Samsung LE32R73BD, LE37R74BD, LE40R73BD Schematic

Chassis GLY26KE
Model LE26R73BD/LE26R74BD
TFT-LCD TV Fashion Feature
- Luxurious Slim Design
- Supreme Picture Quality
- Supreme Sound Quality
- Supreme Convenience Quality
- Convenience for Users
- MHP (Only for R62F)
Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
416, Maetan-3Dong, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon City, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, 443-742 Printed in Korea P/N : BN82-00139F-00 URL :
- This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law.
1 Precautions
1-1-1 Warnings
1. For continued safety, do not attempt to modify the circuit board.
2. Disconnect the AC power and DC Power Jack before servicing.
1-1-2 Ser vicing the LCD Monitor
1. When servicing the LCD Monitor Disconnect the AC line cord from the AC outlet.
2. It is essential that service technicians have an accurate voltage meter available at all times. Check the calibration of this meter periodically.
1-1-3 Fire and Shock Hazard
Before returning the monitor to the user, perform the following safety checks:
1. Inspect each lead dress to make certain that the leads are not pinched or that hardware is not lodged between the chassis and other metal parts in the monitor.
2. Inspect all protective devices such as nonmetallic control knobs, insulating materials, cabinet backs, adjustment and compartment covers or shields, isolation resistor-capacitor networks, mechanical insulators, etc.
3. Leakage Current Hot Check (Figure 1-1):
WARNING: Do not use an isolation
transformer during this test.
Use a leakage current tester or a metering system that complies with American National Standards Institute (ANSI C101.1, Leakage Current for Appliances), and Underwriters Laboratories (UL Publication UL1410,
Figure 1-1. Leakage Current Test Circuit
1-1-4 Product Safety Notices
Some electrical and mechanical parts have special safety-related characteristics which are often not evident from visual inspection. The protection they give may not be obtained by replacing them with components rated for higher voltage, wattage, etc. Parts that have special safety characteristics are identified by on schematics and parts lists. A substitute replacement that does not have the same safety characteristics as the recommended replacement part might create shock, fire and/or other hazards. Product safety is under review continuously and new instructions are issued whenever appropriate.
1 Precautions
Follow these safety, servicing and ESD precautions to prevent damage and to protect against potential hazards such as electrical shock.
1-1 Safety Precautions
1 Precautions
1-2-1 General Ser vicing
1. Always unplug the units AC power cord from the AC power source and disconnect the DC Power Jack before attempting to: (a) remove or reinstall any component or assembly, (b) disconnect PCB plugs or connectors, (c) connect a test component in parallel with an electrolytic capacitor.
2. Some components are raised above the printed circuit board for safety. An insulation tube or tape is sometimes used. The internal wiring is sometimes clamped to prevent contact with thermally hot components. Reinstall all such elements to their original position.
3. After servicing, always check that the screws, components and wiring have been correctly reinstalled. Make sure that the area around the serviced part has not been damaged.
1. Immediately before handling any semiconductor components or assemblies, drain the electrostatic charge from your body by touching a known earth ground. Alternatively, wear a discharging wrist-strap device. To avoid a shock hazard, be sure to remove the wrist strap before applying power to the monitor.
2. After removing an ESD-equipped assembly, place it on a conductive surface such as aluminum foil to prevent accumulation of an electrostatic charge.
3. Do not use freon-propelled chemicals. These can generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ESDs.
4. Use only a grounded-tip soldering iron to solder or desolder ESDs.
5. Use only an anti-static solder removal device. Some solder removal devices not classified as anti-static can generate electrical charges sufficient to damage ESDs.
4. Check the insulation between the blades of the AC plug and accessible conductive parts (examples: metal panels, input terminals and earphone jacks).
5. Insulation Checking Procedure: Disconnect the power cord from the AC source and turn the power switch ON. Connect an insulation resistance meter (500 V) to the blades of the AC plug.
The insulation resistance between each blade of the AC plug and accessible conductive parts (see above) should be greater than 1 megohm.
6. Always connect a test instruments ground lead to the instrument chassis ground before connecting the positive lead; always remove the instruments ground lead last.
6. Do not remove a replacement ESD from its protective package until you are ready to install it. Most replacement ESDs are packaged with leads that are electrically shorted together by conductive foam, aluminum foil or other conductive materials.
7. Immediately before removing the protective material from the leads of a replacement ESD, touch the protective material to the chassis or circuit assembly into which the device will be installed.
Caution: Be sure no power is applied to
the chassis or circuit and observe all other safety precautions.
8. Minimize body motions when handling unpackaged replacement ESDs. Motions such as brushing clothes together, or lifting your foot from a carpeted floor can generate enough static electricity to damage an ESD.
1-3 Static Electricity Precautions
Some semiconductor (solid state) devices can be easily damaged by static electricity. Such components are commonly called Electrostatically Sensitive Devices (ESD). Examples of typical ESD are integrated circuits and some field-effect transistors. The following techniques will reduce the incidence of component damage caused by static electricity.
1-2 Ser vicing Precautions
WARNING: An electrolytic capacitor installed with the wrong polarity might explode. Caution: Before servicing units covered by this service manual, read and follow the Safety
Precautions section of this manual.
Note: If unforeseen circumstances create conflict between the following servicing precautions and any of the safety
precautions, always follow the safety precautions.
1. For safety reasons, more than two people are required for carrying the product.
2. Keep the power cord away from any heat emitting devices, as a melted covering may cause fire or electric shock.
3. Do not place the product in areas with poor ventilation such as a bookshelf or closet. The increased internal temperature may cause fire.
