Samsung LE15S51BP, LE20S51BP Schematic

Chassis Model GPU15KE LE15S51BP GPU20KE LE20S51BP
TFT-LCD TV Fashion Feature
- Easy-to-use remote control
- Automatic timer to turn the TV on and off
- Automatic channel tuning for up to 194 channels. (Air : 69 , STD : 125 )
- A special filter to reduce or eliminate reception problems
- Fine tuning control for the sharpest picture possible
- Built-in, dual channel speakers
- Headphone jack for private listening
Samsung Electronics Co.,Ltd.
416, Maetan-3Dong, Yeongtong-Gu, Suwon City, Gyeonggi-Do, Korea, 443-742 Printed in Korea P/N : BN82-00131J-00 URL :
- This Service Manual is a property of Samsung Electronics Co., Ltd. Any unauthorized use of Manual can be punished under applicable International and/or domestic law.
3 Alignments and Adjustments
3 Alignments and Adjustments
3-1 Ser vice Instr uction
1. Usually, a color TV-VCR needs only slight touch-up adjustment upon installation. Check the basic characteristics such as height, horizontal and vertical sync.
2. Use the specified test equipment or its equivalent.
3. Correct impedance matching is essential.
4. Avoid overload. Excessive signal from a sweep generator might overload the front-end of the TV. When inserting signal markers, do not allow the marker generator to distort test result.
5. Connect the TV only to an AC power source with voltage and frequency as specified on the backcover nameplate.
6. Do not attempt to connect or disconnect any wire while the TV is turned on. Make sure that the power cord is disconnected before replacing any parts.
7. To protect aganist shock hazard, use an isolation transform.
3 Alignments and Adjustments
3-2 How to Access Service Mode
3-2-1 Entering Factory Mode
1. To enter “Service Mode” Press the remote -control keys in this sequence :
- If you do not have Factory remote - control
- If you have Factory remote - control
3-3 Factory Data
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-. OSD which the basic adjustment is added. PC Auto Color Video Auto Color Reset DLC/MWE Part SFR PART Sub Adjust UOC Adjust Option Checksum Panel Information Bus Stop : OFF *. 2005/06/23: MCU firmware date. *.
T-PLUS25NUS-0906: MCU firmware version information
(this information must be appended due to a compatibility problem report.)
1) Reset: Factory reset
2) Bus Stop: The communication Line ON / OFF Move to the ( -) / (+) key, select the 'Enter' key.
3) Auto adjustment
4) PC Auto Color/ Video Auto Color :in case that color of all screen is wrong, excute the PC Auto color at 16 gray pattern(refer to attach left 16gray pattern)
5) Checksum: MCU firmware checksum information (this information must be appended due to a compatibility problem report.)
Service PC Auto Color
Video Auto Color Reset DLC/MWE Part SFR PART Sub Adjust UOC Adjust Option Checksum Panel Information Bus Stop : OFF
2005/06/23 T-pls25nus-0906
¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢” ¢”
Service PC Auto Color
Video Auto Color
Service Function Reset Adjust
DLC/MWE Part PC Auto Color
Sub Adjust Checksum
UOC Adjust Panel Information
Option Reset
Checksum Bus Stop
Panel Information Bus Stop : OFF
2005/04/20 TM-BRHMS20WW-0714
2005/04/20 TM-BRHMS20WW-0714
¢” ¢” ¢” ¢”
¢” ¢”
¢” ¢”
¢” ¢”
¢” ¢”
¢” ¢”
¢” ¢” ¢”
3 Alignments and Adjustments
6) Dynamic Luma Adjustment
" - " : RF, AV, S_Video -> all store " + " : RF, AV, S_Video -> apart store
7) Special Function Register
NVRAM Reset ¢” DLC- 0-10 0 MWE- 0-1 1 Demo 0-1 0 Brightness+ 0-255 100 Contrast+ 0-255 113 Sharpness+ -10-10 1 Hue+ 0-100 50 Saturation+ 0-255 125 R Offset 46 G Offset 50 B Offset 56 R Gain 58 G Gain 50 B Gain 51
SFR Part
DCXO Sel. 0 DCXO Tune 64 OVMADAPT 0-1 1 OVMTHR 0-3 2 IF Demod 0-63 38 F FI 0-1 0
R0:77 R1:71 R2:81 R3:18 R4:0 R5:1F
Sub Adjust R Blk Lvl+ 0-63 28
G Blk Lvl+ 0-63 20 Peak Frq/DLY+0-3 0 Peak+ 0-63 40 Soft Clp Lvl- 0-3 0 W Limit- 0-15 8 R White Pnt+ 0-63 37 G White Pnt+ 0-63 31 B White Pnt+ 0-63 31 AGC T-O- 0-63 23
3 Alignments and Adjustments
8) UOC Adjustment
BKS : Black stretch Wsx : White stretch
9) Option: Spread Step / Spread Span (for EMI test )
10) Panel Information
various function are included in information.
