Samsung Microwave Oven User Manual

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• No Scratch • No Rust • No Bacteria
Enamel Cavity
PPrreevveennttss ssccrraattcchh,, rruusstt aanndd bbaacctteerriiaa
FFoorr eevveenn aanndd ddeeeepp ccooookkiinngg
NNoo wwoorrrryy ffoorr yyeeaarrss
SSaammssuunngg MMiiccrroowwaavvee OOvveenn CCooookkbbooookk
BByy GGoouurrmmeett EExxppeerrtt
PPoowweerreedd bbyy
Copyright ©Bennett, Coleman & Co., Ltd., 2011
Published by Bennett, Coleman & Co. Ltd., New Delhi
All right reserved. No part of this work may be reproduced or used in any form or by any means (graphic, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, tape, web distribution, information storage and retrieval systems or otherwise) without prior written permission of the publisher.
Times Group Books (A division of Bennett, Coleman and Company Limited) Times Annexe, 9-10, Bahadur Shah Zafar Marg, New Delhi-110002
Printed at: Paras Offset Pvt. Ltd.
Complimentary copy with Samsung Convection Microwave Oven. Not for Sale.
Samsung MMicrowave OOven CCookbook
By GGourmet EExpert
Author’s Note
I have been using a microwave oven for 25 years, mainly to heat up leftovers, tea and coffee and defrosting meat, poultry, seafood and bread. It was only when I was asked by Samsung to come up with a collection of my favourite recipes and some diehard “sure shots” that I realized the versatility and extraordinary potential of the new Samsung Microwave. Of course the model I am now using also has convection cooking, grilling and two unique programmes which combine convection and microwave, and grilling and microwave. Mine also has a spit roasting option which, as the name suggests, is excellent for roasting and barbecue cooking since you don’t have to turn the meat over . The convection + microwave mode is especially good for non­vegetarian dishes, cakes and breads — recipes which require a more conventional method of cooking. The microwave element just speeds up the process. The microwave + grill combo which I especially like, is ideal for baked pasta or anything which needs browning or a quick colour. I have had enormous fun trying out both everyday dishes from my kitchen as well as quite complicated recipes which become infinitely more simple in the microwave. A couple of revelations which I am now going to use in my daily cooking are: steaming vegetables either fresh or frozen. This is both easy and healthy, and consumes much less time and fewer utensils than conventional boiling, steaming or blanching. I also discovered that the cooking of non­vegetarian dishes, especially chicken and seafood is again both quick and effortless as well as being enormously effective in the microwave. Baking has also been a huge surprise! For everyday Indian cooking, I found idlis, upma, sheera and dhokla a complete “piece of cake” in the microwave. Let’s not forget the amount of utensils, cutlery and crockery that you save on when you cook in one glass dish. I have thoroughly enjoyed this experience and I hope the Samsung Microwave makes a difference to your cooking as it has done in mine.
By the way, I also found that the male members of my household were extremely attracted by the Samsung high tech look and feel and were, therefore, easily encouraged to use it. This is clearly a step in the right direction. I’m sure other women will agree!
