Samsung DIRECTV Users Manual

Chapter 2
Guided Setup
Phone Setup
Press the DIRECTV button on your remote control to start Phone Setup.
Final Steps. The last step of Guided Setup, Phone Setup, begins automatically the first
time you press the DIRECTV button on your remote control. The DIRECTV DVR should
be connected to a telephone line. The DVR occasionally makes a brief phone call to get
By default, the DVR will not pick up the phone if the line is busy. If you pick up the phone
while the DVR is using the line, the DVR’s modem will disconnect. To use the phone line
you should hang up, wait at least 45 seconds, then pick up the phone again to get a dial
DVR Service Terms. This screen appears after the Final Steps screen. The DIRECTV
Service Agreement is printed on your first monthly statement from DIRECTV. We
encourage you to read it.
Area Code. The DVR service uses your area code to determine which local dial-in
numbers are available. If you make a mistake, press LEFT arrow to correct it.
Phone Dialing Options. Most people will not need to change the settings the DVR uses to
dial out. However, if your phone system uses special dialing options, select “Yes.” See
“Phone Dialing Options” on page 102 for help with the various settings.
Update Dial-In Numbers. The DVR makes a toll-free call to get a list of local dial-in
numbers. The call usually takes less than five minutes, and its status displays on the
screen. If the call fails, check the Troubleshooting chapter of this guide, on page 132.
Dial-In Numbers. The DVR uses the dial-in number you select from the list on this screen
to make its daily calls to the DVR service. The list may be too long to fit on one screen. To
see more numbers, press CHAN DOWN.
Phone Setup
No Local Numbers. If you chose a local dial-in number, you will not see this screen. If you selected “None of the Above” on the Dial-In Numbers screen, select “Request 800 number authorization” here. Selecting this option temporarily selects the toll-free number and submits a request to use the toll-free number. It is the current policy of DIRECTV to allow you to use the toll-free number if there are no local numbers available.
Dialing Format. Choose the dialing format you need. For example, should the dial-in number be preceded by your area code, and should a “1” precede the area code? In some areas, even local numbers must be dialed using the area code.
Test Phone Connection Call. This screen appears while the DVR tests the phone dialing options and local dial-in number you have chosen. You should see a message that says “Test Successful!” Press SELECT or the RIGHT arrow to continue. If the phone test does not succeed, you may need to pick a different dial-in number, or change the dialing format. Use the LEFT arrow to go back to previous screens and make changes to dialing options.
Congratulations! You’ve completed Guided Setup. You can now press the DIRECTV Button on your remote control to go to DIRECTV Central.
Care of Your DIRECTV DVR. Your DVR should remain connected to your satellite dish antenna and plugged in to a live power source and a phone line at all times. This lets it record programs and make phone calls to keep its data up-to-date.
If your DVR is having difficulty
dialing out, try the following: P ress
LEFT arrow until you return to the Phone
Dialing Options screen. Select Set Dial
Prefix, and enter the dialing prefix
“,#034” (comma, pound, zero, three,
four). Use the PAUSE button to enter a
comma, and the ENTER button to enter a
pound. This command sets the DVR’s
modem to a slower speed, which helps
phone calls succeed in some
environments. The DVR does not dial the
prefix as part of the number.
Moving Your DVR. If you take your DVR with you to a location without satellite access—
for example, on a weekend get-away to a mountain cabin—you will still be able to connect it to a television and watch programs saved in the Now Playing List.
After completing Guided Setup one time, whenever you unplug the DVR and plug it back in, it will search for a satellite signal. When you see the message “Acquiring Satellite
Chapter 2
Guided Setup
Information,” you can press the DIRECTV button on the remote control to go directly to DIRECTV Central. From DIRECTV Central, programs in your DVR’s Now Playing List are always available. If you start your DVR without properly connecting it to a DIRECTV satellite television signal, the DVR will not show live TV or provide any live TV functions.
Your DVR should NOT be used with any digital PBX phone system. Doing so may permanently damage your DVR’s modem and will void your warranty. Digital PBX phone systems allow many phones to share a single telephone number and are usually used in hotels and offices. If you are installing the DVR in your home, it is unlikely you are using a digital PBX phone system.