- Monitor On Time : Power On Time
- Panel Cycle : Panel On/off time (Power off, Mode change, DPMS on/off ...)
- Panel : Panel on Time (when the panel is changed , select the Reset )
- Lower lamp : Lower lamp on time
(when the Lower lamp is changed , select the Reset )
- Upper lamp : Upper Lamp on time (when the Upper Lamp is changed , select the Reset)
UOC Adjust BKS- 0-1 1
WSx- 0-3 2
0 0 0 0 0 20 20 2 0 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 2 0 20 20 20 19 26 …..
3 Alignments and Adjustments
3-4-1 EDID input method
3-4 Ser vice Adjustment
3-4-2 EDID input method (Windows Progr am)
-SAMSUNG LCD TV support the DDC control JIG.
-You can see the connection between PC and LCD TV.
1. Execute "WinDDC.EXE"
2. Click "Open[F5]"
3 Alignments and Adjustments
3. Select Connected Port#1 and Click Next OK.
4. Select Connected Port#1 and Click Next OK. Find file name : 15 inch : VE15
17 inch : VC17 20 inch : VC20
5. Click Next (OK) button.
Select enter button (on Key-Board) After Monitor S/N input
3 Alignments and Adjustments
8. Check "DDC OK".
3-4-3 Micom ( TDA15001H) Program Upgrade
1. Program Upgrade Jig
2. Connect the parallel Port
3 Alignments and Adjustments
3. Connect Jig to CN905 on PCB Ass'y
4. Click "WISP"± Icon on Computer
5. Check "Automatic mode on".
6. Click "Browser" button : Select the
Code , Click "Auto Execute" button Check Erase and Write OK In "General" window and check Verify OK in "ISP status" window.
7 Block Diagrams
7 Block Diagram
7 Block Diagrams
13 Circuit Descriptions
13 Circuit Descriptions
13-1 Overall Block Structure
13 Circuit Descriptions
13-2 Partial Block Description
13 Circuit Descriptions
CN100(9P) : To IP Board CN401(30P) : To 15",17" Panel CN402(50P) : To 20" Panel CN905(5P) : To Program Download Jig CN906(20P) : To Scart CN600(3P) : To Left Speaker CN601(2P) : To Right Speaker CN907(12P) : To Function Board
13 Circuit Descriptions
11 Disassembly and Reassembly
11-1 LE15S51BP Disassembly
WARNING: This monitor contains electrostatically sensitive devices. Use caution
when handling these components.
Cautions: 1. Disconnect the monitor from the power source before disassembly.
Follow these directions carefully; never use metal instruments to pry apart the cabinet.
11 Disassembly and Reassembly
This section of the service manual describes the disassembly and reassembly procedures for the
LE15S51BP / LE20S51BP
1. Place monitor face down on cushioned table. Remove 6 screws from the rear-cover and lift up the rear-cover.
2. Disconnect Lamp wire, LVDS cable and Speaker cable.
11 Disassembly and Reassembly
3. Remove 13 screws from the boards and lift up the boards.
4. Remove 6 screws from the shield PCB.
5. Lift up the shield PCB and lift up the LCD panel.
5 Disassembly and Reassembly
11-2 LE20S51BP Disassembly
1. Place monitor face down on cushioned table. Remove 6 screws and remove stand.
2. Lift up the rear cover and remove 13 screws from the boards.
11 Disassembly and Reassembly
3. Disconnect cables from the boards and lift up the boards.
4. Remove 6 screws from the BRKT and lift up the BRKT.
5. Lift up the shield PCB and lift up the LCD panel.
5 Disassembly and Reassembly
1. After confirm there is nothing on the desk, turn the LCD module over and put it on a flat desk set to the ground.
2. Remove 2 screws for the lamp unit.
11-3 Replacement Order of Lamp Assemblies
11 Disassembly and Reassembly
11-4 Reassembly
Reassembly procedures are in the reverse order of disassembly procedures.