4. Bend the external antenna cable when connecting it to the product. This is a measure to protect it from being exposed to moisture. Otherwise, it may cause a fire or electric shock.
5. Make sure to turn the power off and unplug the power cord from the outlet before repositioning the product. Also check the antenna cable or the external connectors if they are fully unplugged. Damage to the cord may cause fire or electric shock.
6. Keep the antenna far away from any high-voltage cables and install it firmly. Contact with the high­voltage cable or the antenna falling over may cause fire or electric shock.
7. When installing the product, leave enough space (10cm) between the product and the wall for ventilation purposes. A rise in temperature within the product may cause fire.
1 Precautions
1-4 Installation Precautions
1 Precautions
- TFT-LCD (Thin film Transistor Liquid Crystal Display)
ADC(Analog to Digital Converter) This is a circuit that converts from analog signal to digital signals.
- PLL(Phase Locked Loop)
During progressing ADC, Device makes clock synchronizing HSYNC with Video clock
- Inverter
Device that supply Power to LCD panel lamp. this device gernerate about 1,500~2,000V.
- AC Adapter
Device that converts AC(90V~240V) to DC(+12V or 14V)
- SMPS(Switching Mode Power Supply)
Switching Mode Power supply. This design tech­nology is used to step up/down the input power by switching on/off
- FRC(Frame Rate Controller)
Technology that change image frame quantity displayed on screen for one second.
Actually TFT-LCD panel require 60 pcs of frame for one second. so,this technology is needed to convert input image to 60 pcs regardless input frame quantity.
- Image Scaler
Technology that convert various input resolution to other resolution.(ex. 640* 480 to 1024*768)
- Auto Configuration(Auto adjustment)
This is an algorithm to adjust monitor to optimum condition by pushing one key.
- OSD(On Screen Display)
On screen display. customer can control the screen easily with this.
- Image Lock
This means "Fineness adjustment" in LCD Monitor, the features are "Fine" and "Coarse"
"Fine" adjustment is used to adjust visibility by control phase difference.
This is a adjustment by tuning with Video colck and PLL clock.
- L.V.D.S.(Low Voltage Differential Signaling)
a kind of transmission method for Digital.It can be used from Main PBA to Panel.
- DVI (Digital Visual Interface)
This provides a high speed digital connection for visual data types that is display technology inde­pendent. this interface is primarily forcused at providing a connection between a computer and its display device.
- T.M.D.S (Transition minimized Differential Signaling)
a kind of transmission method for Digital. It can be used from Video card to Main PBA.
14 Reference Infomation
14 Reference Infomation
14-1 Technical Terms
14 Reference Infomation
- DDC(Display data channel)
It is a communication method between Host Computer and related equipment. It can make it Plug and Play between PC and Monitor.
Extended Display Identification Data PC can rec­ognize the monitor information as Product data, Product name,Display mode,Serial number and Signal source,etc through DDC Line communi­cating with PC and Monitor.
- Dot Pitch
The image on a monitor is composed of red, green and blue dots. The closer the dots, the higher the resolution. The distance between two dots of the same color is called the 'Dot Pitch'. Unit: mm
- Vertical Frequency
The screen must be redrawn several times per second in order to create and display an image for the user. The frequency of this repetition per second is called Vertical Frequency or Refresh Rate. Unit: Hz Example: If the same light repeats itself 60 times per second, this is regarded as 60 Hz.
- Horizontal Frequency
The time to scan one line connecting the right edge to the left edge of the screen horizontally is called Horizontal Cycle. The inverse number of the Horizontal Cycle is called Horizontal Frequency. Unit: kHz
- Interlace and Non-Interlace Methods
Showing the horizontal lines of the screen from the top to the bottom in order is called the Non­Interlace method while showing odd lines and then even lines in turn is called the Interlace method. The Non-Interlace method is used for the majority of monitors to ensure a clear image. The Interlace method is the same as that used in TVs.
- Plug & Play This is a function that provides the best quality screen for the user by allowing the computer and the monitor to exchange information automatical­ly. This monitor follows the international standard VESA DDC for the Plug & Play function.
- Resolution
The number of horizontal and vertical dots used to compose the screen image is called 'resolu­tion'. This number shows the accuracy of the dis­play. High resolution is good for performing mul­tiple tasks as more image information can be shown on the screen. Example: If the resolution is 1280 x 1024 , this means the screen is composed of 1280 horizon­tal dots (horizontal resolution) and 1024 vertical lines (vertical resolution).
Broadcast Television System Committee The stereo broadcasting system that is used in most of the countries that have adopted the NTSC system, including the United States, Canada, Chile, Venezuela and Taiwan. It also refers to the organization that has been organ­ized to promote its development and manage­ment.
Electronic Industries Association of Japan.
- RF Cable
A round signal cable generally used for TV antennas.
- Satellite Broadcasting
Broadcasting service provided via satellite. Enables high picture quality and clear sound throughout the country regardless of the location of the viewer.
- Sound Balance
Balances the levels of the sound coming from each speaker in televisions with two speakers.
- Cable TV
Whereas the terrestrial broadcasting is delivered via frequency signals through the air, cable broadcasting is transmitted via a cable network. In order to view cable TV, one must purchase a cable receiver and hook it up to the cable net­work.
"CATV" refers to the broadcasting service offered at hotels, schools and other buildings through their own broadcasting system, apart from VHF or UHF broadcasting by terrestrial broadcasters. The CATV programs may include movies, entertainment and educational pro­grams. (Different from cable TV.)
CATV can be viewed only within the area in which the CATV service is offered.
- S-Video
Short for "Super Video." S-Video allows up to 800 lines of horizontal resolution, enabling high­quality video.