Karen Anand
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .5
Accessories . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .7
Cooking Guide . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .9
Interesting Usage of the Microwave . . . .16
Know Your Ingredients . . . . . . . . . . . . . .18
Country Vegetable Soup . . . . . . . . .21
Hot & Sour Soup . . . . . . . . . . . . . .22
Tomato & Basil Soup . . . . . . . . . . .23
Quick Sweet Corn Soup . . . . . . . . .24
Mulligatawny Soup . . . . . . . . . . . .25
Tom Yam Goong – Thai
Spicy Prawn Soup . . . . . . . . . . . .26
Chinese Chicken & Vegetable Soup .27
Colourful Carrot Salad . . . . . . . . . .29
Caribbean Rice Salad . . . . . . . . . . .30
Khaman (Yellow) Dhokla . . . . . . . .31
Herby Oven Fries . . . . . . . . . . . . . .32
Upma . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Pav Bhaji – Vegetable Purée
with Butter & Soft Rolls . . . . . . . .34
Cheese & Cumin Scones . . . . . . . . .35
Poha . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .36
Idli . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Instant Noodles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .38
Hot Potato & Sausage Salad . . . . . .39
Thai-style Chicken Salad . . . . . . . . .40
Chicken 65 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Stuffed Baked Potatoes . . . . . . . . .43
Vegetable Lasagne . . . . . . . . . . . . .44
Stuffed Tomatoes . . . . . . . . . . . . . .46
Matar Paneer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
Aloo Methi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .48
Stir-fried Vegetables . . . . . . . . . . . .49
Masala Mushrooms . . . . . . . . . . . .50
Corn in Creamy Milk . . . . . . . . . . .51
*Auto Cook Menu dishes available in selected models
Lazizi Bhindi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Cabbage Foogath . . . . . . . . . . . . .52
Paneer Peshawari . . . . . . . . . . . . . .53
Paneer Tikka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .54
Simple Thai Red Curry . . . . . . . . . .55
Broccoli Bengali Style . . . . . . . . . . .55
Chinese Greens
with Oyster Sauce . . . . . . . . . . . .56
Dal Tadka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .57
Maharani Dal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .58
Chhole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .59
Alleppey Curry with Prawns . . . . . .61
Goan Prawn Curry with Okra . . . . .62
Fish Tikka . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .64
Murgh Malai Tikka . . . . . . . . . . . . .65
Chicken Keema Matar . . . . . . . . . .66
Curry Leaf Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . .67
Kali Mirch Tangdi Chicken . . . . . . . .68
Honey Mustard Chicken . . . . . . . . .69
Thai Green Curry with Chicken . . . .70
Butter Chicken . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .71
Tamarind Rice (Served with Raita) . .73
Veg Fried Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .74
Hakka Noodles . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .75
Lemon Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .76
Mexican Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .77
Thai Fried Rice . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .78
Chicken Biryani . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .79
Fresh Fruit Sponge Cake . . . . . . . . .81
Honey Bee Chocolate Cake . . . . . . .82
Chocolate Fudge . . . . . . . . . . . . . .83
Chocolate Chip Cookies . . . . . . . . .84
Gajar Ka Halwa . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Phirnee . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .85
Pistachio Cake . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .86
Cashew Burfi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Suji Sheera . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .87
Chocolate Brownies . . . . . . . . . . . .88
Microwave cooking
The kitchen is the centre of all household activities in a traditional Indian home. The kitchen is the place where the lady of the house reigns supreme. Your new Samsung Microwave Oven is going to make life for you easier as well as more exciting.
To start with, it simplifies the basic steps in your cooking agenda. Contrary to popular belief, your Samsung Microwave Oven does not just reheat food — it also boils, bakes, thaws, skewers, and makes everyday Indian cooking interesting and enjoyable. Most importantly, the microwave oven ensures that your family gets all the nutrition from the food cooked in it. In conventional cooking, much of the nutrition present in the food in the form of Vitamins C & F is lost due to exposure to the atmosphere. But when you cook in the Samsung Microwave Oven, the food retains all its nutrients. The waves in your microwave oven directly penetrate the food and agitate the moisture particles. The high-speed agitation of the moisture releases heat which evenly spreads to other parts of the food. This process enables the food to be cooked without the loss of any element, in a third of the time conventionally taken. Many believe the food in a microwave is not as tasty as food cooked on a gas stove, but this is only a misnomer. Food cooked in a Samsung Microwave Oven is as tasty as food cooked the normal way on a stove as has been reiterated by many food experts. Food cooked in the Samsung Microwave Oven is not just 100 per cent healthy but also 100 per cent tasty. With your Samsung Microwave Oven, you will always go right with your recipes, even when you prepare them for the first time.
So go ahead, dish out recipes from all over the world, and pamper those you really love. Samsung Microwave Ovens give you the freedom to explore a variety of dishes/menus with ease. Enjoy every moment that Life throws at you.
How do microwaves work?
Microwaves are short-length, high-frequency, electromagnetic waves which are similar to TV and radio waves. In a microwave oven, a vacuum tube called “Magnetron” generates microwaves that penetrates the food and agitates the moisture molecules present in the food. This high­speed agitation of water molecules release heat that spreads to other parts of the food, cooking it evenly. Therefore, you get healthy, oil-free food and that too at almost one-third of the cooking time taken by conventional cooking systems.