Next Up, the 5 Tours. Now that you are finished with Guided Setup, you’re ready to have fun with your DVR! We suggest you start with the five short tours provided in “The Basics in 5 Short Tours” on page 33. These will guide you through the basics and show you some fun features of the DIRECTV
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Tour 1: Play with Live TV 34
Tour 2: DIRECTV Advanced Program Guide™ 36
Tour 3: Find and Record Your Favorite Programs 38
Tour 4: Search for New Programs 40
Tour 5: Now Playing List 42
Cool Things You Can Do 43
Chapter 3
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Tour 1: Play with Live TV
In this tour, you’ll take a look at how you can control live TV. So grab your remote!
First, press the PAUSE button—the program you’re watching pauses. Now you can stand up and stretch, or go to the kitchen and get a snack. You can pause live TV for up to 30 minutes! With Dual Tuner, you can switch between two channels in live TV without losing the saved portion of either one.
( )
But for now, press PLAY and the program resumes.
Next, press BACK and the program rewinds. Press BACK a second time—it goes faster! A third time—faster still! Both the FORWARD and BACK buttons have three speeds. Press BACK a fourth time to return to normal speed.
Press PAUSE once more, then immediately press FORWARD and you get frame-by­frame forward! Press BACK and you get frame-by-frame backward! When your show is paused, FORWARD and BACK let you go frame by frame. Press PLAY to resume watching at normal speed.
Try out the INSTANT REPLAY button. INSTANT REPLAY jumps you back 8 seconds—useful for when you miss a great sports play or a bit of dialog, or for when you fast forward too far.
Press INSTANT REPLAY again, then immediately press SLOW — you get your own slow-motion replay!
Finally, try the ADVANCE button. Presto! You’re caught up to live TV.
Status Bar
Tour 1: Play with Live TV
Press PAUSE or PLAY to see the status bar. It shows a one-hour period. The green segment is the portion of the current hour that has been saved by your DIRECTV The right edge of the green part is always the current time.
The white line marks the part of the program you are currently watching. If it is anywhere back in the green segment you are “behind” real time.
Press CHAN UP. When you change channels, the DVR starts to save what is showing on the new channel. With Dual Tuner, 30 minutes of live TV is saved on both tuners. That means you can use the instant replay, slow motion and pause features on either channel. If you leave one of these two channels, however, the saved information on the original channel is cleared, and the DVR starts saving live TV on the new channel.
Channel Banner
The channel banner describes the program you’re currently watching. Press INFO or the RIGHT arrow to see the channel banner. The channel banner is only there for a few seconds, but you can bring it back by pressing INFO or the RIGHT arrow again. While the banner is visible, press the RIGHT arrow to switch from a small, to medium, to large banner. Each version has a different amount of information.
Keep pressing the RIGHT arrow until you see the largest version of the channel banner. Notice the small icons on the right side. Each symbol represents a useful feature, like swapping tuners or setting Parental Controls. Press the UP and DOWN arrows to highlight different icons. Pressing SELECT while an icon is highlighted will take you to that feature. Finally, press the EXIT button—the channel banner disappears. (EXIT gets rid of graphics that aren’t part of the program you’re watching.)
Now go have fun playing with live TV, then come back for the next tour!
Status Bar
channel banner
This white line tells you where you are.
selectable icons
Chapter 3
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
If you find that the Program Guide
or the CHAN UP/DOWN buttons
are not showing channels you want to
see, filtering or a custom channel list is
probably turned on. Check the Guide
Options (from the Program Guide, press
Tour 2: DIRECTV Advanced Program Guide
While you’re watching live TV, the Advanced Program Guide lets you see what’s on, change channels, schedule recordings, and more. To see it, press the GUIDE button on your remote control.
Changing Channels
The guide shows a list of channels on the left and different times across the top. One program is highlighted—it’s a different color than the others. Its description appears at the top of the grid. Press the UP or DOWN arrows to move to a different channel, then press SELECT. Pressing SELECT on a program that is currently showing changes the channel to display that program and hides the guide.
Scheduling a Recording
Press the GUIDE button to bring back the Program Guide. It’s easy to record a program using the guide. Simply highlight the program you want and press the RECORD button. A transparent screen appears, from which you select “Record this Showing.” If the program is currently playing, the DVR changes channels and begins recording; otherwise, the recording is scheduled for the future. When you’re recording, the red light on the front of the DVR illuminates.