VHF indicates TV channels 2 to 13, and UHF indicates channels 14 through 69.
- Channel Fine Tuning
This feature allows the viewer to fine-tune the TV channel to obtain the best viewing conditions. The Samsung LCD TV has both automatic and manual channel fine-tuning features to enable the viewer to adjust their desired settings.
- External Device Input
External device input refers to video input from such external video devices as VCRs, cam­corders and DVD players, separate from a TV broadcast.
14 Reference Infomation
14 Reference Infomation
14-2-1 DVI-D
14-2 Pin Assignments
DDC Input power (+5V)
Output Signal (HDCP Control)
13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12
Sync Type
Pin No.
Figure 1.
14 Reference Infomation
Both screen position and size will vary depending on the type of PC monitor and its resolution. The resolutions in the table are recommended. (All resolutions between the supported limits are supported)
- The interlace mode is not supported.
- The set might operate abnormally if a non-standard video format is selected.
- DVI dose not support PC function.
1 2 3 4 5
RCA Green
RCA Blue
RCA White
Pb (Cb)
Pr (Cr)
Audio L
Audio R
14-2-3 S-Video
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
9 10 11 12 13 14 15
GND Green
GND Blue
DDC Input power(+5V)
DDC Clock(SCL)
14-2-5 D-SUB
14-2-2 Component
RCA White
Audio L
Audio R
14-2-4 A/V
RCA Yellow
14-2-6 PC Display mode
640 x 480 720 x 400
640 x 480 640 x 480 800 x 600 800 x 600
800 x 600 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1024 x 768 1360 x 768
Frequency (kHz)
Frequency (Hz)
Pixel Clock
Frequency (MHz)
Sync Polarity
- / -
- / +
- / -
- / ­+ /+ + /+ + /+
- / -
- / ­+ /+ + /+
14 Reference Infomation
14-2-7 Scart 1
14-2-8 Scart 2
Pin Signal
1 Audio output R 2 Audio input R 3 Audio output L 4 Audio common GND 5 Video GND (RGB blue) 6 Audio input L 7 RGB blue input 8 Switching voltage
9 Video GND (RGB green) 10 NC 11 RGB green input
Pin Signal
12 NC 13 Video GND (RGB red) 14 GND 15 RGB red input 16 Fast Blanking signal
(RGB switching) 17 Video output GND 18 Video input GND 19 Video output (CVBS out) 20 Video input (CVBS in) 21 Common GND
Pin Signal
1 Audio output R 2 Audio input R 3 Audio output L 4 Audio common GND 5 Video GND (RGB blue) 6 Audio input L 7 RGB blue input 8 Switching voltage
9 Video GND (RGB green) 10 NC 11 RGB green input
Pin Signal
12 NC 13 Video GND (RGB red) 14 GND 15 RGB red input 16 NC 17 Video output GND 18 Video input GND 19 Video output (CVBS out) 20 Video input (CVBS in) 21 Common GND
14 Reference Infomation
14-3 Timing Chart
This section of the service manual describes the timing that the computer industry recognizes as standard for computer-generated video signals.
14-3-1 LCD Panel Mode1 mode
14 Reference Infomation
14-3-2 Supported Modes (1)
14 Reference Infomation
14-3-3 Supported Modes (2)
14 Reference Infomation
14-3-4 Supported Modes (3)
14-4 Panel Description
14 Reference Infomation
SEC LT140X1-002 BN07-00004A SA BN68-00239H ­SEC LT150XS-L01 BN07-00009A SB ­SEC LT150XS-L01-B BN07-00022A SC ­SEC LTM150XS-L02 BN07-00005A SD ­SEC LT181E2-132 BN07-00001A SE ­SEC LT150XS-T01 BN07-00010A SF ­SEC LTM181E3-132 BN07-00019A SG ­SEC LT170E2-131 BN07-10001D SH ­SEC LT181E2-131 BN07-10001E SJ ­SEC LTM170E4-L01 BN07-00018A SK ­SEC LTM240W1-L01 BN07-00015A SL ­SEC LTM213U3-L01 BN07-00016A SM ­SEC LTM150XH-L01 BN07-00026A SN SEC LTM150XH-L03 BN07-00027A SP ­SEC LTM150XS-L01 BN07-00032A SQ DELL(ZPD) SEC LTM181E4-L01 BN07-00034A SR PVA SEC LTM170EH-L01 BN07-00036A SS TN SEC LTM170E5-L01 BN07-00037A SU PVA SEC LTM150XH-L11 BN07-00041A SV ­SEC LTM213U4-L01 BN07-00039A SW PVA SEC LTM150XH-L01(ZPD) BN07-00045A SX ZPD SEC LTM150XH-L04 BN07-00046A SY New panel with high brightness SEC LTM170W1-L01 BN07-00047A SZ Panel for TV SEC LTM150XH-L06 BN07-00053A EA