Samsung Microwaves
The Samsung Microwave Cookbook will show you that cooking is easier done than said. Each recipe has been carefully selected to suit your requirement. Whether you are married or single, whether you are a working couple or you have a family with two children and elderly parents, the Samsung Microwave Cookbook will help you get familiar with your Samsung Microwave Oven and boost your confidence to experiment with recipes at will. We are sure you will get maximum benefits from your new Samsung Microwave Oven. This confidence comes from the fact that there are millions of proud owners of Samsung Microwave Ovens across the world who inspire us to add new dimensions to the microwave technology.
The Samsung Microwave Oven comes in different combinations to suit the specific requirements of every household (including yours) — the Samsung Combi/Grill Microwave, the Combi/Grill/Convection Microwave, and much more…
With Samsung’ s innovative Voice Guidance System, enjoy the freedom of hassle-free cooking. You don’t have to operate the microwave oven searching through the manual. The Voice Guiding System talks you through all the auto-cook menus and helps you master even a new dish the very first time you try it. So instead of guessing at cooking times and temperatures, just select a menu and press the button to get your meal underway. When it comes out perfectly and impresses your family and friends, do not worry, the Auto Menu will not tell! This guidance system comes with a voice volume from zero to level 4. Therefore, when you do not want to hear the voice, you can turn off the voice or reduce the volume. With its unique features, Samsung Microwave Oven offers a quicker and stronger cooking solution so that you can enjoy more nutritious and delicious foods. So break free from your inhibitions and try your hand on the 141 recipes from the auto-cook menu — in the voice guiding model. Auto-cook menus are available in various other Samsung Microwave Oven models as well. So, you will never run out of options.
Another exceptional feature of this product is its Ceramic Enamel Cavity. An exceptionally smooth ceramic interior allows grease and oil to be easily cleaned off the inside walls with an added advantage of 5 years warranty on the cavity. It also offers rust-free, scratch-resistant and bacteria-free advantages.
Samsung’s unique cookware enables healthy and low-fat cooking by using steam. Steam cooking in the microwave oven (MWO) usually makes the surface of food dry. To solve this weak-point, Samsung came up with the Pro-steamer.
The Pro-steamer consists of two parts — a bottom plate and a stainless steel lid. When water is poured in the bottom plate — and the MWO is switched on — the microwave rays penetrate the plate and generate steam. At the same time, the stainless steel lid blocks microwave rays from cooking the food. Thus, this blocking mechanism prevents the food surface from becoming dry.
In addition, it is large enough to fit big dishes and also features a crusty plate as an additional accessory.
Crusty Plate
The Samsung “Crusty Plate” is just what you were looking for! This accessory ensures that you get oil-free, perfectly crunchy pizzas and well-baked cookies. In the grill combi mode, the upper grill heater will bake the upper side of the pizza, while the microwave rays will penetrate through the bottom of the plate, and reheat the food inside quickly. Because of this mechanism, the
Crusty Plate offers oven-style browning and crisping to both the top and bottom layers of dishes, making it ideal for baking pastries and quiche, and roasting or grilling meat and fish.
Power Steam Bowl
The round-shaped Power Steam Bowl has a very simple structure and a user-friendly design. The convenient and handy feature allows you to enjoy an assortment of great food without worrying about everything drying up.
Samsung’s Multi-spit allows you to enjoy barbecuing without the hassle of cleaning the inside of the MWO.
The Multi-spit is Samsung’s unique accessory for barbecuing — far more useful and convenient than other similar accessories. It can provide all kinds of skewer-styled cooking, not only Western-style food like Roast Chicken but also Indian food like tikkas. The spit sits on the glass plate, so that the fat drips down on to the glass plate, and not the oven cavity. In addition, it is more durable than rotisseries with 3 skewers, because it has 6 skewers — enough to support a chicken over 2kg.
Rotisseries stem from 15th-century French restaurants specializing in spit-roasted meat and chicken. Skewered meat is roasted on a spit as it revolves over the source of heating. The rotating device cooks the meat evenly and in its own juices. It also allows continuous basting if required. You can enjoy barbecue-style cooking in
your very own kitchen and have more choices for great food like kebabs and barbecued chicken. With rotisserie cooking, meats become more tender, juicier, and easier to baste. Whenever you require it, just put the rotisserie attachment in place.
