP: Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol

BOOTP: Bootstrap Protocol


Printing Across a Network

Whether the printer is locally connected or network-connected, you need to install the ML-2250 series printer software on each computer that will print documents to the printer.

Setting Up a Locally Shared Printer

In Windows 9x/Me

Setting Up the Host Computer

1 Start Windows.

2From the Start menu, select Control Panel, and doubleclick on the Network icon.

3Check the File and Print Sharing box, and click OK. Close the window.

4From the Start menu, select Printers from Settings and double-click your printer name.

5 Select Properties in the Printer menu.

6Click the Sharing tab and check the Shared As box. Fill in the Shared Name field and click OK.

Setting Up the Client Computer

1 Right-click the Windows Start button and select Explorer.

2 Open your network folder in the left column.

3Right-click the shared name and select Capture Printer Port.

4Select the port you want, check the Reconnect at log on box, and click OK.

5 From the Start menu, select Settings and then Printers.


6 Double-click your printer icon.

7 From the Printer menu, select Properties.

8 From the Details tab, select the printer port and click OK.

In Windows NT 4.0/2000/XP

Setting Up the Host Computer

1 Start Windows.

2For Windows NT 4.0/2000, select Settings, and Printers from the Start menu.

For Windows XP, select Printers and Faxes from the Start menu.


Double-click your printer icon.




From the Printer menu, select Sharing.


5For Windows NT 4.0, check the Shared box. For Windows 2000, check the Shared As box.

For Windows XP, check the Share this printer box.

6For Windows NT 4.0, fill in the Share Name field and click


For Windows 2000/XP, fill in the Shared Name field and click OK.

Setting Up the Client Computer

1 Right-click the Windows Start button and select Explorer.

2 Open your network folder in the left column.

3 Click the shared name.

4For Windows NT 4.0/2000, select Settings and Printers from the Start menu.

For Windows XP, select Printers and Faxes from the Start menu.


5 Double-click your printer icon.

6 From the Printer menu, select Properties.

7 From the Ports tab, click Add Port.

8 Select Local port and click New Port.

9 Fill in the Enter a port name field, enter the shared name.

10Click OK and click Close.

11For Windows NT 4.0, click OK.

For Windows 2000/XP, click Apply and click OK.



This chapter provides suggestions for high-quality and economical printing and information for maintaining the toner cartridge and the printer.

This chapter includes:

Maintaining the Toner Cartridge

Cleaning the Printer

Printing Configuration Pages

Consumables and Replacement Parts

Maintaining the Toner Cartridge

Toner cartridge storage

To get the maximum results from the toner cartridge, keep the following guidelines in mind.

Do not remove the toner cartridge from its package until ready for use.

Do not refill the toner cartridge. The printer warranty does not cover damage caused by using a refilled cartridge.

Store toner cartridges in the same environment as the printer.

To prevent damage to the toner cartridge, do not expose it to light for more than a few minutes.

Toner cartridge life expectancy

The life of the toner cartridge depends on the amount of toner that print jobs require. When printing text at 5% coverage, a new toner cartridge lasts an average of 5,000 pages. (The original toner cartridge supplied with the printer lasts an average of 3,000 pages.)

Saving toner

To save toner, press the Cancel button on the printer control panel. The button will be lit. You can also enable the Toner Save in the printer properties. Refer to “Using the Toner Save Mode” on page 4.9. Selecting this option will extend the life of the toner cartridge and reduce your cost per page, but will reduce the print quality.


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