Panel for TV/ High luminance for 450cd _ SONY&EOS Team Panel for TV SEC LTM153W1-L01 BN07-00054A EB Use NIKE MODEL SEC LTM170EH-L05 BN07-00055A EC Panel EOS proj. for high brightness of 17" EH-L05 SEC LTM170E5-L03 BN07-00056A ED Dell 1702FP pro. E4. EH mechanical Compatible SEC LTM190E1-L01 BN07-00057A EE DELL 1900 FP SEC LTM181E5-L01 BN07-00061A EF 18" narrow bezel GH18PS SEC LTM150XP-L01 BN07-00065A EG AMLCD PVA PANEL SEC LTM240W1-L02 BN07-00062A EH Panel for 15" Wide TV SEC LTM170EU-L01 BN07-00071A EJ Slim design, TN SEC LTM170E5-L04 BN07-00072A EK E5-L04 6 bits FRC... for IBM SEC LTA220W1-L01 BN07-00074A EL Panel for 22" TV SEC LTM170E6-L02 BN07-00075A EM AMLCD Narrow & slim design 17" PVA mode SEC LTM170W1-L01 BN07-00082A EN LTM170W1-L01 ZPD panel SEC LTM170EH-L01 BN07-00080A EP LTM170EH-L01 ZPD panel SEC LTM170E5-L01 BN07-00081A EQ LTM170E5-L01 ZPD panel SEC LTM170EH-L05 BN07-00083A ER LTM170EH-L05 ZPD panel SEC LTM170E5-L03 BN07-00084A ES LTM170E5-L03 ZPD panel SEC LTM170EU-L01 BN07-00085A ET LTM170EU-L01 ZPD panel SEC LTM170E5-L04 BN07-00086A EU LTM170E5-L04 ZPD panel SEC LTM170E6-L02 BN07-00087A EV LTM170E6-L02 ZPD panel SEC LTM150XH-L06 BN07-00091A EW Color coordinates change for LCD TV SEC LTM153W1-L01 BN07-00092A EX AMLCD WIDE 15",9/10 SEC LTM170W1-L01 BN07-00100A EY Color Coordinates change code management SEC LTM170EH-L05 BN07-00097A EZ LTM170E5-L05 Color Coordinates Change Panel Code
14 Reference Infomation
SEC LTA400W1-L01 BN07-00109A S1 PANEL of AMLCD 40" TV SEC LTM153W1-L01 BN07-00110A S2 Color coordinates change 0.280/0.290, 10000k & ZPD Panel SEC LTM150XH-L06 BN07-00111A S3 Color coordinates change 0.280/0.290, 10000k & ZPD Panel SEC LTM170W1-L01 BN07-00112A S4 Color coordinates change 0.280/0.290, 10000k & ZPD Panel SEC LTM170EH-L05 BN07-00113A S5 Color coordinates change 0.280/0.290, 10000k & ZPD Panel SEC LTM220W1-L01 BN07-00114A S6 ZPD Panel for AMLCD 22" TV SEC LTM150XH-L06 BN07-00117A S7 ZPD Panel code SEC LTM153W1-L01 BN07-00118A S8 ZPD Panel code SEC LTM170WP-L01 BN07-00119A S9 PVA Panel for NIKE SEC LTM213U4-L01 BN07-00039A E1 21.3" NARROW SEC LTA260W1-L01 BN07-00121A E2 VENUS SEC LTA220W1-L01 BN07-00074B E3 "Panel B-level panel code for 22"" TV Panel " SEC LTA320W1-L01 BN07-00108A E4 "Panel for AMLCD 32"" TV" SEC LTM213U4-L01 BN07-00124A E5 NARROW BEZEL 21 " PANEL SEC LTM170E6-L04 BN07-00129A E6 "HIGHLAND 17"" LOW PANEL (Panel only for TCO03)" SEC LTM190E1-L01 BN07-00088A E7 LTM190E1-L01 ZPD panel SEC M150X4-L06 BN07-00137A E8 15" Narrow & Slim panel SEC LTA170V1 BN07-00139A E9 "17"" Panel for Muse 4:3 VGA TV" SEC LTM190E1-L02 BN07-00128A E10 "New Panel from AMLCDl, Specification : 6bit Driver IC" SEC LTM170EX-L01 BN07-00143A E11 "Development new Panel from AMLCD" SEC LTM170E8-L01 BN07-00144A E12 "Development new Panel from AMLCD" SEC LTM170E6-L04 BN07-00129B E13 "ZPD panel for AMLCD (Panel only for TCO03)" SEC LTA320W1-L02 BN07-00108B E14 "Creat B-level Panel code for AMLCD 32"" TV" SEC LTM190E1-L03 BN07-00151A E15 "Development new 19"" Panel form AMLCD (Panel only for TCO03)" SEC LTM240W1-L03 BN07-00134A E16 "AMLCD 24"" panel development" SEC LTM190E1-L02 BN07-00128B E17 "New Panel from AMLCD, Specification : 6bit Driver IC(ZPD)" SEC LTM190E4-L01 BN07-00145A E18 "AMLCD 24"" new panel development" SEC LTM170E8-L01 BN07-00158A E19 "ZPD code derivation" SEC LTM170EX-L01 BN07-00159A E20 "ZPD code derivation" SEC LTM190E1-L03 BN07-00151B E21 "Creat new panel code for AMLCD 19"" (Panel only for TCO03)" SEC LTA460H1-L01 BN07-00157A E22 "creat panel code for AMLCD 46"" TV " SEC LTM170EU-L11 BN07-00160A E23 "creat new panel code for AMLCD 17"" (Panel only for TCO03)" SEC LTM240W1-L03 BN07-00134B E24 "24"" panel ZPD code derivation" SEC LTM190E4-L01 BN07-00145B E25 "AMLCD 19"" ZPD Panel code derivation" SEC LTM240W1-L03 BN07-00134B E26 "24"" panel ZPD code derivation" SEC LTM150XO-L01 BN07-00164A E27 "AMLCD 15"" XO-L01 new panel development" SEC LTM150XO-L01 BN07-00164B E28 "AMLCD 15"" XO-L01 ZPD code derivation" SEC LTM170EU-L11 BN07-00160B E29 "AMLCD 17"" NEW panel code derivation" SEC LTA320W2-L01 BN07-00172A SPZ AMLCD 32" NEW panel SEC LTM213U4-L01 BN07-00124B SPZ 21.3" Narrow PANEL ZPD Panel derivation SEC LTM170EU-L11 BN07-00189A STH AMLCD EU-L11 Pb free panel code derivation SEC LTM170EU-L11 BN07-00189B STZ AMLCD EU-L11 Pb free panel ZPD code derivation SEC LTM240W1-L04 BN07-00188A SPH 24" A-DCC new panel development SEC LTM240W1-L04 BN07-00188B SPZ 24" A-DCC panel ZPD code derivation SEC LTM190EX-L01 BN07-00191A STH AMLCD 19" TN new Panel SEC LTM190EX-L02 BN07-00191B STZ AMLCD 19" TN new Panel ZPD derivation SEC LTA230W1-L02 BN07-00184A SPZ AMLCD 23" 16:9 new Panel