Grill Rack
The Grill Rack elevates the food to come closer to the quartz heater element for faster browning that ensures perfectly uniform and faster cooking.
Cooking Guide
The MWO is a new cooking appliance, and since quite a few people are not aware of its mechanism, given below is a short note on how it works.
Microwave energy actually penetrates food, heating water, fat, and sugar molecules in food. The microwave rays cause the molecules in the food to move rapidly. The rapid movement of these molecules creates frictional heat, which cook the food efficiently.
Moreover, vis-à-vis traditional cooking appliances, the MWO is more advantageous and beneficial. One, since the MWO can defrost and reheat more quickly than the gas stove, you save both energy and time. And two, the MWO never radiates heat outside, so you can cook in far greater comfort in hot weather.
Cookware for microwave cooking: The cookware must allow microwave energy to pass through it for maximum efficiency.
For your safety, you should not use metal (such as stainless steel, aluminum and copper), wood and paper cookware — microwaves are reflected by metal, and this will cause sparks. Paper and wooden cookware can be burnt after being exposed to microwave rays.
But these rays penetrate through ceramic, glass and porcelain (without any metal decoration). Please keep in mind that heat-resistant cookware must be used for long time cooking (over 3 minutes) to prevent the cookware from damage, resulting from melting and getting burnt.
Food suitable for microwave cooking
Many kinds of food are suitable for microwave cooking, including fresh or frozen vegetables, fruit, pasta, rice, grains, beans, fish and meat. Sauces, custard, soups, steamed puddings, preserves and chutneys can also be cooked in a MWO. Generally speaking, microwave cooking is ideal for any food that would normally be prepared on a hob — melting butter or chocolate, for example (see the section “Interesting Usage of the Microwave”).
Covering during cooking
To cover the food during cooking is very important, as the evaporated water rises as steam and contributes to accelerate the cooking process and moistens the food. Food can be covered in different ways: eg, with a ceramic plate, plastic cover or microwave-safe cling film.
Standing time
Once cooking is over, the standing time allows the temperature to even out in the food.
Cooking guide for frozen vegetables
Use a suitable glass pyrex bowl with lid. Cook covered for the minimum time. Continue cooking to get the result you prefer. Stir twice during cooking and once after cooking. Add salt, herbs or butter after cooking. Cover during standing time. Please refer to Table: 01.
Cooking guide for rice and pasta
Rice: Use a large glass pyrex bowl with lid — rice doubles in volume during cooking. Cook covered. After the cooking time is over, stir before standing time and add salt and/or herbs and butter. Remark: The rice may not have absorbed all water after the cooking time is over. Pasta: Use a large glass pyrex bowl. Add boiling water, a pinch of salt. Stir well. Cook uncovered. Stir occasionally, during and after cooking. Cover during standing time and drain thoroughly afterwards.
Cooking guide for fresh vegetables
Use a suitable glass pyrex bowl with lid. Add 30–45ml cold water (2-3 tbsp) for every 250gm unless another water quantity is recommended (see Table: 02). Cook covered for the minimum time (see Table: 02). Continue cooking to get the result you prefer. Stir once during and once after cooking. Add salt, herbs or butter after cooking. Cover during a standing time of 3 minutes.
Spinach 150 gm 600W 5-6 2-3 Add 15 ml (1 tbsp) cold water Broccoli 300 gm 600W 8-9 2-3 Add 30 ml (2 tbsp) cold water Peas 300 gm 600W 7-8 2-3 Add 15 ml (1 tbsp) cold water Green Beans 300 gm 600W 7½-8½ 2-3 Add 30 ml (2 tbsp) cold water Mixed Vegetables 300 gm 600W 7-8 2-3 Add 15 ml (1 tbsp) cold water (carrots/peas/corn) Mixed Vegetables 300 gm 600W 7½-8½ 2-3 Add 15 ml (1 tbsp) cold water (Chinese style)
Table: 01
HINT: Cut the fresh vegetables into even-sized pieces. The smaller they are cut, the quicker they
will cook. All fresh vegetables should be cooked using full microwave power (900W).