4. Please fix the new lamp units on the LCD module : opposite process 2 and 3.
3. Slide the lamp unit out. Please take out the lamp unit from the LCD module.
Slide the lamp unit out.
Slide the lamp unit out.
6 Electrical Parts List
0.1 M0216 BN90-00709A ASSY STAND;SP20 1 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6003-001324 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,B,M4,L16,NI PLT,SWRCH 4 S.N.A ..2 M0045 BN96-01626A ASSY STAND P-SET;SPARTA 20,HIPS,HB,GR86, 1 S.A ...3 M0081 6003-001001 SCREW-TAPTITE;FH,+,B,M3,L8,ZPC(BLK),SWRC 5 S.N.A ...3 BN61-01465A BRACKET-STAND BOTTOM;SP20CO,SECC,T1.0 1 S.N.A ...3 M0111 BN63-01611A COVER-STAND;SP20,HIPS,HB,GR86,SV012P 1 S.N.A ...3 BN63-01612A COVER-STAND SUB;SP20,ABS,HB,GR86,SV012P 1 S.N.A ...3 BN64-00333A KNOB-LOCKING;SPARTA,ABS,HB,GR86,SVM3012 1 S.N.A ...3 T0132 BN73-60002C RUBBER FOOT;VENICE 15",RUBBER,DIA 14,1.0 4 S.N.A ...3 T0022 BN96-01627A ASSY HINGE P-SIMPLE;SP20 1 S.N.A ...3 M0081 6003-001324 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,B,M4,L16,NI PLT,SWRCH 4 S.N.A ...3 T0069 AA63-60001U SPACER-FELT;-,FELT,-,-,-,BLK,T0.5,-,150X 1 S.N.A
0.1 BN91-00407J ASSY LCD-ATZ;VE20UO 1 S.N.A ..2 M0215 BN07-00177A LCD-PANEL;A201SN01,GY,8bit,448*347*23,16 1 S.A
0.1 M0112 BN91-00844K ASSY SHIELD;LE20S51BP*,PU20KE 1 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6003-000275 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,B,M3,L10,BLK ,SWCH101 5 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6003-000275 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,B,M3,L10,BLK ,SWCH101 4 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6003-000275 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,B,M3,L10,BLK ,SWCH101 6 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6003-000275 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,B,M3,L10,BLK ,SWCH101 3 S.N.A ..2 M0081 6003-001439 SCREW-TAPTITE;BH,+,S,M4,L8,ZPC(YEL) 1 S.N.A ..2 M0174 BN44-00115B IP BOARD;IP-51135T(A),VENICE 20",4.0MA,6 1 S.A ..2 BN61-01323A HOLDER-INVERTER WIRE;VE20,ABS V0,T2.0 2 S.N.A ..2 BN96-01395A ASSY MISC P-SHIELD TUNER;VE15EO,SPTE T0. 1 S.N.A ...3 CIS BN63-01463A SHIELD-TUNER;VE15,SPTE,T0.5,PAL 1 S.N.A ...3 M0104 BN63-01472A EARTH-PLATE;VE15EO,BeCU,0.13 1 S.N.A ..2 T0069 BP60-00015E SPACER-FELT;L6,FELT,400,BLK,T0.5,30 1 S.N.A ..2 C0104 3809-001761 CABLE-FLAT;30V,80##,110mm,50P,0.5mm,UL28 1 S.A ..2 BN96-01874C ASSY SHIELD P-PANEL;SP20,EO,SECC,T1.0,PL 1 S.N.A ...3 M0162 6502-001067 CABLE CLAMP;DAFC-1300,ID2.2,T5.2,NYLIN6/ 1 S.N.A ...3 T0069 AA60-00073A SPACER-FELT;54J8,FELT,-,-,-,-,T1.0,-,210 1 S.N.A ...3 M0131 AA63-01311A GASKET;LNR2050P,Conductive Fabric,0.14mm 1 S.N.A ...3 T0514 BN61-01596A BRACKET-SUPPORT;SP20UO,SECC,T1.0 1 S.N.A ...3 M0131 BN63-01261A GASKET;NA32,CONDUVTIVE FABRIC,13mm,16mm, 1 S.N.A ...3 M0125 BN63-01613A SHIELD-PANEL;SP20CO,SECC,T1.0,AU 1 S.N.A
0.1 M0017 BN91-00940F ASSY CHASSIS;LW20M21CPX/XEC,PL20KE 1 S.A ..2 M0014 BN94-00747F ASSY PCB MAIN;LW20M21CPX/XEC,PL20KU 1 S.A ...3 T0245 0202-001366 SOLDER-WIRE FLUX;-,RS60S,D1.2,63Sn/37Pb, 0.03 S.N.A ...3 Q802 0501-000321 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSB1116-Y,PNP,750mW,TO-9 1 S.A ...3 Q804 0501-000321 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSB1116-Y,PNP,750mW,TO-9 1 S.A ...3 FT206 2904-000302 FILTER-SAW AV;38.9MHz,SIP5K,ST,15.4dB,B/ 1 S.A ...3 FT205 2904-001203 FILTER-SAW AV;38.9MHz,SIP5K,ST,16.9dB,B/ 1 S.A ...3 CN908 3701-001294 CONNECTOR-DSUB;15P,3R,FEMALE,STRAIGHT,AU 1 S.A ...3 CN906 3705-001331 CONNECTOR-COAXIAL;PAL,ADAPTOR(J/J),-,75o 1 S.A ...3 CN100 3711-004712 HEADER-BOARD TO CABLE;BOX,9P,1R,2mm,STRA 1 S.A ...3 CN900 3722-000158 JACK-PIN;1P,3.4mm,SN,YEL,- 1 S.A ...3 CN902 3722-000498 JACK-SCART;21P,-,SN,BLK,NO 1 S.A
6 Electrical Parts List
-You can search for updated part codes through ITSELF web site. URL :
6-1 LE20S51BPX/XEE Parts list
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
6 Electrical Parts List
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
...3 CN909 3722-001061 JACK-PHONE;1P,3.6PI,AG,BLK,N 1 S.A ...3 CN903 3722-001734 JACK-VHS;4P,-,SN,BLK,- 1 S.A ...3 CN913 3722-001846 JACK-PIN;2P,8.3MM,AU,WHT/RED,- 1 S.A ...3 T0174 BN97-00647F ASSY SMD;LW20M21CPX/XEC,PL20KE 1 S.N.A
....4 CIS5 0202-001375 SOLDER-CREAM;RMA-20-21L,S63,-,Sn63/Pb36. 3.82 S.N.A
....4 D202 0401-000133 DIODE-SWITCHING;RLS4148,75V,150MA,LL-34, 1 S.A
....4 D200 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D600 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D908 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D909 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D910 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D929 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D948 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D949 0401-001056 DIODE-SWITCHING;MMBD4148SE,100V,200MA,SO 1 S.A
....4 D203 0401-001099 DIODE-SWITCHING;1N4148WS,75V,150mA,SOD-3 1 S.A
....4 D101 0402-000553 DIODE-RECTIFIER;SS24,40V,2.0A,DO-214AA 1 S.A
....4 D102 0402-000553 DIODE-RECTIFIER;SS24,40V,2.0A,DO-214AA 1 S.A
....4 D912 0403-000258 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V6,5.2-6V,225MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D913 0403-000258 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V6,5.2-6V,225MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D914 0403-000258 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V6,5.2-6V,225MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D915 0403-000258 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V6,5.2-6V,225MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D916 0403-000258 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V6,5.2-6V,225MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D904 0403-000579 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V1,4.8-5.4V,200MW,SOT 1 S.A
....4 D918 0403-000579 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V1,4.8-5.4V,200MW,SOT 1 S.A
....4 D920 0403-000579 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V1,4.8-5.4V,200MW,SOT 1 S.A
....4 D928 0403-000579 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C5V1,4.8-5.4V,200MW,SOT 1 S.A
....4 D944 0403-001048 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C16,15.3-17.1V,225mW,SO 1 S.A