14 Reference Infomation
SEC LTA260W2-L01 BN07-00185A SPZ AMLCD 26" 16:9 new Panel SEC LTM240M1-L01 BN07-00195A SPH 24" panel with high brightness deveiopment SEC LTA400W2-L01 BN07-00186A SPZ AMLCD 40" 16:9 new Panel SEC LTM150XO-L01 BN07-00197A STH AMLCD 15" XO-L01 Pb free panel code SEC LTM150XO-L01 BN07-00197B STZ AMLCD 15" XO-L01 Pb free panel ZPD code SEC LTM170EU-L21 BN07-00202A STZ AMLCD EU-L21 ZPD new code derivation SEC LTA460W2-L03 BN07-00187A SPZ BEETOVEN 46"ZPD new panel SEC LTM240M1-L01 BN07-00195B SPZ 24" igh brightness panel ZPD code derivation SEC M170EX-L21 BN07-00206A STZ AMLCD LTM170EX-L21 ZPD new code derivation SEC LTA460H3-L01 BN07-00200A SPZ AMLCD 46" LED BLU panel SEC LTM170EU-L15 BN07-00214A STZ AMLCD EU-L15 TV high brightness ZPD new code derivation SEC LTM170E8-L21 BN07-00218A SPZ AMLCD LTM170E8-L21 PVA ZPD new code derivation SEC LTM190EX-L21 BN07-00222A STZ DISPLAY LCD SEC LTM201U1-L01 BN07-00190B SPZ AMLCD 20.1" Normal panel ZPD code derivation SEC LTM190E4-L21 BN07-00223A SPZ HAYDN 17" PZD code PANEL derivation SEC LTA570H1-L01 BN07-00196A SPZ AMLCD 57" new panel development SEC LTM150XO-L21 BN07-00229A STZ AMLCD 15" XO-L21 8ms panel code SEC LTA260W2-L11 BN07-00239A SPZ AMLCD 26" 16:9 7Line new Panel SEC LTA400WS-LH1 BN07-00245A SPZ AMLCD 40" 16:9 SPVA 90% new Panel SEC LTM213U6-L01 BN07-00231A SPZ AMLCD 21.3" PVA new Panel Code SEC LTA320WS-LH2 BN07-00244A SPZ AMLCD 32" 16:9 SPVA 90% new Panel SEC LTA400WS-LH1 BN07-00245A SPZ AMLCD 40" 16:9 SPVA 90% new Panel CPT CLAA150XG09 BN07-00141A PA "CPT 15"" Monitor new panel development" CPT CLAA170EA02 BN07-00148A PB "17"" CPT NEW development panel" CPT CLAA170EA02 BN07-00148B PC "17"" CPT ZPD panel code derivation" CPT CLAA150XG09 BN07-00141B PTZ "CPT 15"" panel ZPD code derivation (GOYA-PJT)" CPT CLAA150XP01 BN07-00173A PTH CPT 15" PSWG code derivation CPT CLAA150XP01 BN07-00173B PTZ CPT 15" PSWG panel ZPD code CPT CLAA170EA07 BN07-00174A PTH "CPT 17"" PSWG panel code derivation CPT CLAA170EA07 BN07-00174B PTZ CPT 17"""" PSWG type new Panel code""" CPT CLAA170EA07 BN07-00174B PTZ CPT 17" PSWG type new Panel code CPT CLAA170EA07Q BN07-00220A PTZ CPT 17" PSWG R/T 8msec code derivation CPT CLAA170EA07Q BN07-00220B PTH CPT 17" PSWG R/T 8msec HPD code derivation CPT CLAA150XP01F BN07-00236A PTZ CPT 15" PSWG panel ZPD & Lead free code derivation TOSHIBA LTM15C419(A) BN07-00002A TA ­TOSHIBA LTM15C423(B) BN07-00006A TB ­TOSHIBA LTM18C161 BN07-00008A TC ­TOSHIBA LTM15C443 BN07-00031A TD ­TOSHIBA LTM15C458 BN07-00043A TE ­TOSHIBA LTM15C458S BN07-00077A TF "TSB 15"" high brightness Panel" TOSHIBA LTM15C458 BN07-00078A TG Toshiba ZPD panel TOSHIBA LTM15C458S BN07-00099A TH TSB LTM15C458S ( ZPD ) HANNSTAR HSD150MX41A(A) BN07-00020A NA "TTL type" HANNSTAR HSD150MX12 BN07-00030A NB "TTL type" HANNSTAR HSD170ME13 BN07-00180A NTH Hannstar 17" TN new panel development HANNSTAR HSD170ME13 BN07-00180B NTZ Hannstar 17" TN new panel development ZPD code derivation HANNSTAR HSD190ME12 BN07-00210A NTZ Hannstar 19" TN new panel development
14 Reference Infomation