Your MWO can reheat food, taking lesser time than conventional ovens/hobs normally take.
Use the power levels and reheating times in the following table as a guide (Table: 03). The time in the table considers liquids with a room temperature of about +18 to +20°C or chilled food with a temperature of about +5 to +7°C.
Arranging and covering
Avoid reheating large items such as joint of meat — they tend to overcook and dry out before the centre is piping hot. It is far better to reheat small pieces.
Broccoli 250 gm 4½-5 3 Prepare even-sized florets.
500 gm 7-8 Arrange the stems to the centre. Brussels Sprouts 250 gm 6-6½ 3 Add 60–75 ml (5-6 tbsp) water. Carrots 250 gm 4½-5 3 Cut carrots into even-sized slices. Cauliflower 250 gm 5-5½ 3 Prepare even-sized florets. Cut big
500 gm 7½-8½ florets into halves.Arrange stems to the centre. Courgettes 250 gm 4-4½ 3 Cut courgettes into slices.Add 30 ml (2 tbsp)
water or a knob of butter. Cook until just tender.
Eggplants 250 gm 3½-4 3 Cut eggplants into small slices and sprinkle
with 1 tbsp lemon juice. Leeks 250 gm 4-4½ 3 Cut leeks into thick slices. Mushrooms 125 gm 1½-2 3 Prepare small, whole or sliced mushrooms. Don’t
250 gm 2½-3 add any water. Sprinkle with lemon juice. Spice
with salt and pepper.Drain before serving. Onions 250 gm 5-5½ 3 Cut onions into slices or halves.Add only 15 ml
(1 tbsp) water. Pepper 250 gm 4½-5 3 Cut pepper into small slices. Potatoes 250 gm 4-5 3 Weigh the peeled potatoes and cut them into
500 gm 7-8 similar-sized halves or quarters.
Turnip, Cabbage 250 gm 5½-6 3 Cut turnip,cabbage into small cubes.
Table: 02
Power levels and stirring
You can adjust the power level from 900W to 300W, according to the kind of food that you want to reheat. Stir well or turn food over during reheating for best results. When possible, stir again before serving.
Take particular care when heating liquids and baby foods. To prevent eruptive boiling of liquids and possible scalding, stir before, during and after heating. Keep them in the MWO during standing time. We recommend putting a plastic spoon or glass stick into the liquids. Avoid overheating (and therefore spoiling) the food. It is wiser to underestimate cooking time and add extra heating time, if necessary.
Heating and standing times
When reheating food for the first time, it is helpful to make a note of the time taken — for future reference. Always make sure that the reheated food is piping hot throughout. Allow food to stand for a short time after reheating, to let the temperature even out. The recommended standing time after reheating is 2–4 minutes, unless another time is recommended in the table. Take particular care when heating liquids and baby food.
Reheating liquids
Always allow a standing time of at least 20 seconds after the oven has been switched off to allow the temperature to even out. Stir during heating, if necessary, and ALWAYS stir after heating. To prevent eruptive boiling and possible scalding, you should put a spoon or glass stick into the beverages and stir before, during and after heating. Please refer to Table: 03.
Reheating baby food
BABY FOOD: Empty into a deep ceramic plate. Cover with plastic lid. Stir well after reheating! Let stand for 2-3 minutes before serving. Stir again and check the temperature. Recommended serving temperature: between 30–40°C. Please refer to Table: 04.
BABY MILK: Pour milk into a sterilized glass bottle. Reheat uncovered. Remove the teat before heating the bottle — the bottle may explode if overheated. Shake well before standing time and again before serving! Always carefully check the temperature of baby milk or food before giving it to the baby. Recommended serving temperature: approximately 37°C.
REMARKS: Baby food particularly needs to be checked carefully before serving to prevent burns. Use the power levels and times in the next table as guidelines for reheating.