....4 D603 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D604 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D605 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D606 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D900 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D901 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D902 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D903 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D905 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D906 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D921 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D922 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D923 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D924 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D925 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D926 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D927 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D930 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D932 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D934 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D935 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D936 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D937 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D938 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D939 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D940 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D941 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D942 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D945 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 D946 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
6 Electrical Parts List
....4 D947 0403-001052 DIODE-ZENER;RD8.2MB,7.7-8.7V,200MW,SOT-2 1 S.A
....4 ZD101 0403-001411 DIODE-ZENER;-,5.49-5.73V,200MW,SOD-323,T 1 S.A
....4 ZD102 0403-001411 DIODE-ZENER;-,5.49-5.73V,200MW,SOD-323,T 1 S.A
....4 ZD103 0403-001411 DIODE-ZENER;-,5.49-5.73V,200MW,SOD-323,T 1 S.A
....4 D201 0403-001425 DIODE-ZENER;BZX84C33,31-35V,350MW,SOT-23 1 S.A
....4 D602 0403-001435 DIODE-ZENER;QZX363C5V6,5.32-5.88V,200MW, 1 S.A
....4 D601 0407-000123 DIODE-ARRAY;DAN202K,80V,100MA,CA2-3,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 D917 0407-000123 DIODE-ARRAY;DAN202K,80V,100MA,CA2-3,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q801 0501-000280 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSA1182,PNP,150mW,SOT-23 1 S.A
....4 Q200 0501-000342 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSC1623-Y,NPN,200mW,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q600 0501-000342 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSC1623-Y,NPN,200mW,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q601 0501-000342 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSC1623-Y,NPN,200mW,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q602 0501-000342 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSC1623-Y,NPN,200mW,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q603 0501-000342 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSC1623-Y,NPN,200mW,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q809 0501-000344 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;KSC1623-G,NPN,200mW,SOT- 1 S.A
....4 Q803 0501-000727 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;BC848C,NPN,310mW,SOT-23, 1 S.A
....4 Q805 0501-000727 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;BC848C,NPN,310mW,SOT-23, 1 S.A
....4 Q100 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q101 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q201 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q500 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q501 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q502 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q604 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q808 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q900 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q901 0501-002080 TR-SMALL SIGNAL;2SC2412K,NPN,200mW,SC-59 1 S.A
....4 Q409 0505-000110 FET-SILICON;2N7002,N,60V,115mA,7.5ohm,0. 1 S.A
....4 Q409 0505-000110 FET-SILICON;2N7002,N,60V,115mA,7.5ohm,0. 1 S.A
....4 Q409 0505-001170 FET-SILICON;SI9933ADY-T1,P,-20V,3.4A,0.0 1 S.A
....4 IC104 0801-002267 IC-CMOS LOGIC;74LCX14,-,SOIC,14P,150MIL, 1 S.A
....4 IC109 1003-001826 IC-LCD CONTROLLER;TSU396AWJ-LF,PQFP,128P 1 S.A
....4 IC112 1103-000129 IC-EEPROM;24C02,256x8,SOP,8P,5x4mm,4.5/5 1 S.A
....4 IC112 1103-001314 IC-EEPROM;24C16,2Kx8,SOP,8P,5x4mm,2.7/5. 1 S.A
....4 T0085 1201-001495 IC-AUDIO AMP;7050,SOP,8P,150MIL,DUAL,26D 1 S.A
....4 T0085 1201-001980 IC-AUDIO AMP;TDA7266D,SO,20P,16X11.1MM,- 1 S.A
....4 T0087 1203-001488 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;7805,T0-252,3P,-,PLAS 1 S.A
....4 T0087 1203-001816 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;78M08,TO-252,3P,-,PLA 1 S.A
....4 T0087 1203-002842 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;AP1117D-33A,TO-252,3P 1 S.A
....4 T0087 1203-002842 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;AP1117D-33A,TO-252,3P 1 S.A
....4 T0087 1203-002844 IC-POSI.FIXED REG.;AP1117D-18A,TO-252-3L 1 S.A
....4 IC108 1203-003015 IC-DC/DC CONVERTER;MP1410ES,SOIC,8P,4.9x 1 S.A
....4 IC110 1203-003015 IC-DC/DC CONVERTER;MP1410ES,SOIC,8P,4.9x 1 S.A
....4 R944 2007-000043 R-CHIP;1Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R948 2007-000052 R-CHIP;10Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R949 2007-000052 R-CHIP;10Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 20INCH 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 PAL 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R100 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R205 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R207 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R208 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R253 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R311 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R510 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R512 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R516 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
6 Electrical Parts List
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