HANNSTAR HSD150MX17-A BN07-00226A NTZ Hannstar 15" slim panel ZPD code derivation TORISAN TM150XG-22L03(A) BN07-00021A RA ­TORISAN TM150XG-26L06 BN07-00042A RB ­TORISAN TM181SX-76N01 BN07-00048A RC ­TORISAN TM150XG-26L06 BN07-00059A RD 15" XGA TN MODE(ZPD) TORISAN TM290WX-71N31 BN07-00063A RE "RS24NS (TORISAN 29"" NEW PANEL)" TORISAN TM396WX-71N31 BN07-00064A RF "RS24NS (TORISAN 40"" NEW PANEL)" TORISAN TM150XG-26L09 BN07-00073A RG "Panel for 15"" TV" TORISAN TM150XG-26L10 BN07-00089A RH "L10(change except D/IC) ZPD" TORISAN TM150XG-26L10 BN07-00090A RJ L10 NORMAL TORISAN TM190SX-70N01 BN07-00098A RK Torisan 19" Panel TORISAN TM181SX-76N01 BN07-00106A RL ZPD Panel code TORISAN TM190SX-70N01 BN07-00107A RM ZPD Panel code TORISAN TM290WX-71N31 BN07-00115A RN "Color Coordinates change panel for TORISAN 29"" TV" TORISAN TM396WX-71N31 BN07-00116A RP,Q "Color Coordinates change panel for TORISAN 40"" TV" TORISAN TM22OWX-71N31 BN07-00125A RR "Development TORISAN 22"" TV PANEL (ZPD)" TORISAN TM22OWX-71N31 BN07-00127A RS "Development TORISAN 22"" TV PANEL (HPD)" TORISAN TM396WX-71N32A BN07-00150A RT 120V inverter Exclusive panel TORISAN TM190SX-70N02 BN07-00154A RMH Torisan 6bit panel code Derivation TORISAN TM190SX-70N02 BN07-00154B RMZ Torisan 6bit panel code Derivation TORISAN TM150XG-A01 BN07-00162A RTH Torisan 15" Narrow & Slim panel development TORISAN TM150XG-A01 BN07-00162B RTZ Torisan 15" N&S panel ZPD code Derivation SHARP LQ181E1DG11(A) BN07-10001C PA ­SHARP LQ150X1LW71 BN07-00067A PB SHARP 15" PVA PANEL SHARP LQ370T3LZ41 BN07-00216A FAZ Rome2 HITACHI TX38D12VC0CAA(A) BN07-00003A HA ­HITACHI TX43DVCOCAB BN07-00060A HB 17" SXGA PVA MODE HITACHI TX43D15VC0CAB BN07-00101A HC ZPD Panel HITACHI TX51D11VC0CAB BN07-00122A HD 20.1" NARROW HITACHI TX54D11VC0CAB BN07-00123A HE 21.3" NARROW HITACHI TX80D12VC0CAB BN07-00169A HIZ "Development new panel for Hitachi 32"" TV (ZPD)" HITACHI TX54D11VC0CAB BN07-00123B HIZ Hitachi 21.3"ZPD panel IBM ITSX94S BN07-00017A IA ­UNIPAC UM170E0 BN07-00028A UA Loaded by cisdba HYUNDAI HT15X13 BN07-00035A DA ­HYUNDAI HT17E11-200 BN07-00049A DB TN MODE HYUNDAI HT17E11-300 BN07-00093A DC HT17E11-300 ZPD panel HYUNDAI HT17E11-400 BN07-00094A DD HT17E11-400 normal panel HYUNDAI HT17E11-400 BN07-00095A DE HT17E11-400 ZPD panel code HYUNDAI HT17E12 BN07-00096A DF HT17E12 ( Narow & slim Design ) HYUNDAI HT17E12 BN07-00105A DG ZPD Panel code HYUNDAI HT15X15-D00 BN07-00146A DH "Development for Ares 15"" Hydis TV" HYUNDAI HT15X15-D01 BN07-00146B DJ "Derivation panel HPD for Ares 15"" Hydis TV " HYUNDAI HT17E13-100 BN07-00167A DTH "PINEHURST-2(IBM) PJT 17"" HYDIS PANEL Derivation" HYUNDAI HT17E13-100 BN07-00167B DTZ "PINEHURST-2(IBM) Hydis 17"" ZPD code Derivation" ACER L170E3 BN07-00044A AA TN(ADT) ACER M170EN05 BN07-00076A AB AU 17" Panel ( Narrow & slim design )
14 Reference Infomation
ACER M170EN05 BN07-00102A AC ZPD Panel code ACER M190EN02 BN07-00170A AMH "AU Monitor 19"" new panel development (P19-1S)" ACER M190EN02 BN07-00170B AMZ "AU 19"" ZPD code derivation (ZPD)" ACER M170EN06 BN07-00171A ATH "AU Monitor 17"" New panel development " ACER T260XW01 BN07-00163A AMZ "AU 26"" new panel development (NF26EO)" ACER A201SN01 BN07-00177A ATZ "AU TV panel 20.1"" TN SVGA new panel development" ACER M170EN06 BN07-00171B ATZ AU Monitor 17" ZPD code derivation ACER T315XW01 BN07-00194A AMZ AU 32" new ACER M170EG01 BN07-00192A ATH AU TN PSWG type new Panel code ACER M170EG01 BN07-00192B ATZ AU TN PSWG type NEW panel code derivation ACER M190EN04 BN07-00203A ATH AU Monitor 19" ZPD new Panel code ACER T260XW02 BN07-00208A AMZ AUO 26" ZPD panel ACER M170EG01 V8 BN07-00221A ATZ AU TN PSWG type new Panel (8msec) ZPD code derivation ACER T260XW02 BN07-00233A AMZ AUO 26" Panel new (Cosmetic spec down grade) ACER T315XW01 BN07-00234A AMZ AUO 32" Grade new (Cosmetic spec down grade) ACER M190EN03 BN07-00224A AMZ AU Monitor 19" MVA new code derivation ACER T315XW01 BN07-00237A AMZ LCD TV VE project new ACER T315XW01 BN07-00238A AMZ LCD TV VE project new ACER M201UN02 V3 BN07-00168A AMZ CHIMEI M170E3-LO1 BN07-00050A CA TN PANEL CHIMEI M150X3-L01 BN07-00051A CB COMPATIBLE CHIMEI M170E4-L01 BN07-00052A CC MVA PANEL CHIMEI M150X2-L01 BN07-00066A CD CHIME 15"I PVA PANEL CHIMEI M150X3-L01 BN07-00079A CE Chimei ZPD panel CHIMEI M170E3-L01 BN07-00103A