1. Check List for repairing
1) When received
. Grasp customer's complaints exactely
. Check the product's condition of exterior view(damage by shock)
. Check the condition of battery and all kinds of cables(USB cable, AV cable, AC Adaptor)
. Check working condition with new battery or adaptor
- Check if the image shows correctly with TFT LCD on
(Turn on the TFT LCD and check if the image shows correctly)
- Take a picture by pressing the shutter button
- Turn the dial and check if modes change correctly
. Download from the camera by connecting it with PC and check if correctly
. Check if the image shows correctly with it connected to monitor
2) When repairing
. Check the connectors' condition to each PCB(dirt, short, assembly, lean, etc.)
. Change each doubtful PCB one after another to find out bad PCB
- When doubtful of Main PCB Ass's, check the operating condition by assembling with a
good Main PCB ass'y(Manufacture of checking machine for each bad PCB is in schedule)
. Refer to each page to fix bad items of each PCB
. Check the connections of each PCB before assembling covers and embarkation of the
parts(soldering condition) with the naked eye
. Ateter assembling the camera, insert battery only when condition of the parts' embarkation
and connection is all right(Inserting battery when the camera has inside-short will result
in death or serious injury to the CPU and all parts)
. After setting the mode dial in position assemble the Top Cover and check if the dial nverts
3) After repairing
3-1) A/S Check list for each item
To judge inferior goods, begin with doubtful PCBs, replacing one after another to replace bad
ex.) When Main PCB ass'y is in trouble, try replacing it with inferior camera's fair
Main PCB ass'y