Making a List of Favorite Channels
You can create a list of your favorite channels and then set the guide to show only channels that are on the list. This is a quick way to see programs coming up on the channels that are most important to you.
Tour 2: DIRECTV Advanced Program Guide™
First, create a list of favorite channels. Press the DIRECTV button to see DIRECTV Central. Highlight “Messages & Setup,” then press SELECT. Next, select “My Preferences,” then “Customize Channels,” then “Favorite Channels.” A list of all DIRECTV fit on one screen!) Press CHAN DOWN a few times. Each time you press it, you see the next screen of channels. Press CHAN UP to see a previous screen. You can also jump to a specific channel by entering the channel number on the remote.
Highlight a channel you want to include in your list of favorites and press SELECT. A checkmark appears beside the channel. To remove a channel, highlight one that has a checkmark and press SELECT—the checkmark disappears. Now find a few more channels for your list and select them to give them checkmarks.
channels appears. (DIRECTV provides many, many more channels than will
Using Your Channel List
When you want to change the way the guide appears and what it displays, you can use Guide Options. Press the GUIDE button to see the guide. While it is visible, press the INFO button to see Guide Options.
On the Guide Options screen, press the DOWN arrow once so “All” (to the right of “Channels”) is highlighted. “All” is the current channel list and includes all available DIRECTV channels. Press the RIGHT arrow twice to change the list to “Favorites,” then press SELECT. “Done changing options” becomes highlighted. Press SELECT again and voilà, the guide appears using your new custom channel list!
Now the guide only shows channels in your list. Use the UP and DOWN arrows to move around a bit on your new customized guide, then press the EXIT button to hide the guide. Press CHAN UP a few times—notice it skips some channels now. CHAN UP/DOWN is also affected by the channel list; it only tunes to channels that are on the list. You can still tune to other channels by entering numbers.
Chapter 3
If you do not see the program you
wish to find in the list of programs,
it may be because the DVR is still gathering
Program Guide data. A message at the
bottom of the screen will tell you how much
data the DVR has. The DVR should be done
collecting Program Guide data within 48
hours of finishing Guided Setup.
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Tour 3: Find and Record Your Favorite Programs
You can always record a program you’re watching by pressing the RECORD button on your remote control. What’s more, if you have not changed the channel for a while, your DIRECTV DVR will add to your recording whatever part of the program it has already saved, up to 30 minutes. Your DVR also provides many ways to quickly search large numbers of programs, find your favorites, and schedule recordings in advance. Even buying and recording pay per view events is quick and easy, without any need to use a phone. What’s more, if a program is part of a series, you can get a Season Pass series. A Season Pass records every episode of a selected program that airs on a given channel.
Search by Title
In this tour, we’ll show you how to get a Season Pass. As an example, we’ll be searching for a fictitious show called The Downtown Lawyers, but you can use the same steps to search for your favorite program.
To get started, press the DIRECTV button to see DIRECTV Central. Press the DOWN arrow to highlight Pick Programs to Record. Press SELECT. The Pick Programs to Record screen appears. As you can see, there are many ways to search for a program. Since you know the program’s title, highlight Search by Title and press SELECT. The next screen lets you limit your search to any of several categories, but for now, choose “All Programs” and press SELECT.
The next screen has a picture of an alphanumeric keypad. Notice the white box around the “A”. Use the RIGHT, LEFT, UP, and DOWN arrows to move the box. To find The Downtown Lawyers, you would move the box to “D” and press SELECT. A list of programs appears on the right side of the screen. (Notice, the list alphabetizes without “A”
to the
Tour 3: Find and Record Your Favorite Programs
or “The.”) Move the white box to “O” and press SELECT again. The list changes. Your DVR searches through all available programs (usually, data for the next two weeks) to find those that begin with “DO,” then lists those programs. This can be a great way to find a show if you are not sure of its full name.