Drinks (coffee,tea 150 ml 900W 1-1½ 1-2 and water) (1 cup)
300 ml 2-2½ (2 cups) 450 ml 3-3½ (3 cups) 600 ml 3½-4 (4 cups)
Soup 250 gm 900W 2½-3 2-3 (chilled) 350 gm 3-3½
450 gm 3½-4 550 gm 4½-5
Stew 350 gm 600W 4½-5½ 2-3 (chilled)
Pasta with Sauce 350 gm 600W 3½-4½ 3 (chilled)
Filled pasta with 350 gm 600W 4-5 3 Sauce (chilled)
Plated Meal (chilled) 350 gm 600W 4½-5½ 3
450 gm 5½-6½ 550 gm 6½-7½
Cheese Fondue 400 gm 600W 6-7 1-2 ready-to-serve (chilled)
Pour into cups and reheat uncovered: 1 cup in the centre, 2 cups opposite of each other, 3 cups in a circle.Keep in microwave oven during standing time and stir well.
Pour into a deep ceramic plate or deep ceramic bowl. Cover with plastic lid. Stir well after reheating. Stir again before serving.
Put stew in a deep ceramic plate. Cover with plastic lid. Stir occasionally during reheating and again before standing and serving.
Put pasta (eg, spaghetti or egg noodles) on a flat ceramic plate. Cover with microwave cling-film Stir before serving.
Put filled pasta (eg, ravioli, tortellini) in a deep ceramic plate. Cover with plastic lid. Stir occasionally during reheating and again before standing and serving.
Plate a meal of 2-3 chilled components on a ceramic dish. Cover with microwave cling-film.
Put the ready-to-serve cheese fondue in a suitable-sized glass pyrex bowl with lid. Stir occasionally during and after reheating. Stir well before serving.
Table: 03
Microwaves are an excellent way of defrosting frozen food. Microwaves gently defrost frozen food in a short period of time. This can be of great advantage, especially when guests show up unexpectedly.
Frozen poultry must be thoroughly defrosted before cooking. Remove any metal ties and take it out of any wrapping to allow thawed liquid to drain away.
In general, it is better to defrost food using a lower power level, in order to defrost the cooking item evenly.
Put the frozen food on a dish without cover. Turn over half way, drain off any liquid and remove any giblets as soon as possible. Check the food occasionally to make sure that it does not feel warm. If smaller and thinner parts of the frozen food start to warm up, they can be shielded by wrapping very small strips of aluminum foil around them during defrosting.
Should poultry start to warm up on the outer surface, stop thawing and allow it to stand for 20 minutes before continuing.
Leave the fish, meat, and poultry to stand in order to complete defrosting. The standing time for complete defrosting will vary depending on the quantity defrosted.
HINT: Flat food defrosts better than those otherwise and smaller quantities need less time than
bigger ones. Remember this hint while freezing and defrosting food. For defrosting of frozen food with a temperature of about -18 to -20°C, see Table: 01.
The grill-heating element is located beneath the ceiling of the cavity, and it operates while the door is closed and the turntable is rotating. The rotation of the turntable ensures an even browning of the food. Pre-heating the grill for 4 minutes will make the food brown more quickly. Cookware for grilling: Should be flameproof and may include metal. Do not use any type of plastic cookware, as it can melt.
Food suitable for grilling: Chops, sausages, steaks, hamburgers, bacon and gammon rashers, thin fish portions, sandwiches, and all kinds of toasts with toppings.
Cleaning your microwave oven
The following parts of your microwave oven should be cleaned regularly to prevent grease and food particles from building up:
Inside and outside surfaces
Door and door seals
Turntable and roller rings
ALWAYS ensure that the door seals are clean and the door closes properly.
Failure to maintain the oven in a clean condition could lead to deterioration of the surface that
could adversely affect the appliance and possibly result in a hazardous situation.
Clean the outside surfaces with a soft cloth and warm, soapy water. Rinse and dry.
Remove any splashes or stains on the inside surfaces or on the roller ring with a soapy cloth. Rinse and dry.
To loosen hardened food particles and remove smells, place a cup of diluted lemon juice on the turntable and heat for 10 minutes at maximum power.
Wash the dishwasher-safe plate whenever necessary.
DO NOT spill water in the vents. NEVER use any abrasive products or chemical solvents. Take particular care when cleaning the door seals to ensure that no particles:
Prevent the door from closing correctly Clean the MWO cavity right after each use with a mild detergent solution, but let the MWO cool down before cleaning in order to avoid injury.
The instructions for cooking ranges, hobs and ovens shall state that a steam cleaner is not to
be used.