CF ZPD Panel code CHIMEI M170E4-L01 BN07-00104A CG ZPD Panel code CHIMEI V296W1-L01 BN07-00120A CH MVA CHIMEI M170E6-L02 BN07-00126A CJ HIGHLAND 17" LOW PANEL CHIMEI M190E2-L01 BN07-00131A CK GH19AS,BS CHIMEI PANEL CHIMEI M150X4-L06 BN07-00137A CL 15" Narrow & Slim panel CHIMEI M170E6-L01 BN07-00133A CM "2003-03-11 vendor change" CHIMEI M170E6-L01 BN07-00133B CN ZPD derivation panel CHIMEI V201V1-T01 BN07-00135A CP CHIMEI 20.1" panel development CHIMEI M170E6-L02 BN07-00126B CQ "HIGHLAND 17"" LOW PANEL ZPD derivation panel" CHIMEI M170E6-L05 BN07-00152A CR "CMO 17"" new panel development code" CHIMEI M170E6-L05 BN07-00152B CS "CMO 17"" ZPD panel code derivation" CHIMEI M150X4-L06 BN07-00137B CT Chimei 15" Narrow & Slim panel ZPD derivation CHIMEI M170E5-L05 BN07-00165A CTH CMO 17" new panel development code (GOYA2-PJT) CHIMEI M170E5-L05 BN07-00165B CTZ CMO 17" ZPD panel(GOYA2-PJT) CHIMEI V230W1-L02 BN07-00209A CMZ CMO 23" development CHIMEI V320B1-L01 BN07-00207A CMZ CMO 32" development CHIMEI V270W1-L01 BN07-00136A CMZ CHI MEI 27" panel development NEC SVA150XG04TB BN07-00225A BTZ SVA NEC 15" panel ZPD code
14 Reference Infomation
2 Product Specifications
2 Product specifications
2-1 Fashion Feature
Supreme Digital Interface & Networking
-With a built-in HD digital tuner, it supports HD broadcasting with no particular set-top box and provides simple access with a single remote control.
Excellent Picture Quality
-DNIe technology provides life-like clear images.
Dynamic Contrast
-Automatically detects the input visual signal and adjusts to create optimum contrast.
SRS TruSurround XT
-SRS TruSurround XT provides a virtual Dolby surround system.
-The TV utilizes the HDMI system to implement perfect digital sound and picture quality.
-Supports DVB-CI (Common Interface)
-Supports Modem (Only for R62F)
-Supports SMART CARD (NON CAS / Only for R62F)
2 Product Specifications
2-2 Technical and Environmental Specifications
2 Product Specifications
2 Product Specifications
2-3 LE26R73BD/LE26R74BD Specifications
LCD Panel
TFT-LCD panel, RGB vertical stripe, normaly white, 26-Inch viewable, 0.4215(H) x 0.4215(V) mm pixel pitchh
Scanning Frequency
Horizontal : 30 kHz ~ 61 kHz (Automatic) / Vertical : 60 Hz ~ 75 Hz (Automatic)
Display Colors 16,777,216 colours
Maximum Resolution Horizontal : 1360 Pixels
Vertical : 768 Pixels
Input Video Signal Analog 0.7 Vp-p ± 5% positive at 75Ω , internally terminated
Input Sync Signal Type : Seperate H/V
Level : TTL level
Maximum Pixel Clock rate
80 MHz
Active Display Horizontal/Vertical 556.4 mm / 339.8 mm
AC power voltage & Frequency
AC 220 ~ 240 V, 60/50 Hz
Power Consumption 120 W <1W
Dimensions(W x D x H)
Set 674 x 216 x 528.5 mm(26.5 x 8.5 x 20.8 inches) After installation Stand
674 x 74.9 x 475 mm(26.5 x 2.94 x 18.7 inches) Without stand
(After installation Stand)
10 kg (22.04 lbs)
TV System Tunning Frequency Synthesize
Environmental Considerations
Operating Temperature : 50°F ~ 104°F (10°C ~ 40°C)
Operating Humidity : 10 % ~ 80 %
Storage Temperature : -4°F ~ 113°F (-20°C ~ 45°C)
Storage Humidity : 5 % ~ 95 %
Antena Input 75Ω
-MAX Internal speaker Out : Right : 5W / Left : 5W
-BASS Control Range : -8 dB ~ + 8dB
Sound Characteristic -TREBLE Control Range : -8 dB ~ +8 dB
-Headphone Out : 10 mW MAX
-Output Frequency : RF : 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz
A/V : 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz
2 Product Specifications
2 Product Specifications
2-4 LE32R73BD/LE32R74BD Specifications
LCD Panel
TFT-LCD panel, RGB vertical stripe, normaly white, 32-Inch viewable, 0.511 (H) x 0.511 (V) mm pixel pitchh
Scanning Frequency Horizontal : 30 kHz ~ 61 kHz (Automatic) / Vertical : 60 Hz ~ 75 Hz (Automatic) Display Colors 16,777,216 colours Maximum Resolution Horizontal : 1360 Pixels
Vertical : 768 Pixels
Input Video Signal Analog 0.7 Vp-p ± 5% positive at 75, internally terminated Input Sync Signal Type : Seperate H/V
Level : TTL level