If you make a mistake entering text, select “DEL” on the screen (or press BACK on the remote control). To clear all text, use CLR on the screen (or press the CLEAR button on the remote control). Next, enter a “W.” If The Downtown Lawyers existed, you would see it in the title list at the right. Press the RIGHT arrow until you move off the alphanumeric keypad and onto the list of programs. Press the UP or DOWN arrow to highlight the show of your choice, then press SELECT. The Program Information screen appears. This screen tells you about the program and lets you set up a recording.
Highlight Get a Season Pass, and press SELECT. A screen appears to confirm your choice. Confirmation screens help you make sure the DIRECTV DVR is doing what you want. Press SELECT again. You now have a Season Pass.
To see all your scheduled recordings, go to DIRECTV Central, then Pick Programs to Record, then To Do List. To cancel a recording, highlight it and press SELECT. The Program Information screen appears. Select “Cancel only this episode.” On the next screen confirms that the recording has been deleted from the To Do List. Press select to return to the To Do List. To cancel an entire Season Pass, go to DIRECTV Central, then “Pick Programs to Record,” then “To Do List.” Select a program, then select “Cancel/edit the Season Pass.” Select “Cancel this Season Pass.”
Pay Per View
You can order pay per view events using your remote control. Some events have dedicated channels that allow ordering more than 24 hours in advance, but for most events, pricing information becomes available within 24 hours of the event’s air-time. Once that information is available, you can select and record the event as you would any other program. When you select an event, a special pay per view Program Information screen will appear with options to purchase it. For a complete description, see page 85.
There may be more than one
listing for the show you are
searching for. Select the one that airs new
episodes of the show on a channel you
Chapter 3
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Tour 4: Search for New Programs
Your DIRECTV DVR helps you find what you want to watch—both exciting new shows and old favorites you might have forgotten.
Showcases list the best programs offered by television’s biggest networks. These Showcases group programs in theme packages, giving you one-stop-shopping convenience when browsing for programs to record. Packages include the biggest blockbuster movies, mini-series, hottest specials, hit series and shows from the greatest stars on TV, as well as special Showcases featuring entertaining and informative video. Showcases are updated during your DVR’s daily phone call.
Once you’re inside a Showcase, use the arrow buttons and SELECT to explore the selections. When you get to a list of programs, select a title to see the Program Information screen. If the program airs on a channel you receive, you can set up a recording here—it’s that easy!
TiVolution Magazine
Magazine, an interactive guide to the best upcoming shows on television. You’ll find premieres, specials, and offbeat gems, making it easy for you to schedule recordings. New content is delivered fresh to your DVR during the daily phone call. TiVolution Magazine is always available under Showcases. To find it, press the DIRECTV button, select “Showcases,” then “TiVolution Magazine.”
. You’ll always find something fun and unusual in TiVolution
Tour 4: Search for New Programs
TiVo Suggestions (Thumbs Up and Thumbs Down)
TiVo Suggestions is a personalized list of shows selected to match your preferences. How is this magic possible? Any time you watch programs, live or pre-recorded, or browse programs with the Program Guide, you can rate them. If you like a program, press the green THUMBS UP THUMBS DOWN
Over time, the more shows you rate with your Thumb buttons, the better TiVo Suggestions will be at finding programs you like. The suggestions are listed under TiVo Suggestions in order of how closely they match your preferences.
Try it! Press GUIDE to bring up the DIRECTV Advanced Program Guide few programs and rate them by pressing the THUMBS UP
button. Then go to “DIRECTV Central,” then “Pick Programs to Record,” then
“TiVo Suggestions.” Suggested programs based on your Thumb ratings appear in TiVo Suggestions. (If you don’t see programs yet, come back later—it may take a few hours the first time.) You can press SELECT on a suggestion, then set up a recording.
As an added bonus, when the DIRECTV DVR record some of TiVo Suggestions. You will find them at the bottom of the Now Playing List, below programs you requested. TiVo Suggestions never replace shows you explicitly request and they do not prevent those shows from being recorded. Recorded suggestions are always the first programs deleted to make room for recordings you request.
™ button on your remote control. If you dislike it, press the red
™. You can give a program up to three Thumbs, up or down.
. Highlight a
has empty space, it may automatically
Your personal TV preferences are
just that: personal. (DIRECTV
privacy policies are included in your first
monthly statement.)