Baby food 190 gm 600W 30 sec 2-3 Empty into deep ceramic plate. (vegetables + meat) Cook covered. Stir after cooking
time.Stand for 2-3 minutes. Before serving, stir well and check the temperature carefully.
Baby porridge 190 gm 600W 20 sec 2-3 Empty into deep ceramic plate. (grain + milk + fruit) Cook covered. Stir after cooking
time.Stand for 2-3 minutes. Before serving, stir well and check the temperature carefully.
Baby milk 100 ml 300W 30-40 sec 2-3 Stir or shake well and pour into a
200 ml 1 min sterilized glass bottle.Place on
10 sec the centre of turntable.Cook
uncovered. Shake well and stand for at least 3 minutes. Before serving, shake well and check the temperature carefully.
Table: 04
Put 50gm butter on a small deep glass dish. Cover with
plastic lid. Heat for 30–40 seconds, on 900W, until the
butter melts.
Put 100gm chocolate on a small deep glass dish. Heat for 3–5 minutes, on 450W, until the chocolate melts. Stir once or twice during melting. Use oven gloves while taking out!
Put 20gm crystallized honey in a small deep glass dish.
Heat for 20–30 seconds, on 300W, until the honey
Lay dry gelatine sheets (10 gm) for 5 minutes in cold water. Put drained gelatine into a small glass pyrex bowl. Heat for 1 minute, on 300W. Stir after melting.
Mix instant glaze (approximately 14 gm) with 40gm
sugar and 250ml cold water. Cook uncovered in a glass
pyrex bowl for 3½ to 4½ minutes, on 900W, until
glaze/icing is transparent. Stir twice during cooking.
Interesting Usage of the Microwave
Put 600gm fruits (for example, mixed berries) in a
suitable-sized glass pyrex bowl with lid. Add 300gm
preserving sugar and stir well. Cook covered for 10–12
minutes, on 900W. Stir several times during cooking.
Empty directly into small jam glasses with twist-off lids.
Stand on lid for 5 minutes.
Mix pudding powder with sugar and milk (500 ml) by following the manufacturers instructions and stir well. Use a suitable-sized glass pyrex bowl with lid. Cook covered for 6½ to 7½ minutes, on 900W. Stir well, several times, during cooking.
Spread 30gm sliced almonds evenly on a medium-sized ceramic plate. Stir several times during browning for 3½ to 4½ minutes, on 600W. Let it stand for 2-3 minutes in the oven. Use oven gloves while taking out!
Keep 1-2 cups of malai (milk topping) in a big glass bowl and microwave on high temperature for 15–20 minutes to get desi ghee without burning your kadhai (wok). Stir once or twice in-between.
Place the chips or biscuits in a napkin, uncovered for
about 1 minute per bowl or until they feel warm. Wait
for a few minutes to cool and then serve.
Know Your Ingredients
Dried fenugreek leaves
(Kasuri methi)
Mint leaves
Sabut kali mirch)
Dried mango powder
Turmeric powder
Red chilli powder
Lal mirch powder)
Ground coriander seeds
(Dhania powder)
Cumin seeds
(Sabut jeera)
Fenugreek seeds
Methi dana)
Nigella (onion seeds)
Coriander seeds
(Sabut dhania)
Mustard seeds
(Rai, Sarson)
White sesame seeds
(Safed til)
Green Cardamom
(Chhoti elaichi)
Dried Pomegranate seeds
Black cumin seeds
(Shah jeera)
Black cardamom
(Moti elaichi)
Bay leaves
(Tej patta)
Green chillies
(Hari mirch)
Curry leaves
(Kari patta)
Coriander leaves
(Hara dhania)
(Suji, rava)
*Auto Cook Menu dishes available in selected models
Place the butter, all the vegetables and stock into casserole. Microwave covered on HIGH for 15 minutes.Blend together cornflour and water,and stir into soup mixture.Microwave again on HIGH for 5 minutes.Stand for 10 minutes and serve with hot, crusty bread.