....4 R801 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R844 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R849 2007-000070 R-CHIP;0ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R884 2007-000071 R-CHIP;22ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R203 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R204 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R602 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R603 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R628 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R803 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R804 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R805 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R807 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R808 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R809 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R810 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R811 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R812 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R813 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R814 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R815 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R816 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R817 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R818 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R819 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R820 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R821 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R822 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R823 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R836 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R839 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R858 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R859 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R878 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R879 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R882 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R890 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R894 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R895 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R905 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R907 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R910 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R945 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R950 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R951 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R952 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R956 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R957 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R962 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R970 2007-000074 R-CHIP;100ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R940 2007-000075 R-CHIP;220ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R942 2007-000075 R-CHIP;220ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R200 2007-000076 R-CHIP;330ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R415 2007-000077 R-CHIP;470ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R416 2007-000077 R-CHIP;470ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R975 2007-000077 R-CHIP;470ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R231 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
7-2 Others
6 Electrical Parts List
....4 R233 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R410 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R411 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R412 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R604 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R611 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R619 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R623 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R828 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R888 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R889 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R931 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R932 2007-000078 R-CHIP;1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R229 2007-000079 R-CHIP;1.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R230 2007-000079 R-CHIP;1.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R624 2007-000081 R-CHIP;2.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R625 2007-000081 R-CHIP;2.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R961 2007-000081 R-CHIP;2.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R228 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R402 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R408 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R409 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R600 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R601 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R607 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R609 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R614 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R615 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R626 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R800 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R802 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R860 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R861 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R880 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R881 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R885 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R900 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R901 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R911 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R912 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R914 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R924 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R927 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R928 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R929 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R930 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R946 2007-000084 R-CHIP;4.7Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R173 2007-000087 R-CHIP;6.8Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R114 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R174 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R209 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R404 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R405 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R406 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R407 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R605 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R606 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