Chapter 3
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Tour 5: Now Playing List
Your DIRECTV DVR can record many hours of programming. (Enough to fill a slew of video tapes!) Fortunately, it also labels and organizes all those saved programs. Unlike a VCR, the Now Playing List on your DVR gives you instant access to all recorded programs—no need to spend time searching for an episode on that tape you thought you used.
To go to the Now Playing List, press the LIST button. Programs you recorded are at the top of the list, in the order they were recorded. An icon (like this one: ) to the left of a program’s title tells you the recording’s current status. (For a summary of what these icons mean, see the inside back cover of this guide.)
Programs you request will appear in the Now Playing List the moment recording begins. You can watch any title in the list—even one that is still being recorded—by highlighting it, then pressing the PLAY button.
Try it! Highlight a program in the Now Playing List and press PLAY. OK, now for the cool part: Watch the program for at least five minutes, then press the LEFT arrow to go back to Now Playing List. Select the same program again—the Program Information screen says “Resume Playing” instead of “Play.” Select “Resume Playing” and return to the program from the point you left it!
Save until . . . Programs you choose to record are saved at least two days by default. To
see options for saving a program longer, highlight the program in the Now Playing List, then press SELECT.
The Program Information screen appears. Select “Save until....” On the next screen, use
the UP/DOWN arrows to highlight the date, then use the RIGHT/LEFT arrows to change it. When you are done, press SELECT.
Cool Things You Can Do
Cool Things You Can Do
Never be late for your favorite programs: Working late? Stuck in traffic? Don’t worry. If
you set up a recording or a Season Pass, the program will be waiting for you in the Now Playing List. You can even start watching from the beginning while it finishes recording.
Make your television wishes come true with a WishList™: Have a favorite actor? A favorite hobby or interest? How about a favorite sports team? If they’re on TV, chances are a WishList
Looking for good movies? Kids’ shows? Science fiction? With Search by Title, you can browse all the upcoming programs in a particular category and find shows you didn’t know were on (see page 38).
will find them. See page 73.
See a good preview, record the show: If you’re watching live TV and a promotion
comes on for an upcoming program, you may see an iPreview one: Press THUMBS UP while you see the icon to automatically set up a recording for the program. You don’t have to remember when it’s on—it will be recorded! (If you didn’t schedule a recording when you saw the icon, rewind until it’s visible again.)
Filter the Program Guide: Want to try something new for dinner tonight? It’s easy to make the Program Guide show only a certain kind of program—for example, cooking shows. You’ll use the Guide Options screen to choose the desired filter (in this example, it’s “Lifestyles,” then “Cooking”) and turn on filtering. (See page 50.) Once you’ve turned on the filter, programs that do not fit the selected category appear in gray on the guide until you highlight them. In addition, if a given channel doesn’t have any shows that fit the category within the next six hours, that channel doesn’t show up in the guide. You can always turn filtering off to show all channels in the guide.
icon like this
Chapter 3
The Basics in 5 Short Tours
Use the Overtime Scheduler™ (and don’t miss overtime!): Programs sometimes start
before they’re supposed to and often end later than scheduled. With Recording Options, you can “pad” your recordings to account for variations by using the Overtime Scheduler.
Use the EXIT button: The EXIT button hides the status bar, guide, channel banner, and anything else that is not part of the program.
Record two programs at the same time with Dual Tuner! Your DIRECTV DVR has two tuners—which means it can record programs on two channels at the same time. To activate both tuners, both Satellite In jacks on the back of the DVR must be connected to cables from your satellite dish antenna (or a multiswitch), and you must choose the “Two cables” option in of Satellite Dish Setup (described on page 25). With dual tuner you can watch more of your favorite programs, even when they’re on at the same time.
The Star and the Clapboard: You will occasionally see a yellow star ( ) on DIRECTV Central. The star signals a new selection that may change the next time you visit. Depending on the selection, it may allow you to record a program, watch a preview, or go to a special Showcase. Don’t worry if you pass up a particular new selection; keep going back to DIRECTV Central until it appears again.
The clapboard icon—on DIRECTV Central, or in a Showcase—indicates that a selection includes a video preview. If the clapboard has a green triangle in it ( ), you can press PLAY to play the video. If there is no green triangle, the current selection takes you to another screen where you’ll find the actual video clip.
See page 62.
+ 35 hidden pages