2 tbsp Butter 2 cups Leeks, sliced 1 cup Carrot, sliced finely 1 cup Potato, diced
1 cup Cabbage,shredded 1 litre Vegetable stock 2 tbsp Cornflour mixed with 2 tbsp water Salt and pepper to taste
Soak mushrooms in enough water to cover. Microwave on HIGH for 3 minutes.Remove and let it rest for 1 minute.Drain and squeeze out excess liquid. Discard stems and finely shred caps. Beat eggs with 1tsp sesame oil. Place stock, mushrooms, tofu, sugar, vinegar, pepper and soy sauce in a large bowl and microwave covered on HIGH for 5 minutes.Remove. Stir in blended cornflour. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute. Remove. Pour beaten egg mixture into soup in a steady stream. Microwave on HIGH for 1 minute. Remove. Stand for 1 minute before pouring into soup bowls. Stir in spring onion and chilli oil.
6 Dried Chinese mushrooms 2 Eggs 1 tsp Sesame oil 1 litre Stock 1½ cups Tofu (bean curd) cut into thin
2 tsp Sugar 3 tbsp Cider vinegar or Chinese vinegar 1 tsp White pepper 2 tbsp Dark soy sauce 2 tbsp Cornflour blended with 2 tbsp water 2 tbsp Spring onion, finely chopped 1 tbsp Chilli oil
In a bowl combine tomatoes,onion, garlic and vegetable stock. Cook covered on HIGH for 15 minutes or until soft,stirring often.Process tomato mixture until smooth in a food processor or mixer.Return to bowl. Add tomato purée,basil, salt and pepper.Cook covered on HIGH for 3 minutes, stirring once.Serve hot or chilled, garnished with basil.
*Place tomatoes without any water in the MWO on HIGH for 4 minutes.The skin will blister and easily peel off.
1 kg Ripe tomatoes,skinned
and chopped fine* 1 Onion, chopped 2 Garlic cloves,crushed
250 ml Vegetable stock ½ cup Basil,torn 1 tbsp Tomato purée ¼ tsp Pepper Salt to taste
Pour both the corns into a large dish.Add stock and grated ginger. Mix well. Microwave on HIGH for 7 minutes.Remove.Stir well, removing any lumps. Garnish with spring onions.Serve steaming hot with chilli vinegar.
1 pkt Corn 1 large tin Creamed-style sweet corn 1 tsp Grated ginger 2 cups Vegetable stock 1 Spring onion, finely chopped
Place coriander, cumin and poppy seeds in a bowl. Microwave on HIGH for 2 minutes or GRILL on a pre­heated crusty plate for 1 minute. Grind this mixture to a paste with the garlic, ginger, chillies and one onion. Mix the oil and 2 sliced onions.Microwave on HIGH for 3 minutes.Remove.Add
paste and microwave for 2 minutes.Drain water from dal. Add stock, salt and curry leaves. Microwave on HIGH for 7 minutes. Remove. Stir well. Add potatoes. Microwave on HIGH for a further 6 minutes. Remove. Stir in coconut milk. Serve hot with slice of lemon and boiled rice.
2 tsp Coriander seeds ½ tsp Cumin seeds 2 tsp Poppy seeds 6 cloves Garlic ¾” pc Fresh ginger 3 Dry red chillies 1 Onion
2 Onions,finely sliced 6 tbsp Oil 4 cups Chicken/vegetable stock 6 Curry leaves ½ cup Tuvar Dal,soaked for 1 hour 2 Potatoes, diced ½ cup Thick coconut milk 1 Lemon (
), sliced
Put the stock, lemon grass and kaffir lime leaves in the microwave on HIGH for 5 minutes. Add the prawns and mushrooms. Microwave for a further 2 minutes until the prawns are cooked. Remove. Add chilli, lemon juice and fish sauce. Taste and add more lime or fish sauce if needed; the soup should be spicy-sour and a little salty.Garnish with fresh coriander. Serve hot.
*Frozen prawns are fine.
Defrost and pat dry before use.
Buy large or jumbo.
3 cups Chicken stock 3 Kaffir lime leaves 3 Lemon grass stalks 5-6 Medium to large prawns,peeled,
cleaned and de-veined*
15 pcs Button mushrooms,cleaned
and cut into 2
5 Green and red bird’s eye chillies
(or 3-4 ordinary green chillies)
4 tbsp Lemon (
) juice ½ tbsp Fish sauce Handful of fresh coriander leaves
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