6 Electrical Parts List
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
....4 R608 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R610 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R627 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R873 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R876 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R915 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R916 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R921 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R922 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R938 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R947 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R955 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R958 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R971 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R972 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R976 2007-000090 R-CHIP;10Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R167 2007-000091 R-CHIP;12Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R831 2007-000091 R-CHIP;12Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R612 2007-000093 R-CHIP;20Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R613 2007-000093 R-CHIP;20Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R616 2007-000093 R-CHIP;20Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R202 2007-000094 R-CHIP;22Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R116 2007-000102 R-CHIP;100Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R120 2007-000102 R-CHIP;100Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R121 2007-000102 R-CHIP;100Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R201 2007-000102 R-CHIP;100Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R853 2007-000102 R-CHIP;100Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R617 2007-000103 R-CHIP;120Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R845 2007-000106 R-CHIP;220Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R618 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R622 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R933 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R935 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R936 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R937 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R939 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R941 2007-000116 R-CHIP;120ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R413 2007-000118 R-CHIP;390ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R851 2007-000118 R-CHIP;390ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R852 2007-000120 R-CHIP;680ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R973 2007-000120 R-CHIP;680ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R848 2007-000130 R-CHIP;39Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R896 2007-000234 R-CHIP;1.3Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R833 2007-000239 R-CHIP;1.5Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R824 2007-000287 R-CHIP;100OHM,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R825 2007-000287 R-CHIP;100OHM,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R826 2007-000287 R-CHIP;100OHM,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R620 2007-000309 R-CHIP;10ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R621 2007-000309 R-CHIP;10ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R837 2007-000309 R-CHIP;10ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R953 2007-000309 R-CHIP;10ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R954 2007-000309 R-CHIP;10ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R897 2007-000402 R-CHIP;150ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R925 2007-000402 R-CHIP;150ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R871 2007-000503 R-CHIP;2.2ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R872 2007-000503 R-CHIP;2.2ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R874 2007-000503 R-CHIP;2.2ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
6 Electrical Parts List
....4 R875 2007-000503 R-CHIP;2.2ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R926 2007-000570 R-CHIP;220OHM,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R899 2007-000659 R-CHIP;27ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R169 2007-000708 R-CHIP;3.9Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R832 2007-000882 R-CHIP;4.7ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R171 2007-000913 R-CHIP;43Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R500 2007-000929 R-CHIP;470ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R501 2007-000929 R-CHIP;470ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R502 2007-000929 R-CHIP;470ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R503 2007-000929 R-CHIP;470ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R504 2007-000929 R-CHIP;470ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R505 2007-000929 R-CHIP;470ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R115 2007-000939 R-CHIP;47Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R211 2007-000939 R-CHIP;47Kohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R168 2007-000965 R-CHIP;5.1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R172 2007-000965 R-CHIP;5.1Kohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R830 2007-001002 R-CHIP;510ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R974 2007-001002 R-CHIP;510ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R829 2007-001134 R-CHIP;68ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R883 2007-001134 R-CHIP;68ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R902 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R903 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R904 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R917 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R918 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R919 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R934 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R943 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R960 2007-001164 R-CHIP;75ohm,1%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R906 2007-001167 R-CHIP;75ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R908 2007-001167 R-CHIP;75ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R909 2007-001167 R-CHIP;75ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 R959 2007-001167 R-CHIP;75ohm,5%,1/10W,TP,1608 1 S.A