Maximum Pixel Clock rate
80 MHz
Active Display Horizontal/Vertical 556.4 mm / 339.8 mm
AC power voltage & Frequency AC 220 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60 Hz
Power Consumption 152 W <1W Dimensions(W x D x H)
Set 800 x 252 x 603 mm(31.5 x 9.92 x 23.74 inches)After installation Stand
800 x 80 x 548.5 mm(31.5 x 3.15 x 21.6 inches) Without stand
Weight Set
(After installation Stand) 14.8 kg (32.62 lbs)
TV System Tunning Frequency Synthesize
Environmental Operating Temperature : 50°F ~ 104°F (10°C ~ 40°C) Considerations Operating Humidity : 10 % ~ 80 %
Storage Temperature : -4°F ~ 113°F (-20°C ~ 45°C) Storage Humidity : 5 % ~ 95 %
Antena Input 75Ω
-MAX Internal speaker Out : Right : 10W / Left : 10W
-BASS Control Range : -8 dB ~ + 8dB
Sound Characteristic -TREBLE Control Range : -8 dB ~ +8 dB
-Headphone Out : 10 mW MAX
-Output Frequency : RF : 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz A/V : 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz
2 Product Specifications
2-5 LE37R74BD Specifications
LCD Panel
TFT-LCD panel, RGB vertical stripe, normaly white, 37-Inch viewable, 0.6 (H) x 0.6 (V) mm pixel pitch
Scanning Frequency Horizontal : 30 kHz ~ 61 kHz (Automatic) / Vertical : 60 Hz ~ 75 Hz (Automatic) Display Colors 16,777,216 colours Maximum Resolution Horizontal : 1360 Pixels
Vertical : 768 Pixels
Input Video Signal Analog 0.7 Vp-p ± 5% positive at 75, internally terminated Input Sync Signal Type : Seperate H/V
Level : TTL level
Maximum Pixel Clock rate
80 MHz
Active Display Horizontal/Vertical 556.4 mm / 339.8 mm
AC power voltage & Frequency AC 220 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60 Hz
Power Consumption 170 W <1W Dimensions(W x D x H)
Set 923 x 82.76 x 675.3 mm(36.3 x 3.26 x 26.6 inches) After installation Stand
923 x 82.76 x 618.6 mm(31.5 x 3.25 x 24.35 inches) Without stand
Weight Set
(After installation Stand) 14.8 kg (32.62 lbs)
TV System Tunning Frequency Synthesize
Environmental Operating Temperature : 50°F ~ 104°F (10°C ~ 40°C) Considerations Operating Humidity : 10 % ~ 80 %
Storage Temperature : -4°F ~ 113°F (-20°C ~ 45°C) Storage Humidity : 5 % ~ 95 %
Antena Input 75Ω
-MAX Internal speaker Out : Right : 5W / Left : 5W
-BASS Control Range : -8 dB ~ + 8dB
Sound Characteristic -TREBLE Control Range : -8 dB ~ +8 dB
-Headphone Out : 10 mW MAX
-Output Frequency : RF : 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz
A/V : 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz
2 Product Specifications
2-6 LE40R73BD/LE40R74BD Specifications
LCD Panel
TFT-LCD panel, RGB vertical stripe, normaly white, 40-Inch viewable, 0.648(H) x 0.216(V) mm pixel pitch
Scanning Frequency Horizontal : 30 kHz ~ 61 kHz (Automatic) / Vertical : 60 Hz ~ 75 Hz (Automatic) Display Colors 16,777,216 colours Maximum Resolution Horizontal : 1360 Pixels
Vertical : 768 Pixels
Input Video Signal Analog 0.7 Vp-p ± 5% positive at 75, internally terminated Input Sync Signal Type : Seperate H/V
Level : TTL level
Maximum Pixel Clock rate
80 MHz
Active Display Horizontal/Vertical 556.4 mm / 339.8 mm
AC power voltage & Frequency AC 220 ~ 240V, 50 ~ 60 Hz
Power Consumption 190 W <1W Dimensions(W x D x H)
991.5 x 326.0 x 713.0 mm(39.04 x 12.83 x 28.07 inches) After installation Stand
991.5 x 87.0 x 658.5 mm(39.04 x 3.43 x 25.93 inches) Without stand
Weight Set
(After installation Stand) 22.8 kg (50.27 lbs)
TV System Tunning Frequency Synthesize
Environmental Considerations Operating Temperature : 50°F ~ 104°F (10°C ~ 40°C)
Operating Humidity : 10 % ~ 80 % Storage Temperature : -4°F ~ 113°F (-20°C ~ 45°C) Storage Humidity : 5 % ~ 95 %
Antena Input 75Ω
-MAX Internal speaker Out : Right : 10W / Left : 10W
-BASS Control Range : -8 dB ~ + 8dB
Sound Characteristic -TREBLE Control Range : -8 dB ~ +8 dB
-Headphone Out : 10 mW MAX
-Output Frequency : RF : 80 Hz ~ 15 kHz A/V : 80 Hz ~ 20 kHz
2 Product Specifications
2-7 DTV Specification
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