Samsung AM20, AM14, AM14A1E2-XEH Precautions

1. Precautions
1 . Warning: Prior to re p a i r, disconnect the
power cord from the circuit bre a k e r.
2 . Use proper parts: Use only exact
replacement parts. (Also, we re c o m m e n d replacing parts rather than repairing them.)
3 . Use the proper tools: Use the proper tools
and test equipment, and know how to use them. Using defective tools or test equipment may cause problems laterĀ­intermittent contact, for example.
4 . Power Cord: Prior to re p a i r, check the power
c o rd and replace it if necessary.
5 . Avoid using an extension cord, and avoid
tapping into a power cord. This practice may result in malfunction or fire .
6 . After completing repairs and re a s s e m b l y,
check the insulation resistance. Pro c e d u re : Prior to applying power, measure the resistance between the power cord and the g round terminal. The resistance must be g reater than 30 megohms.
Fig. 1-1 Avoid Dangerous Contact
Fig. 1-2 No Tapping and No Extension Cords
7 . Make sure that the grounds are adequate.
8 . Make sure that the installation conditions
a re satisfactory. Relocate the unit if n e c e s s a r y.
9 . Keep children away from the unit while it is
being re p a i re d .
1 0 . Be sure to clean the unit and its surro u n d i n g
a re a .
Fig. 1-3 No Kids Nearby!
Fig. 1-4 Clean the Unit
Samsung Electronics
Samsung Electronics