....4 RA401 2011-000002 R-NET;22ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3216 1 S.A
....4 RA402 2011-000002 R-NET;22ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3216 1 S.A
....4 RA403 2011-000002 R-NET;22ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3216 1 S.A
....4 RA404 2011-000002 R-NET;22ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3216 1 S.A
....4 RA405 2011-000002 R-NET;22ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3216 1 S.A
....4 RA406 2011-000002 R-NET;22ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3216 1 S.A
....4 RA412 2011-001001 R-NET;0ohm,5%,1/16W,L,CHIP,8P,TP,3.2x1.6 1 S.A
....4 C106 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C107 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C108 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C136 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C143 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C163 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C175 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C176 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C179 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C183 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C186 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C190 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C193 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C217 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C468 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C607 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C609 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
6 Electrical Parts List
Level Loc. No. Code No. Description & Specification EA SA/SNA
....4 C615 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C620 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C874 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C910 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C918 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C919 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C965 2203-000189 C-CER,CHIP;100nF,+80-20%,25V,Y5V,1608 1 S.A
....4 C182 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C189 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C208 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C209 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C502 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C503 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C504 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C900 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C901 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C907 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C908 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C922 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C931 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C932 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C933 2203-000236 C-CER,CHIP;0.1nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C180 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C181 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C187 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C188 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C200 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C205 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C245 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C248 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C470 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C809 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C811 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C836 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C846 2203-000257 C-CER,CHIP;10nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C838 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C885 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C892 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C893 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C894 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C895 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C954 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C955 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C956 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C967 2203-000440 C-CER,CHIP;1nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C202 2203-000491 C-CER,CHIP;2.2nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C611 2203-000491 C-CER,CHIP;2.2nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C612 2203-000491 C-CER,CHIP;2.2nF,10%,50V,X7R,1608 1 S.A
....4 C415 2203-000626 C-CER,CHIP;0.022nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C416 2203-000626 C-CER,CHIP;0.022nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C236 2203-000783 C-CER,CHIP;0.33nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C237 2203-000783 C-CER,CHIP;0.33nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C911 2203-000783 C-CER,CHIP;0.33nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C913 2203-000783 C-CER,CHIP;0.33nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C902 2203-000815 C-CER,CHIP;0.033nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C903 2203-000815 C-CER,CHIP;0.033nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
....4 C904 2203-000815 C-CER,CHIP;0.033nF,5%,50V,C0G,1608 1 S.A
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